コード例 #1
ファイル: StrategyKairi.cs プロジェクト: alunfes/BitflyerSIM
        public static TradeDecisionData makeDecision(Account ac, int i, double kairi, double nanpin, double pt, double lc)
            TradeDecisionData tdd = new TradeDecisionData();

コード例 #2
ファイル: StrategyNanpin.cs プロジェクト: alunfes/BitflyerSIM
        //lc > nanpin
        //nanpin: entry when pirce was changed from ave_price more than nanpin, entry lot = num_btc * 2
        public static TradeDecisionData makeDecision(Account ac, int i, double kairi_kijun, double pt, double lc, double nanpin)
            TradeDecisionData tdd = new TradeDecisionData();

            tdd.decision = "None";

            if (lc <= nanpin)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Invalid LC & Nanpin in StrategyNanpin, lc has to be larger than nanpin");
                if (ac.getIjiritsu >= 1.0)
                    if (ac.getPosition == "Long")
                        if (ac.getAvePrice * (1 + pt) <= PriceData.close[i]) //check for pt
                            tdd.decision = "PT Long";
                            tdd.price    = 0;
                            tdd.lot      = ac.getNumBTC;
                        else if (ac.getAvePrice * (1 - lc) >= PriceData.close[i]) //check for lc
                            tdd.decision = "LC Long";
                            tdd.price    = 0;
                            tdd.lot      = ac.getNumBTC;
                        else if ((ac.getAvePrice * (1 - nanpin) >= PriceData.close[i]) && (ac.getMoney > ac.calcEstimatedRequiredShokokin(PriceData.close[i], ac.getNumBTC * 2.0))) //check for nanpin
                            tdd.decision = "Nanpin Long";
                            tdd.price    = 0;
                            tdd.lot      = ac.getNumBTC * 2.0;
                            tdd.decision = "Hold";
                            tdd.price    = 0;
                            tdd.lot      = 0;
                    else if (ac.getPosition == "Short")
                        if (ac.getAvePrice * (1 - pt) >= PriceData.close[i]) //check for pt
                            tdd.decision = "PT Short";
                            tdd.price    = 0;
                            tdd.lot      = ac.getNumBTC;
                        else if (ac.getAvePrice * (1 + lc) <= PriceData.close[i]) //check for lc
                            tdd.decision = "LC Short";
                            tdd.price    = 0;
                            tdd.lot      = ac.getNumBTC;
                        else if ((ac.getAvePrice * (1 + nanpin) <= PriceData.close[i]) && (ac.getMoney > ac.calcEstimatedRequiredShokokin(PriceData.close[i], ac.getNumBTC * 2.0))) //check for nanpin
                            tdd.decision = "Nanpin Short";
                            tdd.price    = 0;
                            tdd.lot      = ac.getNumBTC * 2.0;
                            tdd.decision = "Hold";
                            tdd.price    = 0;
                            tdd.lot      = 0;
                    else if (ac.getPosition == "None")
                        double kairi = IndexData.getMA1000[i] / PriceData.close[i];
                        if (kairi >= kairi_kijun)
                            double lot = ac.calcEstimatedMaxLot(i, PriceData.close[i]);
                            tdd.decision = "Entry Long";
                            tdd.price    = 0;
                            tdd.lot      = lot / 7.1;
                        else if (kairi <= kairi_kijun * -1)
                            double lot = ac.calcEstimatedMaxLot(i, PriceData.close[i]);
                            tdd.decision = "Entry Short";
                            tdd.price    = 0;
                            tdd.lot      = lot / 7.1;
                            tdd.decision = "Hold";
コード例 #3
        public SimLog simStrategyNanpin(int from, int to, double pt, double lc, double nanpin, double kairi_kijun, bool writelog)
            SimLog sl = new SimLog();

            if (from > 1000 && to <= PriceData.date.Count - 1 && lc > nanpin)
                Account           ac  = new Account();
                TradeDecisionData tdd = new TradeDecisionData();
                string            d   = "Hold";
                double            lot = 0;
                for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
                    if (d == "Entry Long")
                        string message = Trade.entryLong(ac, i, tdd.lot);
                        sl.trade_log.Add(i, message);
                        lot = 0;
                        d   = "Hold";
                    else if (d == "Entry Short")
                        string message = Trade.entryShort(ac, i, tdd.lot);
                        sl.trade_log.Add(i, message);
                        lot = 0;
                        d   = "Hold";
                    else if (d == "Exit Long")
                        string message = Trade.exitLong(ac, i, tdd.lot);
                        sl.trade_log.Add(i, message);
                        d = "Hold";
                    else if (d == "Exit Short")
                        string message = Trade.exitShort(ac, i, tdd.lot);
                        sl.trade_log.Add(i, message);
                        d = "Hold";

                    tdd = StrategyNanpin.makeDecision(ac, i, kairi_kijun, pt, lc, nanpin);
                    if (tdd.decision == "Entry Long" || tdd.decision == "Nanpin Long")
                        sl.decision_log.Add(i, tdd.decision);
                        d   = "Entry Long";
                        lot = tdd.lot;
                    else if (tdd.decision == "Entry Short" || tdd.decision == "Nanpin Short")
                        sl.decision_log.Add(i, tdd.decision);
                        d   = "Entry Short";
                        lot = tdd.lot;
                    else if (tdd.decision == "PT Long" || tdd.decision == "LC Long")
                        sl.decision_log.Add(i, tdd.decision);
                        d   = "Exit Long";
                        lot = 0;
                    else if (tdd.decision == "PT Short" || tdd.decision == "LC Short")
                        sl.decision_log.Add(i, tdd.decision);
                        d   = "Exit Short";
                        lot = 0;
                    else if (tdd.decision == "Hold")
                        sl.decision_log.Add(i, tdd.decision);
                        d   = "Hold";
                        lot = 0;
                    sl.takeDailyLog(ac, i);
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Invalid input values in simStrategyNanin!");
