コード例 #1
    //Handle edit databound
    public void Edit_Handle(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
        if ((e.CommandName == "edit"))
            TableCell iIdNumber = e.Item.Cells[0];
            TableCell iCatName = e.Item.Cells[1];

            Panel1.Visible = true;
            Panel3.Visible = false;
            AddNewCat.Visible = false;
            lblnamedis2.Text = "Category Name:";
            updatebutton.Visible = true;
            DelCategory.Visible = false;
            GroupID.Visible = false;
            CategoryID.Visible = true;
            lblheaderform.Text = "Updating Recipe Category #: " + iIdNumber.Text;

            e.Item.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#F0E68C");

            //This will be the value to be populated into the textboxes
            string CatName = iCatName.Text;
            CategoryName.Text = CatName.Substring(0, CatName.IndexOf("(")).Trim(); //Strip off recipe count
            CategoryID.Value = iIdNumber.Text;
        else if ((e.CommandName == "delete"))
            TableCell iIdNumber = e.Item.Cells[0];
            TableCell iCatName = e.Item.Cells[1];

            Panel1.Visible = true;
            Panel3.Visible = true;
            AddNewCat.Visible = false;
            lblnamedis2.Text = "Category Name:";
            updatebutton.Visible = false;
            CategoryID.Visible = true;
            DelCategory.Visible = true;
            GroupID.Visible = false;
            CategoryID.Value = iIdNumber.Text;
            lblheaderform.Text = "Deleting Recipe Category #: " + iIdNumber.Text;

            e.Item.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#F0E68C");

            //This will be the value to be populated into the textboxes
            string CatNamedel = iCatName.Text;
            CategoryName.Text = CatNamedel.Substring(0, CatNamedel.IndexOf("(")).Trim(); //Strip off recipe count

            //Instantiate sql params object
            Blogic myBL = new Blogic();

            lblrcdcount2.Text = "The number of recipes belong to " + CategoryName.Text + " category:  " + myBL.CategoryCount(int.Parse(iIdNumber.Text));

            myBL = null;