コード例 #1
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: niluanxy/Superplay
        // parse a value, either as a number, SuperIO mapping or reflection
        private bool ParseValue(string value, out int i)
            i     = 0;
            value = value.ToLower();
            if (TextUtils.IsCNumeric(value))                    // parse as number
                if (TextUtils.ParseInt(value, out i))

            if (value.StartsWith("@"))                                  // copy another setting
                ConfigParameter item = FindParameterByIdentifier(value.Substring(1));
                if (item != null)
                    i = item.value;

            // parse as identifier
            i = SuperIO.IdentifierToIndex(value);
            if (i == -1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: niluanxy/Superplay
        // fill out BinaryFormat struct with data from parameters and class
        private void PopulateBinaryStruct()
            int byte_size = 0;

            // fill out all non-custom fields
            FieldInfo[] fieldinfo = Type.GetType(GetType().FullName + "+BinaryFormat").GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            if (fieldinfo == null)
                throw new Exception("Config " + identifier + " does not have a BinaryFormat struct.");

            foreach (FieldInfo field in fieldinfo)
                string field_id = field.Name;

                // mapping array
                if (field_id == "_mapping")
                    int count = CountNonZeroParams();
                    foreach (FieldInfo fi in fieldinfo)
                        if (fi.Name == "_count")
                            fi.SetValue(binary_struct, (sbyte)count);

                    sbyte[,] map = new sbyte[count, 2];
                    byte_size   += count * 2;

                    count = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < configs.Count; i++)
                        if (configs[i].value != 0)
                            map[count, 0] = (sbyte)configs[i].index;
                            map[count, 1] = (sbyte)configs[i].value;

                    field.SetValue(binary_struct, map);

                // config index number
                if (field_id == "_id")
                    field.SetValue(binary_struct, Convert.ChangeType(id_number, field.FieldType));

                // unknown custom field
                if (field_id.StartsWith("_"))
                    byte_size += Marshal.SizeOf(field.FieldType);

                // array fields need to be split into individual numbered parameters
                if (field.FieldType.IsArray)
                    Array array = field.GetValue(binary_struct) as Array;
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                        ConfigParameter paramA = FindParameterByIdentifier(field_id + (i + 1).ToString());
                        if (paramA == null)
                            throw new Exception("Struct field with no matching parameter (" + field_id + i.ToString() + ")");
                        array.SetValue(Convert.ChangeType(paramA.value, field.FieldType.GetElementType()), i);
                    field.SetValue(binary_struct, array);
                    byte_size += Marshal.SizeOf(field.FieldType.GetElementType()) * array.Length;

                // standard field
                ConfigParameter param = FindParameterByIdentifier(field_id);
                if (param == null)
                    throw new Exception("Struct field with no matching parameter (" + field_id + ")");
                field.SetValue(binary_struct, Convert.ChangeType(param.value, field.FieldType));
                byte_size += Marshal.SizeOf(field.FieldType);

            fieldinfo = Type.GetType(GetType().FullName + "+BinaryFormat").GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (FieldInfo field in fieldinfo)
                if (field.Name == "_config_length")
                    field.SetValue(binary_struct, (UInt16)byte_size);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Config.cs プロジェクト: niluanxy/Superplay
        // parse a single line from config file, returing false on error
        private static bool ParseLine(string line, int line_num, ref Config cfg, ref List <Config> config_list)
            string t = line;

            // remove comments
            if (t.Contains(';'))
                t = t.Substring(0, t.IndexOf(';'));
            if (t.Contains("//"))
                t = t.Substring(0, t.IndexOf("//"));

            t = t.Trim();

            if (t == "")                        // blank / comment only line

            t = t.ToLower();

                // begin a new config
                if (t.StartsWith("begin"))
                    if (cfg != null)                            // missing end
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected \"begin\" at line " + line_num.ToString());

                    string identifier = t.Substring(t.IndexOf(' ')).Trim();
                    Config new_cfg    = FindCfgByIdentifier(identifier);
                    if (new_cfg == null)
                        throw new Exception("Unknown identifier \"" + identifier + "\" at line " + line_num.ToString());

                    cfg = new_cfg;

                    // check for repeats
                    if (cfg.allows_multiple == false)
                        foreach (Config c in config_list)
                            if (c.GetType() == cfg.GetType())
                                throw new Exception("Multiple configs of type \"" + identifier + "\" not allowed at line " + line_num.ToString());

                // end current config
                else if (t.StartsWith("end"))
                    if (cfg == null)
                        throw new Exception("End without matching begin at line " + line_num.ToString());

                    if (t.Length > 3)                           // must have the config identifier following it or nothing
                        string identifier = t.Substring(3).Trim();
                        if (identifier != cfg.identifier.ToLower())
                            throw new Exception("End identifier \"" + identifier + "\" does not match previous begin at line " + line_num.ToString());

                    cfg = null;

                // setting
                    if (cfg == null)
                        throw new Exception("No matching begin for setting at line " + line_num.ToString());

                    int eq = t.IndexOf('=');

                    if (eq == -1)
                        throw new Exception("Missing \"=\" at line " + line_num.ToString());

                    string identifier;
                    string value;

                        identifier = t.Substring(0, eq - 1).Trim();
                        value      = t.Substring(eq + 1).Trim();
                        throw new Exception("Syntax error at line " + line_num.ToString());

                    ConfigParameter item = cfg.FindParameterByIdentifier(identifier);
                    if (item == null)
                        throw new Exception("Unknown identifier \"" + identifier + "\" at line " + line_num.ToString());

                    int i;
                    if (!cfg.ParseValue(value, out i))
                        throw new Exception("Unable to parse value \"" + value + "\" at line " + line_num.ToString());
                    item.value = i;

                    if (Program.opt_verbose)
                        Console.WriteLine(cfg.identifier + "->" + item.identifier + " = " + item.value.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
