コード例 #1
 public void ChangePlayerPosition(Transform newPlayerPosition)
     GoneWrong.Player player = GoneWrong.Player.instance;
     if (player != null && newPlayerPosition != null)
         // We deactivate the player character controller first
         player.characterController.enabled = false;
         player.transform.position          = newPlayerPosition.position;
         player.transform.rotation          = newPlayerPosition.rotation;
         player.characterController.enabled = true;
コード例 #2
    private void Start()
        // Getting cache variables
        _particleSystem = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
        _audioSource    = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        _player         = GoneWrong.Player.instance;


        _activated = false;

        if (_stateMachine != null)
コード例 #3
    private void Update()
        if (_destination != null)
            transform.position = _destination.position;

        if (GoneWrong.Player.instance != null && _distanceSharedFloat != null)
            GoneWrong.Player player = GoneWrong.Player.instance;
            _distanceSharedFloat.value = (transform.position - player.transform.position).magnitude;

            float angleWithForward = Vector3.Angle(player.transform.forward, transform.position - player.transform.position);
            float angleWithRight   = Vector3.Angle(player.transform.right, transform.position - player.transform.position);

            //Debug.Log("Angle with forward: " + angleWithForward);
            //Debug.Log("Angle with right: " + angleWithRight);

            if (_angleWithHorizontalShredFloat != null)
                Vector3 horizontallProjectedVector = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(transform.position - player.transform.position, player.transform.up);
                float   sign = Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Cross(player.transform.forward, horizontallProjectedVector).y);
                float   angleWithHorizontal = Vector3.Angle(horizontallProjectedVector, player.transform.forward) * sign;
                _angleWithHorizontalShredFloat.value = angleWithHorizontal;

            if (_angleWithCameraUpSharedFloat != null)
                if (_camera == null)
                    _camera = FindObjectOfType <Camera>();

                float angleWithCameraUp = Vector3.Angle(_camera.transform.up, transform.position - _camera.transform.position);
                _angleWithCameraUpSharedFloat.value = angleWithCameraUp;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Vehicle.cs プロジェクト: HamzaKhalifa/Gone-Wrong
    public void HandleCarReversal()
        GoneWrong.Player player = GoneWrong.Player.instance;

        if (player == null)

        // The dot product of vector a and b is equal to: a.magnitude * b.magnitude * cos(angle)
        // In this case, the dot product is equal to con(angle) only because the vectors are normalized
        // the dot product's value is between -1 and 1.
        // -1 when the car up vector makes a 180 angle with the world down vector
        // 1 when the car up vector makes a 0 angle with the world down vector
        // When the angle is between -90 and 90, cos(angle) is superior to 0
        if (Vector3.Dot(transform.up, Vector3.down) > -0.5f)
            player.inReversedCar = true;
            player.inReversedCar = false;
コード例 #5
    public IEnumerator Sit()
        GoneWrong.Player player = GoneWrong.Player.instance;

        // Reset blood screen
        if (player != null)

        if (player == null || _playerSit == null || _carController == null || _playerOut == null)
            _sitCoroutine = null;
            yield break;

        _playerIn = !_playerIn;

        player.canMove = !_playerIn;

        player.transform.parent = _playerIn ? _playerSit : _playerOut;

        Vector3    playerInitialPosition = player.transform.localPosition;
        Quaternion playerInitialRotation = player.transform.localRotation;

        float duration = _playerIn ? _getInCarDuration : _getOutOfCarDuration;

        if (!_playerIn)
            // We open the door before getting outside the car
            if (_carDoor != null)

            // We deactivate the car controller if we are getting out
            _carController.enabled = false;
            // If we are getting inside the car, we deactivate the player controls
            player.GetComponent <CharacterController>().enabled = !_playerIn;
            // We also tell the player that we are inside a car
            player.insideACar = true;

        float time = 0;

        while (time < duration)
            time += Time.deltaTime;
            float normalizedTime = time / duration;

            player.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(playerInitialPosition, Vector3.zero, normalizedTime);
            player.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(playerInitialRotation, Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.zero), normalizedTime);

            yield return(null);

        // Make sure we got the right values
        player.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        player.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.zero);

        // Make sure the main camera gets set to rotation zero after we get out
        if (!_playerIn)
            Camera.main.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.zero);

        // We close the door after getting inside the car
        if (_carDoor != null && _playerIn)

        if (_playerIn)
            // We activate the char controller after it is enabled
            _carController.enabled = true;
            player.transform.parent = null;
            player.GetComponent <CharacterController>().enabled = true;
            player.insideACar = false;
            // Then we close the door after we are out.
            if (_carDoor != null)

        // Now we change the text
        _text = _playerIn ? _getOutText : _interactiveText;

        // Force the player to go back to his initial local scale after we get him out of the car
        if (!_playerIn)
            player.transform.localScale = _playerLocalScale;

        // Now we activate or deactive playerHUD or carHUD
        if (CarHUD.instance != null)
        if (PlayerHUD.instance != null)

        // Set the player drived vehicle
        player.drivedVehicle = _playerIn ? GetComponentInParent <Vehicle>() : null;

        // Activate the flashlight the moment the player gets out of the car
        if (!_playerIn && Flashlight.instance != null)

        // Play the vehicle's startup sound:
        if (_playerIn && player.drivedVehicle.startUpSound != null && GoneWrong.AudioManager.instance != null)
            GoneWrong.AudioManager.instance.PlayOneShotSound(player.drivedVehicle.startUpSound, 1, 0, 0, transform.position);

        _sitCoroutine = null;
コード例 #6
 private void Start()
     player = GoneWrong.Player.instance;
コード例 #7
    public void Save(int nextSceneIndex = -1)
        SavedData savedData = new SavedData();

        // We save the current scene (or the last scene) instead of the next one when the scene index is either not set or when we are going back to main menu
        // Or when the next scene is nightmare
        // Or when it's the end chapter or the final suicide scene
        // When the next scene index is not set, it means we are saving data in wasteland, so we save the data for the current scene.
        int nightmareSceneIndex   = SceneManager.GetSceneByName("Nightmare").buildIndex;
        int chapter1EndSceneIndex = SceneManager.GetSceneByName("Chapter 1 End").buildIndex;
        int suicideSceneIndex     = SceneManager.GetSceneByName("Suicide Scene ").buildIndex;

        if (nextSceneIndex == -1 || nextSceneIndex == 0 ||
            nextSceneIndex == nightmareSceneIndex ||
            nextSceneIndex == chapter1EndSceneIndex ||
            nextSceneIndex == suicideSceneIndex)
            savedData.currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex;
            savedData.currentScene = nextSceneIndex;

        // We get the corresponding scene items first
        SceneData sceneData = null;

        switch (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name)
        case "Hospital":
            sceneData = savedData.hospitalSceneData;

        case "Wasteland":
            sceneData = savedData.wasteLandData;

        case "Tunnels":
            sceneData = savedData.tunnelsSceneData;

        case "Underground":
            sceneData = savedData.undergroundSceneData;

        if (_playerInventory != null)
            List <InventoryWeaponMount> weaponMounts = new List <InventoryWeaponMount>();

            for (int i = 0; i < weaponMounts.Count; i++)
                if (weaponMounts[i].item == null)

                bool foundWeapon = false;
                int  index       = 0;
                    if (weaponMounts[i].item == _inventoryWeapons[index])
                        foundWeapon = true;
                        SavedSingleData savedSingleData = new SavedSingleData();
                        savedSingleData.type   = DataType.Weapon;
                        savedSingleData.index  = index;
                        savedSingleData.rounds = weaponMounts[i].rounds;
                        if (i == 0)
                            savedData.rifle1 = savedSingleData;
                        else if (i == 1)
                            savedData.rifle2 = savedSingleData;
                        else if (i == 2)
                            savedData.handgun = savedSingleData;
                        else if (i == 3)
                            savedData.melee = savedSingleData;

                } while (!foundWeapon && index < _inventoryWeapons.Count);

            foreach (InventoryAmmoMount ammoMount in _playerInventory.ammo)
                bool foundAmmo = false;
                int  index     = 0;
                    if (ammoMount.item == _inventoryAmmos[index])
                        foundAmmo = true;
                        if (ammoMount.item.collectableAmmo.canSave)
                            SavedSingleData savedSingleData = new SavedSingleData();
                            savedSingleData.type   = DataType.Ammo;
                            savedSingleData.index  = index;
                            savedSingleData.rounds = ammoMount.rounds;

                } while (!foundAmmo && index < _inventoryAmmos.Count);

            foreach (InventoryConsumableMount consumableMount in _playerInventory.consumables)
                bool foundConsumable = false;
                int  index           = 0;
                    if (consumableMount.item == _inventoryConsumables[index])
                        foundConsumable = true;
                        if (consumableMount.item.collectableConsumable.canSave)
                            SavedSingleData savedSingleData = new SavedSingleData();
                            savedSingleData.type  = DataType.Consumable;
                            savedSingleData.index = index;

                } while (!foundConsumable && index < _inventoryConsumables.Count);

            foreach (Messages message in _playerInventory.messages)
                bool foundMessage = false;
                int  index        = 0;
                    if (message == _messages[index])
                        foundMessage = true;
                        SavedSingleData savedSingleData = new SavedSingleData();
                        savedSingleData.type  = DataType.Message;
                        savedSingleData.index = index;

                } while (!foundMessage && index < _messages.Count);

            if (_healthSharedFloat != null)
                savedData.health = _healthSharedFloat.value;

            if (_staminaSharedFloat != null)
                savedData.stamina = _staminaSharedFloat.value;

            if (_infectionSharedFloat != null)
                savedData.infection = _infectionSharedFloat.value;

        // Now we are about to save the scene items:
        if (sceneData != null && sceneData.collectableItems != null)
            // Now saving the night sky and the fog
            sceneData.dayTime = RenderSettings.fog ? DayTime.Mist : DayTime.Night;

            CollectableConsumable[] consumables = FindObjectsOfType <CollectableConsumable>();
            // We save the remaining collectable consumables
            foreach (CollectableConsumable consumable in consumables)
                // Some key items are set to never be saved. They are managed by progress states
                if (!consumable.canSave)

                SceneCollectableItem sceneCollectableItem = new SceneCollectableItem();
                sceneCollectableItem.type          = DataType.Consumable;
                sceneCollectableItem.localPosition = consumable.transform.localPosition;
                sceneCollectableItem.localRotation = consumable.transform.localRotation;
                if (consumable.transform.parent != null)
                    sceneCollectableItem.parentName = consumable.transform.parent.name;

                bool foundConsumable = false;
                int  index           = 0;
                    if (consumable.consumableMount.item == _inventoryConsumables[index])
                        foundConsumable            = true;
                        sceneCollectableItem.index = index;

                } while (!foundConsumable && index < _inventoryConsumables.Count);

                // Now that we got our scene collectable item data stored in an object, we add them to the corresponding scene

            // Now we save the remaining collectable ammos:
            CollectableAmmo[] ammos = FindObjectsOfType <CollectableAmmo>();
            foreach (CollectableAmmo ammo in ammos)
                SceneCollectableItem sceneCollectableItem = new SceneCollectableItem();
                sceneCollectableItem.type          = DataType.Ammo;
                sceneCollectableItem.localPosition = ammo.transform.localPosition;
                sceneCollectableItem.localRotation = ammo.transform.localRotation;
                if (ammo.transform.parent != null)
                    sceneCollectableItem.parentName = ammo.transform.parent.name;

                bool foundAmmo = false;
                int  index     = 0;
                    if (ammo.ammoMount.item == _inventoryAmmos[index])
                        foundAmmo = true;
                        sceneCollectableItem.index = index;

                } while (!foundAmmo && index < _inventoryAmmos.Count);

                // Now that we got our scene collectable item data stored in an object, we add them to the corresponding scene

            // Now we check for the remaining zombies:
            if (_saveZombies)
                AIStateMachine[] stateMachines = FindObjectsOfType <AIStateMachine>();
                foreach (AIStateMachine stateMachine in stateMachines)
                    // If the zombie is activated and he is not dead, then we save him
                    if (stateMachine.gameObject.activeSelf && !stateMachine.dead)

            // Now saving progress objects for in sceneData
            for (int i = 0; i < _progressObjects.Count; i++)
                ProgressObject progressObject = new ProgressObject();
                progressObject.index = i;
                if (_progressObjects[i] != null)
                    progressObject.active   = _progressObjects[i].gameObject.activeSelf;
                    progressObject.position = _progressObjects[i].transform.position;
                    progressObject.rotation = _progressObjects[i].transform.rotation;
                    progressObject.active = false;


            // Now saving the next level objective text
            if (PlayerHUD.instance != null)
                sceneData.nextObjective = PlayerHUD.instance.nextObjective;

            // Then we set the scene saved state to true
            sceneData.savedBefore = true;

            Notifications.instance.EnqueNotification("Progress Saved!");
            if (ProgressSavedUI.instance != null)

        // Now we save the player position
        // We only save the player's position when we are in wasteland
        GoneWrong.Player player = GoneWrong.Player.instance;
        if (player != null && SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "Wasteland")
            savedData.playerPosition = player.transform.position;
            savedData.playerRotation = player.transform.rotation;

        // Now we save in player prefs:
        string data = JsonUtility.ToJson(savedData);

        PlayerPrefs.SetString("data", data);
コード例 #8
    private void Awake()
        if (SaveGame.instance != null)

        instance = this;

        if (_deleteSaveData)

        SavedData savedData = JsonUtility.FromJson <SavedData>(PlayerPrefs.GetString("data"));

        _savedData = savedData;

        List <InventoryAmmoMount>       ammos       = new List <InventoryAmmoMount>();
        List <InventoryConsumableMount> consumables = new List <InventoryConsumableMount>();
        List <Messages> messages = new List <Messages>();

        if (_playerInventory != null && savedData != null)
            if (savedData.rifle1.index != -1)
                _playerInventory.rifle1.item   = _inventoryWeapons[savedData.rifle1.index];
                _playerInventory.rifle1.rounds = savedData.rifle1.rounds;

            if (savedData.rifle2.index != -1 && _inventoryWeapons.Count > savedData.rifle2.index)
                _playerInventory.rifle2.item   = _inventoryWeapons[savedData.rifle2.index];
                _playerInventory.rifle2.rounds = savedData.rifle2.rounds;

            if (savedData.handgun.index != -1 && _inventoryWeapons.Count > savedData.handgun.index)
                _playerInventory.handgun.item   = _inventoryWeapons[savedData.handgun.index];
                _playerInventory.handgun.rounds = savedData.handgun.rounds;

            if (savedData.melee.index != -1 && _inventoryWeapons.Count > savedData.melee.index)
                _playerInventory.melee.item = _inventoryWeapons[savedData.melee.index];

            foreach (SavedSingleData savedSingleData in savedData.inventoryList)
                switch (savedSingleData.type)
                case DataType.Ammo:
                    if (_inventoryAmmos.Count > savedSingleData.index)
                        InventoryAmmoMount ammoMount = new InventoryAmmoMount();
                        ammoMount.rounds = savedSingleData.rounds;
                        ammoMount.item   = _inventoryAmmos[savedSingleData.index];

                case DataType.Consumable:
                    if (_inventoryConsumables.Count > savedSingleData.index &&
                        _inventoryConsumables[savedSingleData.index] != null &&
                        InventoryConsumableMount consumableMount = new InventoryConsumableMount();
                        consumableMount.item = _inventoryConsumables[savedSingleData.index];

                        // Now we alter the game progress
                        // Before adding each consumable, we need to make sure that the progress states associated with the mare registered
                        List <GameProgress> progressStates  = consumableMount.item.collectableConsumable.progressStates;
                        ProgressManager     progressManager = FindObjectOfType <ProgressManager>();
                        if (progressStates.Count > 0 && progressManager != null)
                            foreach (GameProgress gameProgress in progressStates)
                                progressManager.SetProgress(gameProgress.key, gameProgress.value);


                case DataType.Message:
                    if (_messages.Count > savedSingleData.index)
                        Messages message = _messages[savedSingleData.index];

                _playerInventory.ammo        = ammos;
                _playerInventory.consumables = consumables;
                _playerInventory.messages    = messages;

            if (_healthSharedFloat != null)
                _healthSharedFloat.value = savedData.health;

            if (_staminaSharedFloat != null)
                _staminaSharedFloat.value = savedData.stamina;

            if (_infectionSharedFloat != null)
                _infectionSharedFloat.value = savedData.infection;

            // We only load the player position if the last saved scene is the same as the current scene
            // So that we dont load the player in a random position when he just entered the map from another map
            // We can only load the player's positon when we are in wasteland
            GoneWrong.Player player = FindObjectOfType <GoneWrong.Player>();
            if (player != null && _savedData.currentScene == SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex &&
                SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "Wasteland")
                CharacterController playerCharacterController = player.GetComponent <CharacterController>();
                playerCharacterController.enabled = false;

                if (savedData.playerPosition != Vector3.zero)
                    FlashlightLight flashLight = FindObjectOfType <FlashlightLight>();
                    // We should also put the flash light in place
                    Vector3 differenceWithFlashLight = player.transform.position - flashLight.transform.position;
                    player.transform.position     = savedData.playerPosition;
                    flashLight.transform.position = player.transform.position - differenceWithFlashLight;

                if (savedData.playerRotation != Quaternion.identity)
                    player.transform.rotation = savedData.playerRotation;

                playerCharacterController.enabled = true;

            // Now for the collectable items
            // We check if we already saved the data for the current scene:
            SceneData sceneData = null;
            switch (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name)
            case "Hospital":
                sceneData = savedData.hospitalSceneData;

            case "Wasteland":
                sceneData = savedData.wasteLandData;

            case "Tunnels":
                sceneData = savedData.tunnelsSceneData;

            case "Underground":
                sceneData = savedData.undergroundSceneData;

            if (sceneData != null && sceneData.savedBefore)
                // We change the skybox and the fog depending on what is stored in the sceneData
                switch (sceneData.dayTime)
                case DayTime.Night:
                    RenderSettings.fogDensity = 0f;
                    RenderSettings.skybox     = null;

                case DayTime.Mist:
                    if (_fogSkyBox != null)
                        RenderSettings.fogDensity = 0.35f;
                        RenderSettings.skybox     = _fogSkyBox;

                // We already saved the scene before. So we destroy all the collectableItems in the scene
                CollectableConsumable[] collectableConsumables = FindObjectsOfType <CollectableConsumable>();
                foreach (CollectableConsumable collectableConsumable in collectableConsumables)
                    if (collectableConsumable.canSave)

                CollectableAmmo[] colectableAmmos = FindObjectsOfType <CollectableAmmo>();
                foreach (CollectableAmmo collectableAmmo in colectableAmmos)
                    if (collectableAmmo.canSave)

                // Then we instantiate all the remaining collectable Items that were present when saving the data
                foreach (SceneCollectableItem sceneCollectableItem in sceneData.collectableItems)
                    // If we have the collectable item in list of collectable items
                    if (sceneCollectableItem.index != -1)
                        // Then we instantiate the collectable item from the inventory scriptable object in our list
                        if (sceneCollectableItem.type == DataType.Consumable)
                            if (_inventoryConsumables[sceneCollectableItem.index].collectableConsumable != null
                                // check if we can instantiate it in the first place
                                && _inventoryConsumables[sceneCollectableItem.index].collectableConsumable.canSave)
                                CollectableConsumable tmp = Instantiate(_inventoryConsumables[sceneCollectableItem.index].collectableConsumable);
                                if (sceneCollectableItem.parentName != "")
                                    Transform parent = GameObject.Find(sceneCollectableItem.parentName).transform;
                                    if (parent != null)
                                        tmp.transform.parent = parent;

                                    tmp.transform.localPosition = sceneCollectableItem.localPosition;
                                    tmp.transform.localRotation = sceneCollectableItem.localRotation;
                        else if (sceneCollectableItem.type == DataType.Ammo)
                            if (_inventoryConsumables[sceneCollectableItem.index].collectableConsumable != null)
                                CollectableAmmo tmp = Instantiate(_inventoryAmmos[sceneCollectableItem.index].collectableAmmo);
                                if (sceneCollectableItem.parentName != "")
                                    Transform parent = GameObject.Find(sceneCollectableItem.parentName).transform;
                                    if (parent != null)
                                        tmp.transform.parent = parent;

                                    tmp.transform.localPosition = sceneCollectableItem.localPosition;
                                    tmp.transform.localRotation = sceneCollectableItem.localRotation;

                // Now we check the remaining zombies
                // Each zombie whose name doesn't belong to the list of the remaining zombies, will be deactivated
                if (_saveZombies)
                    AIStateMachine[] stateMachines = FindObjectsOfType <AIStateMachine>();
                    foreach (AIStateMachine stateMachine in stateMachines)
                        int  index       = 0;
                        bool foundZombie = false;
                            if (sceneData.remainingZombies.Count > index && stateMachine.transform.name == sceneData.remainingZombies[index])
                                foundZombie = true;
                        } while (index < sceneData.remainingZombies.Count && !foundZombie);

                        // If we didn't find the zombie in our list, we destroy him
                        if (!foundZombie)

                // Handling progress objects (activating and deactivating them, then setting their position)
                foreach (ProgressObject progressObject in sceneData.progressObjects)
                    if (progressObject.index != -1 && _progressObjects.Count > progressObject.index)
                        Transform sceneProgressObject = _progressObjects[progressObject.index];
                        if (sceneProgressObject != null)
                            sceneProgressObject.transform.position = progressObject.position;
                            sceneProgressObject.transform.rotation = progressObject.rotation;

                PlayerHUD playerHud = PlayerHUD.instance;
                if (playerHud == null)
                    playerHud = FindObjectOfType <PlayerHUD>();

                if (playerHud != null)

                CarHUD carHUD = CarHUD.instance;
                if (carHUD == null)
                    carHUD = FindObjectOfType <CarHUD>();

                if (carHUD != null)