コード例 #1
        public void TestMerchantCalcTaxes()
            CheckoutShoppingCartRequest request = new CheckoutShoppingCartRequest(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_KEY, EnvironmentType.Sandbox, "USD", 120);
              request.MerchantCalculatedTax = true;

              Assert.AreEqual(true, request.MerchantCalculatedTax);

              byte[] xml = null;
              try {
            xml = request.GetXml();
            Assert.Fail("You should not be able to obtain the xml:MerchantCalculatedTax");
              catch (Exception ex) {
            if (ex.Message.IndexOf("MerchantCalculatedTax=true, you must add at least one tax rule.") == -1) {

              //now we want to set a tax table and let it blow up because the callback url was not set.
              request.AddStateTaxRule("OH", .06, true);

              try {
            xml = request.GetXml();
            Assert.Fail("You should not be able to obtain the xml:AddStateTaxRule");
              catch (Exception ex) {
            if (ex.Message.IndexOf("MerchantCalculatedTax=true, you must set MerchantCalculationsUrl.") == -1) {

              request.MerchantCalculatedTax = false;
              request.AcceptMerchantCoupons = true;

              try {
            xml = request.GetXml();
            Assert.Fail("You should not be able to obtain the xml:AcceptMerchantCoupons");
              catch (Exception ex) {
            if (ex.Message.IndexOf("AcceptMerchantCoupons=true, you must set MerchantCalculationsUrl.") == -1) {

              request.AcceptMerchantCoupons = false;
              request.AcceptMerchantGiftCertificates = true;

              try {
            xml = request.GetXml();
            Assert.Fail("You should not be able to obtain the xml:AcceptMerchantGiftCertificates");
              catch (Exception ex) {
            if (ex.Message.IndexOf("AcceptMerchantGiftCertificates=true, you must set") == -1) {

              request.AcceptMerchantGiftCertificates = false;

              //set to false to test carrier option
              request.MerchantCalculationsUrl = "http://localhost/test.aspx";

              //Ship from test
              request.AddCarrierCalculatedShippingOption(ShippingType.Fedex_Second_Day, 4.99m);

              try {
            xml = request.GetXml();
            Assert.Fail("You should not be able to obtain the xml:carrier-calculated-shipping item exists");
              catch (Exception ex) {
            if (ex.Message.IndexOf("a ShipFrom address must also be set") == -1) {
        public void DefaultTaxTable_AddStateTaxRule_VerifyTaxRateSetsIsSpecified()
            //create a pickup shipping method
              var request = new CheckoutShoppingCartRequest(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_KEY, EnvironmentType.Sandbox, "GBP", 120);
              request.AddStateTaxRule("OH", .05, true);

              CheckoutShoppingCart roundTrip = EncodeHelper.Deserialize(EncodeHelper.Utf8BytesToString(request.GetXml()),
            typeof(CheckoutShoppingCart)) as CheckoutShoppingCart;

              var actualTaxTable = roundTrip.checkoutflowsupport.Item.taxtables.defaulttaxtable.taxrules[0];

              Assert.AreEqual(.05, actualTaxTable.rate);
              Assert.AreEqual(typeof(USStateArea), actualTaxTable.taxarea.Item.GetType());
コード例 #3
        public void TestExamples()
            CheckoutShoppingCartRequest request = new CheckoutShoppingCartRequest(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_KEY, EnvironmentType.Sandbox, "USD", 120);

              //Make sure we can add an item to the cart.
              request.AddItem("Item 1", "Cool Candy 1", 2.00M, 1);

              request.AddStateTaxRule("CT", .06, true);

              byte[] cart = request.GetXml();


              //test to see if the item can desialize

              //example 2

              request = new CheckoutShoppingCartRequest(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_KEY, EnvironmentType.Sandbox, "USD", 120);

              //Make sure we can add an item to the cart.
              request.AddItem("Item 1", "Cool Candy 1", 2.00M, 1);

              request.AddStateTaxRule("CT", .06, true);
              request.AddStateTaxRule("MD", .05, false);

              cart = request.GetXml();


              //test to see if the item can desialize

              //example 2a

              request = new CheckoutShoppingCartRequest(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_KEY, EnvironmentType.Sandbox, "USD", 120);

              //Make sure we can add an item to the cart.
              request.AddItem("Item 1", "Cool Candy 1", 2.00M, 1);

              cart = request.GetXml();


              //test to see if the item can desialize

              //example 3

              request = new CheckoutShoppingCartRequest(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_KEY, EnvironmentType.Sandbox, "USD", 120);

              //Make sure we can add an item to the cart.
              request.AddItem("Item 1", "Cool Candy 1", 2.00M, 1);

              request.AddZipTaxRule("100*", 0.08375, false);
              request.AddStateTaxRule("NY", 0.0400, true);

              //this should be an invalid format
              try {
            request.AddZipTaxRule("255333", .05, true);
            Assert.Fail("255333 should not be a correct zip code format");
              catch {

              cart = request.GetXml();


              //test to see if the item can desialize

              request.AddMerchantCalculatedShippingMethod("Test 1", 12.11m);
              request.AddMerchantCalculatedShippingMethod("Test 2", 4.95m, new ShippingRestrictions());
              request.AddMerchantCalculatedShippingMethod("Test 3", 5.95m, new ShippingRestrictions());
              request.AddMerchantCalculatedShippingMethod("MerchantCalc", 12.95m, new ShippingRestrictions(), new ShippingRestrictions());

              //create a pickup shipping method
              request = new CheckoutShoppingCartRequest(MERCHANT_ID, MERCHANT_KEY, EnvironmentType.Sandbox, "USD", 120);
              request.AddPickupShippingMethod("Name", 4.95m);
              request.AddCountryTaxRule(GCheckout.AutoGen.USAreas.ALL, .05, true);
              request.AddWorldAreaTaxRule(.02, true);
              //Tax Canada at 5%
              request.AddPostalAreaTaxRule("CA", .05, true);

              //Tax all cities that start with L4L at 7%
              request.AddPostalAreaTaxRule("CA", "L4L*", .07, true);

              XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
              doc.LoadXml("<data />");

              //we must pass in a valid node
              try {
            Assert.Fail("Null can't be sent to AddMerchantPrivateDataNode.");
              catch {