コード例 #1
ファイル: TestNode.cs プロジェクト: zqb971/android-plus-plus
        public void TestSaveAsDifferentLocation()
            UIThreadInvoker.Invoke((ThreadInvoker) delegate()
                //Get the global service provider and the dte
                IServiceProvider sp = VsIdeTestHostContext.ServiceProvider;
                DTE dte             = (DTE)sp.GetService(typeof(DTE));

                //Create a project and get the first filenode
                string destination  = Path.Combine(TestContext.TestDir, TestContext.TestName);
                ProjectNode project = Utilities.CreateMyNestedProject(sp, dte, TestContext.TestName, destination, true);

                FileNode fileNode = GetFirstFileNode(project);

                //Create folder
                string folderPath = Path.Combine(project.ProjectFolder, "Test");
                FolderNode folderNode = Utilities.CreateFolder(project, folderPath, project);

                //Add new item in folder
                string newFileName = TestUtils.GetNewFileName(folderNode.GetMkDocument(), "test", "cs");
                ProjectItem item   = ((OAFolderItem)folderNode.GetAutomationObject()).ProjectItems.AddFromFile(newFileName);
                Assert.IsNotNull(item, "Could not get the project item for the file just added");

                //open the item before we can do the SaveAs op
                Window window = item.Open(EnvDTE.Constants.vsViewKindPrimary);
                Assert.IsNotNull(window, "Did not get a reference to the window for the file just opened");
                if (!window.Visible)
                    window.Visible = true;

                //SaveAs into project folder
                string updatedFileName = Path.Combine(project.ProjectFolder, item.Name);

                //Verify Caption of open file
                Assert.IsTrue(string.Compare(window.Caption, item.Name, true) == 0, "Caption of window does not match the new filename");

                //Verify full path to document
                Assert.IsTrue(string.Compare(window.Document.FullName, updatedFileName, true) == 0, "FullName of document is not as expected");
コード例 #2
ファイル: TestNode.cs プロジェクト: zqb971/android-plus-plus
        public void TestSaveAsInExistingSubFolder()
            UIThreadInvoker.Invoke((ThreadInvoker) delegate()
                //Get the global service provider and the dte
                IServiceProvider sp = VsIdeTestHostContext.ServiceProvider;
                DTE dte             = (DTE)sp.GetService(typeof(DTE));

                //Create a project and get the first filenode
                string destination  = Path.Combine(TestContext.TestDir, TestContext.TestName);
                ProjectNode project = Utilities.CreateMyNestedProject(sp, dte, TestContext.TestName, destination, true);

                FileNode fileNode = GetFirstFileNode(project);

                //open the item before we can do the SaveAs op
                ProjectItem item = ((OAFileItem)fileNode.GetAutomationObject());
                Window window    = item.Open(EnvDTE.Constants.vsViewKindPrimary);
                Assert.IsNotNull(window, "Did not get a reference to the window for the file just opened");
                if (!window.Visible)
                    window.Visible = true;

                //Create new subfolder
                string newFolderName  = "NewFolder1";
                FolderNode folderNode = (FolderNode)Utilities.CreateFolder(project, newFolderName, project);
                Assert.IsNotNull(folderNode, "Could note create new folder node");

                //SaveAs to SubFolder
                string newNameOfFile   = "Test.cs";
                string relPathToFile   = newFolderName + "\\" + "Test.cs";
                string updatedFileName = Path.Combine(project.ProjectFolder, relPathToFile);
                //Verify Caption in window of the file renamed
                Assert.IsTrue(string.Compare(window.Caption, newNameOfFile, true) == 0, "Caption of window does not match the new filename");
                //Verify full path to document
                Assert.IsTrue(string.Compare(window.Document.FullName, updatedFileName, true) == 0, "FullName of document is not as expected");