コード例 #1
        private static void HandleZoomAndFocus(DateTime nextEventTime, WebClient wc, CameraDefinition cam, string zoom, string focus)
            double dbl;
            bool   SetZoom      = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zoom) && double.TryParse(zoom, out dbl);
            bool   FocusIsEmpty = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(focus);
            bool   ManualFocus  = FocusIsEmpty ? false : double.TryParse(focus, out dbl);

            // There are 4 cases
            if (SetZoom)
                if (ManualFocus)
                    // Case 1: Manual Zoom, Manual Focus
                    // Do this in a loop, because Dahua's API is buggy.
                    // Often, the first command causes only focus to happen.
                    // The second typically causes zoom and autofocus.
                    // The third or fourth usually causes our manual focus level to be set.
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        WebRequestRobust(nextEventTime, wc, cam.GetUrlBase() + "cgi-bin/devVideoInput.cgi?action=adjustFocus&focus=" + focus + "&zoom=" + zoom);
                        Thread.Sleep(Math.Max(1, cam.secondsBetweenLensCommands) * 1000);
                    // Case 2: Manual Zoom, Autofocus
                    focus = zoom;
                    // Do this in a loop, because Dahua's API is buggy.
                    // Often, the first command causes only focus to happen.
                    // The second typically causes zoom and autofocus.
                    // The third or fourth usually causes our manual focus level to be set.
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        WebRequestRobust(nextEventTime, wc, cam.GetUrlBase() + "cgi-bin/devVideoInput.cgi?action=adjustFocus&focus=" + focus + "&zoom=" + zoom);
                        Thread.Sleep(Math.Max(1, cam.secondsBetweenLensCommands) * 1000);
                    // This method has been, in my experience, reliable enough to call only once.
                    WebRequestRobust(nextEventTime, wc, cam.GetUrlBase() + "cgi-bin/devVideoInput.cgi?action=autoFocus");
                if (FocusIsEmpty || ManualFocus)
                    // Case 4: Don't zoom and don't focus.  Do nothing.
                    // Case 3: Autofocus Only
                    // This method has been, in my experience, reliable enough to call only once.
                    WebRequestRobust(nextEventTime, wc, cam.GetUrlBase() + "cgi-bin/devVideoInput.cgi?action=autoFocus");
コード例 #2
        private void btnEditSelected_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (lbCameras.SelectedIndices.Count != 1)
            editingIndex = lbCameras.SelectedIndex;
            CameraDefinition selectedCamera = (CameraDefinition)lbCameras.SelectedItem;

            if (selectedCamera != null)
                AddCameraForm f = new AddCameraForm();
                f.FormClosed += F_FormClosed_Edit;
コード例 #3
        public void ConvertIntoEditForm(CameraDefinition existingCameraData)
            newCamera             = existingCameraData;
            txtHostAndPort.Text   = newCamera.hostAndPort;
            txtUser.Text          = newCamera.user;
            txtPass.Text          = newCamera.pass;
            cbHttps.Checked       = newCamera.https;
            txtDayZoom.Text       = newCamera.dayZoom;
            txtDayFocus.Text      = newCamera.dayFocus;
            txtNightZoom.Text     = newCamera.nightZoom;
            txtNightFocus.Text    = newCamera.nightFocus;
            nudLensCmdDelay.Value = newCamera.secondsBetweenLensCommands;

            SetCbItems(cbSunriseProfile, Enum.GetNames(typeof(Profile)), newCamera.sunriseProfile);
            SetCbItems(cbSunsetProfile, Enum.GetNames(typeof(Profile)), newCamera.sunsetProfile);

            this.Text = "Edit Camera";
コード例 #4
 private void AddCameraForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
     newCamera = new CameraDefinition(txtHostAndPort.Text, txtUser.Text, txtPass.Text, cbHttps.Checked, txtDayZoom.Text, txtDayFocus.Text, txtNightZoom.Text, txtNightFocus.Text, (int)nudLensCmdDelay.Value, GetSelectedProfile(cbSunriseProfile, Profile.Day), GetSelectedProfile(cbSunsetProfile, Profile.Night));
コード例 #5
 private void txtChannelNumbers_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (CameraDefinition.GetChannelIndexes(txtChannelNumbers.Text, out int[] channelIndexes))