private static Message GetMessage( string subjectTemplate , string bodyTemplate , UserInfo uInfo , ArrayList vars , int objectTypeId , int? objectId , Guid? objectUid ) { StringBuilder sbSubject = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbBody = new StringBuilder(); string name2, name3; IFormatProvider prov = new CultureInfo(uInfo.Locale, true); sbSubject.Append(subjectTemplate); sbBody.Append(bodyTemplate); // Replace variables with values Hashtable vars2 = new Hashtable(); string guid = ""; if (uInfo.IsExternal && objectId.HasValue) { if (uInfo.UserId > 0) guid = DBCommon.GetGateGuid(objectTypeId, objectId.Value, uInfo.UserId); else guid = DBCommon.GetGateGuid(objectTypeId, objectId.Value, uInfo.Email); } string linkStartValue = string.Empty, linkEndValue = string.Empty; foreach (VariableInfo var in vars) { //VariableInfo var = new VariableInfo(vNode); name2 = string.Format("[={0}=]",; name3 = string.Format("[=/{0}=]",; if (var.IsLink) // Modify link { if (uInfo.IsExternal && !var.External) var.value = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(var.value)) linkStartValue = linkEndValue = string.Empty; else { if (uInfo.IsExternal) { if (uInfo.UserId > 0) var.value = MakeExternalLink(var.value, uInfo.Login, guid); else var.value = MakeClientLink(var.value, guid); } // Add NoMenu parameter to the end of link if (!var.DisableNoMenu && !uInfo.MenuInAlerts && != "PortalLink" && != "ServerLink") { if (var.value.IndexOf('?') != -1) var.value += "&"; else var.value += '?'; var.value += "nomenu=1"; } linkStartValue = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<a href=\"{0}\">", HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(var.value)); linkEndValue = "</a>"; } } if (var.type == VariableType.Date.ToString()) var.value = Alerts2.DateReformat(var.value, prov); else if (var.type == VariableType.DateTime.ToString()) var.value = Alerts2.DateTimeReformat(var.value, prov, uInfo.TimeZoneId); vars2[] = var.value; sbSubject.Replace(name2, var.value); if (var.IsLink) { sbBody.Replace(name2, linkStartValue); sbBody.Replace(name3, linkEndValue); } else { if (!var.IsHtml) { var.value = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(var.value); var.value = var.value.Replace("\r\n", "<br>"); } sbBody.Replace(name2, var.value); } } return new Message(sbSubject.ToString(), sbBody.ToString()); /* // Attachments Stream data = null; string fileName = string.Empty; if(eInfo.EventType == AlertEventType.Asset_Object.ToString()) { data = Asset.GetVersionContent(eInfo.ObjectId); fileName = (string)vars2["FileName"]; } if(data != null) ret.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(fileName, data)); */ }
private static void CollectEventsAndRecipients(RecipientsType type, ArrayList recipients, Hashtable events, Hashtable users, string param1, DateTime param2) { EventInfo eInfo; UserInfo uInfo; // Load recipients info using (IDataReader reader = GetRecipientsReader(type, param1, param2)) { RecipientInfo rInfo; while (reader.Read()) { rInfo = new RecipientInfo(); rInfo.Load(reader); recipients.Add(rInfo); } } foreach (RecipientInfo rInfo in recipients) { eInfo = (EventInfo)events[rInfo.SystemEventId]; if (eInfo == null) { // Load events info using (IDataReader reader = DBSystemEvents.GetEvent(rInfo.SystemEventId)) { while (reader.Read()) { eInfo = new EventInfo(); eInfo.Load(reader); events[rInfo.SystemEventId] = eInfo; } } } if (rInfo.UserId > 0) { eInfo.AddRecipient(rInfo.RecipientId); eInfo.AddUser(rInfo.UserId); uInfo = (UserInfo)users[rInfo.UserId]; if (uInfo == null) { uInfo = new UserInfo(); uInfo.Load(rInfo.UserId); users[rInfo.UserId] = uInfo; } uInfo.AddEvent(eInfo); uInfo.AddRecipient(rInfo); } } }
private static Message GetMessage( Hashtable messages, AlertTemplate tmpl, RecipientInfo rInfo, EventInfo eInfo, UserInfo uInfo) { Message ret = null; string key = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}", tmpl.Key, eInfo.EventId, uInfo.TimeZoneId); ret = (Message)messages[key]; if (ret == null || uInfo.IsExternal) { ArrayList variables = eInfo.GetVariablesArrayList(uInfo.LanguageId); ret = GetMessage(tmpl.Subject, tmpl.Body, uInfo, variables, eInfo.ObjectTypeId, eInfo.ObjectId, eInfo.ObjectUid); if (!uInfo.IsExternal) messages[key] = ret; } return ret; }
internal static void SendBroadcastMessage(int messageId, string text) { if (!AlertsEnabled) return; ArrayList users = new ArrayList(); using (IDataReader reader = DbAlert2.GetBroadcastRecipients(messageId)) { while (reader.Read()) { UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(); ui.ImId = (int)reader["ImId"]; ui.Locale = reader["Locale"].ToString(); users.Add(ui); } } ArrayList vars = new ArrayList(); AddVariableInitiatedBy(vars); vars.Add(new VariableInfo(new AlertVariable(Variable.Text), text, true)); Hashtable messages = new Hashtable(); foreach (UserInfo ui in users) { string message = (string)messages[ui.Locale]; if (message == null) { string subject, body; AlertTemplate.GetTemplate(AlertTemplateTypes.Special, ui.Locale, SpecialMessageType.BroadcastMessage.ToString(), true, out subject, out body); Message msg = GetMessage(subject, body, ui, vars, -1, -1, null); message = msg.Body; messages[ui.Locale] = message; } try { SendMessage(DeliveryType.IBN, ui.GetAddress(DeliveryType.IBN), message, null); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteError(ex.ToString()); } } }
internal static void SendForgottenPassword(int userId, string logonLink) { if (!AlertsEnabled) return; UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(); ui.Load(userId); ArrayList vars = new ArrayList(); vars.Add(new VariableInfo(new AlertVariable(Variable.LogonLink, true, false), logonLink)); string subject, body; AlertTemplate.GetTemplate(AlertTemplateTypes.Special, ui.Locale, SpecialMessageType.ForgottenPassword.ToString(), true, out subject, out body); Message msg = GetMessage(subject, body, ui, vars, -1, -1, null); try { SendMessage(DeliveryType.Email, ui.GetAddress(DeliveryType.Email), msg.Body, msg.Subject); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteError(ex.ToString()); throw; } }
internal static void Send(string tranId) { if (!AlertsEnabled) return; ArrayList recipients = new ArrayList(); Hashtable events = new Hashtable(); Hashtable users = new Hashtable(); Hashtable templates = new Hashtable(); Hashtable messages = new Hashtable(); Hashtable locales = new Hashtable(); EventInfo eInfo; UserInfo uInfo, currentUser = null; AlertTemplate tmpl; Message msg; CollectEventsAndRecipients(RecipientsType.Transaction, recipients, events, users, tranId, DateTime.MinValue); foreach (RecipientInfo rInfo in recipients) { eInfo = (EventInfo)events[rInfo.SystemEventId]; if (rInfo.UserId > 0) uInfo = (UserInfo)users[rInfo.UserId]; else { if (currentUser == null) { currentUser = new UserInfo(); currentUser.Init(Security.CurrentUser, rInfo.Email, rInfo.EmailFrom); } uInfo = currentUser; } tmpl = GetMessageTemplate(templates, locales, eInfo.EventTypeId, rInfo.MessageTypeId, uInfo.LanguageId); msg = GetMessage(messages, tmpl, rInfo, eInfo, uInfo); DeliveryType deliveryType; using (DbTransaction tran = DbTransaction.Begin()) { int LogId = DbAlert2.MessageLogAdd(msg.Subject, msg.Body); DBSystemEvents.RecipientUpdateSend(rInfo.RecipientId, uInfo.IsNotifiedByEmail, PortalConfig.UseIM && uInfo.IsNotifiedByIBN, LogId); tran.Commit(); } // Send New Alert /* foreach (MessageDeliveryProvider provider in new MessageDeliveryProvider[] { }) { // Check That Provider Enable if (provider.Enable && PortalConfig_CheckDeliveryProviderEnable(provider) && UserConfig_CheckDeliveryProviderEnable(provider)) { // Create Message string from = uInfo.EmailFrom; string to = uInfo.GetAddress(deliveryType); EntityObject message = provider.CreateMessage(from, to, msg.Subject, msg.Body); CreateRequest createMessageRequest = new CreateRequest(message); createMessageRequest.Parameters.Add(OutgoingMessageQueuePlugin.AddToQueue, true); createMessageRequest.Parameters.Add(OutgoingMessageQueuePlugin.SourceName, "AlertService"); CreateResponse response = (CreateResponse)BusinessManager.Execute(createMessageRequest); // TODO: Save Primary Key Id. // response.PrimaryKeyId; } } */ // Send alert to e-mail try { if (uInfo.IsNotifiedByEmail) { deliveryType = DeliveryType.Email; string body = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN' >" + "<html>" + "<head>" + "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' >" + "<title>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(msg.Subject) + "</title>" + "<style type='text/css'>" + "body { font: 10pt Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; color: #000000; }" + ".subject { color: #999999; font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%; }" + "</style>" + "</head>" + "<body>" + msg.Body + "</body>" + "</html>"; using (DbTransaction tran = DbTransaction.Begin()) { SendMessage(deliveryType, uInfo.EmailFrom, uInfo.GetAddress(deliveryType), body, msg.Subject /*, (Attachment[])msg.Attachments.ToArray(typeof(Attachment))*/); DBSystemEvents.RecipientUpdateSent(rInfo.RecipientId, (int)deliveryType, true); tran.Commit(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteError(ex.ToString()); } // Send alert to IM try { if (uInfo != null && uInfo.IsNotifiedByIBN) { deliveryType = DeliveryType.IBN; using (DbTransaction tran = DbTransaction.Begin()) { SendMessage(deliveryType, uInfo.GetAddress(deliveryType), msg.Body, msg.Subject); DBSystemEvents.RecipientUpdateSent(rInfo.RecipientId, (int)deliveryType, true); tran.Commit(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteError(ex.ToString()); } } }
internal static void SendBatch(int userId, DateTime dt) { if (!AlertsEnabled) return; ArrayList recipients = new ArrayList(); Hashtable events = new Hashtable(); Hashtable users = new Hashtable(); EventInfo ei; CollectEventsAndRecipients(RecipientsType.Batch, recipients, events, users, userId.ToString(provDefault), dt); UserInfo ui = (UserInfo)users[userId]; if (ui == null) { ui = new UserInfo(); ui.Load(userId); users[userId] = ui; } else { string msgSubject, msgBody, itemSubject, itemBody, itemSubjectDel, itemBodyDel; AlertTemplate.GetTemplate(AlertTemplateTypes.Special, ui.Locale, SpecialMessageType.BatchAlert.ToString(), true, out msgSubject, out msgBody); AlertTemplate.GetTemplate(AlertTemplateTypes.Special, ui.Locale, SpecialMessageType.BatchItem.ToString(), true, out itemSubject, out itemBody); AlertTemplate.GetTemplate(AlertTemplateTypes.Special, ui.Locale, SpecialMessageType.BatchItemDeleted.ToString(), true, out itemSubjectDel, out itemBodyDel); // Build events list ArrayList vars; Message msg; StringBuilder sbText = new StringBuilder(); foreach (RecipientInfo ri in ui.Recipients) { ei = (EventInfo)events[ri.SystemEventId]; vars = ei.GetVariablesArrayList(ui.LanguageId); string subject, body; switch ((SystemEventTypes)ei.EventTypeId) { case SystemEventTypes.CalendarEntry_Deleted: case SystemEventTypes.Document_Deleted: case SystemEventTypes.Issue_Deleted: case SystemEventTypes.IssueRequest_Approved: case SystemEventTypes.IssueRequest_Deleted: case SystemEventTypes.List_Deleted: case SystemEventTypes.Project_Deleted: case SystemEventTypes.Task_Deleted: case SystemEventTypes.Todo_Deleted: subject = itemSubjectDel; body = itemBodyDel; break; default: subject = itemSubject; body = itemBody; break; } vars.Add(new VariableInfo(new AlertVariable(Variable.Link, true, false, true), string.Empty)); // RelLink vars.Add(new VariableInfo(new AlertVariable(Variable.Title, false, true, true), string.Empty)); // RelTitle vars.Add(new VariableInfo(new AlertVariable(Variable.EventDate), DateTimeToString(ei.EventDate), VariableType.DateTime)); vars.Add(new VariableInfo(new AlertVariable(Variable.EventName), SystemEvents.GetSystemEventName(ei.EventType, ui.Locale))); msg = GetMessage(subject, body, ui, vars, ei.ObjectTypeId, ei.ObjectId, ei.ObjectUid); vars.Clear(); sbText.Append(msg.Body); } vars = new ArrayList(); vars.Add(new VariableInfo(new AlertVariable(Variable.End), DateTimeToString(dt), VariableType.DateTime)); vars.Add(new VariableInfo(new AlertVariable(Variable.Start), DateTimeToString(ui.BatchLastSent), VariableType.DateTime)); vars.Add(new VariableInfo(new AlertVariable(Variable.Text), sbText.ToString(), true)); msg = GetMessage(msgSubject, msgBody, ui, vars, -1, -1, null); // Add message to log. using (DbTransaction tran = DbTransaction.Begin()) { int logId = DbAlert2.MessageLogAdd(msg.Subject, msg.Body); foreach (RecipientInfo ri in ui.Recipients) DBSystemEvents.RecipientUpdateSend(ri.RecipientId, ui.IsNotifiedByEmail, PortalConfig.UseIM && ui.IsNotifiedByIBN, logId); User.UpdateBatchLastSent(ui.UserId, dt); tran.Commit(); } // Send alert to e-mail if (ui.IsNotifiedByEmail) SendBatch(ui, DeliveryType.Email, msg); // Send alert to IM if (ui.IsNotifiedByIBN) SendBatch(ui, DeliveryType.IBN, msg); } // Calculate next batch time DateTime lastBatch = User.GetLocalDate(ui.TimeZoneId, dt); DateTime nextBatch = lastBatch.AddMinutes(ui.Period); if (ui.From != ui.Till && nextBatch.Hour >= ui.Till || nextBatch.Hour < ui.From) nextBatch = lastBatch.Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(ui.From); nextBatch = User.GetUTCDate(ui.TimeZoneId, nextBatch); User.UpdateBatchNextSend(ui.UserId, nextBatch); // Add next batch time to schedule Schedule.AddDateTypeValue(DateTypes.BatchAlert, ui.UserId, nextBatch); }
private static void SendBatch(UserInfo ui, DeliveryType deliveryType, Message msg) { try { //Attachment[] attachments = null; //if (deliveryType == DeliveryType.Email) // attachments = (Attachment[])msg.Attachments.ToArray(typeof(Attachment)); using (DbTransaction tran = DbTransaction.Begin()) { SendMessage(deliveryType, ui.EmailFrom, ui.GetAddress(deliveryType), msg.Body, msg.Subject/*, attachments*/); foreach (RecipientInfo ri in ui.Recipients) { DBSystemEvents.RecipientUpdateSent(ri.RecipientId, (int)deliveryType, true); } tran.Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteError(ex.ToString()); } }
internal static Message GetMessage( string subjectTemplate , string bodyTemplate , SystemEventTypes eventType , int? objectId , Guid? objectUid , int relObjectId , int userId ) { ObjectTypes objectType, relObjectType; ArrayList vars = GetEventVariables(eventType, objectId, objectUid, relObjectId, out objectType, out relObjectType); UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(); ui.Load(userId); return GetMessage(subjectTemplate, bodyTemplate, ui, vars, (int)objectType, objectId, objectUid); }
public static UserInfo[] ImportXml(XmlDocument doc) { ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(); UserInfo ui; string sVal; XmlNode prop, val; string[] propertyNames = UserInfo.PropertyNamesIbnAll; foreach(XmlNode user in doc.SelectNodes("/users/user")) { ui = new UserInfo(); foreach(string name in propertyNames) { sVal = string.Empty; prop = user.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("prop[@name='{0}']", name)); if(prop != null) { val = prop.SelectSingleNode("val"); if(val != null) sVal = val.InnerXml; } ui[name] = sVal; } ret.Add(ui); } return (UserInfo[])ret.ToArray(typeof(UserInfo)); }
public static UserInfo[] ImportTxt(TextReader doc) { ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(); UserInfo ui; string separator, valsLine, propsLine, name; string[] aVals, aNames; string[] propertyNames = UserInfo.PropertyNamesIbnAll; Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); separator = doc.ReadLine(); propsLine = doc.ReadLine(); aNames = Regex.Split(propsLine, separator); for(int i=0; i<aNames.Length; i++) props[i] = aNames[i]; while((valsLine = doc.ReadLine()) != null) { aVals = Regex.Split(valsLine, separator); if(aVals.Length != aNames.Length) throw new Exception("Invalid file format."); ui = new UserInfo(); for(int i=0; i<aVals.Length; i++) { name = (string)props[i]; ui[name] = aVals[i]; } ret.Add(ui); } return (UserInfo[])ret.ToArray(typeof(UserInfo)); }
public ArrayList GetUsers() { ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(); DirectoryEntry root = new DirectoryEntry(string.Format("LDAP://{0}", m_domain), m_username, m_password); DirectorySearcher s = new DirectorySearcher(root, m_filter); string ldapName; string[] ibnNames = UserInfo.PropertyNamesIbnAll; foreach(SearchResult result in s.FindAll()) { UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(); foreach(string ibnName in ibnNames) { if(ibnName == UserInfo.IbnProperty.WindowsLogin.ToString()) ldapName = UserInfo.AdProperty.SamAccountName.ToString(); else ldapName = m_fields[ibnName]; string sVal = Ldap.GetPropertyValue(result, ldapName); if(ibnName == UserInfo.IbnProperty.WindowsLogin.ToString()) sVal = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", m_domain, sVal).ToLower(); ui[ibnName] = sVal; } ret.Add(ui); } return ret; }
public static int Synchronize(int LdapId) { Ldap.CheckAccess(); LdapSettings ldap = LdapSettings.Load(LdapId); Hashtable users = new Hashtable(); ArrayList updatedUsers = new ArrayList(); using(IDataReader reader = User.GetLdap()) { while(reader.Read()) { UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(); ui.Load(reader); users[ui[ldap.IbnKey]] = ui; } } if(users.Count > 0) { using (DirectoryEntry root = new DirectoryEntry(string.Format("LDAP://{0}", ldap.Domain), ldap.Username, ldap.Password)) { root.RefreshCache(); DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(root, ldap.Filter); foreach (SearchResult result in searcher.FindAll()) { UserInfo ui = users[GetPropertyValue(result, ldap.LdapKey)] as UserInfo; if (ui != null) { foreach (LdapField field in ldap.Fields) { string sVal = GetPropertyValue(result, field.LdapName); if (field.BitField) { if (sVal.Length < 1) continue; int iVal = int.Parse(sVal) & field.BitMask; if (field.Equal) sVal = (iVal == field.CompareTo).ToString(); else sVal = (iVal != field.CompareTo).ToString(); } if (field.IbnName == UserInfo.IbnProperty.WindowsLogin.ToString()) sVal = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", ldap.Domain, sVal).ToLower(); if (ui[field.IbnName] != sVal && (sVal.Length > 0 || field.IbnName != UserInfo.IbnProperty.Email.ToString())) { ui.UpdatedValues[field.IbnName] = sVal; if (!updatedUsers.Contains(ui)) updatedUsers.Add(ui); } } } } } } ldap.LastSynchronization = DateTime.UtcNow; DbLdap.SettingsUpdateLastSynchronization(ldap.LdapId, ldap.LastSynchronization); int logId; using(DbTransaction tran = DbTransaction.Begin()) { logId = DbLdap.SyncLogCreate(ldap.LdapId, ldap.LastSynchronization, updatedUsers.Count); foreach(UserInfo ui in updatedUsers) { bool wasActive = bool.Parse(ui.IsActive); // Save changes to log foreach(string name in UserInfo.PropertyNamesIbnAll) { string oldVal = ui[name]; string newVal = ui.UpdatedValues[name]; if(newVal != null || name == UserInfo.IbnProperty.FirstName.ToString() || name == UserInfo.IbnProperty.LastName.ToString()) { if(newVal == null) newVal = oldVal; DbLdap.SyncFieldCreate(logId, ui.UserId, name, oldVal, newVal); } // Replace old values with new ones if(newVal != null) ui[name] = newVal; } try { // Update main database DBUser.UpdateMain2(ui.OriginalId, ui.Login, ui.FirstName, ui.LastName, ui.Email); // Update portal database DBUser.Update(ui.UserId, ui.Login, ui.FirstName, ui.LastName, ui.Email, ui.WindowsLogin, ui.LdapUid); DBUser.UpdateProfile(ui.UserId, ui.Phone, ui.Fax, ui.Mobile, ui.JobTitle, ui.Department, ui.Company, ui.Location); // Update activity bool isActive = bool.Parse(ui.IsActive); if(isActive != wasActive && (ldap.Activate && isActive || ldap.Deactivate && !isActive)) User.UpdateActivity(ui.UserId, isActive); } catch(Exception ex) { Log.WriteError(ex.ToString()); } } tran.Commit(); } return logId; }
private void ShowStep(int step) { for (int i = 0; i <= _stepCount; i++) ((Panel)steps[i]).Visible = false; ((Panel)steps[step - 1]).Visible = true; #region Step 2 if (step == 2) { if (rbSourceObject.SelectedValue == "0") { lgdConnectInf.InnerText = LocRM.GetString("ConnectToAD"); tblADConnection.Visible = true; tblFileConnection.Visible = false; ChangedLdap(); tblFilter.Visible = true; } else { lgdConnectInf.InnerText = LocRM.GetString("tLoadToServer"); tblADConnection.Visible = false; tblFileConnection.Visible = true; ((WizardTemplate)Page.Controls[0]).btnNext.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShowProgress();"); tblFilter.Visible = false; } ViewState["Fields"] = null; ViewState["ADFields"] = null; ViewState["ldapPassword"] = null; grdFields.EditItemIndex = -1; tbFilter.Text = ""; wwwPath.Value = ""; ((WizardTemplate)Page.Controls[0]).btnNext.Disabled = false; } #endregion #region Step 3 if (step == 3) { if (ViewState["Fields"] == null || ViewState["Fields"].ToString().Length == 0) { DataTable dtFields = new DataTable(); dtFields.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("IBNField", typeof(string))); dtFields.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("IBNFieldDisplay", typeof(string))); dtFields.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ADField", typeof(string))); dtFields.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("realADField", typeof(string))); DataRow dr1; string[] sarray = null; string[] alIBNFields = UserInfo.PropertyNamesIbn; if (rbSourceObject.SelectedValue == "0") { pc["ADDomain"] = txtDomain.Text; pc["ADUserName"] = txtUserName.Text; pc["ADLDAPSettings"] = ddLDAPSettings.SelectedValue; LdapSettings lsets = null; if (int.Parse(ddLDAPSettings.SelectedValue) > 0) lsets = LdapSettings.Load(int.Parse(ddLDAPSettings.SelectedValue)); else lsets = new Mediachase.IBN.Business.LdapSettings(); string sPassword = txtPassword.Text; if (txtDomain.Text == lsets.Domain && txtUserName.Text == lsets.Username && txtPassword.Text == "") sPassword = lsets.Password; ViewState["ldapPassword"] = sPassword; ActiveDirectory ad = new ActiveDirectory(txtDomain.Text, txtUserName.Text, sPassword, tbFilter.Text); tbFilter.Text = lsets.Filter; foreach (string name in alIBNFields) { dr1 = dtFields.NewRow(); dr1["IBNField"] = name; dr1["IBNFieldDisplay"] = Mediachase.Ibn.Web.UI.CHelper.GetResFileString(String.Format("{{IbnFramework.Common:{0}}}", name)); dr1["ADField"] = ad.FieldsMatch[name]; dr1["realADField"] = ad.FieldsMatch[name]; if (ddLDAPSettings.SelectedValue != "0") { foreach (LdapField lf in lsets.Fields) if (lf.IbnName == name) { dr1["ADField"] = lf.LdapName; dr1["realADField"] = lf.LdapName; break; } } dtFields.Rows.Add(dr1); } sarray = ad.GetProperties(); } else { if (fSourceFile.PostedFile != null && fSourceFile.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0) { ProcessFileCache(Server.MapPath(CommonHelper.ChartPath)); String dir = CommonHelper.ChartPath; string wwwpath = dir + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); switch (rbSourceType.SelectedValue) { case "0": //wwwpath += ".xls"; // OZ: Added XLS and XLSX extensions wwwpath += Path.GetExtension(fSourceFile.PostedFile.FileName); break; case "1": wwwpath += ".xml"; break; default: break; } wwwPath.Value = wwwpath; using (Stream sw = File.Create(Server.MapPath(wwwpath))) { fSourceFile.PostedFile.InputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); System.IO.BinaryReader br = new System.IO.BinaryReader(fSourceFile.PostedFile.InputStream); int iBufferSize = 655360; // 640 KB byte[] outbyte = br.ReadBytes(iBufferSize); while (outbyte.Length > 0) { sw.Write(outbyte, 0, outbyte.Length); outbyte = br.ReadBytes(iBufferSize); } br.Close(); } IIncomingDataParser parser = null; DataSet rawData = null; switch (rbSourceType.SelectedIndex) { case 0: IMCOleDBHelper helper = (IMCOleDBHelper)Activator.GetObject(typeof(IMCOleDBHelper), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["McOleDbServiceString"]); rawData = helper.ConvertExcelToDataSet(Server.MapPath(wwwpath)); break; case 1: parser = new XmlIncomingDataParser(); rawData = parser.Parse(Server.MapPath(wwwPath.Value), null); break; } DataTable dtSource = rawData.Tables[0]; int i = 0; sarray = new string[dtSource.Columns.Count]; foreach (DataColumn dc in dtSource.Columns) { sarray[i++] = dc.ColumnName; } foreach (string name in alIBNFields) { dr1 = dtFields.NewRow(); dr1["IBNField"] = name; dr1["IBNFieldDisplay"] = Mediachase.Ibn.Web.UI.CHelper.GetResFileString(String.Format("{{IbnFramework.Common:{0}}}", name)); dr1["ADField"] = LocRM.GetString("tNotSet"); dr1["realADField"] = "0"; foreach (string str in sarray) if (String.Compare(str, name, true) == 0 || String.Compare(str, Mediachase.Ibn.Web.UI.CHelper.GetResFileString(String.Format("{{IbnFramework.Common:{0}}}", name)), true) == 0) { dr1["ADField"] = str; dr1["realADField"] = str; } dtFields.Rows.Add(dr1); } } else ((WizardTemplate)Page.Controls[0]).btnNext.Disabled = true; } ViewState["Fields"] = dtFields; grdFields.DataSource = dtFields.DefaultView; grdFields.DataBind(); if (sarray != null) { string sValues = String.Join(",", sarray); ViewState["ADFields"] = sValues; } } else { BindDG(); } ViewState["Users"] = null; ViewState["FullUsers"] = null; } #endregion #region Step 4 if (step == 4) { grdFields.EditItemIndex = -1; DataView dv = null; if (ViewState["FullUsers"] == null || ViewState["FullUsers"].ToString().Length == 0) { string[] alIBNFields = UserInfo.PropertyNamesIbn; DataTable dtFields = (DataTable)ViewState["Fields"]; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Add", typeof(bool))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Weight", typeof(int))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Login", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FirstName", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("LastName", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Email", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Phone", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Fax", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Mobile", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Company", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("JobTitle", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Department", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Location", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("BadLogin", typeof(bool))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("BadEmail", typeof(bool))); //dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("BadWinLogin", typeof(bool))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("IsBad", typeof(bool))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("IsBadGroup", typeof(bool))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Groups", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("IMGroup", typeof(int))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("LdapUid", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("WindowsLogin", typeof(string))); DataRow dr; if (rbSourceObject.SelectedValue == "0") { string sPassword = ViewState["ldapPassword"].ToString(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sPassword) && int.Parse(ddLDAPSettings.SelectedValue) > 0) { LdapSettings lsets = LdapSettings.Load(int.Parse(ddLDAPSettings.SelectedValue)); if (txtDomain.Text == lsets.Domain && txtUserName.Text == lsets.Username && txtPassword.Text == "") sPassword = lsets.Password; } ActiveDirectory ad = new ActiveDirectory(txtDomain.Text, txtUserName.Text, sPassword, tbFilter.Text); foreach (string s in alIBNFields) { DataRow[] drMas = dtFields.Select("IBNField = '" + s + "'"); if (drMas.Length > 0) { string ss = drMas[0]["realADField"].ToString(); if (ss != "0" && !ss.Equals(ad.FieldsMatch[s])) { ad.FieldsMatch[s] = ss; } } } ArrayList alUsers = ad.GetUsers(); foreach (UserInfo _ui in alUsers) { dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["Login"] = _ui.Login; dr["FirstName"] = _ui.FirstName; dr["LastName"] = _ui.LastName; dr["Email"] = _ui.Email; if (_ui.FirstName != "" && _ui.LastName != "" && _ui.Email != "") dr["Add"] = true; else dr["Add"] = false; if (_ui.FirstName != "" && _ui.LastName != "") dr["Weight"] = 0; else dr["Weight"] = 1; dr["Phone"] = _ui.Phone; dr["Fax"] = _ui.Fax; dr["Mobile"] = _ui.Mobile; dr["Company"] = _ui.Company; dr["JobTitle"] = _ui.JobTitle; dr["Department"] = _ui.Department; dr["Location"] = _ui.Location; dr["BadLogin"] = false; dr["BadEmail"] = false; //dr["BadWinLogin"] = false; dr["IsBad"] = false; dr["IsBadGroup"] = false; dr["Groups"] = ((int)InternalSecureGroups.ProjectManager).ToString() + ","; dr["IMGroup"] = -1; dr["LdapUid"] = _ui.LdapUid; dr["WindowsLogin"] = _ui.WindowsLogin; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } } else { IIncomingDataParser parser = null; DataSet rawData = null; switch (rbSourceType.SelectedIndex) { case 0: // [03.06.05] fix some problems with oledb and IMCOleDBHelper helper = (IMCOleDBHelper)Activator.GetObject(typeof(IMCOleDBHelper), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["McOleDbServiceString"]); rawData = helper.ConvertExcelToDataSet(Server.MapPath(wwwPath.Value)); break; case 1: parser = new XmlIncomingDataParser(); rawData = parser.Parse(Server.MapPath(wwwPath.Value), null); break; } DataTable dtSource = rawData.Tables[0]; string sValues = ViewState["ADFields"].ToString(); ArrayList alADFields = new ArrayList(sValues.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); int count = 1; foreach (DataRow drFile in dtSource.Rows) { dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["Add"] = true; dr["Weight"] = 0; dr["BadLogin"] = false; dr["BadEmail"] = false; //dr["BadWinLogin"] = false; dr["IsBad"] = false; dr["IsBadGroup"] = false; dr["Groups"] = ((int)InternalSecureGroups.ProjectManager).ToString() + ","; dr["IMGroup"] = -1; bool flLogin = false; foreach (string sname in alADFields) { DataRow[] drF = dtFields.Select("realADField = '" + sname + "'"); if (drF.Length > 0) { string ss = drF[0]["IBNField"].ToString(); if (ss == "Login") flLogin = true; dr[ss] = drFile[sname]; } } if (!flLogin) dr["Login"] = "******" + (count++).ToString(); dt.Rows.Add(dr); } } ViewState["Users"] = dt; DataTable dtFull = dt.Clone(); DataRow drNew; foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt.Rows) { drNew = dtFull.NewRow(); drNew.ItemArray = dr1.ItemArray; dtFull.Rows.Add(drNew); } ViewState["FullUsers"] = dtFull; dv = dt.DefaultView; } else dv = ((DataTable)ViewState["FullUsers"]).DefaultView; dv.Sort = "Weight, LastName, FirstName, Login"; dgUsers.DataSource = dv; dgUsers.DataBind(); ((WizardTemplate)Page.Controls[0]).btnNext.CausesValidation = true; ((WizardTemplate)Page.Controls[0]).btnNext.Disabled = false; } #endregion #region Step 5 if (step == 5) { DataTable dt = (DataTable)ViewState["Users"]; DataTable dtFull = (DataTable)ViewState["FullUsers"]; string sExceptions = ""; foreach (DataGridItem item in dgUsers.Items) { foreach (Control control in item.Cells[0].Controls) { if (control is HtmlInputCheckBox) { HtmlInputCheckBox checkBox = (HtmlInputCheckBox)control; //*****Undo***** //string filterElement = "Login = '******'"; try { //DataRow[] dr = dt.Select(filterElement); //DataRow[] drF = dtFull.Select(filterElement); DataRow dr = GetRowIsEqual(dt, "Login", item.Cells[3].Text); DataRow drF = GetRowIsEqual(dtFull, "Login", item.Cells[3].Text); if (!checkBox.Checked) { //if (dr.Length > 0) // dt.Rows.Remove(dr[0]); //if (drF.Length > 0) // drF[0]["Add"] = false; if (dr != null) dt.Rows.Remove(dr); if (drF != null) drF["Add"] = false; } else { //if (drF.Length > 0) // drF[0]["Add"] = true; //if (dr.Length == 0 && drF.Length > 0) //{ // DataRow drN = dt.NewRow(); // drN.ItemArray = drF[0].ItemArray; // dt.Rows.Add(drN); //} if (drF != null) drF["Add"] = true; if (dr == null && drF != null) { DataRow drN = dt.NewRow(); drN.ItemArray = drF.ItemArray; dt.Rows.Add(drN); } } } catch { sExceptions += item.Cells[3].Text + "\r\n"; } } } } foreach (DataRow bad in dt.Rows) { string sEmail = bad["Email"].ToString(); if (sEmail.Length == 0 || User.GetUserByEmail(sEmail) != -1) bad["BadEmail"] = true; string sLogin = bad["Login"].ToString(); if (sLogin.Length == 0 || User.GetUserByLogin(sLogin) != -1) bad["BadLogin"] = true; //string sWinLogin = bad["WindowsLogin"].ToString(); //if (sWinLogin.Length == 0 || User.GetUserByWindowsLogin(sWinLogin) != -1) // bad["BadWinLogin"] = true; if ((bool)bad["BadEmail"] || (bool)bad["BadLogin"]/* || (bool)bad["BadWinLogin"]*/) bad["IsBad"] = true; } ViewState["Users"] = dt; ViewState["UsersGroups"] = null; ViewState["FullUsers"] = dtFull; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sExceptions)) Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), String.Format("alert('Bad Logins:\r\n{0}');", sExceptions), true); DataView dv = dt.DefaultView; dv.Sort = "IsBad DESC, Login"; dlUsers.DataSource = dv; dlUsers.DataBind(); dlUsers.SelectedIndex = 0; LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)dlUsers.Items[0].FindControl("lbUser"); if (lb != null) BinddgGroupsUsers(lb.CommandName); ((WizardTemplate)Page.Controls[0]).btnNext.CausesValidation = false; ((WizardTemplate)Page.Controls[0]).btnNext.Disabled = false; } #endregion #region Step 6 if (step == 6) { ddIMGroups.DataTextField = "IMGroupName"; ddIMGroups.DataValueField = "IMGroupId"; ddIMGroups.DataSource = IMGroup.GetListIMGroupsWithoutPartners(); ddIMGroups.DataBind(); DataTable dt = (DataTable)ViewState["Users"]; DataTable dtFullOwn = dt.Clone(); DataRow drNew; foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt.Rows) { drNew = dtFullOwn.NewRow(); drNew.ItemArray = dr1.ItemArray; dtFullOwn.Rows.Add(drNew); } foreach (DataRow bad in dtFullOwn.Rows) { if ((bool)bad["IsBad"]) { string sLogin = bad["Login"].ToString(); #region *****Undo***** //DataRow[] dr = dt.Select("Login = '******'"); //if (dr.Length > 0) // dt.Rows.Remove(dr[0]); #endregion DataRow dr = GetRowIsEqual(dt, "Login", sLogin); if (dr != null) dt.Rows.Remove(dr); } } foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt.Rows) { dr1["IMGroup"] = int.Parse(ddIMGroups.SelectedValue); if (dr1["Groups"].ToString().Length < 2) dr1["IsBadGroup"] = true; } ViewState["UsersGroups"] = dt; DataView dv = dt.DefaultView; dv.Sort = "IsBadGroup DESC, LastName, FirstName"; dlUserGroups.DataSource = dv; dlUserGroups.DataBind(); if (dlUserGroups.Items.Count > 0) { dlUserGroups.SelectedIndex = 0; LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)dlUserGroups.Items[0].FindControl("lbUser2"); if (lb != null) BindGroups(lb.CommandName, true); btnSave2.Disabled = false; } else { ((WizardTemplate)Page.Controls[0]).btnNext.Disabled = true; btnSave2.Disabled = true; } ((WizardTemplate)Page.Controls[0]).btnNext.CausesValidation = false; } #endregion #region Step 7 - Save if (step == 7) { DataTable dt = (DataTable)ViewState["UsersGroups"]; ArrayList alUsers = new ArrayList(); foreach (DataRow saverow in dt.Rows) { string sGroups = saverow["Groups"].ToString(); ArrayList alGroups = new ArrayList(); while (sGroups.Length > 0) { alGroups.Add(Int32.Parse(sGroups.Substring(0, sGroups.IndexOf(",")))); sGroups = sGroups.Remove(0, sGroups.IndexOf(",") + 1); } if (alGroups.Count > 0) { UserInfo _ui = new UserInfo(); _ui.Login = saverow["Login"].ToString(); _ui.FirstName = saverow["FirstName"].ToString(); _ui.LastName = saverow["LastName"].ToString(); _ui.Email = saverow["EMail"].ToString(); _ui.Phone = saverow["Phone"].ToString(); _ui.Fax = saverow["Fax"].ToString(); _ui.Mobile = saverow["Mobile"].ToString(); _ui.Company = saverow["Company"].ToString(); _ui.JobTitle = saverow["JobTitle"].ToString(); _ui.Department = saverow["Department"].ToString(); _ui.Location = saverow["Location"].ToString(); _ui.Groups = alGroups; _ui.ImGroupId = int.Parse(saverow["IMGroup"].ToString()); _ui.WindowsLogin = saverow["WindowsLogin"].ToString(); alUsers.Add(_ui); } } bool fl = false; if (alUsers.Count > 0) try { string password = "******"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCommonPassword.Text.Trim())) password = txtCommonPassword.Text.Trim(); User.CreateMultiple(alUsers, password, Security.CurrentUser.LanguageId); } catch { fl = true; } else fl = true; if (fl) lblError.Text = LocRM.GetString("tWereErrors"); else { foreach (UserInfo _ui in alUsers) { lblError.Text += CommonHelper.GetUserStatusUL(User.GetUserByLogin(_ui.Login)) + "<br>"; } } } #endregion }