コード例 #1
 private Avi.AVISTREAMINFO GetStreamInfo(IntPtr aviStream)
     Avi.AVISTREAMINFO streamInfo = new Avi.AVISTREAMINFO();
     int result = Avi.AVIStreamInfo(StreamPointer, ref streamInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(streamInfo));
     if(result != 0) {
         throw new Exception("Exception in VideoStreamInfo: "+result.ToString());
     return streamInfo;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>Copy a piece of video and wave sound int a new file</summary>
        /// <param name="newFileName">File name</param>
        /// <param name="startAtSecond">Start copying at second x</param>
        /// <param name="stopAtSecond">Stop copying at second y</param>
        /// <returns>AviManager for the new video</returns>
        public AviManager CopyTo(String newFileName, float startAtSecond, float stopAtSecond)
            AviManager newFile = new AviManager(newFileName, false);

            try {
                //copy video stream

                VideoStream videoStream = GetVideoStream();

                int startFrameIndex = (int)(videoStream.FrameRate * startAtSecond);
                int stopFrameIndex = (int)(videoStream.FrameRate * stopAtSecond);

                Bitmap bmp = videoStream.GetBitmap(startFrameIndex);
                VideoStream newStream = newFile.AddVideoStream(false, videoStream.FrameRate, bmp);
                for (int n = startFrameIndex + 1; n <= stopFrameIndex; n++) {
                    bmp = videoStream.GetBitmap(n);

                //copy audio stream

                AudioStream waveStream = GetWaveStream();

                Avi.AVISTREAMINFO streamInfo = new Avi.AVISTREAMINFO();
                Avi.PCMWAVEFORMAT streamFormat = new Avi.PCMWAVEFORMAT();
                int streamLength = 0;
                IntPtr ptrRawData = waveStream.GetStreamData(
                    ref streamInfo,
                    ref streamFormat,
                    ref streamLength);

                int startByteIndex = (int)( startAtSecond * (float)(waveStream.CountSamplesPerSecond * streamFormat.nChannels * waveStream.CountBitsPerSample) / 8);
                int stopByteIndex = (int)( stopAtSecond * (float)(waveStream.CountSamplesPerSecond * streamFormat.nChannels * waveStream.CountBitsPerSample) / 8);

                IntPtr ptrWavePart = new IntPtr(ptrRawData.ToInt32() + startByteIndex);

                byte[] rawData = new byte[stopByteIndex - startByteIndex];
                Marshal.Copy(ptrWavePart, rawData, 0, rawData.Length);

                streamInfo.dwLength = rawData.Length;
                streamInfo.dwStart = 0;

                IntPtr unmanagedRawData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(rawData.Length);
                Marshal.Copy(rawData, 0, unmanagedRawData, rawData.Length);
                newFile.AddAudioStream(unmanagedRawData, streamInfo, streamFormat, rawData.Length);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw ex;

            return newFile;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>Create a new stream</summary>
        private void CreateStreamWithoutFormat()
            int scale = 1;
            double rate = frameRate;
            GetRateAndScale(ref rate, ref scale);

            Avi.AVISTREAMINFO strhdr = new Avi.AVISTREAMINFO();
            strhdr.fccType = Avi.mmioStringToFOURCC("vids", 0);
            strhdr.fccHandler = Avi.mmioStringToFOURCC("CVID", 0);
            strhdr.dwFlags = 0;
            strhdr.dwCaps = 0;
            strhdr.wPriority = 0;
            strhdr.wLanguage = 0;
            strhdr.dwScale = (int)scale;
            strhdr.dwRate = (int)rate; // Frames per Second
            strhdr.dwStart = 0;
            strhdr.dwLength = 0;
            strhdr.dwInitialFrames = 0;
            strhdr.dwSuggestedBufferSize = frameSize; //height_ * stride_;
            strhdr.dwQuality = -1;        //default
            strhdr.dwSampleSize = 0;
            strhdr.rcFrame.top = 0;
            strhdr.rcFrame.left = 0;
            strhdr.rcFrame.bottom = (uint)height;
            strhdr.rcFrame.right = (uint)width;
            strhdr.dwEditCount = 0;
            strhdr.dwFormatChangeCount = 0;
            strhdr.szName = new UInt16[64];

            int result = Avi.AVIFileCreateStream(aviFile, out aviStream, ref strhdr);

            if (result != 0) {
                throw new Exception("Exception in AVIFileCreateStream: " + result.ToString());
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>Add an existing wave audio stream to the file</summary>
        /// <param name="newStream">The stream to add</param>
        /// <param name="startAtFrameIndex">
        /// The index of the video frame at which the sound is going to start.
        /// '0' inserts the sound at the beginning of the video.
        /// </param>
        public void AddAudioStream(AudioStream newStream, int startAtFrameIndex)
            Avi.AVISTREAMINFO streamInfo = new Avi.AVISTREAMINFO();
            Avi.PCMWAVEFORMAT streamFormat = new Avi.PCMWAVEFORMAT();
            int streamLength = 0;

            IntPtr rawData = newStream.GetStreamData(ref streamInfo, ref streamFormat, ref streamLength);
            IntPtr waveData = rawData;

            if (startAtFrameIndex > 0) {
                //not supported
                //streamInfo.dwStart = startAtFrameIndex;

                double framesPerSecond = GetVideoStream().FrameRate;
                double samplesPerSecond = newStream.CountSamplesPerSecond;
                double startAtSecond = startAtFrameIndex / framesPerSecond;
                int startAtSample = (int)(samplesPerSecond * startAtSecond);

                waveData = InsertSilence(startAtSample - 1, waveData, streamLength, ref streamInfo);

            IntPtr aviStream;
            int result = Avi.AVIFileCreateStream(aviFile, out aviStream, ref streamInfo);
            if(result != 0){
                throw new Exception("Exception in AVIFileCreateStream: "+result.ToString());

            result = Avi.AVIStreamSetFormat(aviStream, 0, ref streamFormat, Marshal.SizeOf(streamFormat));
            if(result != 0){
                throw new Exception("Exception in AVIStreamSetFormat: "+result.ToString());

            result = Avi.AVIStreamWrite(aviStream, 0, streamLength, waveData, streamLength, Avi.AVIIF_KEYFRAME, 0, 0);
            if(result != 0){
                throw new Exception("Exception in AVIStreamWrite: "+result.ToString());

            result = Avi.AVIStreamRelease(aviStream);
            if(result != 0){
                throw new Exception("Exception in AVIStreamRelease: "+result.ToString());
