コード例 #1
         * Calculate the feature area error of the ellipse
         * @return feature area error
        protected double calcFeatureArea()
            double err1 = FeatureArea.toPoint(recognizer.getPoints(), m_center);

            err1 /= (Math.PI * (m_minorAxisLength / 2.0) * (m_majorAxisLength / 2.0));
            err1  = Math.Abs(1.0 - err1);
            if (Double.IsInfinity(err1) || Double.IsNaN(err1))
                err1 = M_ELLIPSE_FEATURE_AREA * 10.0;
コード例 #2
        public void FitTest(Recognizer m_features, bool useEndpoints = false)
            // if only two points then we have a line with no error
            if (m_features.getNumPoints() <= 2)
                //log.debug("LineFit: stroke contains " + m_features.getNumPoints()
                //        + " points");
                m_err    = 0.0;
                m_lsqe   = 0.0;
                m_passed = true;

            // ideal line (just connect the endpoints)
            if (useEndpoints)
                m_shape = new Line2D.Double(m_features.getFirstOrigPoint().X,
                                            m_features.getFirstOrigPoint().Y, m_features
                                            .getLastOrigPoint().X, m_features
                m_shape = m_features.getMajorAxis();

            // test 1: least squares error between the stroke points and the line
            // formed by the endpoints
            m_lsqe  = LeastSquares.error(m_features.getPoints(), (Line2D)m_shape);
            m_ratio = m_features.getEndptStrokeLengthRatio();
            if (m_features.getStrokeLength() > 25.0)
                if (m_lsqe / m_features.getStrokeLength() > 1.4)
                    m_passed = false;
                    m_fail   = 0;

                    // if line test was close and endpt ratio is high then go ahead
                    // and pass
                    if (m_lsqe / m_features.getStrokeLength() < M_LINE_LS_ERROR_FROM_ENDPTS + 0.1 &&
                        m_ratio > 0.98)
                        m_passed = true;
                if (m_lsqe / m_features.getStrokeLength() > 1.25 && m_ratio < 0.75 &&
                    m_features.getNumRevolutions() <= 0.5)
                    m_passed = false;
                    m_fail   = 1;
                if (m_lsqe / m_features.getStrokeLength() > 1.5 && m_ratio < 0.732)
                    m_passed = false;
                    m_fail   = 2;
                if (m_lsqe / m_features.getStrokeLength() > 1.25 && m_ratio < 0.7 &&
                    m_features.getNumRevolutions() < 0.15)
                    m_passed = false;
                    m_fail   = 3;

            // test 2: verify that stroke is not overtraced
            if (m_features.isOvertraced())
                m_passed = false;
                m_fail   = 4;

            // test 3: test feature area (use as error for fit)
            m_err = FeatureArea.toLine(m_features.getPoints(), (Line2D)m_shape)
                    / m_features.getStrokeLength();
            if (m_err > M_LINE_FEATURE_AREA)
                m_passed = false;
                m_fail   = 5;

            // test 4: ratio must be near 1.0
            //if (m_ratio > 0.99) // definitely a line
            //    m_passed = true;
            if (m_ratio < 0.3)
            { // definitely not a line
                m_passed = false;
                m_fail   = 6;

            lineLength = m_features.getStrokeLength();

            // compute beautified shape
            catch (Exception e)
                //log.error("Could not create shape object: " + e.getMessage());

            //log.debug("LineFit: passed = " + m_passed + "(" + m_fail
            //        + ") least sq error = "
            //        + (m_lsqe / m_features.getStrokeLength()) + "  overtraced = "
            //        + m_features.isOvertraced() + "  feature area error = " + m_err
            //        + "  endpts = (" + ((Line2D)m_shape).getX1() + ","
            //        + ((Line2D)m_shape).getY1() + ") ("
            //        + ((Line2D)m_shape).getX2() + "," + ((Line2D)m_shape).getY2()
            //        +
            //        /* ") corners = " + m_features.numFinalCorners() + */
            //        "  best fit = (" + m_features.getBestFitLine().getX1() + ","
            //        + m_features.getBestFitLine().getY1() + ") ("
            //        + m_features.getBestFitLine().getX2() + ","
            //        + m_features.getBestFitLine().getY2() + ")  is closed = "
            //        + m_features.isClosed() + " ratio = " + m_ratio + " length = "
            //        + m_features.getStrokeLength() + " revs = "
            //        + m_features.getNumRevolutions());