コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the light to a specific brightness level of <see cref="MinimumBrightness"/> and <see cref="MaximumBrightness"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="level">The level amount to set the brightness.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ElgatoLightNotOnException">Thrown if trying to set the brightness and the device isn't turned on.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ElgatoLightOutOfRangeException">Thrown if the new value is out of range. The minimum range is <see cref="MinimumBrightness"/> and maximum brightness is <see cref="MaximumBrightness"/>.</exception>
        public async Task SetBrightnessAsync(int level)
            if (IsOn == false)
                throw new ElgatoLightNotOnException("The light must be turned On in order to turn the set the brightness.");

            await UpdateStatusAsync();

            Debug.WriteLine($"SetBrightnessAsync Old Values: {ToString()}");

            if (level < MinimumBrightness || level > MaximumBrightness)
                throw new ElgatoLightOutOfRangeException($"Brightness Out of Range {level}. The minimum range is {MinimumBrightness} and the Maximum is {MaximumBrightness}.");

            var targetStatus = LightsStatus.FromLight(this);

            targetStatus.Lights[0].Brightness = level;

            var targetStatusJson = targetStatus.ToJson();

            var retreturnedJsonStatus = await UpdateDevice(targetStatusJson);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(retreturnedJsonStatus))
                Debug.WriteLine($"The network is either offline or the device returned null data.");

            await ParseLightStatus(retreturnedJsonStatus);

            Debug.WriteLine($"SetBrightnessAsync New Values: {ToString()}");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  Must be 2900-7000
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="temp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ElgatoLightNotOnException">Thrown if trying to set the brightness and the device isn't turned on.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ElgatoLightOutOfRangeException">Thrown if the new value is out of range. The minimum range is <see cref="MinimumTemperature"/> and maximum tempature is <see cref="MaximumTemperature"/>.</exception>
        public async Task SetColorTemperatureAsync(int temp)
            if (IsOn == false)
                throw new ElgatoLightNotOnException("The light must be turned On in order to turn the set the tempature.");

            await UpdateStatusAsync();

            Debug.WriteLine($"SetColorTemperatureAsync Old Values: {ToString()}");

            if (temp < MinimumTemperature || temp > MaximumTemperature)
                throw new ElgatoLightOutOfRangeException($"Temperature Out of Range. {temp} is an invlaid temperature");

            var targetStatusStatus = LightsStatus.FromLight(this);

            targetStatusStatus.Lights[0].Temperature = temp;

            var targetStatusJson = targetStatusStatus.ToJson();

            var retreturnedJsonStatus = await UpdateDevice(targetStatusJson);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(retreturnedJsonStatus))
                Debug.WriteLine($"The network is either offline or the device returned null data.");

            await ParseLightStatus(retreturnedJsonStatus);

            Debug.WriteLine($"SetColorTemperatureAsync New Values: {ToString()}");
コード例 #3
        public async Task OffAsync()
            await UpdateStatusAsync();

            Debug.WriteLine($"OffAsync Old Values: {ToString()}");

            // extract the current settings
            var targetSettings = LightsStatus.FromLight(this);

            targetSettings.Lights[0].On = 0;

            // convert the current status to json
            var targetStatusJson = targetSettings.ToJson();

            var returnedJsonStatus = await UpdateDevice(targetStatusJson);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnedJsonStatus))
                Debug.WriteLine($"The network is either offline or the device returned null data.");

            await ParseLightStatus(returnedJsonStatus);

            await UpdateSettings();

            Debug.WriteLine($"OffAsync New Values: {ToString()}");
コード例 #4
        internal async Task UpdateStatusAsync()
            var statusEndPoint = string.Format(StatusInfoEndPointTemplate, Address, Port);

            if (NetworkDiscoveryHelper.IsNetworkAvailable() == false)

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                var streamTask = client.GetStreamAsync(statusEndPoint);

                LightsStatus status = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync <LightsStatus>(await streamTask);

                if (status != null && status.Lights != null && status.Lights.Count > 0)
                    On          = status.Lights[0].On;
                    Brightness  = status.Lights[0].Brightness;
                    Temperature = status.Lights[0].Temperature;