コード例 #1
        public void importChallonge(String apiKey, String subDomain, String specifiedTournamentName, List<Person> playerList)
            if (subDomain != null && subDomain.Length > 0)
                portal = new ChallongePortal(apiKey, subDomain);
                portal = new ChallongePortal(apiKey);

            //Fetch all tournaments for the user account or subdomain
            tournaments = portal.GetTournaments().ToList();

            //If a specific tournament name is provided, look it up individually. 
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(specifiedTournamentName))
                specifiedTournament = portal.ShowTournament(specifiedTournamentName);
                //Only add it to the list if it's not there from the user account/subdomain.
                if (!tournaments.Contains(specifiedTournament))
                    tournaments.Insert(0, specifiedTournament);

            //Fetch name of first tournament in list or leave blank if no tournaments
            tournamentName = tournaments.Select(t => t.Name).FirstOrDefault();

            //Load current players in leaderboard
            foreach (Person p in playerList)

            //Set event selector
            eventSelector.DataSource = tournaments;
            eventSelector.DisplayMember = "Name";
コード例 #2
 public ObservableTournament(Tournament tournament, TournamentContext context)
     source = tournament;
     OwningContext = context;
コード例 #3
        public void Update(Tournament newData, IEnumerable<Participant> playerList, IEnumerable<Match> matchList)
            var oldData = source;
            source = newData;

            //Raise notify event for any property that has changed value
            foreach (var property in tournamentProperties)
                if (!object.Equals(property.GetValue(oldData, null), property.GetValue(newData, null))) this.Raise(property.Name, PropertyChanged);

            if (oldData.ProgressMeter != newData.ProgressMeter)

            if (oldData.CompletedAt != newData.CompletedAt)
                Stations.Instance.CompletionChange(newData.CompletedAt != null, TopFourParticipants());

            //Check if there are any new participants, or if participants have been removed. Also check if match count has changed.
            var participantIntersect = Participants.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).Intersect(playerList.Select(p => p.Id));
            var participantsChanged = Participants.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).Union(playerList.Select(p => p.Id)).Except(participantIntersect).Any();
            var matchCountChanged = Matches.Count != matchList.Count();

            //If true, re-initialize, else update
            if (participantsChanged || matchCountChanged)
                Initialize(playerList, matchList);
                //Update all participants
                foreach (var participant in playerList) Participants[participant.Id].Update(participant);

                //Update all matches
                foreach (var match in matchList) Matches[match.Id].Update(match);
コード例 #4
        // Rebuild the list of players in the event whenever the event selector is used.
        private void eventSelector_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get combo box from sender
            var cbox = (ComboBox)sender;

            //Fetch selected tourney
            curTourney = (Tournament)cbox.SelectedItem;
