コード例 #1
    //this will show the add ally menu where the user adds/edits allies.
    void Add_Ally()
        //Close Button.
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 20, 120, 20), "Close"))
            b_Ally_Menu = true;
            b_Add_Ally = false;
            Temp_Tower = null;
            i_Tower_Location_Number = -1;
            f_scroll = 0;

        //Save Button.
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 50, 120, 20), "Save"))
            //save the temp tower.
            if (i_Tower_Location_Number != -1)
                //set the tower in that place.
                Stats.Tower_List[i_Tower_Location_Number] = Temp_Tower;
                //we add the new tower if has a name. no name means no tower has been selected.
                if (Temp_Tower.Tower_Name != "")

            b_Ally_Menu = true;
            b_Add_Ally = false;
            Temp_Tower = null;
            i_Tower_Location_Number = -1;
            f_scroll = 0;

        //no tower, so we make one.
        if (Temp_Tower == null)
            //Debug.Log("Made new temp enemy");
            Temp_Tower = new Assets.Scripts.Level_Scripts.LE.Tower_Template("Temp", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, new Sprite());
            Temp_Tower.Tower_Sprite = Sprite.Create(new Texture2D(1, 1), new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), new Vector2(1, 1));
        //no temp sprite so make a placeholder one.
        if (Second_Sprite == null)
            Second_Sprite = Sprite.Create(new Texture2D(1, 1), new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), new Vector2(1, 1));

        //the y offset.
        float y_offset = 20 + f_scroll;

        //name label
        //[sprite] [<-Fuze] [sprite] we use the tower sprite, and then the temp sprite.

        GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 / 2, y_offset, Screen.width / 2, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "Name");
        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount / 2;
        GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - (i_Level_Size / 2), y_offset, i_Level_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Temp_Tower.Tower_Name);
        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount / 2;
        //First Sprite Box
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - ((i_Sprite_Edit_Size) / 2) - (i_Sprite_Edit_Size * 1.5f), y_offset, i_Sprite_Edit_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount), Temp_Tower.Tower_Sprite.texture))
            //open the sprite menu for the first sprite.
            b_Ally_Pick_Screen = true;
            b_First_Sprite = true;
            b_Add_Ally = false;
            Ally_Sprite_Table.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0);
        //button for fuze
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - ((i_Sprite_Edit_Size) / 2) - (i_Sprite_Edit_Size * .5f), y_offset, i_Sprite_Edit_Size * 2, i_Size_Height_Amount), "<<Fuse!"))
            //we will perform a fuse as long as it can be.. this logic will be manually entered with each combination.
        //Second sprite box.
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - ((i_Sprite_Edit_Size) / 2) + (i_Sprite_Edit_Size * 1.5f), y_offset, i_Sprite_Edit_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount), Second_Sprite.texture))
            //open the sprite menu for the second sprite.
            b_Ally_Pick_Screen = true;
            b_First_Sprite = false;
            b_Add_Ally = false;
            Ally_Sprite_Table.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0);
        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount * 1.5f;

        GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 / 2, y_offset, Screen.width / 2, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "Level");
        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount / 2;
        string Temp_Value = Temp_Tower.Tower_Level.ToString();
        Temp_Value = GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - (i_Level_Size / 2), y_offset, i_Level_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Temp_Value, 3);
        int.TryParse(Temp_Value, out Temp_Tower.Tower_Level);

        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount;

        GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 / 2, y_offset, Screen.width / 2, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "Power");
        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount / 2;
        Temp_Value = Temp_Tower.Tower_Power.ToString();
        Temp_Value = GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - (i_Power_Size / 2), y_offset, i_Power_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Temp_Value, 3);
        int.TryParse(Temp_Value, out Temp_Tower.Tower_Power);

        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount;

        GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 / 2, y_offset, Screen.width / 2, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "Speed");
        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount / 2;
        Temp_Value = Temp_Tower.Tower_Speed.ToString();
        Temp_Value = GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - (i_Speed_Size / 2), y_offset, i_Speed_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Temp_Value, 3);
        int.TryParse(Temp_Value, out Temp_Tower.Tower_Speed);

        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount;

        GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 / 2, y_offset, Screen.width / 2, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "Range");
        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount / 2;
        Temp_Value = Temp_Tower.Tower_Range.ToString();
        Temp_Value = GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - (i_Range_Size / 2), y_offset, i_Range_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Temp_Value, 3);
        int.TryParse(Temp_Value, out Temp_Tower.Tower_Range);

        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount;

        GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 / 2, y_offset, Screen.width / 2, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "HP");
        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount / 2;
        Temp_Value = Temp_Tower.Tower_Points.ToString();
        Temp_Value = GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - (i_Free_Points_Size / 2), y_offset, i_Free_Points_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Temp_Value, 3);
        int.TryParse(Temp_Value, out Temp_Tower.Tower_Points);

        y_offset += i_Size_Height_Amount;

コード例 #2
    void Ally_Menu()
        //Close Button.
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 20, 120, 20), "Close"))
            b_Stats_Menu_Enabled = true;
            b_Ally_Menu = false;

        //Add a new ally Button.
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 50, 120, 20), "Add Ally"))
            b_Add_Ally = true;
            b_Ally_Menu = false;

        //we will go through and show all the allies the player has.
        //now we will go through each of the enemies and list them out and display all their info along with an edit and remove button.
        for (int i = 0; i < Stats.Tower_List.Count; i++)
            //the x offset.
            int x_start = 0;

            //the sprite box.
            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start, f_scroll + i_Sprite_Edit_Size + (i * (i_Sprite_Edit_Size + 5)), i_Sprite_Edit_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount), Stats.Tower_List[i].Tower_Sprite.texture);

            //the edit box over the sprite box.
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Sprite_Edit_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount), "Edit"))
                //set what tower we are editing.
                i_Tower_Location_Number = i;
                //we set the temp enemy to this one to edit.
                Temp_Tower = (Assets.Scripts.Level_Scripts.LE.Tower_Template)Stats.Tower_List[i].Clone();
                //reset scroll.
                f_scroll = 0;

                //still need to open said menu here.
                b_Add_Ally = true;
                b_Ally_Menu = false;

            //This is to update the x spot with the new spot value.
            x_start += i_Sprite_Edit_Size;

            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Name_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "Name");
            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i_Size_Height_Amount / 2) + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Name_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Stats.Tower_List[i].Tower_Name);

            //This is to update the x spot with the new spot value.
            x_start += i_Name_Size;

            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Level_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "Level");
            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i_Size_Height_Amount / 2) + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Level_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Stats.Tower_List[i].Tower_Level.ToString());

            //This is to update the x spot with the new spot value.
            x_start += i_Level_Size;

            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Power_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "Power");
            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i_Size_Height_Amount / 2) + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Power_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Stats.Tower_List[i].Tower_Power.ToString());

            //This is to update the x spot with the new spot value.
            x_start += i_Power_Size;

            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Speed_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "Speed");
            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i_Size_Height_Amount / 2) + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Speed_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Stats.Tower_List[i].Tower_Speed.ToString());

            //This is to update the x spot with the new spot value.
            x_start += i_Speed_Size;

            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Range_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "Range");
            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i_Size_Height_Amount / 2) + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Range_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Stats.Tower_List[i].Tower_Range.ToString());

            //This is to update the x spot with the new spot value.
            x_start += i_Range_Size;

            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Free_Points_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), "Points");
            GUI.Box(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i_Size_Height_Amount / 2) + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Free_Points_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount / 2), Stats.Tower_List[i].Tower_Points.ToString());

            //This is to update the x spot with the new spot value.
            x_start += i_Free_Points_Size;

            //now we add the delete button.
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(i_To_Center_X_Start + x_start, f_scroll + i_Size_Height_Amount + (i * (i_Size_Height_Amount + 5)), i_Delete_Size, i_Size_Height_Amount), "Delete"))
                //this is the remove tower button. pretty simple.