public override Expression GetExpression(object data, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { DataTable table = (DataTable) data; ObjectExpression tableExpr = new ObjectExpression(); tableExpr.Add("TableName", serializer.Serialize(table.TableName, currentPath.Append("TableName"))); tableExpr.Add("Columns", GetColumnsExpression(table, currentPath.Append("Columns"), serializer)); tableExpr.Add("Rows", GetRowsExpression(table, currentPath, serializer)); return tableExpr; }
/// <summary> /// Serialize the given object at the current indent level. The path to the object is represented by /// currentPath such as "", etc. This is an internal method that can be called recursively. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">the object to serialize</param> /// <param name="currentPath">the current path for reference writing</param> public Expression Serialize(object value, JsonPath currentPath, IJsonTypeConverter converter) { if (value == null) { return new NullExpression(); } else { IExpressionHandler objHandler; bool isReferencable = _config.IsReferenceableType(value.GetType()); if (converter != null) { TypeConverterExpressionHandler converterHandler = (TypeConverterExpressionHandler)_config.ExpressionHandlers.Find(typeof(TypeConverterExpressionHandler)); isReferencable = converterHandler.IsReferenceable(value, converter); objHandler = converterHandler; } else { objHandler = _config.ExpressionHandlers.GetHandler(value); isReferencable = objHandler.IsReferenceable(value); } if (isReferencable) { Expression expr = HandleReference(value, currentPath); if (expr != null) return expr; } ISerializationCallback callback = value as ISerializationCallback; if (callback != null) callback.OnBeforeSerialization(); try { if (converter != null) { return ((TypeConverterExpressionHandler)objHandler).GetExpression(value, converter, currentPath, this); } else { SetCanReference(value); return objHandler.GetExpression(value, currentPath, this); } } finally { if (callback != null) callback.OnAfterSerialization(); } } }
public void VisitComplexBase(ComplexExpressionBase expression) { if (_refID.Top == JsonPath.Root) { if (expression.Parent != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Reference for this passed to object that is not at the root", "refID"); } } else { // have to assume that the parent checked that we were the right reference // should only get here if we have a parent, if no parent we're not valid if (expression.Parent == null) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid reference", "refID"); } // it is this object, check if we need to go further _refID = _refID.ChildReference(); if (_refID.IsEmpty) { _expr = expression; } }
/// <summary> /// Generates an expression for an item and adds it to the object /// </summary> /// <param name="data">the item being serialized</param> /// <param name="currentPath">the current path to the object</param> /// <param name="serializer">serializer instance</param> /// <param name="expression">the object expression</param> /// <param name="prop">the property being serialized</param> protected virtual void GenerateItemExpression(object data, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer, ObjectExpression expression, IPropertyData prop) { object value = prop.GetValue(data); if (!prop.ShouldWriteValue(this.Config, value)) return; Expression valueExpr; if (prop.HasConverter) { valueExpr = serializer.Serialize(value, currentPath.Append(prop.Alias), prop.TypeConverter); } else { valueExpr = serializer.Serialize(value, currentPath.Append(prop.Alias)); } if (value != null && !ReflectionUtils.AreEquivalentTypes(value.GetType(), prop.PropertyType)) { valueExpr = new CastExpression(value.GetType(), valueExpr); } expression.Add(prop.Alias, valueExpr); }
/// <summary> /// Serializes the data into a json array expression. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">the data to serialize</param> /// <param name="currentPath">the current path to the data</param> /// <param name="serializer">serializer instance to use to serialize list items</param> /// <returns>a json array expression representation</returns> public override Expression GetExpression(object data, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { TypeData handler = Config.GetTypeHandler(data.GetType()); CollectionHandler collectionHandler = handler.CollectionHandler; Type elemType = collectionHandler.GetItemType(handler.ForType); int index = 0; ArrayExpression expression = new ArrayExpression(); foreach (object value in collectionHandler.GetEnumerable(data)) { Expression itemExpr = serializer.Serialize(value, currentPath.Append(index)); if (value != null && !ReflectionUtils.AreEquivalentTypes(value.GetType(), elemType)) { itemExpr = new CastExpression(value.GetType(), itemExpr); } expression.Add(itemExpr); index++; } return expression; }
public override Expression GetExpression(object data, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { string value = ((DateTime)data).ToString(dateFormat, Culture); return new ValueExpression(value); }
/// <summary> /// GetExpression is not valid for a CastExpression. CastExpressions should be created directly /// during serialization whenever type information is needed. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">data to serialize</param> /// <param name="currentPath">the current path to the object</param> /// <param name="serializer">serializer instance</param> /// <returns>expression</returns> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">This will throw an exception if called</exception> public override Expression GetExpression(object data, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { throw new InvalidOperationException("CastObjectHandler should not be called during Serialization"); }
protected virtual Expression GetColumnsExpression(DataTable table, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { ArrayExpression columns = new ArrayExpression(); int colCount = 0; foreach (DataColumn dc in table.Columns) { columns.Add(GetColumnExpression(dc, currentPath.Append(colCount), serializer)); colCount++; } return columns; }
private Expression _reference; // the expression that is referenced #endregion Fields #region Constructors public ReferenceExpression(string ReferencePath) { this._path = new JsonPath(ReferencePath); }
public ReferenceVisitor(JsonPath RefID) { _refID = RefID; }
/// <summary> /// Parses a reference to an object /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private Expression ParseReference() { JsonPath refID = new JsonPath(); Token tok = ReadToken(); if (tok != ReferenceStartToken && tok != OldReferenceStartToken) throw new ParseException(string.Format("Invalid starting token for ParseReference at Line: {0}, Position: {1}, Expected: {2} or {3}, got: {4}", tok.linenumber, tok.position, ReferenceStartToken, OldReferenceStartToken, tok)); int line = tok.linenumber; int pos = tok.position; while (PeekToken() == PeriodToken || PeekToken() == LSquareToken) { tok = ReadToken(); // separator "." if (tok == PeriodToken) tok = ReadToken(); // type part if (tok == LSquareToken) { refID = refID.Append(ReadToken().value); // index ReadToken(); // ] } else if (tok.type == TokenType.Identifier) { refID = refID.Append(tok.value); } else { throw new ParseException(string.Format("Invalid Reference at Line: {0}, Position: {1}, must be an identifier or array value: {2}", tok.linenumber, tok.position, tok)); } } return new ReferenceExpression(refID) { LineNumber = line, CharacterPosition = pos }; }
/// <summary> /// Gets an expression for a value by first converting it with a specific type converter and then calling Serialize. This /// method can be called directly when using a Property Converter /// </summary> /// <param name="value">the value to generate an expression for</param> /// <param name="converter">the type converter to use for conversion</param> /// <param name="currentPath">the current path to the value</param> /// <param name="serializer">serializer instance</param> /// <returns>an expression for the value</returns> public Expression GetExpression(object value, IJsonTypeConverter converter, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { //TODO: Cast for now to avoid breaking compatibility object convertedObject = converter.ConvertFrom(value, (SerializationContext) Config); // call serialize again in case the new type has a converter Expression expr = serializer.Serialize(convertedObject, currentPath, null); serializer.SetCanReference(value); // can't reference inside the object return expr; }
/// <summary> /// Gets an expression for a value by first converting it with its registered type converter and then calling Serialize /// </summary> /// <param name="value">the value to generate an expression for</param> /// <param name="currentPath">the current path to the value</param> /// <param name="serializer">serializer instance</param> /// <returns>an expression for the value</returns> public override Expression GetExpression(object value, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { IJsonTypeConverter converter = GetConverter(value); return GetExpression(value, converter, currentPath, serializer); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an json object expression from object data. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">the data to serialize</param> /// <param name="currentPath">current path to the object</param> /// <param name="serializer">serializer instance used to serialize key values</param> /// <returns>json object expression</returns> public override Expression GetExpression(object data, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { TypeData handler = Config.GetTypeHandler(data.GetType()); ObjectExpression expression = new ObjectExpression(); foreach (IPropertyData prop in handler.Properties) { GenerateItemExpression(data, currentPath, serializer, expression, prop); } return expression; }
public ReferenceExpression(JsonPath ReferencePath) { this._path = ReferencePath; }
protected virtual Expression GetRowsExpression(DataTable table, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { ArrayExpression rowsExpr = new ArrayExpression(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = table.Rows[i]; object[] values = row.ItemArray; JsonPath rowPath = currentPath.Append(i); ArrayExpression rowExpr = new ArrayExpression(); for (int j = 0; j < values.Length; j++) { rowExpr.Add(serializer.Serialize(values[j], rowPath.Append(j))); } rowsExpr.Add(rowExpr); } return rowsExpr; }
protected virtual Expression HandleReference(object value, JsonPath CurrentPath) { ReferenceInfo refInfo = null; if (_refs.ContainsKey(value)) { /* * This object has already been seen by the serializer so * determine what to do with it. If its part of the current path * then its a circular reference and an error needs to be thrown or it should * be ignored depending on the option. Otherwise write a reference to it */ refInfo = _refs[value]; JsonPath refPath = refInfo.Path; switch (_config.ReferenceWritingType) { case SerializationContext.ReferenceOption.WriteIdentifier: if (!refInfo.CanReference) throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't reference object: " + refPath + " from " + CurrentPath + ", either it is a collection, or it has not been converted yet"); return new ReferenceExpression(refPath); case SerializationContext.ReferenceOption.IgnoreCircularReferences: if (CurrentPath.StartsWith(refPath)) { return new NullExpression(); } break; case SerializationContext.ReferenceOption.ErrorCircularReferences: if (CurrentPath.StartsWith(refPath)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Circular reference detected. Current path: " + CurrentPath + ", reference to: " + refPath); } break; } } else { refInfo = new ReferenceInfo(CurrentPath); _refs[value] = refInfo; } return null; }
protected virtual Expression GetColumnExpression(DataColumn dc, JsonPath jsonPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { ObjectExpression column = new ObjectExpression(); // just DataType and column for now column.Add("DataType", serializer.Serialize(dc.DataType, jsonPath.Append("DataType"))); column.Add("ColumnName", serializer.Serialize(dc.ColumnName, jsonPath.Append("ColumnName"))); return column; }
public ReferenceInfo(JsonPath Path) { this.Path = Path; }
/// <summary> /// Serialize an object implementing IDictionary. The serialized data is similar to a regular /// object, except that the keys of the dictionary are used instead of properties. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">the dictionary object</param> /// <param name="currentPath">object's path</param> /// <param name="serializer">the serializer instance, used to serialize keys and values</param> public override Expression GetExpression(object data, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { IDictionary dictionary = (IDictionary)data; Type itemType = typeof(object); Type genericDictionary = null; if ((genericDictionary = dictionary.GetType().GetInterface(typeof(IDictionary<,>).Name)) != null) { itemType = genericDictionary.GetGenericArguments()[1]; } ObjectExpression expression = new ObjectExpression(); foreach (DictionaryEntry pair in dictionary) { //may not work in all cases object value = pair.Value; Expression valueExpr = serializer.Serialize(value, currentPath.Append(pair.Key.ToString())); if (value != null && !ReflectionUtils.AreEquivalentTypes(value.GetType(), itemType)) { valueExpr = new CastExpression(value.GetType(), valueExpr); } expression.Add(pair.Key.ToString(), valueExpr); } return expression; }
public Expression Serialize(object value, JsonPath currentPath) { return Serialize(value, currentPath, null); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a null expression /// </summary> /// <param name="data">the data</param> /// <param name="currentPath">current path</param> /// <param name="serializer">serializer instance</param> /// <returns>NullExpression</returns> public override Expression GetExpression(object data, JsonPath currentPath, IExpressionBuilder serializer) { return new NullExpression(); }
public bool StartsWith(JsonPath value) { return this.ToString().StartsWith(value.ToString()); }