コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor for webapplications. Obtain the token using the authsub
        /// helper methods
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">Your authentication token</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Application(string token)
            GAuthSubRequestFactory authFactory =
                new GAuthSubRequestFactory("wise", Application.Name);

            authFactory.Token = token;
            Application.service = new SpreadsheetsService(authFactory.ApplicationName);
            Application.service.RequestFactory = authFactory;
コード例 #2
 public void TokenTest()
     string service = "TestValue"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string applicationName = "TestValue"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     GAuthSubRequestFactory target = new GAuthSubRequestFactory(service, applicationName); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string expected = "TestValue";            
     string actual;
     target.Token = expected;
     actual = target.Token;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
コード例 #3
    protected void SubmitVideo_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Title.Text) == false &&
            String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Description.Text) == false &&
            String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Category.SelectedValue) == false &&
            String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Keyword.Text) == false)

            GAuthSubRequestFactory authFactory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory(ServiceNames.YouTube, "TesterApp");

            YouTubeService service = new YouTubeService(authFactory.ApplicationName,

            authFactory.Token = HttpContext.Current.Session["token"] as string;
            service.RequestFactory = authFactory;

                YouTubeEntry entry = new YouTubeEntry();
                entry.Media = new Google.GData.YouTube.MediaGroup();
                entry.Media.Description = new MediaDescription(this.Description.Text);
                entry.Media.Title = new MediaTitle(this.Title.Text);
                entry.Media.Keywords = new MediaKeywords(this.Keyword.Text);

                // entry.Media.Categories
                MediaCategory category = new MediaCategory(this.Category.SelectedValue);
                category.Attributes["scheme"] = YouTubeService.DefaultCategory;

                FormUploadToken token = service.FormUpload(entry);
                HttpContext.Current.Session["form_upload_url"] = token.Url;
                HttpContext.Current.Session["form_upload_token"] = token.Token;
                string page = "http://" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"];
                if (Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT"] != "80")
                    page += ":" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT"];
                page += Request.ServerVariables["URL"];

                HttpContext.Current.Session["form_upload_redirect"] = page;
            catch (GDataRequestException gdre)
                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)gdre.Response;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// if the service is using a Google Request Factory it will set the passed
        /// in token to the factory. NET CF does not support authsubtokens here
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>string</returns>
        public void SetAuthenticationToken(string token)
            GDataGAuthRequestFactory factory = this.factory as GDataGAuthRequestFactory;

            if (factory != null)
                factory.GAuthToken = token;
                GAuthSubRequestFactory f = this.factory as GAuthSubRequestFactory;
                if (f != null)
                    f.Token = token;
コード例 #5
		private ActionResult ConfigView(Settings settings, Config model)
			// Grab all of the available sites that the authorized account has access to
			var authFactory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory("analytics", ApplicationName)
									Token = settings.SessionToken
			var analytics = new AnalyticsService(authFactory.ApplicationName) { RequestFactory = authFactory };
			foreach (AccountEntry entry in analytics.Query(new AccountQuery()).Entries)
				var account = entry.Properties.First(x => x.Name == "ga:accountName").Value;
				if (!model.Sites.ContainsKey(account))
					model.Sites.Add(account, new Dictionary<string, string>());
				model.Sites[account].Add(entry.ProfileId.Value, entry.Title.Text);

			return View("Config", model);
コード例 #6
        public ActionResult Analytics(int? duration)

            var settings = _siteSettingsService.GetSettings();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AnalyticsToken))
                const string scope = "https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/";
                var next = Url.Absolute(Url.Admin().Home().AuthResponse());
                var auth = new AnalyticsAuthorize
                        Url = AuthSubUtil.getRequestUrl(next, scope, false, true)
                return View("AnalyticsAuthorize", auth);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AnalyticsProfileId))
                var config = new AnalyticsConfig
                        Accounts = GetAccounts(settings),
                        Profiles = GetProfiles(settings)

                return View("AnalyticsConfig", config);

            duration = duration ?? 30;
            var model = new Analytics
                                Duration = duration.Value,
                                Start = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1 * duration.Value),
                                End = DateTime.Now,
                         		Visits = new Dictionary<DateTime, int>(),
                                PageViews = new Dictionary<string, int>(),
                                PageTitles = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
                                TopReferrers = new Dictionary<string, int>(),
                                TopSearches = new Dictionary<string, int>()
            if (model.Start > model.End)
                var tempDate = model.Start;
                model.Start = model.End;
                model.End = tempDate;

            var profiles = GetProfiles(settings);
            var profile = profiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == settings.AnalyticsProfileId);
            if (profile == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to find the specified analytics profile: " + settings.AnalyticsProfileId);
            model.Profile = profile;

            var authFactory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory("analytics", "MvcKickstart")
                                    Token = settings.AnalyticsToken

            var analytics = new AnalyticsService(authFactory.ApplicationName) { RequestFactory = authFactory };

            var profileId = "ga:" + settings.AnalyticsProfileId;

            // Get from All Visits
            var visits = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                                Metrics = "ga:visits",
                                Dimensions = "ga:date",
                                Sort = "ga:date"
            var count = 0;
            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(visits).Entries)
                var value = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;

                model.Visits.Add(model.Start.AddDays(count++), value);

            // Get Site Usage
            var siteUsage = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                                Metrics = "ga:visits,ga:pageviews,ga:percentNewVisits,ga:avgTimeOnSite,ga:entranceBounceRate,ga:exitRate,ga:pageviewsPerVisit,ga:avgPageLoadTime"
            var siteUsageResult = (DataEntry)analytics.Query(siteUsage).Entries.FirstOrDefault();
            if (siteUsageResult != null)
                foreach (var metric in siteUsageResult.Metrics)
                    switch (metric.Name)
                        case "ga:visits":
                            model.TotalVisits = metric.IntegerValue;
                        case "ga:pageviews":
                            model.TotalPageViews = metric.IntegerValue;
                        case "ga:percentNewVisits":
                            model.PercentNewVisits = metric.FloatValue;
                        case "ga:avgTimeOnSite":
                            model.AverageTimeOnSite = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(metric.FloatValue);
                        case "ga:entranceBounceRate":
                            model.EntranceBounceRate = metric.FloatValue;
                        case "ga:exitRate":
                            model.PercentExitRate = metric.FloatValue;
                        case "ga:pageviewsPerVisit":
                            model.PageviewsPerVisit = metric.FloatValue;
                        case "ga:avgPageLoadTime":
                            model.AveragePageLoadTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(metric.FloatValue);

            // Get Top Pages
            var topPages = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                                Metrics = "ga:pageviews",
                                Dimensions = "ga:pagePath,ga:pageTitle",
                                Sort = "-ga:pageviews",
                                NumberToRetrieve = 20
            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topPages).Entries)
                var value = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
                var url = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:pagePath").Value.ToLowerInvariant();
                var title = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:pageTitle").Value;

                if (!model.PageViews.ContainsKey(url))
                    model.PageViews.Add(url, 0);
                model.PageViews[url] += value;

                if (!model.PageTitles.ContainsKey(url))
                    model.PageTitles.Add(url, title);

            // Get Top Referrers
            var topReferrers = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                                Metrics = "ga:visits",
                                Dimensions = "ga:source,ga:medium",
                                Sort = "-ga:visits",
                                Filters = "ga:medium==referral",
                                NumberToRetrieve = 5
            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topReferrers).Entries)
                var visitCount = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
                var source = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:source").Value.ToLowerInvariant();

                model.TopReferrers.Add(source, visitCount);

            // Get Top Searches
            var topSearches = new DataQuery(profileId, model.Start, model.End)
                                Metrics = "ga:visits",
                                Dimensions = "ga:keyword",
                                Sort = "-ga:visits",
                                Filters = "ga:keyword!=(not set);ga:keyword!=(not provided)",
                                NumberToRetrieve = 5
            foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topSearches).Entries)
                var visitCount = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
                var source = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:keyword").Value.ToLowerInvariant();

                model.TopSearches.Add(source, visitCount);

            return View(model);
コード例 #7
 /// <summary>default constructor</summary> 
 internal GAuthSubRequest(GDataRequestType type, Uri uriTarget, GAuthSubRequestFactory factory)  : 
         base(type, uriTarget, factory)
     this.factory = factory; 
コード例 #8
 /// <summary>default constructor</summary>
 internal GAuthSubRequest(GDataRequestType type, Uri uriTarget, GAuthSubRequestFactory factory)  :
     base(type, uriTarget, factory)
     this.factory = factory;
コード例 #9
		public ActionResult AnalyticsSummary()
			var to = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
			var from = to.AddDays(-30);

			var model = new AnalyticsSummary
			            		Visits = new List<int>(),
								PageViews = new Dictionary<string, int>(),
								PageTitles = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
								TopReferrers = new Dictionary<string, int>(),
								TopSearches = new Dictionary<string, int>()

			var settings = RavenSession.Load<Settings>(Settings.DefaultId);

			var authFactory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory("analytics", ApplicationName)
									Token = settings.SessionToken

			var analytics = new AnalyticsService(authFactory.ApplicationName) { RequestFactory = authFactory };

			// Get from All Visits
			var visits = new DataQuery(settings.SiteId, from, to)
								Metrics = "ga:visits",
								Dimensions = "ga:date",
								Sort = "ga:date"
			foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(visits).Entries)
				var value = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;


			// Get Site Usage
			var siteUsage = new DataQuery(settings.SiteId, from, to)
								Metrics = "ga:visits,ga:pageviews,ga:percentNewVisits,ga:avgTimeOnSite,ga:entranceBounceRate,ga:exitRate,ga:pageviewsPerVisit,ga:avgPageLoadTime"
			var siteUsageResult = (DataEntry)analytics.Query(siteUsage).Entries.FirstOrDefault();
			if (siteUsageResult != null)
				foreach (var metric in siteUsageResult.Metrics)
					switch (metric.Name)
						case "ga:visits":
							model.TotalVisits = metric.IntegerValue;
						case "ga:pageviews":
							model.TotalPageViews = metric.IntegerValue;
						case "ga:percentNewVisits":
							model.PercentNewVisits = metric.FloatValue;
						case "ga:avgTimeOnSite":
							model.AverageTimeOnSite = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(metric.FloatValue);
						case "ga:entranceBounceRate":
							model.EntranceBounceRate = metric.FloatValue;
						case "ga:exitRate":
							model.PercentExitRate = metric.FloatValue;
						case "ga:pageviewsPerVisit":
							model.PageviewsPerVisit = metric.FloatValue;
						case "ga:avgPageLoadTime":
							model.AveragePageLoadTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(metric.FloatValue);

			// Get Top Pages
			var topPages = new DataQuery(settings.SiteId, from, to)
								Metrics = "ga:pageviews",
								Dimensions = "ga:pagePath,ga:pageTitle",
								Sort = "-ga:pageviews",
								NumberToRetrieve = 20
			foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topPages).Entries)
				var value = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
				var url = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:pagePath").Value.ToLowerInvariant();
				var title = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:pageTitle").Value;

				if (!model.PageViews.ContainsKey(url))
					model.PageViews.Add(url, 0);
				model.PageViews[url] += value;

				if (!model.PageTitles.ContainsKey(url))
					model.PageTitles.Add(url, title);

			// Get Top Referrers
			var topReferrers = new DataQuery(settings.SiteId, from, to)
								Metrics = "ga:visits",
								Dimensions = "ga:source,ga:medium",
								Sort = "-ga:visits",
								Filters = "ga:medium==referral",
								NumberToRetrieve = 5
			foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topReferrers).Entries)
				var visitCount = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
				var source = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:source").Value.ToLowerInvariant();

				model.TopReferrers.Add(source, visitCount);

			// Get Top Searches
			var topSearches = new DataQuery(settings.SiteId, from, to)
								Metrics = "ga:visits",
								Dimensions = "ga:keyword",
								Sort = "-ga:visits",
								Filters = "ga:keyword!=(not set);ga:keyword!=(not provided)",
								NumberToRetrieve = 5
			foreach (DataEntry entry in analytics.Query(topSearches).Entries)
				var visitCount = entry.Metrics.First().IntegerValue;
				var source = entry.Dimensions.Single(x => x.Name == "ga:keyword").Value.ToLowerInvariant();

				model.TopSearches.Add(source, visitCount);
			return View(model);
コード例 #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 5)
                Console.WriteLine("Not enough parameters. Usage is ExecRequest <service> <cmd> <uri> <username> <password>, where cmd is QUERY, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE");
                Console.WriteLine("ExecRequest <service> <cmd> <uri> /a <authsubtoken> - to use a session token");
                Console.WriteLine("ExecRequest <service> <cmd> <uri> /e <authsubtoken> - to exchance a one time token for a session token");

            string s         = args[0];
            string cmd       = args[1];

            string targetUri = args[2];

            string userName = args[3];
            string passWord = args[4];

            Service service = new Service(s, ApplicationName);
            if (userName.Equals("/a"))
                Console.WriteLine("Using AuthSubToken: " + passWord);
                // password should contain the authsubtoken
                GAuthSubRequestFactory factory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory(s, ApplicationName);
                factory.Token = passWord;
                service.RequestFactory = factory;
            else if (userName.Equals("/e"))
                Console.WriteLine("Using Onetime token: " + passWord);
                passWord = AuthSubUtil.exchangeForSessionToken(passWord, null);
                Console.WriteLine("Exchanged for Session Token: " + passWord);
                // password should contain the authsubtoken
                GAuthSubRequestFactory factory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory(s, ApplicationName);
                factory.Token = passWord;
                service.RequestFactory = factory;
                Console.WriteLine("Setting user credentials for: " + userName);
                service.setUserCredentials(userName, passWord);

                if (cmd.Equals("QUERY"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Querying: " + targetUri);
                    Stream result = service.Query(new Uri(targetUri));
                if (cmd.Equals("DELETE"))
                    service.Delete(new Uri(targetUri));
                    Console.WriteLine("successfully deleted: " + targetUri);
                if (cmd.Equals("POST"))
                    String input = Console.In.ReadToEnd();
                    Stream result = service.StringSend(new Uri(targetUri), input, GDataRequestType.Insert);
                if (cmd.Equals("UPDATE"))
                    String input = Console.In.ReadToEnd();
                    Stream result = service.StringSend(new Uri(targetUri), input, GDataRequestType.Update);
            } catch (GDataRequestException e)
                HttpWebResponse response = e.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                Console.WriteLine("Error executing request for Verb: " + cmd + ", Errorcode: " + response.StatusCode);
コード例 #11
 public void PrivateKeyTest()
     string service = "TestValue"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string applicationName = "TestValue"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     GAuthSubRequestFactory target = new GAuthSubRequestFactory(service, applicationName); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     AsymmetricAlgorithm expected = new DSACryptoServiceProvider();
     AsymmetricAlgorithm actual;
     target.PrivateKey = expected;
     actual = target.PrivateKey;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
コード例 #12
ファイル: ImportController.cs プロジェクト: julianjelfs/geeks
        private ActionResult OAuthCallback()
            IAuthorizationState auth = client.ProcessUserAuthorization(Request);
            Session["auth"] = auth;
            var authFactory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory("cp", "Geeks Dilemma") {Token = auth.AccessToken};
            var service = new ContactsService(authFactory.ApplicationName) {RequestFactory = authFactory};

            var query = new ContactsQuery(ContactsQuery.CreateContactsUri("default"));
            query.NumberToRetrieve = 1000;
            ContactsFeed contacts = service.Query(query);
            ViewBag.ImportFrom = "Google";
            var userId = GetCurrentUserId();


            var googleContact = new GoogleContact
                    UserId = userId,
                    Contacts = (from ContactEntry entry in contacts.Entries
                                from email in entry.Emails
                                where entry.Name != null
                                where email != null
                                select new ImportModel
                                        Import = false,
                                        EmailAddress = email.Address.ToLower(),
                                        Name = entry.Name.FullName


            return View("Import");
コード例 #13
ファイル: main.cs プロジェクト: david-mitchell/MonoMac-Demo
        static void Main(string[] args)

            if (args.Length == 0)
            string pid       = findValue(args, "pid", null);
            string pname     = findValue(args, "pname", null);
            string authToken = findValue(args, "a", null);
            string exchangeToken = findValue(args, "e", null);
            string userName     = findValue(args, "user", null);
            string passWord     = findValue(args, "pwd", null);

            bool   isRegister   = isOption(args, "register", false);
            bool   isInsert     = isOption(args, "insert", false);
            bool   isClean      = isOption(args, "clean", false);
            bool   isShow       = isOption(args, "show", false);
            bool   isList       = isOption(args, "list", false);
            bool   doCCR        = isOption(args, "ccr", false);
            bool   doSummary    = isOption(args, "summary", false); 

            if ((pid == null && pname == null && isList == false) && (exchangeToken == null && authToken == null))



            HealthService service = new HealthService(ApplicationName);

            if (authToken != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Using AuthSubToken: " + authToken);
                GAuthSubRequestFactory factory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory(HealthService.ServiceName, ApplicationName);
                factory.Token = authToken;
                service.RequestFactory = factory;
            else if (exchangeToken != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Using Onetime token: " + exchangeToken);
                authToken = AuthSubUtil.exchangeForSessionToken(exchangeToken, null);
                Console.WriteLine("Exchanged for Session Token: " + exchangeToken);
                GAuthSubRequestFactory factory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory(HealthService.ServiceName, ApplicationName);
                factory.Token = authToken;
                service.RequestFactory = factory;
                Console.WriteLine("Setting user credentials for: " + userName);
                service.setUserCredentials(userName, passWord);

            HealthQuery query;
                if (isList == true)
                    HealthFeed feed = service.Query(new HealthQuery(HealthQuery.ProfileListFeed));
                    Console.WriteLine ("Feed =" + feed);
                    foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.Entries)
                        Console.WriteLine("\tProfile " + entry.Title.Text + " has ID: " + entry.Content.Content);

                if (pid == null && pname != null)
                    // need to find the ID first. 
                    // so we get the list feed, find the name in the TITLE, and then 
                    // get the ID out of the content field
                    HealthFeed feed = service.Query(new HealthQuery(HealthQuery.ProfileListFeed));
                    foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.Entries)
                        if (entry.Title.Text == pname)
                            pid = entry.Content.Content;

                if (authToken != null)
                    if (isRegister == true)
                        query = new HealthQuery(HealthQuery.AuthSubRegisterFeed);
                        query = new HealthQuery(HealthQuery.AuthSubProfileFeed);
                        if (doSummary == true)
                            query.Digest = true;

                    if (isRegister == true)
                        query = HealthQuery.RegisterQueryForId(pid);
                        query = HealthQuery.ProfileQueryForId(pid);
                        if (doSummary == true)
                            query.Grouped = true;
                            query.GroupSize = 1; 

                Console.WriteLine("Resolved targetUri to: " + query.Uri.ToString()); 

                if (doCCR == true)
                    HealthFeed feed = service.Query(query);
                    foreach (HealthEntry e in feed.Entries )
                        XmlNode ccr = e.CCR;
                        if (ccr != null)
                            XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(Console.Out);
                            writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
                    if (isShow == true || doSummary == true)
                        Stream result = service.Query(query.Uri);
                if (isInsert == true)
                    String input = Console.In.ReadToEnd();
                    Stream result = service.StringSend(query.Uri, input, GDataRequestType.Insert);
                if (isClean == true)
                    int count = 0; 
                    AtomFeed feed = service.Query(query);
                    Console.WriteLine("Retrieved Feed, now deleting all entries in the feed");
                    foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.Entries)
                        Console.WriteLine(".... deleting entry " + entry.Title.Text); 
                    Console.WriteLine("Deleted " + count + " entries"); 

            } catch (GDataRequestException e)
                HttpWebResponse response = e.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                Console.WriteLine("Error executing request for Verb, Errorcode: " + response.StatusCode);