public FBindWindow(GUI.WindowManager WM, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player) { this.Width = 404; this.Height = 78; this.Title = "Skillz"; this.X = 300; this.Y = 450; int y = 0; int x = 0; // int i = y * Width + x; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ItemSlot s = new ItemSlot(null); s.Y = 8; s.X = 8 + 48 * i; //8 between each s.CanGrab = true; s.CanPut = true; s.RenderCooldown = true; s.BeforeItemChanged += CheckSkill; this.AddControl(s); FBinds[i] = s; } }
public ShopWindow(NPCShop shop, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player) { this.Width = 360; this.Height = 420; = shop; this.WM = Main.CurrentScene.WindowManager; this._basket = new List <Tuple <GameObject.Item, int> >(); this._basketslots = new ItemSlot[8]; this.Player = Player; SetupWares(); SetupBasket(); GUI.Controls.Button BuyButton = new GUI.Controls.Button("Purchase"); BuyButton.Width = 150; BuyButton.Height = 32; BuyButton.X = 3; BuyButton.Y = (ShopHeight + 1) * _basketslots[0].Height + 30 + 16 + TotalLabel.Height + 5; BuyButton.OnClick += new ClickEventHandler((sender, m) => Buy()); AddControl(BuyButton); //#TODO: sell menu - BuysAnything as toggleable option, default on, if on - items on the buying list have custom (higher) price }