コード例 #1
ファイル: MapLightmap.cs プロジェクト: Merec/DAoC-MapCreator
        public void Draw(MagickImage map)
            MainForm.ProgressStart("Drawing lightmap ...");

            // Get the heightmap
            MagickImage heightmap = zoneConfiguration.Heightmap.Heightmap;

            using (MagickImage lightmap = new MagickImage(Color.Transparent, 256, 256))
                using (PixelCollection heightmapPixels = heightmap.GetReadOnlyPixels())
                    using (WritablePixelCollection lightmapPixels = lightmap.GetWritablePixels())
                        // z-component of surface normals
                        double nz = 512d / zScale;
                        double nz_2 = nz * nz;
                        double nzlz = nz * lightVector[2];

                        int y1 = 0, y2 = 0;
                        for (int y = 0; y < lightmap.Height; y++)
                            if (y == 0) y1 = 0;
                            else y1 = y - 1;
                            if (y == 255) y2 = 255;
                            else y2 = y + 1;

                            int x1 = 0, x2 = 0;
                            for (int x = 0; x < lightmap.Width; x++)
                                if (x == 0) x1 = 0;
                                else x1 = x - 1;
                                if (x == 255) x2 = 255;
                                else x2 = x + 1;

                                double l = heightmapPixels.GetPixel(x1, y).GetChannel(0);
                                double r = heightmapPixels.GetPixel(x2, y).GetChannel(0);
                                double u = heightmapPixels.GetPixel(x, y1).GetChannel(0);
                                double d = heightmapPixels.GetPixel(x, y2).GetChannel(0);

                                double nx = l - r;
                                double ny = u - d;

                                double m_normal = Math.Sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz_2);
                                double ndotl = (nx * lightVector[0] + ny * lightVector[1] + nzlz) / m_normal;

                                double pixelValue = lightBase - ndotl * lightScale * 256d;

                                ushort pixelValueDiff = 0;
                                ushort alphaValue = ushort.MaxValue;
                                if(pixelValue < 0)
                                    pixelValueDiff = 0;
                                    alphaValue = (ushort)pixelValue;
                                    pixelValueDiff = (ushort)pixelValue;

                                // ColorDodge map
                                // white lightens areas where black does nothing
                                // alpha darkens areas
                                lightmapPixels.Set(x, y, new ushort[] { pixelValueDiff, pixelValueDiff, pixelValueDiff, alphaValue });

                            int percent = 100 * y / lightmap.Height;

                lightmap.Blur(0.0, 0.5);

                lightmap.VirtualPixelMethod = VirtualPixelMethod.Transparent;
                lightmap.FilterType = FilterType.Gaussian;
                lightmap.Resize(zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize, zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize);

                // Apply the bumpmap using ColorDodge
                map.Composite(lightmap, 0, 0, CompositeOperator.ColorDodge);

コード例 #2
        public static List<string> PointGenerator(string inputBitmapPath, PixFormat _pixFor)
            List<string> imglist = new List<string>();
                if (_pixFor == PixFormat._null)
                    throw new Exception("Format null olamaz") { Source = "" };

                using (MagickImage imagem = new MagickImage(inputBitmapPath))
                    //############# ResizeImage #############
                    int yuzde = 100;
                    imagem.Quality = 100;
                    int _w = imagem.Width + (imagem.Width / 100) * yuzde;
                    int _h = imagem.Height + (imagem.Height / 100) * yuzde;
                    int new_W = _w - (_w % (int)_pixFor);
                    int new_H = _h - (_h % (int)_pixFor);
                    imagem.Resize(new_W, new_H);
                    imagem.Blur(5, 5);
                    //############# GenerateSquare #############
                    /////////// calculate image point rgb avg   ////////////
                    string curImgPth = Path.GetFileName(inputBitmapPath);
                    string path = UserProperty.PixelXmlMap_Path + "\\" + curImgPth.Substring(0, curImgPth.Length - 4) + _pixFor.ToString() + "_.xml";
                    FileInfo finf = new FileInfo(path);
                    List<ImgSquare> sp0 = new List<ImgSquare>();
                    if (!File.Exists(path))
                        int[,] pixavg = new int[5, 3];
                        int _pixformat = (int)_pixFor;
                        WritablePixelCollection _totalpix = imagem.GetWritablePixels(0, 0, imagem.Width, imagem.Height);
                        int range = _pixformat / 2;
                        for (int w = 0; w < imagem.Width; w += _pixformat)
                            for (int h = 0; h < imagem.Height; h += _pixformat)
                                if (!(w + _pixformat <= imagem.Width && h + _pixformat <= imagem.Height))
                                    continue;//olmazda olursa diye
                                pixavg = new int[5, 3];
                                for (int x = 0; x < range; x++)
                                    for (int y = 0; y < range; y++)
                                        Color a = _totalpix.GetPixel(x + w + 0, h + 0 + y).ToColor().ToColor();
                                        pixavg[0, 0] += a.R;
                                        pixavg[0, 1] += a.G;
                                        pixavg[0, 2] += a.B;

                                        Color b = _totalpix.GetPixel(x + w + range, h + y).ToColor().ToColor();
                                        pixavg[1, 0] += b.R;
                                        pixavg[1, 1] += b.G;
                                        pixavg[1, 2] += b.B;

                                        Color c = _totalpix.GetPixel(x + w, h + range + y).ToColor().ToColor();
                                        pixavg[2, 0] += c.R;
                                        pixavg[2, 1] += c.G;
                                        pixavg[2, 2] += c.B;

                                        Color d = _totalpix.GetPixel(x + w + range, h + range + y).ToColor().ToColor();
                                        pixavg[3, 0] += d.R;
                                        pixavg[3, 1] += d.G;
                                        pixavg[3, 2] += d.B;

                                //tümü için aynı toplanıyor
                                pixavg[4, 0] = pixavg[0, 0] + pixavg[1, 0] + pixavg[2, 0] + pixavg[3, 0];
                                pixavg[4, 1] = pixavg[0, 1] + pixavg[1, 1] + pixavg[2, 1] + pixavg[3, 1];
                                pixavg[4, 2] = pixavg[0, 2] + pixavg[1, 2] + pixavg[2, 2] + pixavg[3, 2];

                                int totalminiPix = (range * range);
                                pixavg[0, 0] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[0, 1] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[0, 2] /= totalminiPix;

                                pixavg[1, 0] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[1, 1] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[1, 2] /= totalminiPix;

                                pixavg[2, 0] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[2, 1] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[2, 2] /= totalminiPix;

                                pixavg[3, 0] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[3, 1] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[3, 2] /= totalminiPix;

                                int totalPix = totalminiPix * 4;
                                pixavg[4, 0] /= totalPix;
                                pixavg[4, 1] /= totalPix;
                                pixavg[4, 2] /= totalPix;

                                sp0.Add(new ImgSquare(w, h, new List<QuardPixAvg>() 
                                new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb((pixavg[0, 0]), (pixavg[0, 1]), (pixavg[0, 2])), QuardBolum.SolUst),
                                new QuardPixAvg (Color.FromArgb((pixavg[1, 0]), (pixavg[1, 1]), (pixavg[1, 2])), QuardBolum.SagUst),
                                new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb((pixavg[2, 0]), (pixavg[2, 1]), (pixavg[2, 2])), QuardBolum.SolAlt),
                                new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb((pixavg[3, 0]), (pixavg[3, 1]), (pixavg[3, 2])), QuardBolum.SagAlt),
                                new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb((pixavg[4, 0]), (pixavg[4, 1]), (pixavg[4, 2])), QuardBolum.TotalAvg)
                        _totalpix = null;
                        pixavg = null;
                        ////////////////////////////// xml generate ///////////////////////////////
                        #region xml oluşturma
                        //XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                        //XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("SquarePoints");
                        //root.SetAttribute("Count", sp0.Count.ToString());
                        //root.SetAttribute("PixFormat", _pixFor.ToString());
                        //foreach (ImgSquare item in sp0)
                        //    XmlElement child = doc.CreateElement("SquarePoint");
                        //    child.SetAttribute("WxH", item.ToString());
                        //    child.SetAttribute("ColorAVG", item.SAvgArb.ToString());
                        //    List<QuardPixAvg> lstQ = item.QuardAvg;
                        //    child.SetAttribute("SolUst", lstQ[0].QuardAvg.ToString());
                        //    child.SetAttribute("SagUst", lstQ[1].QuardAvg.ToString());
                        //    child.SetAttribute("SolAlt", lstQ[2].QuardAvg.ToString());
                        //    child.SetAttribute("SagAlt", lstQ[3].QuardAvg.ToString());
                        //    root.AppendChild(child);
                        //if (!Directory.Exists(finf.Directory.FullName))
                        //    Directory.CreateDirectory(finf.Directory.FullName);
                        //doc = null;
                        #region xml okuma
                        //XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                        //XmlNodeList root1 = doc.GetElementsByTagName("SquarePoints");
                        //XmlNode root2 = root1.Item(0);
                        //foreach (XmlNode item in root2.ChildNodes)
                        //    try
                        //    {
                        //        XmlAttribute at1 = item.Attributes[0];
                        //        string[] point = at1.InnerText.Split('x');
                        //        XmlAttribute at2 = item.Attributes[1];
                        //        string ColorAvg = at2.InnerText;
                        //        List<QuardPixAvg> lQuard = new List<QuardPixAvg>();
                        //        int SolUst = int.Parse(item.Attributes[2].InnerText);
                        //        int SagUst = int.Parse(item.Attributes[3].InnerText);
                        //        int SolAlt = int.Parse(item.Attributes[4].InnerText);
                        //        int SagAlt = int.Parse(item.Attributes[5].InnerText);
                        //        int Tumu = int.Parse(item.Attributes[1].InnerText);
                        //        lQuard.Add(new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(SolUst), QuardBolum.SolUst));
                        //        lQuard.Add(new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(SagUst), QuardBolum.SagUst));
                        //        lQuard.Add(new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(SolAlt), QuardBolum.SolAlt));
                        //        lQuard.Add(new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(SagAlt), QuardBolum.SagAlt));
                        //        lQuard.Add(new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(Tumu), QuardBolum.Tumu));
                        //        sp0.Add(new ImgSquare(int.Parse(point[0]), int.Parse(point[1]), lQuard));
                        //    }
                        //    catch (Exception e)
                        //    {
                        //        throw e;
                        //    }
                        //root2 = null;
                        //root1 = null;
                        //doc = null;
                    int opacity = 50;
                    switch (_pixFor)
                        case PixFormat._null:
                            throw new Exception("Tanımsız format") { Source = "" };
                        case PixFormat._12x12: //12:36 sn
                            opacity = 50;
                        case PixFormat._20x20: //3:10 sn
                            opacity = 50;
                        case PixFormat._36x36: //0:50 sn
                            opacity = 50;
                        case PixFormat._48x48: //0:27 sn
                            opacity = 50;
                        case PixFormat._64x64: //0:15 sn
                            opacity = 50;
                        case PixFormat._94x94: //0:08 sn
                            opacity = 50;
                    //string MiniPicturePath = Path.Combine(UserProperty.Data_Path, PixFormat._94x94.ToString());  //eski yükleme şekli
                    string MiniPicturePath = Path.Combine(UserProperty.Data_InstagramPhotos);
                    if (Directory.Exists(MiniPicturePath))
                        Bitmap btm = imagem.ToBitmap();
                        using (Graphics gr1 = Graphics.FromImage(btm))
                            //string[] list = Directory.GetFiles(MiniPicturePath, "*" + JPG);
                            //string[] list = new string[0];
                            string[] file = Directory.GetFiles(UserProperty.Current_User, UserProperty.UserXmlInfo);

                            if (file.Count() != 1)
                                throw new Exception("Geçersiz kullanıcı bilgileri");

                            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(file[0]);
                            XElement root = doc.Elements("_" + ImageProperty.GetUserName()).First();
                            XElement InstagramP = root.Elements("InstagramPhotos").FirstOrDefault();
                            XElement[] photos = (from p in InstagramP.Elements() where p.Attribute("useThis").Value.ToLower() == "true" select p).ToArray();
                            //list = new string[photos.Count()];

                            //for (int i = 0; i < photos.Count(); i++)
                            //    list[i] = Path.Combine(MiniPicturePath, photos[i].Value);

                            if (photos.Count() == 0)
                                throw new Exception("Bu Formata Uygun Resimler Bulunamadı") { Source = "" };

                            List<ImgSquare> spl2 = new List<ImgSquare>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < photos.Count(); i++)
                                if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(MiniPicturePath, Path.GetFileName(photos[i].Value))))
                                    using (MagickImage mini = new MagickImage(Path.Combine(MiniPicturePath, Path.GetFileName(photos[i].Value))))
                                        mini.Quality = 100;
                                        if (mini.Width != 94 && mini.Height != 94)
                                            mini.Resize((int)_pixFor, (int)_pixFor);

                                        //ImgSquare imgsq = new ImgSquare(mini.ToBitmap(), new List<QuardPixAvg>() { 
                                        //    new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(photos[i].Attribute("SolUst").Value)),QuardBolum.SagAlt),
                                        //    new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(photos[i].Attribute("SagUst").Value)),QuardBolum.SagAlt),
                                        //    new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(photos[i].Attribute("SolAlt").Value)),QuardBolum.SagAlt),
                                        //    new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(photos[i].Attribute("SagAlt").Value)),QuardBolum.SagAlt),
                                        //    new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(photos[i].Attribute("TotalAvg").Value)),QuardBolum.SagAlt)
                                        spl2.Add(new ImgSquare(mini.ToBitmap()));
                            photos = null;
                            doc = null;
                            root = null;
                            InstagramP = null;
                            List<ImgSquare> spl4 = new List<ImgSquare>();
                            spl4 = spl4.OrderBy(p => p.GeneratedColorCode).ToList();
                            int qpiro_number = 432101;
                            int qpiro_number2 = 0;
                            int undefined = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < sp0.Count; i++)
                                ImgSquare item = sp0[i];
                                //if (item.SAvgArb == 0 && item.IAvgRgb == 0)
                                //    continue;
                                    qpiro_number2 = 0;
                                    List<ImgSquare> snc = null;
                                    int cont = 0;
                                        snc = spl4.Where(p =>
                                            (p.GeneratedColorCode - (qpiro_number + qpiro_number2) < item.GeneratedColorCode &&
                                            p.GeneratedColorCode + (qpiro_number + qpiro_number2) > item.GeneratedColorCode) &&
                                            p.isArea == false).ToList();
                                        qpiro_number2 += 332101;
                                    while (snc.Count == 0 && cont < 5);

                                    Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(item.W, item.H, (int)_pixFor, (int)_pixFor);

                                    if (snc.Count != 0)
                                        int randi = random.Next(0, snc.Count);
                                        System.Drawing.Image img = SmartRotate(item, snc[randi]);
                                        img = Transparnt(img, opacity);
                                        gr1.DrawImage(img, rec);
                                        using (MagickImage imgUndefined = new MagickImage(Path.Combine(UserProperty.Data_InstagramPhotos, "black.jpg")))
                                            System.Drawing.Image img = Transparnt(imgUndefined.ToBitmap(), opacity);
                                            gr1.DrawImage(img, rec);
                                        //int ss = item.GeneratedColorCode;
                                        //if (ss >= 11075440 && ss <= 15260100)
                                        //    cont = 0;
                                        // qpiro_number2 += 332101;
                                        //    do
                                        //    {
                                        //        snc = spl4.Where(p =>
                                        //            (p.GeneratedColorCode - (qpiro_number + qpiro_number2) < item.GeneratedColorCode &&
                                        //            p.GeneratedColorCode + (qpiro_number + qpiro_number2) > item.GeneratedColorCode) &&
                                        //            p.isArea == false).ToList();
                                        //        qpiro_number2 += 332101;
                                        //        cont++;
                                        //    }
                                        //    while (snc.Count == 0 && cont < 13);

                                        //    if (snc.Count != 0)
                                        //    {
                                        //        Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(item.W, item.H, (int)_pixFor, (int)_pixFor);
                                        //        int randi = random.Next(0, snc.Count);
                                        //        System.Drawing.Image img = SmartRotate(item, snc[randi]);
                                        //        snc.Clear();// 
                                        //        img = Transparnt(img, opacity);
                                        //        gr1.DrawImage(img, rec);
                                        //        sp0.RemoveAt(i);
                                        //        i--;
                                        //    }
                                        //    else
                                        //    {

                                        //    }
                                catch (Exception ef)
                                    throw ef;
                            //workingBitmap1.Save(Path.Combine(UsrImageProc.SavedPhotos_Path, Path.GetFileName(inputBitmapPath)));
                            //imglist.Add("lokale kaydettim");
                            Bitmap hd = btm.ArithmeticBlend(btm, ColorCalculationType.Add);
                            imglist.Add(ImageToBase64(hd, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg));
                            imglist.Add(ImageToBase64(btm, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg));
                        throw new Exception("Bu Formata Uygun Resimler Bulunamadı2") { Source = "" };
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
            return imglist;
コード例 #3
ファイル: MapBounds.cs プロジェクト: Merec/DAoC-MapCreator
        private void DebugMaps()
            MainForm.Log("Drawing debug bound images ...", MainForm.LogLevel.warning);
            MainForm.ProgressStartMarquee("Debug bound images ...");

            DirectoryInfo debugDir = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format("{0}\\debug\\bound\\{1}", System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, zoneConfiguration.ZoneId));
            if (!debugDir.Exists) debugDir.Create();
            debugDir.GetFiles().ToList().ForEach(f => f.Delete());

            int boundIndex = 0;
            foreach (List<PointF> allCoords in m_bounds)
                using (MagickImage bound = new MagickImage(MagickColor.Transparent, zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize, zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize))
                    List<Coordinate> coords = allCoords.Select(c => new Coordinate(zoneConfiguration.ZoneCoordinateToMapCoordinate(c.X), zoneConfiguration.ZoneCoordinateToMapCoordinate(c.Y))).ToList();

                    DrawablePolygon poly = new DrawablePolygon(coords);
                    bound.FillColor = new MagickColor(0, 0, 0, 256 * 128);

                    // Print Text
                    for (int i = 0; i < coords.Count; i++)
                        double x, y;

                        if (coords[i].X > zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize / 2) x = coords[i].X - 15;
                        else x = coords[i].X + 1;

                        if (coords[i].Y < zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize / 2) y = coords[i].Y + 15;
                        else y = coords[i].Y - 1;

                        bound.FontPointsize = 10.0;
                        bound.FillColor = Color.Black;
                        DrawableText text = new DrawableText(x, y, string.Format("{0} ({1}/{2})", i, zoneConfiguration.MapCoordinateToZoneCoordinate(coords[i].X), zoneConfiguration.MapCoordinateToZoneCoordinate(coords[i].Y)));

                        using (WritablePixelCollection pixels = bound.GetWritablePixels())
                            int x2, y2;
                            if (coords[i].X == zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize) x2 = zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize - 1;
                            else x2 = (int)coords[i].X;
                            if (coords[i].Y == zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize) y2 = zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize - 1;
                            else y2 = (int)coords[i].Y;

                            pixels.Set(x2, y2, new ushort[] { 0, 0, 65535, 0 });

                    //bound.Quality = 100;
                    bound.Write(string.Format("{0}\\bound_{1}.png", debugDir.FullName, boundIndex));


コード例 #4
ファイル: MapWater.cs プロジェクト: Merec/DAoC-MapCreator
        public void Draw(MagickImage map)
            MainForm.ProgressStart("Rendering water ...");

            using (PixelCollection heightmapPixels = zoneConfiguration.Heightmap.HeightmapScaled.GetReadOnlyPixels())
                using (MagickImage water = new MagickImage(MagickColor.Transparent, zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize, zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize))
                    int progressCounter = 0;

                    foreach (WaterConfiguration river in m_waterAreas)
                        MainForm.Log(river.Name + "...", MainForm.LogLevel.notice);

                        MagickColor fillColor;
                        if (m_useClientColors) fillColor = river.Color;
                        else fillColor = m_waterColor;
                        //water.FillColor = fillColor;

                        // Get the river coordinates and scale them to the targets size
                        List<Coordinate> riverCoordinates = river.GetCoordinates().Select(c => new Coordinate(c.X * zoneConfiguration.MapScale, c.Y * zoneConfiguration.MapScale)).ToList();

                        // Texture
                        using (MagickImage texture = new MagickImage((river.Type.ToLower() == "lava") ? GetLavaTexture() : GetWateryTexture()))
                            using (MagickImage pattern = new MagickImage(fillColor, texture.Width, texture.Height))
                                texture.Composite(pattern, 0, 0, CompositeOperator.DstIn);
                                texture.Composite(pattern, 0, 0, CompositeOperator.ColorDodge);

                                water.FillPattern = texture;
                                DrawablePolygon poly = new DrawablePolygon(riverCoordinates);

                        // get the min/max and just process them
                        int minX = Convert.ToInt32(riverCoordinates.Min(m => m.X)) - 10;
                        int maxX = Convert.ToInt32(riverCoordinates.Max(m => m.X)) + 10;
                        int minY = Convert.ToInt32(riverCoordinates.Min(m => m.Y)) - 10;
                        int maxY = Convert.ToInt32(riverCoordinates.Max(m => m.Y)) + 10;

                        using (WritablePixelCollection riverPixelCollection = water.GetWritablePixels())
                            for (int x = minX; x < maxX; x++)
                                if (x < 0) continue;
                                if (x >= zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize) continue;

                                for (int y = minY; y < maxY; y++)
                                    if (y < 0) continue;
                                    if (y >= zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize) continue;

                                    ushort pixelHeight = heightmapPixels.GetPixel(x, y).GetChannel(0);
                                    if (pixelHeight > river.Height)
                                        Pixel newPixel = new Pixel(x, y, new ushort[] { 0, 0, 0, ushort.MinValue });

                        if (debug)
                            DebugRiver(progressCounter, river, riverCoordinates);

                        int percent = 100 * progressCounter / m_waterAreas.Count();


                    if (WaterTransparency != 0)
                        double divideValue = 100.0 / (100.0 - WaterTransparency);
                        water.Evaluate(Channels.Alpha, EvaluateOperator.Divide, divideValue);

                    map.Composite(water, 0, 0, CompositeOperator.SrcOver);

コード例 #5
ファイル: MapHeightmap.cs プロジェクト: Merec/DAoC-MapCreator
        private void GenerateHeightmap()
            if(this.heightmapGenerated) return;
            MainForm.ProgressStart("Processing heightmap ...");

            using (MagickImage offsetmap = zoneConfiguration.GetOffsetMap())
                using (MagickImage terrainmap = zoneConfiguration.GetTerrainMap())
                    m_heightmap = new MagickImage(Color.Black, offsetmap.Width, offsetmap.Height);

                    using (WritablePixelCollection heightmapPixels = m_heightmap.GetWritablePixels())
                        PixelCollection terrainPixels = terrainmap.GetReadOnlyPixels();
                        PixelCollection offsetPixels = offsetmap.GetReadOnlyPixels();

                        for (int x = 0; x < offsetmap.Width; x++)
                            for (int y = 0; y < offsetmap.Height; y++)
                                ushort terrainPixelValue = (ushort)(terrainPixels[x, y].GetChannel(0) / 256);
                                ushort offsetPixelValue = (ushort)(offsetPixels[x, y].GetChannel(0) / 256);
                                ushort heightmapPixelValue = (ushort)(terrainPixelValue * m_terrainfactor + offsetPixelValue * m_offsetfactor);

                                heightmapPixels.Set(x, y, new ushort[] { heightmapPixelValue, heightmapPixelValue, heightmapPixelValue });

                            int percent = 100 * x / offsetmap.Width;


                    MainForm.ProgressStartMarquee("Merging ...");

                    m_heightmap.Quality = 100;

                    // Scale to target size
                    m_heightmapScaled = new MagickImage(m_heightmap);
                    m_heightmapScaled.Resize(zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize, zoneConfiguration.TargetMapSize);

            this.heightmapGenerated = true;
コード例 #6
 public void Test_GetValue()
   using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(Color.Red, 5, 10))
     using (WritablePixelCollection pixels = image.GetWritablePixels())
       Test_PixelColor(pixels, Color.Red);
コード例 #7
 public void Test_Dimensions()
   using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(Color.Red, 5, 10))
     using (WritablePixelCollection pixels = image.GetWritablePixels())
       Assert.AreEqual(5, pixels.Width);
       Assert.AreEqual(10, pixels.Height);
       Assert.AreEqual(3, pixels.Channels);
       Assert.AreEqual(5 * 10 * pixels.Channels, pixels.GetValues().Length);
コード例 #8
    public void Test_Write()
      using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(Color.Red, 10, 1))
        using (WritablePixelCollection pixels = image.GetWritablePixels())
          byte[] bytes = new byte[10 * pixels.Channels];
          for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
            bytes[i] = 0;


        TestPixels(image, new MagickColor(0, 0, 0));

        using (WritablePixelCollection pixels = image.GetWritablePixels())
          foreach (Pixel pixel in pixels)
            pixel.SetChannel(2, Quantum.Max);


        TestPixels(image, Color.Blue);
コード例 #9
    public void Test_Set()
      using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(Color.Red, 5, 10))
        using (WritablePixelCollection pixels = image.GetWritablePixels())
          ExceptionAssert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(delegate ()

          ExceptionAssert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(delegate ()

          ExceptionAssert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(delegate ()

          Assert.AreEqual(3, pixels.Channels);
          Test_Set(pixels, new QuantumType[] { });
          Test_Set(pixels, new QuantumType[] { 0 });
          Test_Set(pixels, new QuantumType[] { 0, 0 });

          pixels.Set(new QuantumType[] { 0, 0, 0 });
          Test_PixelColor(pixels, Color.Black);

        using (PixelCollection pixels = image.GetReadOnlyPixels())
          Test_PixelColor(pixels, Color.Black);

        using (WritablePixelCollection pixels = image.GetWritablePixels())
          pixels.Set(new uint[] { 4294967295, 0, 0 });
          Test_PixelColor(pixels, Color.Red);
          pixels.Set(new ushort[] { 0, 0, 65535 });
          Test_PixelColor(pixels, Color.Blue);
          pixels.Set(new byte[] { 0, 255, 0 });
          Test_PixelColor(pixels, Color.Lime);

        using (WritablePixelCollection pixels = image.GetWritablePixels())
          for (int x = 0; x < pixels.Width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < pixels.Height; y++)
              pixels.Set(x, y, new QuantumType[] { 0, 0, 0 });
コード例 #10
        public static NewImagePart PointGenerator(string UserName, byte[] ImagePart, int _x, int _y, int width, int height, int PxFormat)
                Rectangle recti = new Rectangle(_x, _y, width, height);
                PixFormat _pixFor = (PixFormat)StringToEnum(typeof(PixFormat), Convert.ToString("_" + PxFormat.ToString() + "x" + PxFormat.ToString()));
                qprPath resources = new qprPath(UserName);
                if (_pixFor == PixFormat._null)
                    throw new Exception("Format null olamaz") { Source = "" };

                //Bitmap bmp;
                //using (var ms = new MemoryStream(ImagePart))
                //    bmp = new Bitmap(ms);

                using (MagickImage imagem = new MagickImage(ImagePart))
                    imagem.Quality = 100;
                    imagem.Blur(5, 5);

                    List<ImgSquare> sp0 = new List<ImgSquare>();
                    if (true)
                        int[,] pixavg = new int[5, 3];
                        int _pixformat = (int)_pixFor;
                        WritablePixelCollection _totalpix = imagem.GetWritablePixels(0, 0, imagem.Width, imagem.Height);
                        int range = _pixformat / 2;
                        for (int w = 0; w < imagem.Width; w += _pixformat)
                            for (int h = 0; h < imagem.Height; h += _pixformat)
                                if (!(w + _pixformat <= imagem.Width && h + _pixformat <= imagem.Height))
                                    continue;//olmazda olursa diye
                                pixavg = new int[5, 3];
                                for (int x = 0; x < range; x++)
                                    for (int y = 0; y < range; y++)
                                        Color a = _totalpix.GetPixel(x + w + 0, h + 0 + y).ToColor().ToColor();
                                        pixavg[0, 0] += a.R;
                                        pixavg[0, 1] += a.G;
                                        pixavg[0, 2] += a.B;

                                        Color b = _totalpix.GetPixel(x + w + range, h + y).ToColor().ToColor();
                                        pixavg[1, 0] += b.R;
                                        pixavg[1, 1] += b.G;
                                        pixavg[1, 2] += b.B;

                                        Color c = _totalpix.GetPixel(x + w, h + range + y).ToColor().ToColor();
                                        pixavg[2, 0] += c.R;
                                        pixavg[2, 1] += c.G;
                                        pixavg[2, 2] += c.B;

                                        Color d = _totalpix.GetPixel(x + w + range, h + range + y).ToColor().ToColor();
                                        pixavg[3, 0] += d.R;
                                        pixavg[3, 1] += d.G;
                                        pixavg[3, 2] += d.B;

                                //tümü için aynı toplanıyor
                                pixavg[4, 0] = pixavg[0, 0] + pixavg[1, 0] + pixavg[2, 0] + pixavg[3, 0];
                                pixavg[4, 1] = pixavg[0, 1] + pixavg[1, 1] + pixavg[2, 1] + pixavg[3, 1];
                                pixavg[4, 2] = pixavg[0, 2] + pixavg[1, 2] + pixavg[2, 2] + pixavg[3, 2];

                                int totalminiPix = (range * range);
                                pixavg[0, 0] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[0, 1] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[0, 2] /= totalminiPix;

                                pixavg[1, 0] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[1, 1] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[1, 2] /= totalminiPix;

                                pixavg[2, 0] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[2, 1] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[2, 2] /= totalminiPix;

                                pixavg[3, 0] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[3, 1] /= totalminiPix;
                                pixavg[3, 2] /= totalminiPix;

                                int totalPix = totalminiPix * 4;
                                pixavg[4, 0] /= totalPix;
                                pixavg[4, 1] /= totalPix;
                                pixavg[4, 2] /= totalPix;

                                sp0.Add(new ImgSquare(w, h, new List<QuardPixAvg>()
                                new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb((pixavg[0, 0]), (pixavg[0, 1]), (pixavg[0, 2])), QuardBolum.SolUst),
                                new QuardPixAvg (Color.FromArgb((pixavg[1, 0]), (pixavg[1, 1]), (pixavg[1, 2])), QuardBolum.SagUst),
                                new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb((pixavg[2, 0]), (pixavg[2, 1]), (pixavg[2, 2])), QuardBolum.SolAlt),
                                new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb((pixavg[3, 0]), (pixavg[3, 1]), (pixavg[3, 2])), QuardBolum.SagAlt),
                                new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb((pixavg[4, 0]), (pixavg[4, 1]), (pixavg[4, 2])), QuardBolum.TotalAvg)
                        _totalpix = null;
                        pixavg = null;
                        ////////////////////////////// xml generate ///////////////////////////////

                        #region xml oluşturma

                        //XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                        //XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("SquarePoints");
                        //root.SetAttribute("Count", sp0.Count.ToString());
                        //root.SetAttribute("PixFormat", _pixFor.ToString());
                        //foreach (ImgSquare item in sp0)
                        //    XmlElement child = doc.CreateElement("SquarePoint");
                        //    child.SetAttribute("WxH", item.ToString());
                        //    child.SetAttribute("ColorAVG", item.SAvgArb.ToString());
                        //    List<QuardPixAvg> lstQ = item.QuardAvg;
                        //    child.SetAttribute("SolUst", lstQ[0].QuardAvg.ToString());
                        //    child.SetAttribute("SagUst", lstQ[1].QuardAvg.ToString());
                        //    child.SetAttribute("SolAlt", lstQ[2].QuardAvg.ToString());
                        //    child.SetAttribute("SagAlt", lstQ[3].QuardAvg.ToString());
                        //    root.AppendChild(child);
                        //if (!Directory.Exists(finf.Directory.FullName))
                        //    Directory.CreateDirectory(finf.Directory.FullName);
                        //doc = null;

                        #endregion xml oluşturma
                        #region xml okuma

                        //XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                        //XmlNodeList root1 = doc.GetElementsByTagName("SquarePoints");
                        //XmlNode root2 = root1.Item(0);
                        //foreach (XmlNode item in root2.ChildNodes)
                        //    try
                        //    {
                        //        XmlAttribute at1 = item.Attributes[0];
                        //        string[] point = at1.InnerText.Split('x');
                        //        XmlAttribute at2 = item.Attributes[1];
                        //        string ColorAvg = at2.InnerText;
                        //        List<QuardPixAvg> lQuard = new List<QuardPixAvg>();
                        //        int SolUst = int.Parse(item.Attributes[2].InnerText);
                        //        int SagUst = int.Parse(item.Attributes[3].InnerText);
                        //        int SolAlt = int.Parse(item.Attributes[4].InnerText);
                        //        int SagAlt = int.Parse(item.Attributes[5].InnerText);
                        //        int Tumu = int.Parse(item.Attributes[1].InnerText);
                        //        lQuard.Add(new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(SolUst), QuardBolum.SolUst));
                        //        lQuard.Add(new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(SagUst), QuardBolum.SagUst));
                        //        lQuard.Add(new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(SolAlt), QuardBolum.SolAlt));
                        //        lQuard.Add(new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(SagAlt), QuardBolum.SagAlt));
                        //        lQuard.Add(new QuardPixAvg(Color.FromArgb(Tumu), QuardBolum.Tumu));
                        //        sp0.Add(new ImgSquare(int.Parse(point[0]), int.Parse(point[1]), lQuard));
                        //    }
                        //    catch (Exception e)
                        //    {
                        //        throw e;
                        //    }
                        //root2 = null;
                        //root1 = null;
                        //doc = null;

                        #endregion xml okuma
                    int opacity = 50;
                    switch (_pixFor)
                        case PixFormat._null:
                            throw new Exception("Tanımsız format") { Source = "" };

                        case PixFormat._12x12:
                            opacity = 50;

                        case PixFormat._20x20:
                            opacity = 50;

                        case PixFormat._36x36:
                            opacity = 50;

                        case PixFormat._48x48:
                            opacity = 50;

                        case PixFormat._64x64:
                            opacity = 50;

                        case PixFormat._94x94:
                            opacity = 50;
                    string MiniPicturePath = Path.Combine(resources.Data_InstagramPhotos);
                    if (Directory.Exists(MiniPicturePath))
                        Bitmap btm = imagem.ToBitmap();
                        using (Graphics gr1 = Graphics.FromImage(btm))
                            string[] file = Directory.GetFiles(resources.Current_User, resources.UserXmlInfo);

                            if (file.Count() != 1)
                                throw new Exception("Geçersiz kullanıcı bilgileri");

                            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(file[0]);
                            XElement root = doc.Elements("_" + resources.UserName).First();
                            XElement InstagramP = root.Elements("InstagramPhotos").FirstOrDefault();
                            XElement[] photos = (from p in InstagramP.Elements() where p.Attribute("useThis").Value.ToLower() == "true" select p).ToArray();
                            if (photos.Count() == 0)
                                throw new Exception("Bu Formata Uygun Resimler Bulunamadı") { Source = "" };

                            List<ImgSquare> spl2 = new List<ImgSquare>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < photos.Count(); i++)
                                if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(MiniPicturePath, Path.GetFileName(photos[i].Value))))
                                    using (MagickImage mini = new MagickImage(Path.Combine(MiniPicturePath, Path.GetFileName(photos[i].Value))))
                                        mini.Quality = 100;
                                        if (mini.Width != 94 && mini.Height != 94)
                                            mini.Resize((int)_pixFor, (int)_pixFor);
                                        spl2.Add(new ImgSquare(mini.ToBitmap()));

                            photos = null;
                            doc = null;
                            root = null;
                            InstagramP = null;
                            List<ImgSquare> spl4 = new List<ImgSquare>();
                            spl4 = spl4.OrderBy(p => p.GeneratedColorCode).ToList();
                            int qpiro_number = 432101;
                            int qpiro_number2 = 0;
                            int undefined = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < sp0.Count; i++)
                                ImgSquare item = sp0[i];
                                    qpiro_number2 = 0;
                                    List<ImgSquare> snc = null;
                                    int cont = 0;
                                        snc = spl4.Where(p =>
                                            (p.GeneratedColorCode - (qpiro_number + qpiro_number2) < item.GeneratedColorCode &&
                                            p.GeneratedColorCode + (qpiro_number + qpiro_number2) > item.GeneratedColorCode) &&
                                            p.isArea == false).ToList();
                                        qpiro_number2 += 332101;
                                    while (snc.Count == 0 && cont < 5);

                                    Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(item.W, item.H, (int)_pixFor, (int)_pixFor);

                                    if (snc.Count != 0)
                                        int randi = random.Next(0, snc.Count);
                                        System.Drawing.Image img = SmartRotate(item, snc[randi]);
                                        img = Transparnt(img, opacity);
                                        gr1.DrawImage(img, rec);
                                        cont = 0;
                                        qpiro_number2 = (332101 * 5);
                                            snc = spl4.Where(p =>
                                                (p.GeneratedColorCode - (qpiro_number + qpiro_number2) < item.GeneratedColorCode &&
                                                p.GeneratedColorCode + (qpiro_number + qpiro_number2) > item.GeneratedColorCode) &&
                                                p.isArea == false).ToList();
                                            qpiro_number2 += 332101;
                                        while (snc.Count == 0 && cont < 11);

                                        if (snc.Count > 0)
                                            int randi = random.Next(0, snc.Count);
                                            System.Drawing.Image img = SmartRotate(item, snc[randi]);
                                            Bitmap bt0 = new Bitmap(rec.Width, rec.Height);
                                            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bt0);
                                            if (opacity != 100)
                                                img = Transparnt(img, opacity + 20);
                                            g.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(0, 0, rec.Width, rec.Height));
                                            gr1.DrawImage(bt0, rec);

                                catch (Exception ef)
                                    throw ef;
                            return new NewImagePart() { newImage = new MagickImage(btm).ToByteArray(), ImagePartInfo = recti.ToString() };
                        throw new Exception("Bu Formata Uygun Resimler Bulunamadı2") { Source = "" };
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
            return null;