public virtual void visit(Range obj, bool visitSubNodes) { visit ((Type) obj, false); if (visitSubNodes){ IXmlBBase[] Subs = acceptor.subElements((IXmlBBase)obj); if (Subs != null){ for (int i=0; i<Subs.Length; i++) { dispatch(Subs[i], true); } // If } // If } }
public override void visit(Range obj, bool visitSubNodes) { obj.setPrecision(acceptor.PrecisionEnum.aIntegerPrecision); base.visit(obj, visitSubNodes); }
public virtual void visit(Range obj) { visit(obj, true); }
public void copyTo(Range other) { base.copyTo(other); other.aMinValue = aMinValue; other.aMaxValue = aMaxValue; other.aSpecialValues = aSpecialValues; other.aPrecision = aPrecision; }
public void insertRanges(int idx, Range el,Lock aLock) { __setDirty(true); allRanges().Insert (idx, el); NotifyControllers(aLock); }
public void appendRanges(Lock aLock,Range el) { __setDirty(true); el.__setDirty(true); allRanges().Add(el); acceptor.connectSon (this, el); NotifyControllers(aLock); }
public override void visit(Range obj, bool visitSubNodes) { Types.Range range = (Types.Range) obj; if (range.getPrecision() == acceptor.PrecisionEnum.aIntegerPrecision) { if (range.getMinValue().IndexOf(".") >= 0) { range.AddError("Invalid min value for integer range : must be an integer"); } if (range.getMaxValue().IndexOf(".") >= 0) { range.AddError("Invalid max value for integer range : must be an integer"); } } else { if (range.getMinValue().IndexOf(".") < 0) { range.AddError("Invalid min value for float range : must have a decimal part"); } if (range.getMaxValue().IndexOf(".") < 0) { range.AddError("Invalid max value for float range : must have a decimal part"); } } try { Decimal min = range.MinValueAsLong; } catch (FormatException) { range.AddError("Cannot parse min value for range"); } try { Decimal max = range.MaxValueAsLong; } catch (FormatException) { range.AddError("Cannot parse max value for range"); } List<Constants.EnumValue> valuesFound = new List<Constants.EnumValue>(); foreach (Constants.EnumValue enumValue in range.SpecialValues) { if (enumValue.Value == null) { enumValue.AddError("Value is not valid"); } else { foreach (Constants.EnumValue other in valuesFound) { if (range.CompareForEquality(enumValue.Value, other.Value)) { enumValue.AddError("Duplicate special value"); other.AddError("Duplicate special value"); } if (enumValue.LiteralName == other.LiteralName) { enumValue.AddError("Duplicate special value name"); other.AddError("Duplicate special value name"); } } valuesFound.Add(enumValue); } } base.visit(obj, visitSubNodes); }