コード例 #1
        public void Setup()
            wkbreader = new WKBReader(factory);

            geometry0 = wkbreader.Read(test00_Geom0_WkbByteArray);
            geometry1 = wkbreader.Read(test00_Geom1_WkbByteArray);
コード例 #2
 public void OracleWKBBigIndianReadTest()
     IGeometry result = null;
     using(Stream stream = new FileStream(blobFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
         WKBReader wkbreader = new WKBReader();
         result = wkbreader.Read(stream);
コード例 #3
        protected Dictionary<string, DataRow> GetShapeRowsByLOGRECNO(DbConnection conn)
            string geomSQL;
            string geographiesTablename = this.GetGeographyTablename();

            string shapeSQL = string.Empty;
            switch (this.SummaryLevel)

                //case "050":
                //    //counties
                //    // Note: original sql for files fount at:
                //    //      "ShapeFileCountiesURL": "http://www.census.gov/geo/cob/bdy/co/co00shp/"
                //    //      "ShapeFileCountiesFilename": "co{FIPS-code}_d00_shp.zip"
                //    // was:
                //    //      "select trim(COUNTY) as county, AsBinary(Geometry) as Geometry, '' as GEOID from counties ";
                //    //
                //    //
                //    // Current source:
                //    //        "ShapeFileCountiesURL": "http://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010/COUNTY/2010/",
                //    //        "ShapeFileCountiesFilename": "tl_2010_{FIPS-code}_county10.zip",
                //    // Docs for current source: http://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/pdfs/tiger/tgrshp2010/TGRSHP10SF1AA.pdf
                //    //
                //    shapeSQL = "select trim(COUNTYFP10) as county, AsBinary(Geometry) as Geometry, '' as GEOID from counties ";
                //    geomSQL = "select LOGRECNO, trim(COUNTY) as county, GEOID from geographies_all where SUMLEVEL = '050' order by county ";
                //    break;

                //case "060":
                //    shapeSQL = "select trim(COUNTY) as county,  trim(COUSUB) as cousub, AsBinary(Geometry) as Geometry, '' as GEOID from county_subdivisions ";
                //    geomSQL = "select LOGRECNO, trim(COUNTY) as county, trim(COUSUB) as cousub, GEOID from geographies_all  where SUMLEVEL = '060' order by county, cousub";
                //    break;

                case "140":
                    shapeSQL = "select trim(COUNTY) as county, trim(TRACT) as tract, '' as blkgroup, AsBinary(Geometry) as Geometry, '' as GEOID from census_tracts order by county, tract, blkgroup";
                    geomSQL = "select LOGRECNO, trim(COUNTY) as county, trim(TRACT) as tract, trim(BLKGRP) as blkgroup, GEOID from geographies where SUMLEVEL = '140' order by county, tract, blkgrp ";
                case "150":
                    if (this.SummaryLevel != "150")
                        _log.Error("No Summary Level Selected -- defaulting to Block groups \"150\" -- ");
                        this.SummaryLevel = "150";

                     * NOTE!  In the 2000 census shapefiles the block-group column name was "BLKGROUP",
                     * in 2010, it was "BLKGRP"... so, lets magically recover and adjust based on what we find.

                    bool hasAbbrevColumn = DataClient.HasColumn("BLKGRP", "census_blockgroups", conn, DbClient);
                    string blkGroupColumn = (hasAbbrevColumn) ? "BLKGRP" : "BLKGROUP";

                    //block groups
                    shapeSQL = string.Format("select trim(COUNTY) as county, trim(TRACT) as tract, trim({0}) as blkgroup, AsBinary(Geometry) as Geometry, '' as GEOID from census_blockgroups order by county, tract, blkgroup",
                    geomSQL = "select LOGRECNO, trim(COUNTY) as county, trim(TRACT) as tract, trim(BLKGRP) as blkgroup, GEOID from geographies  where SUMLEVEL = '150' order by county, tract, blkgrp ";


            var wholeGeomTable = DataClient.GetMagicTable(conn, DbClient, geomSQL);
            var wholeShapeTable = DataClient.GetMagicTable(conn, DbClient, shapeSQL);
            if (wholeShapeTable == null)
                _log.Error("This shapefile had different columns than I was expecting, bailing");
                return null;

            // Construct the appropriate key for whatever summary level we're using
            GetGeometryRowKey keyDelegate = GetGeometryRowKeyGenerator();

            // organize our freshly pulled geometries table by composite_id
            var geomKeys = new Dictionary<string, DataRow>();
            foreach (DataRow row in wholeGeomTable.Rows)
                string key = keyDelegate(row);
                geomKeys[key] = row;

            var dict = new Dictionary<string, DataRow>();
            GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.IO.WKBReader binReader = new WKBReader(ShapefileHelper.GetGeomFactory());
            GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.IO.WKBWriter binWriter = new WKBWriter();

            foreach (DataRow row in wholeShapeTable.Rows)
                string key = keyDelegate(row);

                if (geomKeys.ContainsKey(key))
                    string logrecno = geomKeys[key]["LOGRECNO"] as string;
                    row["GEOID"] = geomKeys[key]["GEOID"];

                    if (dict.ContainsKey(logrecno))
                        /* In theory, there should be a one-to-one relationship between logrecno and Geometry.
                         * In practice, there are a small number of geometries that are discontiguous or self-
                         * intersecting.  Because the geometry shapefile only uses single polygons and not
                         * multipolygons, they solve this problem by having duplicate rows in the geometry
                         * shapefile with the same county, tract, and blkgroup numbers, one for each part of
                         * the multipolygon.  This is undocumented AFAIK, but can be seen in several places (see
                         * logrecno 0014948 for PA for example).  To account for this, we union geometries
                         * together whenever we encounter duplicates and inform the user, so we don't end up
                         * with missing geometries in the output.
                         * As this link indicates, tracts 9400 - 9499 are especially prone to this phenomenon:
                         * http://www.census.gov/geo/www/cob/tr_metadata.html

                        _log.DebugFormat("Duplicate records encountered for logical record number {0} (key {1}).", logrecno, key);
                        if (row["GEOID"] != dict[logrecno]["GEOID"])
                            _log.DebugFormat("GEOID {0} collided with GEOID {1}", row["GEOID"], dict[logrecno]["GEOID"]);
                        _log.DebugFormat("Attempting to merge geometries for duplicates together.");
                            byte[] geomBytes = (byte[])row["Geometry"];
                            IGeometry geomToAdd = binReader.Read(geomBytes);
                            geomBytes = (byte[])dict[logrecno]["Geometry"];
                            IGeometry currentGeom = binReader.Read(geomBytes);

                            if (!geomToAdd.Equals(currentGeom))
                                geomBytes = binWriter.Write(currentGeom.Union(geomToAdd));
                                row["Geometry"] = geomBytes;    //saved to dict at end of current if clause
                                _log.Debug("Geometry merge succeeded!  Please double check all features in the output that match the above logrecno for consistency.");
                        catch (Exception)
                            _log.Error("Geometry merge failed; only one geometry will be used!  Output may be missing geometries!");

                    dict[logrecno] = row;
                    _log.DebugFormat("Couldn't find a geometry matching KEY  (county/tract/blkgrp) {0}", key);

            return dict;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a table, returns a list of features to export.  Assumes table geometries are in WGS84 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableName">Name of the sqlite table</param>
        /// <param name="spatialFilter">Should we load and use a spatial filter?</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<Feature> GetShapeFeaturesToExport(string tableName, bool spatialFilter)
            using (var conn = DbClient.GetConnection())
                Dictionary<string, DataRow> shapeDict = GetShapeRowsByLOGRECNO(conn);
                var variablesDT = DataClient.GetMagicTable(conn, DbClient, string.Format("select * from \"{0}\" ", tableName));
                if ((variablesDT == null) || (variablesDT.Rows.Count == 0))
                    _log.Warn("Nothing to export, data table is empty");
                    _log.Error("Nothing to export, data table is empty");
                    return null;

                bool shouldReproject = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OutputProjectionFilename));
                ICoordinateTransformation reprojector = null;
                ICoordinateSystem destCRS = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OutputProjectionFilename))
                    destCRS = Utilities.GetCoordinateSystemByWKTFile(this.OutputProjectionFilename);
                    reprojector = Utilities.BuildTransformationObject(GeographicCoordinateSystem.WGS84, destCRS);

                bool shouldAddMissingShapes = this.IncludeEmptyGridCells;
                HashSet<string> allShapeIDs = new HashSet<string>(shapeDict.Keys);

                //Build hashset, remove by shapeid as shapes are added,
                //go through and add missing shapes if 'shouldAddMissingShapes' is set...
                bool variablesHaveGeoID = variablesDT.Columns.Contains("GEOID");

                List<IGeometry> filteringGeoms = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ExportFilterFilename))
                    filteringGeoms = (spatialFilter) ? GetFilteringGeometries(this.ExportFilterFilename, destCRS) : null;
                    //Die if we're supposed to have a filter but don't
                    if (spatialFilter && filteringGeoms == null)
                        return null;

                GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.IO.WKBReader binReader = new WKBReader(
                var features = new List<Feature>(variablesDT.Rows.Count);

                foreach (DataRow row in variablesDT.Rows)
                    var id = row["LOGRECNO"] as string;
                    if (!shapeDict.ContainsKey(id))


                    AttributesTable t = new AttributesTable();
                    foreach (DataColumn col in variablesDT.Columns)
                        //produces more sane results.
                            Utilities.EnsureMaxLength(col.ColumnName, 10),
                            Utilities.GetAsType(col.DataType, row[col.Ordinal], null)

                    byte[] geomBytes = (byte[])shapeDict[id]["Geometry"];
                    IGeometry geom = binReader.Read(geomBytes);
                    if (geom == null)
                        _log.WarnFormat("Geometry for LRN {0} was empty!", id);

                    if (shouldReproject)
                        geom = Utilities.ReprojectGeometry(geom, reprojector);

                    if (spatialFilter)
                        if (!IsIncluded(geom, filteringGeoms))

                    if (!variablesHaveGeoID)
                        t.AddAttribute("GEOID", shapeDict[id]["GEOID"]);

                    if (this.AddStrippedGEOIDcolumn)
                        t.AddAttribute("GEOID_STRP", (t["GEOID"] as string).Replace(Settings.GeoidPrefix, ""));

                    if (this.AddGeometryAttributesToOutput)
                        t.AddAttribute("AREA", geom.Area);
                        t.AddAttribute("PERIMETER", geom.Length);

                        var centroid = geom.Centroid;
                        t.AddAttribute("CENTROID_X", centroid.X);
                        t.AddAttribute("CENTROID_Y", centroid.Y);

                    features.Add(new Feature(geom, t));

                if (shouldAddMissingShapes)
                    _log.DebugFormat("Adding {0} missing shapes", allShapeIDs.Count);
                    foreach (string id in allShapeIDs)
                        byte[] geomBytes = (byte[])shapeDict[id]["Geometry"];
                        IGeometry geom = binReader.Read(geomBytes);
                        if (geom == null)
                            _log.WarnFormat("Geometry for LRN {0} was empty!", id);

                        if (shouldReproject)
                            geom = Utilities.ReprojectGeometry(geom, reprojector);

                        if (spatialFilter)
                            if (!IsIncluded(geom, filteringGeoms))

                        AttributesTable t = new AttributesTable();
                        foreach (DataColumn col in variablesDT.Columns)
                            //produces more sane results.
                            t.AddAttribute(Utilities.EnsureMaxLength(col.ColumnName, 10), null);

                        if (!variablesHaveGeoID)
                            t.AddAttribute("GEOID", shapeDict[id]["GEOID"]);

                        if (this.AddStrippedGEOIDcolumn)
                            t.AddAttribute("GEOID_STRP", (t["GEOID"] as string).Replace(Settings.GeoidPrefix, ""));

                        if (this.AddGeometryAttributesToOutput)
                            t.AddAttribute("AREA", geom.Area);
                            t.AddAttribute("PERIMETER", geom.Length);

                            var centroid = geom.Centroid;
                            t.AddAttribute("CENTROID_X", centroid.X);
                            t.AddAttribute("CENTROID_Y", centroid.Y);

                        t["LOGRECNO"] = id;
                        features.Add(new Feature(geom, t));

                return features;
コード例 #5
        public List<IGeometry> GetFilteringGeometries(string filename, ICoordinateSystem outputCrs)
            if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) || (!File.Exists(filename)))
                _log.ErrorFormat("GetFilteringGeometries failed, shapefile is empty or does not exist {0} ", filename);
                return null;

            //inputCrs should be valid if LoadShapefile returns true
            ICoordinateSystem inputCrs;
            if (!ShapefileHelper.LoadShapefile(filename, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename), DbClient, out inputCrs))
                _log.Error("Could not load filtering geometries!");
                return null;

            string tableName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
            string sqlcmd = string.Format("SELECT AsBinary(Geometry) AS Geometry FROM \"{0}\" ", tableName);
            var wholeShapeTable = DataClient.GetMagicTable(DbClient.GetConnection(), DbClient, sqlcmd);
            List<IGeometry> results = new List<IGeometry>(wholeShapeTable.Rows.Count);
            ICoordinateTransformation reprojector = null;
            if (outputCrs != null)
                reprojector = Utilities.BuildTransformationObject(inputCrs, outputCrs);

            GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.IO.WKBReader binReader = new WKBReader(
                new GeometryFactory());

            foreach (DataRow row in wholeShapeTable.Rows)
                byte[] geomBytes = (byte[])row["Geometry"];
                IGeometry geom = binReader.Read(geomBytes);
                if (geom == null || geom.Dimension != Dimensions.Surface)

                if (reprojector != null)
                    geom = Utilities.ReprojectGeometry(geom, reprojector);


            //Cleanup so we don't store lots of crap in database
            sqlcmd = string.Format("DROP TABLE \"{0}\" ", tableName);
            var droptable = DbClient.GetCommand(sqlcmd);

            if (results.Count == 0)
                _log.Error("Could not use shapefile to create filter because no two dimensional geometries were found");
                return null;

            return results;
コード例 #6
ファイル: WKTTest.cs プロジェクト: ExRam/DotSpatial-PCL
        public void TestMaximimPrecisionDigitsFormatting()
            IGeometryFactory factory = GeometryFactory.Default;

            WKBReader wkbreader = new WKBReader(factory);
            IGeometry wkb1 = wkbreader.Read(test00_Geom0_WkbByteArray);            

            IGeometry wkb2 = wkbreader.Read(test00_Geom1_WkbByteArray);

            Exception ex = TryOverlay(wkb1, wkb2);
            Assert.IsTrue(ex.GetType() == typeof(TopologyException));

            string tos1 = writer.Write(wkb1);
            string tos2 = writer.Write(wkb2);

            WKTReader reader = new WKTReader(factory);
            IGeometry wkt1 = reader.Read(tos1);

            IGeometry wkt2 = reader.Read(tos2);

            Assert.IsTrue(wkb1.EqualsExact(wkt1), "First geometry pair must be equal!");
            Assert.IsTrue(wkb2.EqualsExact(wkt2), "Second geometry pair must be equal!");

            ex = TryOverlay(wkt1, wkt2);
            Assert.IsNotNull(ex, "Operation must fail!");
            Assert.IsTrue(ex.GetType() == typeof(TopologyException));          
コード例 #7
        public void BuildShapefilesFromGraphBinary()
            int index = 0;
            IGeometry edges;
            WKBReader reader = new WKBReader(factory);
            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream("graph", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                edges = reader.Read(stream);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, index);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(MultiLineString), edges);
            Assert.AreEqual(1179, edges.NumGeometries);

            string field1 = "OBJECTID";
            string field2 = "DESCRIPTION";
            IList features = new List<Feature>(edges.NumGeometries);            
            for (int i = 0; i < edges.NumGeometries; i++)
                IGeometry ls = edges.GetGeometryN(i);
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(LineString), ls);

                Feature f = new Feature(ls, new AttributesTable());
                f.Attributes.AddAttribute(field1, i);
                f.Attributes.AddAttribute(field2, String.Format("length: {0}", Convert.ToInt64(ls.Length)));
            Assert.AreEqual(edges.NumGeometries, features.Count);

            DbaseFileHeader header = new DbaseFileHeader();
            header.NumRecords = edges.NumGeometries;            
            header.NumFields = 1;
            header.AddColumn(field1, 'N', 5, 0);
            header.AddColumn(field2, 'C', 254, 0);

            string path = "graph";
            if (File.Exists(path + shp))
                File.Delete(path + shp);
            Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(path + shp));
            if (File.Exists(path + shx))
                File.Delete(path + shx);
            Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(path + shx));
            if (File.Exists(path + dbf))
                File.Delete(path + dbf);
            Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(path + dbf));

            ShapefileDataWriter writer = new ShapefileDataWriter(path, factory);
            writer.Header = header;

            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path + shp));
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path + shx));
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path + dbf));

            IList subset = new List<Feature>(15);
            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
            Assert.AreEqual(15, subset.Count);

            path = "minimalgraph";
            if (File.Exists(path + shp))
                File.Delete(path + shp);
            Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(path + shp));
            if (File.Exists(path + shx))
                File.Delete(path + shx);
            Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(path + shx));
            if (File.Exists(path + dbf))
                File.Delete(path + dbf);
            Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(path + dbf));

            writer = new ShapefileDataWriter(path, factory);
            writer.Header = header;

            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path + shp));
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path + shx));
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path + dbf));
コード例 #8
        private void dataAddedWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args)
            var worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            //going to modify the list so can't use a foreach.
            while (true)
                if (layerDataToProcess.Count == 0)

                VectorLayerData vectorLayerData = layerDataToProcess[0];
                if (worker != null && worker.CancellationPending)
                    args.Cancel = true;

                StyleSpecification style = Styles[cDefaultStyleID];
                string styleID = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vectorLayerData.Style))
                                     ? vectorLayerData.Style
                                     : LayerDefinition.LayerStyleName;
                if (Styles.ContainsKey(styleID))
                    style = Styles[styleID];
                var wkbReader = new WKBReader(new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel(), 4326));
                    IGeometry geo = wkbReader.Read(vectorLayerData.Geo);
                    VectorLayerData data = vectorLayerData;
                        var infogeo = new InfoGeometry(geo, style, MapInstance, this)
                            Label = data.Label,
                            LabelVisibility =
                                    ? Visibility.Visible
                                    : Visibility.Collapsed,
                            ItemID = data.ID,
                            EnableBalloon = EnableBalloon,
                            EnableSelection = EnableSelection,
                            TimeStamp = data.TimeStamp,
                        infogeo.Balloon += (o, e) =>
                            if (
                                ((InfoGeometry)o).BalloonData.Count ==
                                Commands.LoadBalloonDataCommand.Execute(e, o);
                        infogeo.Selected += (o, e) => Commands.ItemSelectedCommand.Execute(o);
                        if (LayerDefinition.PermissionToEdit)
                            infogeo.Selected += (o, e) => Commands.EditVectorCommand.Execute(o);
                catch (Exception e)