コード例 #1
        public async Task <QuizQuestion> GetNextQuizQuestionFromTemplateAsync(BiblePathsCoreDbContext context, string bibleId)
            QuizQuestion   ReturnQuestion = new QuizQuestion();
            PredefinedQuiz Template       = new PredefinedQuiz();

                Template = await context.PredefinedQuizzes.Include(T => T.PredefinedQuizQuestions).Where(T => T.Id == PredefinedQuiz).FirstAsync();
                // This is the couldn't find template scenario,
                ReturnQuestion.QuestionSelected = false;
            // Ok we've got our Template now which Book/Chapter do we want.
            int QuestionNumber         = QuestionsAsked + 1;
            int TemplateQuestionNumber = QuestionNumber;

            // We need to calculate a Template Number
            if (QuestionNumber > Template.NumQuestions)
                TemplateQuestionNumber = QuestionNumber % Template.NumQuestions;
                if (TemplateQuestionNumber == 0)
                    TemplateQuestionNumber = Template.NumQuestions;
            // It is actually OK to not find a Question Object, we just treat that as the random book scenario.
            PredefinedQuizQuestion TemplateQuestion = new PredefinedQuizQuestion();

                TemplateQuestion = Template.PredefinedQuizQuestions.Where(Q => Q.QuestionNumber == TemplateQuestionNumber).First();
                // This is the more common pick a random Book Scenario.
                if (Template.BookNumber >= Bible.MinBookListID)
                    // This is the BookList Scenario
                    return(await GetNextQuizQuestionFromBookListAsync(context, bibleId, Template.BookNumber));
                    // this is the Book scenario.
                    return(await GetNextQuizQuestionFromBookAsync(context, bibleId, Template.BookNumber));
            if (TemplateQuestion.BookNumber == 0)
                // This is the pick a random Book Scenario, we're unlikely to hit this, more often the question object won't exist at all.
                if (Template.BookNumber >= Bible.MinBookListID)
                    // This is the BookList Scenario
                    return(await GetNextQuizQuestionFromBookListAsync(context, bibleId, Template.BookNumber));
                    // this is the Book scenario.
                    return(await GetNextQuizQuestionFromBookAsync(context, bibleId, Template.BookNumber));
                // This would be the selected Book Scenario, but do we have a selected Chapter?
                if (TemplateQuestion.Chapter == 0)
                    // this is the selected book but random Chapter scenario
                    return(await GetNextQuizQuestionFromBookAsync(context, bibleId, TemplateQuestion.BookNumber));
                    // this is the selected Book and Chapter scenario
                    return(await GetNextQuizQuestionFromBookAndChapterAsync(context, bibleId, TemplateQuestion.BookNumber, TemplateQuestion.Chapter));