コード例 #1
        public void InitializeEcology()
            //Initialize the autotrophprocessor
            MarineNPPtoAutotrophStock = new AutotrophProcessor();

            // Initialise the plant model
            DynamicPlantModel = new RevisedTerrestrialPlantModel();

            // Initialise the human NPP appropriation class
            HANPP = new HumanAutotrophMatterAppropriation();
コード例 #2
        public void InitializeEcology()
            //Initialize the autotrophprocessor
            MarineNPPtoAutotrophStock = new AutotrophProcessor();

            // Initialise the plant model
            DynamicPlantModel = new RevisedTerrestrialPlantModel();

            // Initialise the human NPP appropriation class
            HANPP = new HumanAutotrophMatterAppropriation();
        /// <summary>
        /// Seed grid cell with stocks, as specified in the model input files
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="functionalGroups">A reference to the stock functional group handler</param>
        /// <param name="cellEnvironment">The environment in the grid cell</param>
        /// <param name="globalDiagnostics">A list of global diagnostic variables for the model grid</param>
        private void SeedGridCellStocks(ref FunctionalGroupDefinitions functionalGroups, ref SortedList<string, double[]> 
            cellEnvironment, SortedList<string, double> globalDiagnostics)
            // Set the seed for the random number generator from the system time

            Stock NewStock;

            // Define local variables
            int[] FunctionalGroupsToUse;

            // Get the individual body masses for organisms in each stock functional group
            double[] IndividualMass = functionalGroups.GetBiologicalPropertyAllFunctionalGroups("individual mass");

            // Check which realm the cell is in
            if (cellEnvironment["Realm"][0] == 1.0 && _CellEnvironment["Precipitation"][0] != _CellEnvironment["Missing Value"][0] && _CellEnvironment["Temperature"][0] != _CellEnvironment["Missing Value"][0])
                // Get the indices of all terrestrial functional groups
                FunctionalGroupsToUse = functionalGroups.GetFunctionalGroupIndex("realm", "terrestrial", true);
            else if (cellEnvironment["Realm"][0] == 2.0 && _CellEnvironment["NPP"][0] != _CellEnvironment["Missing Value"][0])
                // Get the indices of all marine functional groups
                FunctionalGroupsToUse = functionalGroups.GetFunctionalGroupIndex("realm", "marine", true);
                // For cells without a realm designation, no functional groups will be used
                FunctionalGroupsToUse = new int[0];

            // Loop over all functional groups in the model
            for (int FunctionalGroup = 0; FunctionalGroup < functionalGroups.GetNumberOfFunctionalGroups(); FunctionalGroup++)
                // Create a new list to hold the stocks in the grid cell
                _GridCellStocks[FunctionalGroup] = new List<Stock>();

                // If it is a functional group that corresponds to the current realm, then seed the stock
                if (FunctionalGroupsToUse.Contains(FunctionalGroup))
                    if (_CellEnvironment["Realm"][0] == 1.0)
                        // An instance of the terrestrial carbon model class
                        RevisedTerrestrialPlantModel PlantModel = new RevisedTerrestrialPlantModel();

                        // Calculate predicted leaf mass at equilibrium for this stock
                        double LeafMass = PlantModel.CalculateEquilibriumLeafMass(_CellEnvironment, functionalGroups.GetTraitNames("leaf strategy", FunctionalGroup) == "deciduous");

                        // Initialise the new stock with the relevant properties
                        NewStock = new Stock((byte)FunctionalGroup, IndividualMass[FunctionalGroup], LeafMass);

                        // Add the new stock to the list of grid cell stocks

                        // Increment the variable tracking the total number of stocks in the model

                    else if (FunctionalGroupsToUse.Contains(FunctionalGroup))
                        // Initialise the new stock with the relevant properties
                        NewStock = new Stock((byte)FunctionalGroup, IndividualMass[FunctionalGroup], 1e12);

                        // Add the new stock to the list of grid cell stocks

                        // Increment the variable tracking the total number of stocks in the model



        /// <summary>
        /// Copy parameter values to a text file in the specified output directory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputDirectory">THe directory for outputs</param>
        public void CopyParameterValues(string outputDirectory)
            // Create a stream write object to write the parameter values to
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(outputDirectory + "Parameters.txt");

            // Write out the column headings
            sw.WriteLine("Ecological process\tParameter name\tParameter value");

            // Create dummy instances of the ecological processes
            RevisedHerbivory DummyHerbivory = new RevisedHerbivory(0.0, _GlobalModelTimeStepUnit);
            RevisedPredation DummyPredation = new RevisedPredation(0.0, _GlobalModelTimeStepUnit);
            MetabolismEndotherm DummyEndoMetabolism = new MetabolismEndotherm(_GlobalModelTimeStepUnit);
            MetabolismEctotherm DummyEctoMetabolism = new MetabolismEctotherm(_GlobalModelTimeStepUnit);
            BackgroundMortality DummyBackgroundMortality = new BackgroundMortality(_GlobalModelTimeStepUnit);
            SenescenceMortality DummySenescenceMortality = new SenescenceMortality(_GlobalModelTimeStepUnit);
            StarvationMortality DummyStarvationMortality = new StarvationMortality(_GlobalModelTimeStepUnit);
            ReproductionBasic DummyReproduction = new ReproductionBasic(_GlobalModelTimeStepUnit, _DrawRandomly);
            DiffusiveDispersal DummyDiffusiveDispersal = new DiffusiveDispersal(_GlobalModelTimeStepUnit, _DrawRandomly);
            RevisedTerrestrialPlantModel DummyPlantModel = new RevisedTerrestrialPlantModel();
            Activity DummyActivityModel = new Activity();

            // Call the methods in these processes that write the parameter values out
