コード例 #1
        private void PopulatePlaceHolder( int numberOfSubjects )
            Main main = (Main)Page.Master;
              BHLProvider provider = new BHLProvider();
              CustomGenericList<CustomDataRow> list = null;

              String institutionCode = String.Empty;
              if (this.Request.Cookies["ddlContributors"] != null) institutionCode = this.Request.Cookies["ddlContributors"].Value;
              String languageCode = String.Empty;
              if (this.Request.Cookies["ddlLanguage"] != null) languageCode = this.Request.Cookies["ddlLanguage"].Value;

              // Cache the results of the Subject queries for 24 hours
              String cacheKey = "TitleTagSelectCount" + numberOfSubjects.ToString() + institutionCode + languageCode;
              if ( Cache[ cacheKey ] != null )
            // Use cached version
            list = (CustomGenericList<CustomDataRow>)Cache[ cacheKey ];
            // Refresh cache
            list = provider.TitleTagSelectCountByInstitution( numberOfSubjects, institutionCode, languageCode );
            Cache.Add( cacheKey, list, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(
              Convert.ToDouble( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ "SubjectQueryCacheTime" ] ) ),
              System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, null );

              // Read the total number of titles from the first row in the result set
              if (list.Count > 0)
              totalCount = (int)list[0]["Count"].Value;
              totalCount = main.TitlesOnlineCount;

              foreach ( CustomDataRow row in list )
            if ( row[ "TagText" ].Value != null )
              HyperLink link = new HyperLink();
              link.NavigateUrl = "/subject/" + Server.UrlEncode( row[ "TagText" ].Value.ToString() );
              link.Text = row[ "TagText" ].Value.ToString();
              link.CssClass = GetCssClassForCount( (int)row[ "Count" ].Value );
              titleTagCloudPlaceHolder.Controls.Add( link );
              Image spacer = new Image();
              spacer.ImageUrl = "/images/blank.gif";
              spacer.Height = 1;
              spacer.Width = 4;
              titleTagCloudPlaceHolder.Controls.Add( spacer );