コード例 #1
        private void buttonParse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (listBoxSite.SelectedIndex == -1)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Please pick a site");

            IHandHistoryParserFactory factory = new HandHistoryParserFactoryImpl();
            var handParser = factory.GetFullHandHistoryParser((SiteName) listBoxSite.SelectedItem);

                var hands = handParser.SplitUpMultipleHands(richTextBoxHandText.Text).ToList();
                foreach (var hand in hands)
                    var parsedHand = handParser.ParseFullHandHistory(hand, true);

                MessageBox.Show(this, "Parsed " + hands.Count + " hands.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace, "Error");
コード例 #2
        private IEnumerable <Player> GetParsedPlayers(string handHistoryFile)
            var handHistoryText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(handHistoryFile);

            var parserFactory = new HandHistories.Parser.Parsers.Factory.HandHistoryParserFactoryImpl();

            var parser = parserFactory.GetFullHandHistoryParser(handHistoryText);

            var hands = parser.SplitUpMultipleHands(handHistoryText).ToArray();

            var hand = hands.Single();

            var players = parser.ParsePlayers(hand);

コード例 #3
        private HandHistories.Objects.Hand.HandHistory ParseHandHistory(string handHistoryFile)
            var handHistoryText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(handHistoryFile);

            var parserFactory = new HandHistories.Parser.Parsers.Factory.HandHistoryParserFactoryImpl();

            var parser = parserFactory.GetFullHandHistoryParser(handHistoryText);

            if (parser.SiteName != EnumPokerSites.PartyPoker)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            var hands = parser.SplitUpMultipleHands(handHistoryText).ToArray();

            var hand = hands.First();

            var handHistory = parser.ParseFullHandHistory(hand, true);

コード例 #4
        private void buttonParse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (listBoxSite.SelectedIndex == -1)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Please pick a site");

            IHandHistoryParserFactory factory = new HandHistoryParserFactoryImpl();
            var handParser = factory.GetFullHandHistoryParser((SiteName) listBoxSite.SelectedItem);

                handParser.ParseFullHandHistory(richTextBoxHandText.Text, true);
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Parsed");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace, "Error");
コード例 #5
        private void buttonParse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (listBoxSite.SelectedIndex == -1)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Please pick a site");

            IHandHistoryParserFactory factory = new HandHistoryParserFactoryImpl();
            var handParser = factory.GetFullHandHistoryParser((SiteName) listBoxSite.SelectedItem);

                string text = richTextBoxHandText.Text;

                int parsedHands = 0;
                Stopwatch SW = new Stopwatch();

                HandHistoryParserFastImpl fastParser = handParser as HandHistoryParserFastImpl;

                var hands = fastParser.SplitUpMultipleHandsToLines(text);
                foreach (var hand in hands)
                    var parsedHand = fastParser.ParseFullHandHistory(hand, true);


                MessageBox.Show(this, "Parsed " + parsedHands + " hands." + Math.Round(SW.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, 2) + "ms");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace, "Error");
コード例 #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // takes a full path to a directory that contains raw *.txt poker history files from 888 poker.
            IHandHistoryParserFactory handHistoryParserFactory = new HandHistoryParserFactoryImpl();

            // Get the correct parser from the factory.
            var handHistoryParser = new Poker888FastParserImpl();
            HandHistoryParserFastImpl fastParser = handHistoryParser as HandHistoryParserFastImpl;

                // The true causes hand-parse errors to get thrown. If this is false, hand-errors will
                // be silent and null will be returned.
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[0], "*.txt", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                int fileCount = files.Length;
                foreach (string file in files)
                    Console.WriteLine("number of files left {0} out of {1}", fileCount--, files.Length);
                    string fileText = new StreamReader(file).ReadToEnd();
                    var hands = fastParser.SplitUpMultipleHandsToLines(fileText);
                    var outputFile = new StreamWriter(file + ".csv");
                    foreach (var hand in hands)
                        var parsedHand = fastParser.ParseFullHandHistory(hand, true);

                        // probably not the best way to do this. This should be added to the ParseHandActions function or something.
                        decimal currentPotSize = 0;
                        int actionNumber = 0;
                        foreach (var action in parsedHand.HandActions)
                            // I tried to do this (this = 'actionNumber++') rtdfgcvdrt properly via the ParseHandActions function in Poker888FastParserImpl.cs file to be 1-1 with the raw handlines, however
                            // I was getting some un-expected behavior when the action was all in and the winning action the handline index would be 0 so you would end up with
                            // actions sequences like 1,2,3,4,5,6,0,8,9,10.
                            if (action.HandActionType == HandHistories.Objects.Actions.HandActionType.ANTE
                                || action.HandActionType == HandHistories.Objects.Actions.HandActionType.BET
                                || action.HandActionType == HandHistories.Objects.Actions.HandActionType.SMALL_BLIND
                                || action.HandActionType == HandHistories.Objects.Actions.HandActionType.RAISE
                                || action.HandActionType == HandHistories.Objects.Actions.HandActionType.BIG_BLIND
                                || action.HandActionType == HandHistories.Objects.Actions.HandActionType.CALL
                                || action.HandActionType == HandHistories.Objects.Actions.HandActionType.ALL_IN)
                                currentPotSize += action.Amount;

                            // Don't judge me.... this code is just chaos...but it's works.
                            string handRank;
                            HandEvaluator.HandEvaluator he = new HandEvaluator.HandEvaluator();
                            string handstring = String.Format("{0}{1}", parsedHand.Players.First(p => p.PlayerName.Equals(action.PlayerName)).HoleCards, parsedHand.ComumnityCards);
                            string flopstring;
                            string turnstring;
                            string riverstring;
                            string currenthandstring;
                            Hand h = new Hand();
                            // holecards
                            Hand hc = new Hand();
                            Dictionary<Hand, int> handOuts = new Dictionary<Hand, int>();
                            Dictionary<Hand, List<Card>> cardouts;
                            int outs = 0;
                            double hr = 0.0;
                            string couts = "";
                            if (handstring.Length >= 14)
                                currenthandstring = "";
                                flopstring = handstring.Substring(4, 6);
                                turnstring = handstring.Substring(10, 2);
                                riverstring = handstring.Substring(12, 2);
                                // build the hand play-by-play so we can get current hand ranking and also build in hand outs.
                                switch (action.Street)
                                    case HandHistories.Objects.Cards.Street.Flop:
                                        currenthandstring = handstring.Substring(0, 4) + flopstring;
                                        h = new Hand(currenthandstring, 7, 5);
                                        hc = new Hand(handstring.Substring(0, 4), 7, 5);
                                        hr = he.RankHand(h, out handRank);
                                        handOuts = he.ComputeOuts(h, hc.HAND, new Hand(flopstring, 7, 5).HAND, out cardouts);
                                        outs = handOuts[h];
                                        couts = new Hand(cardouts[h], 52, 5).HandToString();

                                    case HandHistories.Objects.Cards.Street.Turn:
                                        currenthandstring = handstring.Substring(0, 4) + flopstring + turnstring;
                                        h = new Hand(currenthandstring, 7, 5);
                                        hc = new Hand(handstring.Substring(0, 4), 7, 5);

                                        hr = he.RankHand(h, out handRank);
                                        handOuts = he.ComputeOuts(h, hc.HAND, new Hand(flopstring + turnstring, 7, 5).HAND, out cardouts);
                                        outs = handOuts[h];
                                        couts = new Hand(cardouts[h], 52, 5).HandToString();

                                    case HandHistories.Objects.Cards.Street.River:
                                        currenthandstring = handstring.Substring(0, 4) + flopstring + turnstring + riverstring;
                                        h = new Hand(currenthandstring, 7, currenthandstring.Length / 2);
                                        hc = new Hand(handstring.Substring(0, 4), 7, 5);
                                        hr = he.RankHand(h, out handRank);
                                        outs = 0; // No need to compute outs on the river.  No more cards to come.

                                        hr = 0.0;
                                        outs = 0;


                                hr = 0.0;
                                outs = 0;
                                , parsedHand.HandId
                                , parsedHand.DealerButtonPosition
                                , parsedHand.TableName
                                , parsedHand.GameDescription
                                , parsedHand.NumPlayersActive
                                , parsedHand.NumPlayersSeated
                                , parsedHand.Rake
                                , parsedHand.ComumnityCards
                                , parsedHand.TotalPot
                                , action.PlayerName
                                , parsedHand.Players.First(p => p.PlayerName.Equals(action.PlayerName)).HoleCards
                                , parsedHand.Players.First(p => p.PlayerName.Equals(action.PlayerName)).StartingStack
                                , parsedHand.Players.First(p => p.PlayerName.Equals(action.PlayerName)).SeatNumber
                                , actionNumber
                                , action.Amount
                                , action.HandActionType
                                , outs.ToString()
                                , couts
                                , hr.ToString()
                                , currentPotSize
                                , action.Street
                                , action.IsAggressiveAction
                                , action.IsAllIn
                                , action.IsAllInAction
                                , action.IsBlinds
                                , action.IsGameAction
                                , action.IsPreFlopRaise
                                , action.IsRaise
                                , action.IsWinningsAction

            catch (Exception ex) // Catch hand-parsing exceptions
                Console.WriteLine("Parsing Error: {0}", ex.Message); // Example logging.