コード例 #1
        // Fills the canvas with new and equally sized rectangles representing the cells of the Game of Life
        public static void DrawGameBoard(Canvas surface, GameState givenGame)
            var canvasLength    = surface.ActualWidth;
            var cellPixelLength = canvasLength / givenGame.Length();

            surface.Children.Clear(); // resets surface
            for (int i = 0; i < givenGame.Length(); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < givenGame.Length(); j++)
                    DrawCell(surface, cellPixelLength, cellPixelLength, j * cellPixelLength, i * cellPixelLength, givenGame.GameStatus()[i, j]);
コード例 #2
 // Redraws all the items without creating new rectangle objects
 // Essentially just sets their fill and border colors to match their current state (alive/dead)
 public static void RedrawGameBoard(Canvas surface, GameState givenGame)
     for (int i = 0; i < givenGame.Length(); i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < givenGame.Length(); j++)
             int surfaceChildIndex = (i * givenGame.Length()) + j;
             if (surface.Children[surfaceChildIndex] is Rectangle)
                 RedrawCell((surface.Children[surfaceChildIndex] as Rectangle), givenGame.GameStatus()[i, j]);
                 throw new NotSupportedException("Children in " + surface.Name + " is not a Rectangle item"); // item in children is not a rectangle, throw exception
コード例 #3
 public SetupMenu(LifeRuleset rulesetToModify, GameState currentGame)
     helper = new SetupMenuHelper(rulesetToModify);
     helper.RecolorBoxes(LivingList, GrowingList, DyingList);
     backupEnteredTextString = "";
     currentLength           = currentGame.Length();
     EnteredLength.Text      = currentLength.ToString();
コード例 #4
        // Opens a LoadFile window, sets Rules to its results
        void LoadClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            LoadFileWindow window = new LoadFileWindow(Rules);

            Rules    = window.ReturnResult();
            MainGame = new GameState(MainGame.Length(), (int)LifeBoard.ActualWidth, (int)LifeBoard.ActualHeight, Rules);
コード例 #5
        // Finds the rectangle matching the xPos and yPos given, sets its color to differentiate it from other cells
        public static void DrawHighlightedCell(Canvas surface, int xPos, int yPos, GameState givenGame)
            if (xPos >= 0 && yPos >= 0 && xPos < surface.ActualWidth && yPos < surface.ActualWidth)
                var canvasLength      = surface.ActualWidth;
                var cellPixelLength   = canvasLength / givenGame.Length();
                int xIndex            = (int)(xPos / cellPixelLength);
                int yIndex            = (int)(yPos / cellPixelLength);
                int surfaceChildIndex = (yIndex * givenGame.Length()) + xIndex;

                if (surfaceChildIndex < surface.Children.Count && surface.Children[surfaceChildIndex] is Rectangle)
                    (surface.Children[surfaceChildIndex] as Rectangle).Fill = Brushes.LightBlue;
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Children in " + surface.Name + " is not a Rectangle item"); // item in children is not a rectangle, throw exception