コード例 #1
 protected virtual void OnReaction(ReactionPrototype reaction, IEntity owner, ReagentUnit unitReactions)
     foreach (var effect in reaction.Effects)
         effect.React(owner, unitReactions.Double());
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Perform a reaction on a solution. This assumes all reaction criteria are met.
        ///     Removes the reactants from the solution, then returns a solution with all products.
        /// </summary>
        private Solution PerformReaction(Solution solution, EntityUid owner, ReactionPrototype reaction, FixedPoint2 unitReactions)
            // We do this so that ReagentEffect can have something to work with, even if it's
            // a little meaningless.
            var randomReagent = _prototypeManager.Index <ReagentPrototype>(_random.Pick(reaction.Reactants).Key);

            //Remove reactants
            foreach (var reactant in reaction.Reactants)
                if (!reactant.Value.Catalyst)
                    var amountToRemove = unitReactions * reactant.Value.Amount;
                    solution.RemoveReagent(reactant.Key, amountToRemove);

            //Create products
            var products = new Solution();

            foreach (var product in reaction.Products)
                products.AddReagent(product.Key, product.Value * unitReactions);

            // Trigger reaction effects
            OnReaction(solution, reaction, randomReagent, owner, unitReactions);

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Perform a reaction on a solution. This assumes all reaction criteria are met.
        ///     Removes the reactants from the solution, then returns a solution with all products.
        /// </summary>
        private Solution PerformReaction(Solution solution, IEntity owner, ReactionPrototype reaction, ReagentUnit unitReactions)
            //Remove reactants
            foreach (var reactant in reaction.Reactants)
                if (!reactant.Value.Catalyst)
                    var amountToRemove = unitReactions * reactant.Value.Amount;
                    solution.RemoveReagent(reactant.Key, amountToRemove);

            //Create products
            var products = new Solution();

            foreach (var product in reaction.Products)
                products.AddReagent(product.Key, product.Value * unitReactions);

            // Trigger reaction effects
            OnReaction(solution, reaction, owner, unitReactions);

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Checks if a solution can undergo a specified reaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution">The solution to check.</param>
        /// <param name="reaction">The reaction to check.</param>
        /// <param name="lowestUnitReactions">How many times this reaction can occur.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool CanReact(Solution solution, ReactionPrototype reaction, out FixedPoint2 lowestUnitReactions)
            lowestUnitReactions = FixedPoint2.MaxValue;
            if (solution.Temperature < reaction.MinimumTemperature)
                lowestUnitReactions = FixedPoint2.Zero;
            else if (solution.Temperature > reaction.MaximumTemperature)
                lowestUnitReactions = FixedPoint2.Zero;

            foreach (var reactantData in reaction.Reactants)
                var reactantName        = reactantData.Key;
                var reactantCoefficient = reactantData.Value.Amount;

                if (!solution.ContainsReagent(reactantName, out var reactantQuantity))

                if (reactantData.Value.Catalyst)
                    // catalyst is not consumed, so will not limit the reaction. But it still needs to be present, and
                    // for quantized reactions we need to have a minimum amount

                    if (reactantQuantity == FixedPoint2.Zero || reaction.Quantized && reactantQuantity < reactantCoefficient)


                var unitReactions = reactantQuantity / reactantCoefficient;

                if (unitReactions < lowestUnitReactions)
                    lowestUnitReactions = unitReactions;

            if (reaction.Quantized)
                lowestUnitReactions = (int)lowestUnitReactions;

            return(lowestUnitReactions > 0);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Caches a reaction by its first required reagent.
        ///     Used to build the reaction cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reaction">A reaction prototype to cache.</param>
        private void CacheReaction(ReactionPrototype reaction)
            var reagents = reaction.Reactants.Keys;

            foreach (var reagent in reagents)
                if (!_reactions.TryGetValue(reagent, out var cache))
                    cache = new List <ReactionPrototype>();
                    _reactions.Add(reagent, cache);

                return; // Only need to cache based on the first reagent.
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Checks if a solution can undergo a specified reaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution">The solution to check.</param>
        /// <param name="reaction">The reaction to check.</param>
        /// <param name="lowestUnitReactions">How many times this reaction can occur.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool CanReact(Solution.Solution solution, ReactionPrototype reaction, out ReagentUnit lowestUnitReactions)
            lowestUnitReactions = ReagentUnit.MaxValue;

            foreach (var reactantData in reaction.Reactants)
                var reactantName        = reactantData.Key;
                var reactantCoefficient = reactantData.Value.Amount;

                if (!solution.ContainsReagent(reactantName, out var reactantQuantity))

                var unitReactions = reactantQuantity / reactantCoefficient;

                if (unitReactions < lowestUnitReactions)
                    lowestUnitReactions = unitReactions;
コード例 #7
        protected virtual void OnReaction(Solution solution, ReactionPrototype reaction, ReagentPrototype randomReagent, EntityUid owner, FixedPoint2 unitReactions)
            var args = new ReagentEffectArgs(owner, null, solution,
                                             unitReactions, EntityManager, null);

            foreach (var effect in reaction.Effects)
                if (!effect.ShouldApply(args))

                if (effect.ShouldLog)
                    var entity = args.SolutionEntity;
                    _logSystem.Add(LogType.ReagentEffect, effect.LogImpact,
                                   $"Reaction effect {effect.GetType().Name:effect} of reaction ${reaction.ID:reaction} applied on entity {ToPrettyString(entity):entity} at {Transform(entity).Coordinates:coordinates}");

コード例 #8
 public ReactionAttemptEvent(ReactionPrototype reaction, Solution solution)
     Reaction = reaction;
     Solution = solution;