public void spawnTeam() { EmergencyVehicle vehicle = new EmergencyVehicle(this.vehicleModel); Vehicle v = vehicle.getVehicle(); Random rnd = new Random(); for (int seat = -1; seat <= v.PassengerSeats; seat++) { EmergencyCrewMember p = new EmergencyCrewMember(this.memberModels[rnd.Next(this.memberModels.Count)], this.isPoliceTeam); p.addWeapons(this.weapons); p.addWeaponAmmoCounts(this.ammoCounts); p.spawnIntoVehicle(vehicle, seat); } vehicle.spawn(); }
public void spawnIntoVehicle(EmergencyVehicle v, int seat) { Vehicle copCar = v.getVehicle(); // Add the officer into the car & do the setup work Function.Call(Hash.CREATE_PED_INSIDE_VEHICLE, copCar.Handle, 26, this.m.Hash, seat, true, true); Ped crewMember = Function.Call<Ped>(Hash.GET_PED_IN_VEHICLE_SEAT, copCar.Handle, seat); for (int i = 0; i < this.weapons.Count; i++) { try { // converts the string in the config file to a weapon hash uint wp_hash = (uint) Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, this.weapons[i]); crewMember.Weapons.Give((WeaponHash)wp_hash, this.ammoCounts[i], true, true); } catch (Exception e) { UI.Notify(Messages.get("app-something-went-wrong", new string[] { e.Message })); } } if (this.isPoliceOfficer) { // We're police officers, after all. Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_AS_COP, crewMember, true); } crewMember.IsPersistent = false; }