コード例 #1
 //16Jul2015 refesh both grids when 'refresh' icon is clicked in output window
 public void RefreshBothgrids()//16Jul2015
     string stmt = "Refresh Grids";
     UAMenuCommand uamc = new UAMenuCommand();
     uamc.commandformat = stmt;
     uamc.bskycommand = stmt;
     uamc.commandtype = stmt;
     CommandExecutionHelper auacb = new CommandExecutionHelper();
     auacb.BothGridRefreshAndPrintTitle("Refresh Data");
コード例 #2
        //For Painting Output window for BSKyFormated object. And/Or to refresh datagrid for non-analytics commands like sort, compute
        private void RefreshOutputORDataset(string objectname, CommandRequest cmd, string originalCommand, OutputWindow ow)
            UAMenuCommand uamc = new UAMenuCommand();
            cmd.CommandSyntax = "is.null(" + objectname + "$BSkySplit)";//$BSkySplit or $split in return structure
            if (AdvancedLogging) logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: Executing : " + cmd.CommandSyntax, LogLevelEnum.Info);
            // is it just a list(non Bsky) or its a list that contains tables (user tables or Bsky Stat result tables)
            bool isNonBSkyList = false;
            object isNonBSkyListstr = analytics.ExecuteR(cmd, true, false);
            if (isNonBSkyListstr != null && isNonBSkyListstr.ToString().ToLower().Equals("true"))
                isNonBSkyList = true;
            if (isNonBSkyList)
                string ewmessage = "This Object cannot be formatted using BSKyFormat. BSkyFormat can be used on Array, Matrix, Data Frame and BSky List objects only.";
                SendErrorToOutput(ewmessage, ow);//03Jul2013
            if (AdvancedLogging) logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: $BSkySplit Result (false means non-bsky list): " + isNonBSkyList, LogLevelEnum.Info);

            cmd.CommandSyntax = objectname + "$uasummary[[7]]";
            if (AdvancedLogging) logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: Executing : " + cmd.CommandSyntax, LogLevelEnum.Info);

            string bskyfunctioncall = (string)analytics.ExecuteR(cmd, true, false);//actual call with values
            if (bskyfunctioncall == null)
                bskyfunctioncall = ""; //24Apr2014 This is when no Dataset is open. And Syntax editor is open.Not returning, instead putting blank.
            if (AdvancedLogging) logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: $uasummary[[7]] Result : " + bskyfunctioncall, LogLevelEnum.Info);
            string bskyfunctionname = "";
            if (bskyfunctioncall.Length > 0)
                if (bskyfunctioncall.Contains("("))
                    bskyfunctionname = bskyfunctioncall.Substring(0, bskyfunctioncall.IndexOf('(')).Trim();
                    bskyfunctionname = bskyfunctioncall;
            uamc.commandformat = objectname;// object that stores the result of analysis
            uamc.bskycommand = bskyfunctioncall.Replace('\"', '\'');// actual BSkyFunction call. " quotes replaced by '
            uamc.commandoutputformat = bskyfunctionname.Length > 0 ? string.Format(@"{0}", BSkyAppData.BSkyDataDirConfigBkSlash) + bskyfunctionname + ".xml" : "";//23Apr2015 
            uamc.commandtemplate = bskyfunctionname.Length > 0 ? string.Format(@"{0}", BSkyAppData.BSkyDataDirConfigBkSlash) + bskyfunctionname + ".xaml" : "";//23Apr2015 

            uamc.commandtype = originalCommand;
            CommandExecutionHelper auacb = new CommandExecutionHelper();
            if (AdvancedLogging) logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: CommandExecutionHelper: " , LogLevelEnum.Info);
            auacb.ExecuteSyntaxEditor(uamc, saveoutput.IsChecked == true ? true : false);//10JAn2013 edit
            auacb = null;

コード例 #3
        private void ExecuteXMLTemplateDefinedCommands(string stmt)//10Jul2014
            CommandRequest xmlgrpcmd = new CommandRequest();

            xmlgrpcmd.CommandSyntax = stmt;
            //o = analytics.ExecuteR(xmlgrpcmd, false, false);

            UAMenuCommand uamc = new UAMenuCommand();
            uamc.bskycommand = stmt;
            uamc.commandtype = stmt;
            CommandExecutionHelper auacb = new CommandExecutionHelper();
            auacb.MenuParameter = menuParameter;
            auacb.RetVal = analytics.Execute(xmlgrpcmd);
コード例 #4
        private void ExecuteOtherCommand(OutputWindow ow, string stmt)

            if (AdvancedLogging) logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: Before Executing in R.", LogLevelEnum.Info);

            #region Check open close brackets before executing
            string unbalmsg;
            if (!AreBracketsBalanced(stmt, out unbalmsg))//if unbalanced brackets
                CommandRequest errmsg = new CommandRequest();
                string fullmsg = "Error : " + unbalmsg;
                errmsg.CommandSyntax = "write(\"" + fullmsg.Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace('"', '\'') + "\",fp)";//
                analytics.ExecuteR(errmsg, false, false); //for printing command in file
            ///if command is for loading dataset //
            if (stmt.Contains("UAloadDataset"))
                int indexofopening = stmt.IndexOf('(');
                int indexofclosing = stmt.IndexOf(')');
                string[] parameters = stmt.Substring(indexofopening + 1, indexofclosing - indexofopening - 2).Split(',');
                string filename = string.Empty;
                foreach (string s in parameters)
                    if (s.Contains('/') || s.Contains('\\'))
                        filename = s.Replace('\"', ' ').Replace('\'', ' ');
                if (filename.Contains("="))
                    filename = filename.Substring(filename.IndexOf("=") + 1);
                FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();

            object o = null;
            CommandRequest cmd = new CommandRequest();

            if (stmt.Contains("BSkySortDataframe(") ||
                stmt.Contains("BSkyComputeExpression(") || stmt.Contains("BSkyRecode("))
                CommandExecutionHelper auacb = new CommandExecutionHelper();
                UAMenuCommand uamc = new UAMenuCommand();
                uamc.bskycommand = stmt;
                uamc.commandtype = stmt;
                //auacb = null;

                if (AdvancedLogging) logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: Executing in R.", LogLevelEnum.Info);

                 isVariable(ref stmt);///for checking if its variable then it must be enclosed within print();
                //27May2015 check if command is graphic and get its height width and then reopen graphic device with new dimensions
                 if (lastcommandwasgraphic)//listed graphic
                     if (imgDim!=null && imgDim.overrideImgDim)
                         OpenGraphicsDevice(imgDim.imagewidth, imgDim.imageheight); // get image dimenstion from external source for this particular graphic.

                cmd.CommandSyntax = stmt;// command 
                o = analytics.ExecuteR(cmd, false, false);   //// get Direct Result and write in sink file

                CommandRequest cmdprn = new CommandRequest();
                if (o != null && o.ToString().Contains("Error"))//for writing some of the errors those are not taken care by sink.
                    cmdprn.CommandSyntax = "write(\"" + o.ToString() + "\",fp)";// http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_syntax.asp
                    o = analytics.ExecuteR(cmdprn, false, false); /// for printing command in file
                    ///if there is error in assignment, like RHS caused error and LHS var is never updated
                    ///Better make LHS var null.
                    string lhvar = string.Empty;
                    GetLeftHandVar(stmt, out lhvar);
                    if (lhvar != null)
                        cmd.CommandSyntax = lhvar+" <- NULL";// assign null 
                        o = analytics.ExecuteR(cmd, false, false);

            if (AdvancedLogging) logService.WriteToLogLevel("ExtraLogs: After Executing in R.", LogLevelEnum.Info);

コード例 #5
        private void ExecuteSplit(string stmt)
            //object o = null;
            CommandRequest cmd = new CommandRequest();

            CommandExecutionHelper ceh = new CommandExecutionHelper();
            UAMenuCommand uamc = new UAMenuCommand();
            uamc.bskycommand = stmt;
            uamc.commandtype = stmt;
            cmd.CommandSyntax = stmt;
            ceh.ExecuteSplit(stmt, FElement);
            ceh = null;