コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initiates the MediaItemSaveBlock
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The preceding MetadataExtractorBlock has a BoundedCapacity. To avoid that this limitation does not have any effect
 /// because all the items are immediately passed to an unbounded InputBlock of this MediaItemSaveBlock, we
 /// have to set the BoundedCapacity of the InputBlock to 1. The BoundedCapacity of the InnerBlock is set to 500,
 /// which is a good trade-off between speed and memory usage. The OutputBlock disposes the PendingImportResources and 
 /// therefore does not need a BoundedCapacity.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="ct">CancellationToken used to cancel this DataflowBlock</param>
 /// <param name="importJobInformation"><see cref="ImportJobInformation"/> of the ImportJob this DataflowBlock belongs to</param>
 /// <param name="parentImportJobController">ImportJobController to which this DataflowBlock belongs</param>
 public MediaItemSaveBlock(CancellationToken ct, ImportJobInformation importJobInformation, ImportJobController parentImportJobController)
   : base(importJobInformation,
   new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = ct, BoundedCapacity = 1 },
   new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = ct, BoundedCapacity = 500 },
   new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = ct },
   BLOCK_NAME, false, parentImportJobController)
コード例 #2
 public ImportJobInformation(ImportJobInformation other)
     _jobType               = other.JobType;
     _basePath              = other.BasePath;
     _metadataExtractorIds  = new HashSet <Guid>(other.MetadataExtractorIds);
     _includeSubDirectories = other.IncludeSubDirectories;
     _state = other.State;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initiates the DirectorySaveBlock
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ct">CancellationToken used to cancel this DataflowBlock</param>
 /// <param name="importJobInformation"><see cref="ImportJobInformation"/> of the ImportJob this DataflowBlock belongs to</param>
 /// <param name="parentImportJobController">ImportJobController to which this DataflowBlock belongs</param>
 public DirectorySaveBlock(CancellationToken ct, ImportJobInformation importJobInformation, ImportJobController parentImportJobController)
   : base(importJobInformation,
   new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = ct },
   new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = ct },
   new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = ct },
   BLOCK_NAME, true, parentImportJobController)
コード例 #4
 public ImportJobInformation(ImportJobInformation other)
   _jobType = other.JobType;
   _basePath = other.BasePath;
   _metadataExtractorIds = new HashSet<Guid>(other.MetadataExtractorIds);
   _includeSubDirectories = other.IncludeSubDirectories;
   _state = other.State;
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initiates the MetadataExtractorBlock
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The preceding FileUnfoldBlock has a BoundedCapacity. To avoid that this limitation does not have any effect
 /// because all the items are immediately passed to an unbounded InputBlock of this MetadataExtractorBlock, we
 /// have to set the BoundedCapacity of the InputBlock to 1. The BoundedCapacity of the InnerBlock is set to 100,
 /// which is a good trade-off between speed and memory usage. For the reason mentioned before, we also have to
 /// set the BoundedCapacity of the OutputBlock to 1.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="ct">CancellationToken used to cancel this DataflowBlock</param>
 /// <param name="importJobInformation"><see cref="ImportJobInformation"/> of the ImportJob this DataflowBlock belongs to</param>
 /// <param name="parentImportJobController">ImportJobController to which this DataflowBlock belongs</param>
 /// <param name="forceQuickMode"><c>true</c> if this is the MetadataExtractorBlock used for FirstPassImports, else <c>false</c></param>
 public MetadataExtractorBlock(CancellationToken ct, ImportJobInformation importJobInformation, ImportJobController parentImportJobController, bool forceQuickMode)
   : base(importJobInformation,
   new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = ct, BoundedCapacity = 1 },
   new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = ct, MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount * 5, BoundedCapacity = 100 },
   new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = ct, BoundedCapacity = 1 },
   forceQuickMode ? BLOCK_NAME_QUICK : BLOCK_NAME_FULL, true, parentImportJobController)
   _forceQuickMode = forceQuickMode;
   _mostRecentMiaCreationDate = new Lazy<Task<DateTime>>(GetMostRecentMiaCreationDate);
コード例 #6
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (!(obj is ImportJobInformation))
            ImportJobInformation other = (ImportJobInformation)obj;

            return(_basePath == other._basePath && _jobType == other._jobType &&
                   _includeSubDirectories == other._includeSubDirectories &&
                   _state == other._state);
コード例 #7
 public ImporterWorkerAction(ActionType actionType, ImportJobInformation importJobInformation)
   if (actionType == ActionType.Startup)
     throw new ArgumentException("ActionType.Startup must not relate to an ImportJobInformation");
   if (actionType == ActionType.Activate)
     throw new ArgumentException("ActionType.Activate must not relate to an ImportJobInformation and requires an IMediaBrowsing and an IImportResultHandler");
   if (actionType == ActionType.Suspend)
     throw new ArgumentException("ActionType.Suspend must not relate to an ImportJobInformation");
   if (actionType == ActionType.Shutdown)
     throw new ArgumentException("ActionType.Shutdown must not relate to an ImportJobInformation");
   _actionType = actionType;
   _importJobInformation = importJobInformation;
   _mediaBrowsingCallback = null;
   _importResultHandler = null;
   _tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
コード例 #8
    public ImportJobController(ImportJobNewGen importJob, int importJobNumber, ImporterWorkerNewGen parentImporterWorker)
      _importJobInformation = importJob.ImportJobInformation;
      _importJobNumber = importJobNumber;
      _parentImporterWorker = parentImporterWorker;
      _numberOfLastPendingImportResource = 0;
      _numberOfDisposedPendingImportResources = 0;
      _notifyProgress = true;
      _pendingImportResources = new ConcurrentDictionary<ResourcePath, PendingImportResourceNewGen>();
      _importJobControllerCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
      _firstBlockHasFinished = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
      _cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

      _dataflowBlocks = new List<ImporterWorkerDataflowBlockBase>();
      _dataflowBlocks.ForEach(block => block.Completion.ContinueWith(OnAnyBlockFaulted, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted));
      Task.WhenAll(_dataflowBlocks.Select(block => block.Completion)).ContinueWith(OnFinished);
コード例 #9
ファイル: ImportJob.cs プロジェクト: joconno4/MediaPortal-2
 public ImportJob(ImportJobType jobType, ResourcePath basePath, IEnumerable<Guid> metadataExtractorIds,
     bool includeSubDirectories)
   _jobInfo = new ImportJobInformation(jobType, basePath, new List<Guid>(metadataExtractorIds), includeSubDirectories);
コード例 #10
 public ImportJobNewGen(ImportJobInformation importJobInformation, List<PendingImportResourceNewGen> pendingImportResources)
   ImportJobInformation = importJobInformation;
   PendingImportResources = pendingImportResources;
コード例 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to remove an ImportJobController from <see cref="_importJobControllers"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="importJobInformation">
 /// <see cref="ImportJobInformation"/> describing the <see cref="ImportJobController"/> to be removed
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>true if removal was successful, otherwise false</returns>
 internal bool TryUnregisterImportJobController(ImportJobInformation importJobInformation)
   ImportJobController removedController;
   return _importJobControllers.TryRemove(importJobInformation, out removedController);
コード例 #12
    private void DoCancelImport(ImportJobInformation? importJobInformation)
      if (_status == Status.Shutdown)
        ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Error("ImporterWorker: Cancelation of an ImportJob was requested although status was neither 'Activated' nor 'Suspended' but 'Shutdown'");

      if (importJobInformation == null)
        // Cancel all ImportJobs
        foreach (var kvp in _importJobControllers)
        Task.WhenAll(_importJobControllers.Values.Select(i => i.Completion)).Wait();
        foreach (var kvp in _importJobControllers)
        // Cancel only the ImportJobs for the specified path and all its child paths
        var jobsToBeCanceled = new HashSet<ImportJobController>();
        foreach (var kvp in _importJobControllers)
          if (importJobInformation.Value.BasePath.IsSameOrParentOf(kvp.Key.BasePath))
        Task.WhenAll(jobsToBeCanceled.Select(controller => controller.Completion)).Wait();
        foreach (var controller in jobsToBeCanceled)
コード例 #13
    private void DoScheduleImport(ImportJobInformation importJobInformation)
      if (_status == Status.Shutdown)
        ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Error("ImporterWorker: Scheduling of an ImportJob was requested although status was neither 'Activated' nor 'Suspended' but 'Shutdown'");

      // For now we always set this to active to make it look like the old ImporterWorker
      // ToDo: Remove this and all usages of ImportJobInformation.State
      importJobInformation.State = ImportJobState.Active;
      // if the ImportJob to be scheduled is the same as or contains an
      // already running ImportJob, cancel the already running ImportJob
      // and schedule this one
      var jobsToBeCancelled = new HashSet<ImportJobController>();
      foreach (var kvp in _importJobControllers)
        if (importJobInformation >= kvp.Key)
          ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Info("ImporterWorker: {0} is contained in or the same as the ImportJob which is currently being scheduled. Canceling {1}", kvp.Value, kvp.Value);
      // We need to wait here until the canceled ImportJobs are removed from _importJobControllers
      // otherwise we run into trouble when the ImportJobs equal each other because then they
      // have the same key in _importJobControllers.
      Task.WhenAll(jobsToBeCancelled.Select(controller => controller.Completion)).Wait();
      foreach (var controller in jobsToBeCancelled)

      var importJobController = new ImportJobController(new ImportJobNewGen(importJobInformation, null), Interlocked.Increment(ref _numberOfLastImportJob), this);
      _importJobControllers[importJobInformation] = importJobController;

      ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Info("ImporterWorker: Scheduled {0} ({1}) (Path ='{2}', ImportJobType='{3}', IncludeSubdirectories='{4}')", importJobController, _status, importJobInformation.BasePath, importJobInformation.JobType, importJobInformation.IncludeSubDirectories);
      ImporterWorkerMessaging.SendImportMessage(ImporterWorkerMessaging.MessageType.ImportScheduled, importJobInformation.BasePath, importJobInformation.JobType);

      if (_status == Status.Activated)
        importJobController.Activate(_mediaBrowsing, _importResultHandler);