コード例 #1
        public override string ChangeFriendlyUrl(TabInfo tab, string friendlyUrlPath, FriendlyUrlOptions options, string cultureCode, ref string endingPageName, out bool useDnnPagePath,
                                                 ref List <string> messages)
            //set default values for out parameters
            useDnnPagePath = true;
            if (messages == null)
                messages = new List <string>();
            //check if we want to try and modify this Url
            //first check to see if this Url is an 'edit' Url - something that loads a module-specific page.
            //we don't want to mess with these, because they're always permissions based Urls and thus
            //no need to be friendly
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(friendlyUrlPath) == false && Regex.IsMatch(friendlyUrlPath, @"(^|/)(mid|moduleId)/\d+/?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) == false)
                Hashtable friendlyUrlIndex = null; //the friendly url index is the lookup we use
                //try and match incoming friendly url path to what we would expect from the module
                Regex groupUrlRegex = new Regex(@"(?<l>/)?groupid/(?<groupid>\d+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                Match groupUrlMatch = groupUrlRegex.Match(friendlyUrlPath);
                if (groupUrlMatch.Success)
                    //this is a group Url we want to try and modify
                    string rawId   = groupUrlMatch.Groups["groupid"].Value;
                    int    groupId = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(rawId, out groupId))
                        //we have obtained the groupId out of the Url
                        //get the friendlyUrlIndex (it comes from the database via the cache)
                        friendlyUrlIndex = UrlController.GetFriendlyUrlIndex(tab.PortalID, this, options);
                        if (friendlyUrlIndex != null)
                            //item urls are indexed with i + itemId ("i5") - this is so we could mix and match entities if necessary
                            string furlkey = FriendlyUrlInfo.MakeKey("group", groupId);  //create the lookup key for the friendly url index
                            string path    = null;
                            //check for a child pages / group ID in the index first
                            if (GroupPagePathTabId > -1 && tab.ParentId == GroupPagePathTabId)
                                string cpFurlKey = "t" + tab.TabID.ToString() + furlkey;
                                path = (string)friendlyUrlIndex[cpFurlKey]; //check if in the index for a child page
                            if (path == null)                               //now check for a match in the index
                                path = (string)friendlyUrlIndex[furlkey];   //check if in the index
                            if (path == null)
                                //don't normally expect to have a no-match with a friendly url path when an itemId was in the Url.
                                //could be a new item that has been created and isn't in the index
                                //do a direct call and find out if it's there
                                path = UrlController.CheckForMissingItemId(groupId, "group", tab.PortalID, this, options, ref messages);
                            if (path != null) //got a valid path
                                //url found in the index for this entry.  So replace the matched part of the path with the friendly url
                                if (groupUrlMatch.Groups["l"].Success) //if the path had a leading /, then make sure to add that onto the replacement
                                    path = base.EnsureLeadingChar("/", path);

                                /* finish it all off */
                                messages.Add("Group Friendly Url Replacing : " + friendlyUrlPath + " in Path : " + path);

                                //this is the point where the Url is modified!
                                //replace the path in the path - which leaves any other parts of a path intact.
                                friendlyUrlPath = groupUrlRegex.Replace(friendlyUrlPath, path);//replace the part in the friendly Url path with it's replacement.

                                //check if this tab is the one specified to not use a path
                                if ((GroupPagePathTabId == tab.TabID || GroupPagePathTabId == tab.ParentId) && HideGroupPagePath)
                                    useDnnPagePath = false;//make this Url relative from the site root
                                //set back to default.aspx so that DNN Url Rewriter removes it - just in case it wasn't standard
                                endingPageName = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.glbDefaultPage;
コード例 #2
        public override bool CheckForRedirect(int tabId, int portalid, string httpAlias, Uri requestUri, NameValueCollection queryStringCol, FriendlyUrlOptions options, out string redirectLocation,
                                              ref List <string> messages)
            bool doRedirect = false;

            redirectLocation = "";//set blank location
            //compare to known pattern of old Urls
            string path = requestUri.AbsoluteUri;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) == false && Regex.IsMatch(path, @"(^|/)(mid|moduleId)/\d+/?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) == false)
                //could be in old /groupId/xx format - if so, we want to redirect it
                Regex pathRegex = new Regex(@"/groupid/(?<groupid>\d+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                Match pathMatch = pathRegex.Match(path);
                if (pathMatch.Success)
                    string groupIdRaw = pathMatch.Groups["groupid"].Value;
                    int    groupId;
                    if (int.TryParse(groupIdRaw, out groupId))
                        //ok, valid item Id found
                        //get the valid Url for this item
                        Hashtable friendlyUrlIndex = UrlController.GetFriendlyUrlIndex(portalid, this, options);
                        //look up the friendly url index using the item key
                        string furlKey = FriendlyUrlInfo.MakeKey("group", groupId);
                        if (friendlyUrlIndex != null)
                            string        friendlyUrl = null;
                            TabController tc          = new TabController();
                            TabInfo       tab         = tc.GetTab(tabId, portalid, false);
                            if (tab != null && tab.ParentId == GroupPagePathTabId)
                                //this is the child tab of the group tab
                                string cpFurlKey = "t" + tabId.ToString() + furlKey;
                                friendlyUrl = (string)friendlyUrlIndex[cpFurlKey];
                            if (friendlyUrl == null)
                                friendlyUrl = (string)friendlyUrlIndex[furlKey];
                            if (friendlyUrl != null)
                                //ok, we're going to replace this in the Url
                                if (HideGroupPagePath == false)
                                    friendlyUrl = base.EnsureLeadingChar("/", friendlyUrl);
                                    string result = pathRegex.Replace(path, friendlyUrl);
                                    doRedirect       = true;
                                    redirectLocation = result;
                                    DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalAliasInfo pa = DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalAliasController.GetPortalAliasInfo(httpAlias);
                                    if (pa != null)
                                        DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings ps = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings(tabId, pa);
                                        redirectLocation = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(tabId, ps, "", "groupid=" + groupId);
                                        doRedirect       = true;