コード例 #1
        public void call(String consumer, String ckey, String token, String secret)
            //FIRST: creating the Directory client:
            BV_Directory client = new BV_Directory(BVMode.SANDBOX, consumer, ckey, token, secret);

            //SECOND: Making the petition:
            //Note that every possible parameter is here displayed in the service call,
            //but only the mandatory ones are necessary.
            AccessInfo accessInfo = null;
                accessInfo = client.GetAccessInfo(
                fields: null //Optional
                Console.WriteLine("\nThe Directory AccessInfo fields are:");
                Console.WriteLine("\taccessType: {0}, apn: {1}, roaming: {2}.", accessInfo.accessType, accessInfo.apn, accessInfo.roaming);

            catch (BlueviaException e)

                Console.WriteLine("\nExample_Directory_Access has failed:\n");
                Console.WriteLine("The Exception is:" + e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("\nExample_Directory_Access has failed:\n");
                while (e.InnerException != null)
                    e = e.InnerException;
                Console.WriteLine(e.Message + "\n");
コード例 #2
        public void call(String consumer, String ckey, String token, String secret)
            //FIRST: creating the Directory client:
            BV_Directory client = new BV_Directory(BVMode.SANDBOX, consumer, ckey, token, secret);

            //SECOND: Making the petition:
            //Note that every possible parameter is here displayed in the service call,
            //but only the mandatory ones are necessary.
            TerminalInfo terminalInfo = null;
                terminalInfo = client.GetTerminalInfo(
                fields: new TerminalFields[] { TerminalFields.brand, TerminalFields.model } //Optional
                Console.WriteLine("\nThe Directory TerminalInfo requested fields are:");
                Console.WriteLine("\tbrand: {0}, model: {1}.", terminalInfo.brand, terminalInfo.model);

            catch (BlueviaException e)

                Console.WriteLine("\nExample_Directory_Terminal has failed:\n");
                Console.WriteLine("The Exception is:" + e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("\nExample_Directory_Terminal has failed:\n");
                while (e.InnerException != null)
                    e = e.InnerException;
                Console.WriteLine(e.Message + "\n");
コード例 #3
        public void call(String consumer, String ckey, String token, String secret)
            //FIRST: creating the Directory client:
            BV_Directory client = new BV_Directory(BVMode.SANDBOX, consumer, ckey, token, secret);

            //SECOND: Making the petition:
            //Note that every possible parameter is here displayed in the service call,
            //but only the mandatory ones are necessary.
            ProfileInfo profileInfo = null;
                profileInfo = client.GetProfileInfo(
                fields: new ProfileFields[] { ProfileFields.operatorId, ProfileFields.language } //Optional
                Console.WriteLine("\nThe Directory ProfileInfo requested fields are:");
                Console.WriteLine("\toperatorId: {0}, language: {1}.", profileInfo.operatorId, profileInfo.language);

            catch (BlueviaException e)

                Console.WriteLine("\nExample_Directory_Profile has failed:\n");
                Console.WriteLine("The Exception is:" + e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("\nExample_Directory_Profile has failed:\n");
                while (e.InnerException != null)
                    e = e.InnerException;
                Console.WriteLine(e.Message + "\n");
コード例 #4
        public void call(String consumer, String ckey, String token, String secret)
            //FIRST: creating the Directory client:
            BV_Directory client = new BV_Directory(BVMode.SANDBOX, consumer, ckey, token, secret);

            //SECOND: Making the petition:
            //Note that every possible parameter is here displayed in the service call,
            //but only the mandatory ones are necessary.
            UserInfo userInfo = null;
                userInfo = client.GetUserInfo(
                dataSet: null //Optional

                Console.WriteLine("\nAll the Directory info has been retrieved, lets print some fields:");
                Console.WriteLine("\nThe Directory AccessInfo apn field  is:");
                Console.WriteLine("\tapn: {0}.", userInfo.accessInfo.apn);
                Console.WriteLine("\nThe Directory PersonalInfo gender field is:");
                Console.WriteLine("\tgender: {0}.", userInfo.personalInfo.gender);
                Console.WriteLine("\nThe Directory ProfileInfo operatorId field is:");
                Console.WriteLine("\toperatorId: {0}.", userInfo.profileInfo.operatorId);
                Console.WriteLine("\nThe Directory TerminalInfo brand and model fields are:");
                Console.WriteLine("\tbrand: {0}, model: {1}.", userInfo.terminalInfo.brand, userInfo.terminalInfo.model);
            catch (BlueviaException e)

                Console.WriteLine("\nExample_Directory has failed:\n");
                Console.WriteLine("The Exception is:" + e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("\nExample_Directory has failed:\n");
                while (e.InnerException != null)
                    e = e.InnerException;
                Console.WriteLine(e.Message + "\n");