コード例 #1
ファイル: ItemTest.cs プロジェクト: Imperceptus/Craft.Net
        public void TestBuckets()
            World world = new World(new Level(), new FlatlandGenerator());
            world.WorldGenerator.Initialize(new Level());
            PlayerEntity player = new PlayerEntity(Difficulty.Normal)
                GameMode = GameMode.Creative
            Vector3 targetBlock = new Vector3(0, 2, 0);
            Vector3 alteredBlock = targetBlock + Vector3.Up;
            world.SetBlock(alteredBlock, new AirBlock());

            BucketItem bucket = new BucketItem();
            LavaBucketItem lavaBucket = new LavaBucketItem();
            WaterBucketItem waterBucket = new WaterBucketItem();

            // TODO: Survival tests
            waterBucket.OnItemUsedOnBlock(world, targetBlock, Vector3.Up, Vector3.Zero, player);
            Assert.AreEqual(new WaterFlowingBlock(), world.GetBlock(alteredBlock));

            bucket.OnItemUsedOnBlock(world, targetBlock, Vector3.Up, Vector3.Zero, player);
            Assert.AreEqual(new AirBlock(), world.GetBlock(alteredBlock));

            lavaBucket.OnItemUsedOnBlock(world, targetBlock, Vector3.Up, Vector3.Zero, player);
            Assert.AreEqual(new LavaFlowingBlock(), world.GetBlock(alteredBlock));

            bucket.OnItemUsedOnBlock(world, targetBlock, Vector3.Up, Vector3.Zero, player);
            Assert.AreEqual(new AirBlock(), world.GetBlock(alteredBlock));

            world.SetBlock(alteredBlock, new BedrockBlock());

            bucket.OnItemUsedOnBlock(world, targetBlock, Vector3.Up, Vector3.Zero, player);
            Assert.AreEqual(new BedrockBlock(), world.GetBlock(alteredBlock));
コード例 #2
ファイル: MathHelper.cs プロジェクト: ammaraskar/Craft.Net
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a byte representing block direction based on the rotation
 /// of the entity that placed it.
 /// </summary>
 public static Direction DirectionByRotation(PlayerEntity p, Vector3 position, bool invert = false)
     // TODO: Figure out some algorithm based on player's look yaw
     double d = Math.Asin((p.Position.Y - position.Y) / position.DistanceTo(p.Position));
     if (d > (Math.PI / 4)) return invert ? (Direction)1 : (Direction)0;
     if (d < -(Math.PI / 4)) return invert ? (Direction)0 : (Direction)1;
     return DirectionByRotationFlat(p, invert);
コード例 #3
 public PlayerAbilities(PlayerEntity entity)
     FirePropertyChanged = false;
     IsFlying = false;
     MayFly = false;
     Invulnerable = false;
     InstantMine = false;
     FirePropertyChanged = true;
     WalkingSpeed = 12;
     FlyingSpeed = 24;
     PlayerEntity = entity;
コード例 #4
ファイル: EntityManager.cs プロジェクト: pdelvo/Craft.Net
 public MinecraftClient GetClient(PlayerEntity entity)
     var clients = server.Clients.Where(c => c.Entity == entity);
     if (!clients.Any())
         return null;
     return clients.First();
コード例 #5
ファイル: EntityManager.cs プロジェクト: seaboy1234/Craft.Net
 private void UpdateGivenPosition(PlayerEntity entity)
     // Used to update a player's position based on the one provided by the client.
     entity.Position = entity.GivenPosition;
     // Firing an event within the same event's event handler cannot be done in .NET, so
     // we manually call UpdateEntityPosition
コード例 #6
ファイル: EntityManager.cs プロジェクト: seaboy1234/Craft.Net
 private void SpawnInventoryEntities(PlayerEntity player)
     var world = GetEntityWorld(player);
     foreach (var slot in player.Inventory.GetSlots())
         if (!slot.Empty)
             var entity = new ItemEntity(player.Position + new Vector3(
                 MathHelper.Random.NextDouble() * 0.5 - 0.25,
                 MathHelper.Random.NextDouble() * 0.5 - 0.25,
                 MathHelper.Random.NextDouble() * 0.5 - 0.25), slot);
             SpawnEntity(world, entity);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Block.cs プロジェクト: cpancake/Craft.Net
 public virtual int GetHarvestTime(Item item, World world, PlayerEntity entity, out short damage)
     int time = GetHarvestTime(item, out damage);
     var tool = item as ToolItem;
     if (tool != null)
         if (!tool.IsEfficient(this))
             if (entity.IsUnderwater(world) && !entity.IsOnGround(world))
                 time *= 25;
             else if (entity.IsUnderwater(world) || !entity.IsOnGround(world))
                 time *= 5;
     return time;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Block.cs プロジェクト: cpancake/Craft.Net
 public virtual void OnBlockMined(World world, Vector3 destroyedBlock, PlayerEntity player)
     if (Hardness != -1)
         var slot = player.Inventory[player.SelectedSlot];
         world.SetBlock(destroyedBlock, new AirBlock());
         if (CanHarvest(slot.AsItem() as ToolItem) && player.GameMode != GameMode.Creative)
             ItemStack[] drops;
             bool spawnEntity = GetDrop(slot.AsItem() as ToolItem, out drops);
             if (spawnEntity)
                 foreach (var drop in drops)
                     var entity = new ItemEntity(destroyedBlock + new Vector3(0.5), drop);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Level.cs プロジェクト: ammaraskar/Craft.Net
        public void SavePlayer(PlayerEntity entity)
            // TODO: Generalize to all mobs
            NbtFile file = new NbtFile();
            var data = new NbtCompound();
            data.Add(new NbtByte("OnGround", (byte)(entity.OnGround ? 1 : 0)));
            data.Add(new NbtShort("Air", entity.Air));
            data.Add(new NbtShort("Health", entity.Health));
            data.Add(new NbtInt("Dimension", 0)); // TODO
            data.Add(new NbtInt("foodLevel", entity.Food));
            data.Add(new NbtInt("XpLevel", entity.XpLevel));
            data.Add(new NbtInt("XpTotal", entity.XpTotal));
            data.Add(new NbtFloat("foodExhaustionLevel", entity.FoodExhaustion));
            data.Add(new NbtFloat("foodSaturationLevel", entity.FoodSaturation));
            data.Add(new NbtFloat("XpP", entity.XpProgress));
            data.Add(new NbtList("Equipment"));
            var inventory = new NbtList("Inventory");
            for (int index = 0; index < entity.Inventory.Length; index++)
                var slot = entity.Inventory[index];
                if (slot.Empty)
                slot.Index = NetworkSlotToDataSlot(index);
            var motion = new NbtList("Motion");
            motion.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Velocity.X));
            motion.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Velocity.Y));
            motion.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Velocity.Z));

            var pos = new NbtList("Pos");
            pos.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Position.X));
            pos.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Position.Y));
            pos.Add(new NbtDouble(entity.Position.Z));

            var rotation = new NbtList("Rotation");
            rotation.Add(new NbtFloat(entity.Yaw));
            rotation.Add(new NbtFloat(entity.Pitch));

            data.Add(new NbtCompound("abilities"));

            file.RootTag = data;
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players")))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players"));
            using (Stream stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players", entity.Username + ".dat"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                file.SaveToStream(stream, NbtCompression.GZip);
コード例 #10
ファイル: Level.cs プロジェクト: ammaraskar/Craft.Net
        public PlayerEntity LoadPlayer(string name)
            PlayerEntity entity = new PlayerEntity(Difficulty);
            if (LevelDirectory == null || !File.Exists(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players", name + ".dat")))
                // Return default player entity
                entity.Position = SpawnPoint;
                entity.SpawnPoint = SpawnPoint;
                entity.Position += new Vector3(0, PlayerEntity.Height, 0);
                entity.GameMode = GameMode;
                return entity;
            NbtFile file = new NbtFile();
            using (Stream stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(LevelDirectory, "players", name + ".dat"), FileMode.Open))
                file.LoadFromStream(stream, NbtCompression.GZip, null);
            var data = file.RootTag;
            entity.OnGround = data.Get<NbtByte>("OnGround").Value == 1;
            entity.Air = data.Get<NbtShort>("Air").Value;
            entity.Health = data.Get<NbtShort>("Health").Value;
            Dimension dimension = (Dimension)data.Get<NbtInt>("Dimension").Value; // TODO
            entity.Food = (short)data.Get<NbtInt>("foodLevel").Value;
            entity.XpLevel = data.Get<NbtInt>("XpLevel").Value;
            entity.XpTotal = data.Get<NbtInt>("XpTotal").Value;
            // TODO: Set velocity based on fall distance
            entity.FoodExhaustion = data.Get<NbtFloat>("foodExhaustionLevel").Value;
            entity.FoodSaturation = data.Get<NbtFloat>("foodSaturationLevel").Value;
            entity.XpProgress = data.Get<NbtFloat>("XpP").Value;

            var equipment = data.Get<NbtList>("Equipment");
            var inventory = data.Get<NbtList>("Inventory");
            var motion = data.Get<NbtList>("Motion");
            var pos = data.Get<NbtList>("Pos");
            var rotation = data.Get<NbtList>("Rotation");
            var abilities = data.Get<NbtCompound>("abilities");

            // Appears to be unused, is overriden by the inventory contents
            // foreach (var item in equipment.Tags)

            foreach (var item in inventory)
                var slot = Slot.FromNbt((NbtCompound)item);
                slot.Index = DataSlotToNetworkSlot(slot.Index);
                entity.Inventory[slot.Index] = slot;

            entity.Velocity = new Vector3(

            entity.Position = new Vector3(

            if (data.Get<NbtInt>("SpawnX") != null)
                entity.SpawnPoint = new Vector3(

            entity.Yaw = ((NbtFloat)rotation[0]).Value;
            entity.Pitch = ((NbtFloat)rotation[1]).Value;

            // TODO: Abilities

            return entity;
コード例 #11
 public PlayerDeathEventArgs(DamageType deathType, PlayerEntity player, Entity killer) : this(deathType, player)
     Killer = killer;
コード例 #12
 public PlayerDeathEventArgs(DamageType deathType, PlayerEntity player)
     DeathType = deathType;
     Handled = false;
     Player = player;