コード例 #1
        private void _UpdateAtlasTextureRotate(bool bRotateCcw_)
            if (IsValidAtlasTextureIndex(0) == true)
                KTextureInfo textrInfo       = new KTextureInfo();
                bool         bIsGetTextrInfo = m_textureAtlasInfo.GetTextureInfo(ref textrInfo, m_iSelectedMaterialIndex);
                if (bIsGetTextrInfo == true)
                    if (bRotateCcw_ == true)
                        // rotate by Ccw. jintaeks on 2013-11-18, 17:08
                        if (textrInfo.m_bIsRotateCcw == false)
                            textrInfo.RotateImage(90);   // rotate by Ccw
                            textrInfo.m_bIsRotateCcw = bRotateCcw_;
                        } //if
                    else  // when ( bRotateCcw_ == false )
                        // restore rotated image. rotate by Cw. jintaeks on 2013-11-18, 17:08
                        if (textrInfo.m_bIsRotateCcw == true)
                            textrInfo.RotateImage(-90);   // rotate by Ccw
                            textrInfo.m_bIsRotateCcw = bRotateCcw_;
                        } //if
                    }     //if.. else..

                    m_textureAtlasInfo.SetTextureInfo(m_iSelectedMaterialIndex, textrInfo);
                } //if
            }     //if
        }         //_UpdateAtlasTextureRotate()
コード例 #2

        private bool _UpdateAtlasTexturesFromMaterialList()
            if (m_textureAtlasInfo == null || m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo == null ||
                m_alistMaterials == null)

            if (m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo.Count == m_alistMaterials.Count)
                int iTextrCount = m_alistMaterials.Count;
                for (int iTextr = 0; iTextr < iTextrCount; iTextr += 1)
                    KStdMaterialInfo stdMtrlInfo = ( KStdMaterialInfo )m_alistMaterials[iTextr];
                    KTextureInfo     textrInfo   = ( KTextureInfo )m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[iTextr];

                    textrInfo.m_image = stdMtrlInfo.m_image;
                    if (textrInfo.m_image != null && textrInfo.m_bIsRotateCcw == true)

                    m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[iTextr] = textrInfo;
                } //for
            }     //if

コード例 #3

        private bool _UpdateMaterialTextureInfo()
            m_iSelectedMaterialIndex = listBoxMaterials.SelectedIndex;

            if (m_iSelectedMaterialIndex == -1)
                return(false); // return false when selected material index is invalid. jintaeks on 2013-11-04, 20:49

            if (m_textureAtlasInfo == null)
                return(false); // invalid texture atlas info. jintaeks on 2013-11-06, 14:18

            KTextureInfo textrInfo       = new KTextureInfo();
            bool         bIsGetTextrInfo = m_textureAtlasInfo.GetTextureInfo(ref textrInfo, m_iSelectedMaterialIndex);

            if (bIsGetTextrInfo == false)
                return(false); // can't get texture info.

            textBoxTextureFilename.Text      = textrInfo.m_strTextureFileName;
            numericUpDownTextureWidth.Value  = textrInfo.m_iWidth;
            numericUpDownTextureHeight.Value = textrInfo.m_iHeight;
            checkTextureRotate.Checked       = textrInfo.m_bIsRotateCcw; // jintaeks on 2013-11-18, 17:32

            string strAlternativePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_strOdmFileName);


コード例 #4

        /// <summary>
        /// automatically adjust texture positions when atlas size is fixed.
        /// jintaeks on 2013-11-06, 17:18
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool AutoAdjustTexturePosition()
            if (m_iAtlasWidth <= 0 || m_iAtlasHeight <= 0)

            int iNumTextures    = m_alistTextureInfo.Count;
            int iNumRowTextures = ( int )Math.Log(iNumTextures, 2);

            if (iNumRowTextures <= 0)

            int iWidthStep  = m_iAtlasWidth / iNumRowTextures;
            int iHeightStep = m_iAtlasHeight / iNumRowTextures;

            int iTextrCounter        = 0;
            int iTextrLeft           = 0;
            int iTextrLeftNext       = 0;
            int iTextrTop            = 0;
            int iTextrHeightMaxSoFar = 0;

            for (int iTextr = 0; iTextr < iNumTextures; ++iTextr)
                KTextureInfo textrInfo = ( KTextureInfo )m_alistTextureInfo[iTextr];

                iTextrLeftNext = iTextrLeft + Math.Min(iWidthStep, textrInfo.m_iWidth);
                iTextrCounter += 1;
                if (iTextrLeftNext > m_iAtlasWidth)
                    iTextrLeft           = 0;
                    iTextrLeftNext       = Math.Min(iWidthStep, textrInfo.m_iWidth);
                    iTextrTop           += iTextrHeightMaxSoFar;
                    iTextrHeightMaxSoFar = 0;
                textrInfo.m_iLeft = iTextrLeft;
                textrInfo.m_iTop  = iTextrTop;
                iTextrLeft        = iTextrLeftNext;

                iTextrHeightMaxSoFar = Math.Max(iTextrHeightMaxSoFar, textrInfo.m_iHeight);

                // update modified texture info.
                m_alistTextureInfo[iTextr] = textrInfo;

コード例 #5

        public bool SetTextureInfo(int iTextrIndex_, KTextureInfo textrInfo_)
            if (m_alistTextureInfo == null)

            if (iTextrIndex_ >= 0 && iTextrIndex_ < m_alistTextureInfo.Count)
                m_alistTextureInfo[iTextrIndex_] = textrInfo_;

コード例 #6

        /// <summary>
        /// get texture info at specified texture index.
        /// jintaeks on 2013-11-06, 17:19
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textrInfo_"></param>
        /// <param name="iTextrIndex_"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool GetTextureInfo(ref KTextureInfo textrInfo_, int iTextrIndex_)
            if (m_alistTextureInfo == null)

            if (iTextrIndex_ >= 0 && iTextrIndex_ < m_alistTextureInfo.Count)
                // set [out] parameter.
                textrInfo_ = ( KTextureInfo )m_alistTextureInfo[iTextrIndex_];

コード例 #7
        void _ResizeAllTexturesInAtlas(double dResizeRatio_)
            int iTextrCount = m_alistMaterials.Count;

            for (int iTextr = 0; iTextr < iTextrCount; iTextr += 1)
                KTextureInfo textrInfo = ( KTextureInfo )m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[iTextr];

                textrInfo.m_iLeft   = ( int )(textrInfo.m_iLeft * dResizeRatio_);
                textrInfo.m_iTop    = ( int )(textrInfo.m_iTop * dResizeRatio_);
                textrInfo.m_iWidth  = ( int )(textrInfo.m_iWidth * dResizeRatio_);
                textrInfo.m_iHeight = ( int )(textrInfo.m_iHeight * dResizeRatio_);

                m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[iTextr] = textrInfo;
            } //foreach
        }     //_ResizeAllTexturesInAtlas()
コード例 #8
        }         //_UpdateAtlasTextureWidth()

        private void _UpdateAtlasTextureHeight()
            if (IsValidAtlasTextureIndex(0) == true)
                KTextureInfo textrInfo       = new KTextureInfo();
                bool         bIsGetTextrInfo = m_textureAtlasInfo.GetTextureInfo(ref textrInfo, m_iSelectedMaterialIndex);
                if (bIsGetTextrInfo == true)
                    int iHeight = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDownTextureHeight.Value);
                    iHeight = Math.Min(2048, Math.Max(32, iHeight));
                    numericUpDownTextureHeight.Value = iHeight;

                    textrInfo.m_iHeight = iHeight;
                    m_textureAtlasInfo.SetTextureInfo(m_iSelectedMaterialIndex, textrInfo);
                } //if
            }     //if
        }         //_UpdateAtlasTextureHeight()
コード例 #9

        private void panelTextureCanvas_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

            // move texture in atlas
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                int  iPickedTextr   = -1;
                bool bIsPickTexture = _PickTextureOnCanvas(ref iPickedTextr
                                                           , ( int )((e.X - m_pntAtlasLeftTop.X) / m_fAtlasZoomRatio)
                                                           , ( int )((e.Y - m_pntAtlasLeftTop.Y) / m_fAtlasZoomRatio));
                if (bIsPickTexture == true)
                    KTextureInfo textrInfo         = new KTextureInfo();
                    bool         bIsGetTextureInfo = m_textureAtlasInfo.GetTextureInfo(ref textrInfo, iPickedTextr);
                    Debug.Assert(bIsGetTextureInfo == true);
                    if (bIsGetTextureInfo == true)
                        m_pntPickMouseOffset.X = ( int )(e.X - textrInfo.m_iLeft * m_fAtlasZoomRatio) - 1;
                        m_pntPickMouseOffset.Y = ( int )(e.Y - textrInfo.m_iTop * m_fAtlasZoomRatio) - 1;

                        m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex = iPickedTextr;
                        m_eIsTextureLocatingMode     = ETextureLocatingMode.TEXTURE;

                    // sync to material index
                    if (m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex != m_iSelectedMaterialIndex)
                        m_iSelectedMaterialIndex = m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex;
                        listBoxMaterials.SetSelected(m_iSelectedMaterialIndex, true);
                    } //if
                }     //if
            // move atlas itself.
            else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                m_pntPickMouseOffset.X   = ( int )(e.X - m_pntAtlasLeftTop.X);
                m_pntPickMouseOffset.Y   = ( int )(e.Y - m_pntAtlasLeftTop.Y);
                m_eIsTextureLocatingMode = ETextureLocatingMode.ATLAS;
            } //if.. else if..
        }     //panelTextureCanvas_MouseDown()
コード例 #10

        public bool FindTextureInfo(ref int iTextrInfo_, string strMtrlName_)
            if (m_alistTextureInfo == null)
                return(false); // invalid texture info list.

            int iNumTextures = m_alistTextureInfo.Count;

            for (int iTextr = 0; iTextr < iNumTextures; ++iTextr)
                KTextureInfo textrInfo = ( KTextureInfo )m_alistTextureInfo[iTextr];
                if (textrInfo.m_strMtrlName == strMtrlName_)
                    iTextrInfo_ = iTextr;
                } //if
            }     //for

        } //FindTextureInfo()
コード例 #11

        private bool _PickTextureOnCanvas(ref int iOutTextureIndex_, int x_, int y_)
            if (IsValidAtlasTextureIndex(0) == false)

            int iTextrCount = m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo.Count;

            for (int iTextr = 0; iTextr < iTextrCount; iTextr += 1)
                KTextureInfo textrInfo  = ( KTextureInfo )m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[iTextr];
                bool         bIsPointIn = textrInfo.IsPointIn(x_, y_);
                if (bIsPointIn == true)
                    iOutTextureIndex_ = iTextr;
                } //if
            }     //for

コード例 #12
        private void panelTextureCanvas_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            double fMouseX = e.X; // + cfSnapSize / 2.0;
            double fMouseY = e.Y; // +cfSnapSize / 2.0;

            bool bIsValidMtrlIndex = IsValidAtlasTextureIndex(m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex);

            if (bIsValidMtrlIndex == true && m_eIsTextureLocatingMode == ETextureLocatingMode.TEXTURE)
                KTextureInfo textrInfo = ( KTextureInfo )m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex];
                textrInfo.m_iLeft = ( int )((fMouseX - m_pntPickMouseOffset.X) / m_fAtlasZoomRatio);
                textrInfo.m_iTop  = ( int )((fMouseY - m_pntPickMouseOffset.Y) / m_fAtlasZoomRatio);
                m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex] = textrInfo;
            else if (m_eIsTextureLocatingMode == ETextureLocatingMode.ATLAS)
                int iSnapXIndex = ( int )((fMouseX - m_pntPickMouseOffset.X));
                int iSnapYIndex = ( int )((fMouseY - m_pntPickMouseOffset.Y));
                m_pntAtlasLeftTop.X = iSnapXIndex;
                m_pntAtlasLeftTop.Y = iSnapYIndex;
            }//if.. else if..
コード例 #13
        }     //panelTextureCanvas_MouseDown()

        private void panelTextureCanvas_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            double fMouseX = e.X; // + cfSnapSize / 2.0;
            double fMouseY = e.Y; // +cfSnapSize / 2.0;

            bool bIsValidMtrlIndex = IsValidAtlasTextureIndex(m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex);

            if (bIsValidMtrlIndex == true && m_eIsTextureLocatingMode == ETextureLocatingMode.TEXTURE)
                double cfSnapSize = 32;

                // apply 32*32 virtual snap to grid. jintaeks on 2013-11-06, 10:40
                KTextureInfo textrInfo   = ( KTextureInfo )m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex];
                int          iSnapXIndex = ( int )((fMouseX - m_pntPickMouseOffset.X) / m_fAtlasZoomRatio / cfSnapSize);
                int          iSnapYIndex = ( int )((fMouseY - m_pntPickMouseOffset.Y) / m_fAtlasZoomRatio / cfSnapSize);
                textrInfo.m_iLeft = ( int )(iSnapXIndex * cfSnapSize);
                textrInfo.m_iTop  = ( int )(iSnapYIndex * cfSnapSize);
                m_textureAtlasInfo.SetTextureInfo(m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex, textrInfo);

                m_eIsTextureLocatingMode     = ETextureLocatingMode.NONE;
                m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex = -1;
            else if (m_eIsTextureLocatingMode == ETextureLocatingMode.ATLAS)
                double cfSnapSize  = 32;
                int    iSnapXIndex = ( int )((fMouseX - m_pntPickMouseOffset.X) / cfSnapSize);
                int    iSnapYIndex = ( int )((fMouseY - m_pntPickMouseOffset.Y) / cfSnapSize);
                m_pntAtlasLeftTop.X = ( int )(iSnapXIndex * cfSnapSize);
                m_pntAtlasLeftTop.Y = ( int )(iSnapYIndex * cfSnapSize);

                m_eIsTextureLocatingMode = ETextureLocatingMode.NONE;
            }//if.. else if..
コード例 #14
ファイル: Utility.cs プロジェクト: byst4nder/Python_in_3dsMax

        /// <summary>
        /// load .odm.a file
        /// jintaeks on 2013-11-12, 17:19
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textureAtlasInfo_"></param>
        /// <param name="strOdmaFilePath_"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool LoadExistingAtlasInfo(ref KTextureAtlasInfo textureAtlasInfo_, string strOdmaFilePath_)
            if (textureAtlasInfo_ == null)
                return(false); // invalid atlas info.

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(strOdmaFilePath_) == false)
                MessageBox.Show("파일이 존재하지 않습니다. \nPath : " + strOdmaFilePath_);

            int    iParseMode = 0;
            string strLine    = "";
            // you must set 'Encoding.Default' to read Korean Hangul text from file. jintaeks on 2013-11-04, 14:48
            StreamReader file = new StreamReader(strOdmaFilePath_, Encoding.Default);

            while ((strLine = file.ReadLine()) != null)

                if (strLine.Length <= 0)

                if (iParseMode == 0)
                    int    iStrLength      = strLine.Length;
                    int    iEqualSignIndex = strLine.IndexOf("=");
                    string strName         = strLine.Substring(0, iEqualSignIndex);
                    strName = strName.Trim();
                    strName = strName.ToLower();

                    int    iRemainedTextLenght = iStrLength - iEqualSignIndex - 1;
                    string strData             = strLine.Substring(iEqualSignIndex + 1, iRemainedTextLenght);

                    if (strName == "width")
                        textureAtlasInfo_.m_iAtlasWidth = Convert.ToInt32(strData);
                    else if (strName == "height")
                        textureAtlasInfo_.m_iAtlasHeight = Convert.ToInt32(strData);
                    else if (strName == "material")
                        string[] astrMtrlInfo = strData.Split(new char[] { ',' });

                        if (astrMtrlInfo.Length == 6)
                            for (int iDataIndex = 0; iDataIndex < 6; iDataIndex += 1)
                                astrMtrlInfo[iDataIndex] = astrMtrlInfo[iDataIndex].Trim();

                            int  iTextrInfoIndex  = 0;
                            bool bIsFindTextrInfo = textureAtlasInfo_.FindTextureInfo(ref iTextrInfoIndex, astrMtrlInfo[0]);
                            Debug.Assert(bIsFindTextrInfo == true);
                            if (bIsFindTextrInfo == true)
                                KTextureInfo textrInfo         = new KTextureInfo();
                                bool         bIsGetTextureInfo = textureAtlasInfo_.GetTextureInfo(ref textrInfo, iTextrInfoIndex);
                                if (bIsGetTextureInfo == true)
                                    textrInfo.m_iLeft        = Convert.ToInt32(astrMtrlInfo[1]);
                                    textrInfo.m_iTop         = Convert.ToInt32(astrMtrlInfo[2]);
                                    textrInfo.m_iWidth       = Convert.ToInt32(astrMtrlInfo[3]);
                                    textrInfo.m_iHeight      = Convert.ToInt32(astrMtrlInfo[4]);
                                    astrMtrlInfo[5]          = astrMtrlInfo[5].ToLower();
                                    textrInfo.m_bIsRotateCcw = String.Compare(astrMtrlInfo[5], "true") == 0;

                                    if (textrInfo.m_bIsRotateCcw == true)

                                    textureAtlasInfo_.SetTextureInfo(iTextrInfoIndex, textrInfo);
                                } //if
                            }     //if
                    }             //if.. else if..
                }                 //if
            }                     //while


コード例 #15
        private bool _ApplyAtlasInfo()
            // step 1. write atlas info to file.
            string strObjectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_strOdmFileName);
            // construct "odm.a" filename.
            string strAtlasFileName = m_strOdmFileName;

            strAtlasFileName += ".a";

            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strAtlasFileName, false, Encoding.Default);
            string       strData;
            string       strOutput = "";

            strData    = String.Format("Version = {0}\r\n", m_strOdmaFileVersion);
            strOutput += strData;
            strData    = String.Format("Object = {0}\r\n", strObjectName);
            strOutput += strData;
            strData    = String.Format("Width = {0}\r\n", m_textureAtlasInfo.m_iAtlasWidth);
            strOutput += strData;
            strData    = String.Format("Height = {0}\r\n", m_textureAtlasInfo.m_iAtlasHeight);
            strOutput += strData;

            int iTextrCount = m_alistMaterials.Count;

            Debug.Assert(m_alistMaterials.Count == m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo.Count);
            if (m_alistMaterials.Count != m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo.Count)
                Clipboard.SetText("DsuAtlasTextureLocator : material error");
                MessageBox.Show("DsuAtlasTextureLocator : material error");

            for (int iTextr = 0; iTextr < iTextrCount; iTextr += 1)
                KStdMaterialInfo stdMtrlInfo = ( KStdMaterialInfo )m_alistMaterials[iTextr];
                KTextureInfo     textrInfo   = ( KTextureInfo )m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[iTextr];

                strData = String.Format("Material = {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}\r\n"
                                        , textrInfo.m_strMtrlName
                                        , textrInfo.m_iLeft
                                        , textrInfo.m_iTop
                                        , textrInfo.m_iWidth
                                        , textrInfo.m_iHeight
                                        , textrInfo.m_bIsRotateCcw == true ? "true" : "false");
                strOutput += strData;

                if (stdMtrlInfo.m_strDiffuseTextureName.Length >= 1)
                    strData    = String.Format("Diffuse = {0}\r\n", stdMtrlInfo.m_strDiffuseTextureName);
                    strOutput += strData;

                if (stdMtrlInfo.m_strBumpTextureName.Length >= 1)
                    strData    = String.Format("Bump = {0}\r\n", stdMtrlInfo.m_strBumpTextureName);
                    strOutput += strData;

                if (stdMtrlInfo.m_strSpecularTextureName.Length >= 1)
                    strData    = String.Format("SpecularLevel = {0}\r\n", stdMtrlInfo.m_strSpecularTextureName);
                    strOutput += strData;

                if (stdMtrlInfo.m_strGlossinessTextureName.Length >= 1)
                    strData    = String.Format("Glossiness = {0}\r\n", stdMtrlInfo.m_strGlossinessTextureName);
                    strOutput += strData;
                } //if
            }     //foreach


            // step 2. copy atlas data to clipboard.

コード例 #16

        private void panelTextureCanvas_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            // draw current atlas textures. jintaeks on 2013-11-05, 20:36
            if (IsValidAtlasTextureIndex(0) == true)
                int iAtlasLeft = m_pntAtlasLeftTop.X;
                int iAtlasTop  = m_pntAtlasLeftTop.Y;

                //Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage( m_bitmapTextureCanvas );
                Graphics g = e.Graphics;

                int iWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(m_textureAtlasInfo.m_iAtlasWidth * m_fAtlasZoomRatio);
                int iHeight = Convert.ToInt32(m_textureAtlasInfo.m_iAtlasHeight * m_fAtlasZoomRatio);
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGray, iAtlasLeft, iAtlasTop, iWidth, iHeight);
                g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, iAtlasLeft, iAtlasTop, iWidth, iHeight);

                foreach (KTextureInfo textrInfo in m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo)
                    int iLeft = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iLeft * m_fAtlasZoomRatio) + iAtlasLeft;
                    int iTop  = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iTop * m_fAtlasZoomRatio) + iAtlasTop;
                    iWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iWidth * m_fAtlasZoomRatio);
                    iHeight = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iHeight * m_fAtlasZoomRatio);

                    if (textrInfo.m_image != null)
                        g.DrawImage(textrInfo.m_image, iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight);

                int iTextrCount = m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo.Count;
                for (int iTextr = 0; iTextr < iTextrCount; iTextr += 1)
                    KTextureInfo textrInfo = ( KTextureInfo )m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[iTextr];

                    int iLeft = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iLeft * m_fAtlasZoomRatio) + iAtlasLeft;
                    int iTop  = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iTop * m_fAtlasZoomRatio) + iAtlasTop;
                    iWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iWidth * m_fAtlasZoomRatio);
                    iHeight = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iHeight * m_fAtlasZoomRatio);

                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Magenta, iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight);

                //if( IsValidAtlasTextureIndex( m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex ) == true )
                //    KTextureInfo textrInfo = ( KTextureInfo )m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[m_iSelectedAtlasTextureIndex];
                //    int iLeft = Convert.ToInt32( textrInfo.m_iLeft * m_fAtlasZoomRatio );
                //    int iTop = Convert.ToInt32( textrInfo.m_iTop * m_fAtlasZoomRatio );
                //    iWidth = Convert.ToInt32( textrInfo.m_iWidth * m_fAtlasZoomRatio );
                //    iHeight = Convert.ToInt32( textrInfo.m_iHeight * m_fAtlasZoomRatio );

                //    Pen pen = new Pen( Brushes.Magenta, 2 );
                //    g.DrawRectangle( pen, iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight );

                if (IsValidAtlasTextureIndex(m_iSelectedMaterialIndex) == true)
                    KTextureInfo textrInfo = ( KTextureInfo )m_textureAtlasInfo.m_alistTextureInfo[m_iSelectedMaterialIndex];
                    int          iLeft     = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iLeft * m_fAtlasZoomRatio) + iAtlasLeft;
                    int          iTop      = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iTop * m_fAtlasZoomRatio) + iAtlasTop;
                    iWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iWidth * m_fAtlasZoomRatio);
                    iHeight = Convert.ToInt32(textrInfo.m_iHeight * m_fAtlasZoomRatio);

                    Pen pen = new Pen(Brushes.Yellow, 2);
                    g.DrawRectangle(pen, iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight);
                } //if
            }     //if
        }         //panelTextureCanvas_Paint()