コード例 #1
        public object Invoke(BaseHandler handler, HttpContext context)
            MethodInfo m = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(method))
                // call the request method
                // if no method is passed then well call the method by HTTP verb (GET, POST, DELETE, UPDATE)
                method = context.Request.RequestType.ToUpper();
            m = handler.GetType().GetMethod(method);

            List <object> a = new List <object>();

            if (m == null)
                if (method.ToLower() == "help")
                    m = handler.GetType().BaseType.GetMethod("Help");
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Method {0} not found on Handler {1}.", method, this.GetType().ToString()));
                // evaluate the handler and method attributes against Http allowed verbs

                 * The logic here is:
                 *	-> if no attribute is found means it allows every verb
                 *	-> is a method have verb attbibutes defined then it will ignore the ones on the class
                 *	-> verb attributes on the class are applied to all methods without verb attribues
                var handlerSupportedVerbs = handler.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HttpVerbAttribute), true).Cast <HttpVerbAttribute>();
                var methodSupportedVerbs  = m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HttpVerbAttribute), true).Cast <HttpVerbAttribute>();

                bool VerbAllowedOnMethod  = (methodSupportedVerbs.Count() == 0);
                bool VerbAllowedOnHandler = (handlerSupportedVerbs.Count() == 0);
                if (methodSupportedVerbs.Count() > 0)
                    VerbAllowedOnMethod = methodSupportedVerbs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HttpVerb == context.Request.RequestType.ToUpper()) != null;
                else if (handlerSupportedVerbs.Count() > 0)
                    VerbAllowedOnHandler = handlerSupportedVerbs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HttpVerb == context.Request.RequestType.ToUpper()) != null;

                if (!VerbAllowedOnMethod || !VerbAllowedOnHandler)
                    throw new HttpVerbNotAllowedException();

                // security validation: Search for RequireAuthenticationAttribute on the method
                //		value=true the user must be authenticated (only supports FromsAuthentication for now
                //		value=false invoke the method
                object[] attrs = m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequireAuthenticationAttribute), true);
                if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0)
                    if (!context.Request.IsAuthenticated && ((RequireAuthenticationAttribute)attrs[0]).RequireAuthentication)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Method [" + m.Name + "] Requires authentication");

            foreach (var param in m.GetParameters())
                a.Add(ProcessProperty(param.Name, param.ParameterType, string.Empty));

            // OnMethodInvoke -> Invoke -> AfterMethodInvoke
            OnMethodInvokeArgs cancelInvoke = new OnMethodInvokeArgs(m);


            object invokeResult = null;

            if (!cancelInvoke.Cancel)
                invokeResult = m.Invoke(handler, a.ToArray());

コード例 #2
		public object Invoke(BaseHandler handler, HttpContext context)
			MethodInfo m = null;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(method))
				// call the request method
				// if no method is passed then well call the method by HTTP verb (GET, POST, DELETE, UPDATE)
				method = context.Request.RequestType.ToUpper();
			m = handler.GetType().GetMethod(method);

			List<object> a = new List<object>();

			if (m == null)
				if (method.ToLower() == "help")
					m = handler.GetType().BaseType.GetMethod("Help");
					throw new Exception(string.Format("Method {0} not found on Handler {1}.", method, this.GetType().ToString()));
				// evaluate the handler and method attributes against Http allowed verbs
				 The logic here is:
				 *	-> if no attribute is found means it allows every verb
				 *	-> is a method have verb attbibutes defined then it will ignore the ones on the class
				 *	-> verb attributes on the class are applied to all methods without verb attribues
				var handlerSupportedVerbs = handler.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HttpVerbAttribute), true).Cast<HttpVerbAttribute>();
				var methodSupportedVerbs = m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HttpVerbAttribute), true).Cast<HttpVerbAttribute>();

				bool VerbAllowedOnMethod = (methodSupportedVerbs.Count() == 0);
				bool VerbAllowedOnHandler = (handlerSupportedVerbs.Count() == 0);
				if (methodSupportedVerbs.Count() > 0)
					VerbAllowedOnMethod = methodSupportedVerbs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HttpVerb == context.Request.RequestType.ToUpper()) != null;
				else if (handlerSupportedVerbs.Count() > 0)
					VerbAllowedOnHandler = handlerSupportedVerbs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HttpVerb == context.Request.RequestType.ToUpper()) != null;

				if (!VerbAllowedOnMethod || !VerbAllowedOnHandler)
					throw new HttpVerbNotAllowedException();

				// security validation: Search for RequireAuthenticationAttribute on the method
				//		value=true the user must be authenticated (only supports FromsAuthentication for now
				//		value=false invoke the method
				object[] attrs = m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequireAuthenticationAttribute), true);
				if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0)

					if (!context.Request.IsAuthenticated && ((RequireAuthenticationAttribute)attrs[0]).RequireAuthentication)
						throw new InvalidOperationException("Method [" + m.Name + "] Requires authentication");

			foreach (var param in m.GetParameters())
				a.Add(ProcessProperty(param.Name, param.ParameterType, string.Empty));

			// OnMethodInvoke -> Invoke -> AfterMethodInvoke
			OnMethodInvokeArgs cancelInvoke = new OnMethodInvokeArgs(m);

			object invokeResult = null;
			if (!cancelInvoke.Cancel)
				invokeResult = m.Invoke(handler, a.ToArray());

			return invokeResult;