コード例 #1
        // Do these segments overlay this angle?
        public bool IsIncludedAngle(Segment seg1, Segment seg2)
            // Do not allow the same segment.
            if (seg1.StructurallyEquals(seg2))

            // Check direct inclusion
            if (seg1.Equals(ray1) && seg2.Equals(ray2) || seg1.Equals(ray2) && seg2.Equals(ray1))

            // Check overlaying angle
            Point shared = seg1.SharedVertex(seg2);

            if (shared == null)

            Angle thatAngle = new Angle(seg1.OtherPoint(shared), shared, seg2.OtherPoint(shared));

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Figure out what possible segment combinations are before showing the window.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnShow()
            options = new Dictionary <GeometryTutorLib.ConcreteAST.Segment, List <GeometryTutorLib.ConcreteAST.Segment> >();

            //Get a list of all congruent segment givens
            List <GroundedClause> psegs = new List <GroundedClause>();

            foreach (GroundedClause gc in currentGivens)
                GeometricParallel pseg = gc as GeometricParallel;
                if (pseg != null)

            //Pick a first segment...
            foreach (GeometryTutorLib.ConcreteAST.Segment ts1 in parser.backendParser.implied.segments)
                List <GeometryTutorLib.ConcreteAST.Segment> possible = new List <GeometryTutorLib.ConcreteAST.Segment>();
                GeometryTutorLib.ConcreteAST.Segment        s1       = new GeometryTutorLib.ConcreteAST.Segment(ts1.Point1, ts1.Point2);

                //... and see what other segments are viable second options.
                foreach (GeometryTutorLib.ConcreteAST.Segment ts2 in parser.backendParser.implied.segments)
                    GeometryTutorLib.ConcreteAST.Segment s2 = new GeometryTutorLib.ConcreteAST.Segment(ts2.Point1, ts2.Point2);
                    if (s1.IsParallelWith(s2))
                        GeometricParallel pseg = new GeometricParallel(s1, s2);

                        if (!s1.StructurallyEquals(s2) && !StructurallyContains(psegs, pseg))

                //If we found a possible list of combinations, add it to the dictionary
                if (possible.Count > 0)
                    options.Add(s1, possible);

            //Set the options of the segment1 combo box
            segment1.ItemsSource = null; //Graphical refresh
            segment1.ItemsSource = options.Keys;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Triangle.cs プロジェクト: wcatykid/GeoShader
        public void GetOtherSides(Segment s, out Segment outSeg1, out Segment outSeg2)
            outSeg1 = null;
            outSeg2 = null;

            if (s.StructurallyEquals(SegmentA))
                outSeg1 = SegmentB;
                outSeg2 = SegmentC;
            else if (s.StructurallyEquals(SegmentB))
                outSeg1 = SegmentA;
                outSeg2 = SegmentC;
            else if (s.StructurallyEquals(SegmentC))
                outSeg1 = SegmentA;
                outSeg2 = SegmentB;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Triangle.cs プロジェクト: wcatykid/GeoShader
        private List<KeyValuePair<Segment, double>> CalcSides(RightTriangle tri, Angle rightAngle, Angle knownAngle, double knownAngleVal, Segment knownSeg, double knownSegVal)
            // Determine the nature of the known Segment w.r.t. to the known angle.
            Segment hypotenuse = tri.GetHypotenuse();

            // Hypotenuse known
            if (knownSeg.StructurallyEquals(hypotenuse))
                return CalcSidesHypotenuseKnown(tri, knownAngle, knownAngleVal, hypotenuse, knownSegVal);
                return CalcSidesHypotenuseUnknown(tri, knownAngle, knownAngleVal, knownSeg, knownSegVal);
コード例 #5
        public static Quadrilateral GenerateQuadrilateral(Segment s1, Segment s2, Segment s3, Segment s4)
            //    ____
            //   |
            //   |____
            // Check a C shape of 3 segments; the 4th needs to be opposite
            Segment top;
            Segment bottom;
            Segment left = AcquireMiddleSegment(s1, s2, s3, out top, out bottom);

            // Check C for the top, bottom, and right sides
            if (left == null)

            Segment right = s4;

            Segment tempOut1, tempOut2;
            Segment rightMid = AcquireMiddleSegment(top, bottom, right, out tempOut1, out tempOut2);

            // The middle segment we acquired must match the 4th segment
            if (!right.StructurallyEquals(rightMid))

            // The top / bottom cannot cross; bowtie or hourglass shape
            // A valid quadrilateral will have the intersections outside of the quad, that is defined
            // by the order of the three points: intersection and two endpts of the side
            Point intersection = top.FindIntersection(bottom);

            // Check for parallel lines, then in-betweenness
            if (intersection != null && !double.IsNaN(intersection.X) && !double.IsNaN(intersection.Y))
                if (Segment.Between(intersection, top.Point1, top.Point2))
                if (Segment.Between(intersection, bottom.Point1, bottom.Point2))

            // The left / right cannot cross; bowtie or hourglass shape
            intersection = left.FindIntersection(right);

            // Check for parallel lines, then in-betweenness
            if (intersection != null && !double.IsNaN(intersection.X) && !double.IsNaN(intersection.Y))
                if (Segment.Between(intersection, left.Point1, left.Point2))
                if (Segment.Between(intersection, right.Point1, right.Point2))

            // Verify that we have 4 unique points; And not different shapes (like a star, or triangle with another segment)
            List <Point> pts = new List <Point>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pts.Count - 1; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < pts.Count; j++)
                    if (pts[i].StructurallyEquals(pts[j]))

            return(new Quadrilateral(left, right, top, bottom));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Angle.cs プロジェクト: wcatykid/GeoShader
        // Do these segments overlay this angle?
        public bool IsIncludedAngle(Segment seg1, Segment seg2)
            // Do not allow the same segment.
            if (seg1.StructurallyEquals(seg2)) return false;

            // Check direct inclusion
            if (seg1.Equals(ray1) && seg2.Equals(ray2) || seg1.Equals(ray2) && seg2.Equals(ray1)) return true;

            // Check overlaying angle
            Point shared = seg1.SharedVertex(seg2);

            if (shared == null) return false;

            Angle thatAngle = new Angle(seg1.OtherPoint(shared), shared, seg2.OtherPoint(shared));

            return this.Equates(thatAngle);
コード例 #7
        public double GetSegmentLength(Segment thatSeg)
            if (thatSeg == null)
                // throw new ArgumentException("Why is the angle null?");
                return -1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Segment, double> segPair in segments)
                if (thatSeg.StructurallyEquals(segPair.Key)) return segPair.Value;

            return -1;