public bool ttCheckAll(Sentence kbSentence, Sentence querySentence, List<Symbol> symbols, Model model) { if (symbols.Count==0) { if (model.isTrue(kbSentence)) { // System.Console.WriteLine("#"); return model.isTrue(querySentence); } else { // System.Console.WriteLine("0"); return true; } } else { Symbol symbol = (Symbol)Util.first(symbols); List<Symbol> rest =; Model trueModel = model.extend(new Symbol(symbol.getValue()), true); Model falseModel = model.extend(new Symbol(symbol.getValue()), false); return (ttCheckAll(kbSentence, querySentence, rest, trueModel) && (ttCheckAll( kbSentence, querySentence, rest, falseModel))); } }
private Symbol getSymbolWhoseFlipMaximisesSatisfiedClauses( List<Sentence> clauses, List<Symbol> symbols, Model model) { if (symbols.Count > 0) { Symbol retVal = symbols[0]; int maxClausesSatisfied = 0; for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Count; i++) { Symbol sym = symbols[i]; if (getNumberOfClausesSatisfiedIn(clauses, model.flip(sym)) > maxClausesSatisfied) { retVal = sym; maxClausesSatisfied = getNumberOfClausesSatisfiedIn( clauses, model.flip(sym)); } } return retVal; } else { return null; } }
public bool dpllSatisfiable(Sentence s, Model m) { List<Sentence> clauses = new CNFClauseGatherer() .getClausesFrom(new CNFTransformer().transform(s)); List<Symbol> symbols = new SymbolCollector() .getSymbolsIn(s); // System.Console.WriteLine(" numberOfSymbols = " + symbols.Count); return dpll(clauses, symbols, m); }
public void testDPLLReturnsFalseWhenOneClauseFalseInModel() { Model model = new Model(); model = model.extend(new Symbol("A"), true).extend(new Symbol("B"), false); Sentence sentence = (Sentence)parser.parse("((A OR B) AND (A => B))"); bool satisfiable = dpll.dpllSatisfiable(sentence, model); Assert.AreEqual(false, satisfiable); }
public void testSentenceStatusWhenPFalseAndQFalse() { String p = "P"; String q = "Q"; m = m.extend(new Symbol(p), false); m = m.extend(new Symbol(q), false); Assert.AreEqual(true, m.isFalse(andSentence)); Assert.AreEqual(true, m.isFalse(orSentence)); Assert.AreEqual(true, m.isTrue(impliedSentence)); Assert.AreEqual(true, m.isTrue(biConditionalSentence)); }
public void setUp() { parser = new PEParser(); trueSentence = (Sentence)parser.parse("true"); falseSentence = (Sentence)parser.parse("false"); andSentence = (Sentence)parser.parse("(P AND Q)"); orSentence = (Sentence)parser.parse("(P OR Q)"); impliedSentence = (Sentence)parser.parse("(P => Q)"); biConditionalSentence = (Sentence)parser.parse("(P <=> Q)"); m = new Model(); }
public void testDPLLFilteringNonTrueClausesGivesNullWhenAllClausesAreKnown() { Model model = new Model(); model = model.extend(new Symbol("A"), true).extend(new Symbol("B"), true).extend(new Symbol("C"), true); Sentence sentence = (Sentence)parser .parse("((A AND B) AND (B AND C))"); List<Sentence> clauseList = new CNFClauseGatherer() .getClausesFrom(new CNFTransformer() .transform(sentence)); List<Sentence> clausesWithNonTrueValues = dpll .clausesWithNonTrueValues(clauseList, model); Assert.AreEqual(0, clausesWithNonTrueValues.Count); }
public void testDPLLFiltersClausesTheStatusOfWhichAreKnown() { Model model = new Model(); model = model.extend(new Symbol("A"), true).extend(new Symbol("B"), true); Sentence sentence = (Sentence)parser .parse("((A AND B) AND (B AND C))"); List<Sentence> clauseList = new CNFClauseGatherer() .getClausesFrom(new CNFTransformer() .transform(sentence)); List<Sentence> clausesWithNonTrueValues = dpll .clausesWithNonTrueValues(clauseList, model); Assert.AreEqual(1, clausesWithNonTrueValues.Count); Sentence nonTrueClause = (Sentence)parser.parse("(B AND C)"); clausesWithNonTrueValues.Contains(nonTrueClause); }
public Model findModelFor(String logicalSentence, int numberOfFlips, double probabilityOfRandomWalk) { myModel = new Model(); Sentence s = (Sentence)new PEParser().parse(logicalSentence); CNFTransformer transformer = new CNFTransformer(); CNFClauseGatherer clauseGatherer = new CNFClauseGatherer(); SymbolCollector sc = new SymbolCollector(); List<Symbol> symbols = sc.getSymbolsIn(s); Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Count; i++) { Symbol sym = (Symbol)symbols[i]; myModel = myModel.extend(sym, Util.randombool()); } List<Sentence> clauses = clauseGatherer.getClausesFrom(transformer .transform(s)); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFlips; i++) { if (getNumberOfClausesSatisfiedIn(clauses, myModel) == clauses.Count) { return myModel; } Sentence clause = clauses[random.Next(clauses.Count)]; List<Symbol> symbolsInClause = sc .getSymbolsIn(clause); if (random.NextDouble() >= probabilityOfRandomWalk) { Symbol randomSymbol = symbolsInClause[random .Next(symbolsInClause.Count)]; myModel = myModel.flip(randomSymbol); } else { Symbol symbolToFlip = getSymbolWhoseFlipMaximisesSatisfiedClauses( clauses, symbolsInClause, myModel); myModel = myModel.flip(symbolToFlip); } } return null; }
public List<Sentence> clausesWithNonTrueValues(List<Sentence> clauseList, Model model) { List<Sentence> clausesWithNonTrueValues = new List<Sentence>(); for (int i = 0; i < clauseList.Count; i++) { Sentence clause = clauseList[i]; if (!(isClauseTrueInModel(clause, model))) { if (!(clausesWithNonTrueValues.Contains(clause))) {// defensive // programming not really necessary clausesWithNonTrueValues.Add(clause); } } } return clausesWithNonTrueValues; }
private SymbolValuePair findUnitClause(List<Sentence> clauseList, Model model, List<Symbol> symbols) { for (int i = 0; i < clauseList.Count; i++) { Sentence clause = (Sentence)clauseList[i]; if ((clause is Symbol) && (!(model.getAssignedSymbols().Contains(clause)))) { // System.Console.WriteLine("found unit clause - assigning"); return new SymbolValuePair(new Symbol(((Symbol)clause) .getValue()), true); } if (clause is UnarySentence) { UnarySentence sentence = (UnarySentence)clause; Sentence negated = sentence.getNegated(); if ((negated is Symbol) && (!(model.getAssignedSymbols().Contains(negated)))) { // System.Console.WriteLine("found unit clause type 2 - // assigning"); return new SymbolValuePair(new Symbol(((Symbol)negated) .getValue()), false); } } } return new SymbolValuePair();// failed to find any unit clause; }
private bool isClauseTrueInModel(Sentence clause, Model model) { List<Symbol> positiveSymbols = new SymbolClassifier().getPositiveSymbolsIn(clause); List<Symbol> negativeSymbols = new SymbolClassifier().getNegativeSymbolsIn(clause); foreach (Symbol symbol in positiveSymbols) { if ((model.isTrue(symbol))) { return true; } } foreach (Symbol symbol in negativeSymbols) { if ((model.isFalse(symbol))) { return true; } } return false; }
private bool areAllClausesTrue(Model model, List<Sentence> clauseList) { for (int i = 0; i < clauseList.Count; i++) { Sentence clause = (Sentence)clauseList[i]; // System.Console.WriteLine("evaluating " + clause.ToString()); if (!isClauseTrueInModel(clause, model)) { // ie if false or // UNKNOWN // System.Console.WriteLine(clause.ToString()+ " is not true"); return false; } } return true; }
private bool isEvenOneClauseFalse(Model model, List<Sentence> clauseList) { for (int i = 0; i < clauseList.Count; i++) { Sentence clause = (Sentence)clauseList[i]; if (model.isFalse(clause)) { // System.Console.WriteLine(clause.ToString() + " is false"); return true; } } return false; }
public Model extend(Symbol symbol, bool b) { Model m = new Model(); m.h = this.h; m.h.Add(symbol, b); return m; }
public void testDPLLFindsPurePositiveSymbolsWhenTheyExist() { Model model = new Model(); model = model.extend(new Symbol("A"), true).extend(new Symbol("B"), true); Sentence sentence = (Sentence)parser .parse("((A AND B) AND (B AND C))"); List<Sentence> clauseList = new CNFClauseGatherer() .getClausesFrom(new CNFTransformer() .transform(sentence)); List<Symbol> symbolList = new SymbolCollector().getSymbolsIn(sentence); DPLL.SymbolValuePair sv = dpll.findPureSymbolValuePair(clauseList, model, symbolList); Assert.IsNotNull(sv); Assert.AreEqual(new Symbol("C"), sv.symbol); Assert.AreEqual(true, sv.value); }
public void testExtendModel() { String p = "P"; m = m.extend(new Symbol(p), true); Assert.AreEqual(true, m.getStatus(new Symbol("P"))); }
public void testComplexSentence() { String p = "P"; String q = "Q"; m = m.extend(new Symbol(p), true); m = m.extend(new Symbol(q), false); Sentence sent = (Sentence)parser.parse("((P OR Q) AND (P => Q))"); Assert.IsFalse(m.isTrue(sent)); Assert.IsTrue(m.isFalse(sent)); Sentence sent2 = (Sentence)parser.parse("((P OR Q) AND (Q))"); Assert.IsFalse(m.isTrue(sent2)); Assert.IsTrue(m.isFalse(sent2)); }
private int getNumberOfClausesSatisfiedIn(List<Sentence> clauses, Model model) { int retVal = 0; foreach(Sentence s in clauses) { if (model.isTrue(s)) { retVal += 1; } } return retVal; }
public SymbolValuePair findPureSymbolValuePair(List<Sentence> clauseList, Model model, List<Symbol> symbols) { List<Sentence> _clausesWithNonTrueValues = clausesWithNonTrueValues(clauseList, model); Sentence nonTrueClauses = LogicUtils.chainWith("AND", _clausesWithNonTrueValues); // System.Console.WriteLine("Unsatisfied clauses = " // + clausesWithNonTrueValues.Count); List<Symbol> symbolsAlreadyAssigned = new List<Symbol>( model.getAssignedSymbols()); // debug // List symList = asList(symbolsAlreadyAssigned); // // System.Console.WriteLine(" assignedSymbols = " + symList.Count); // if (symList.Count == 52) { // System.Console.WriteLine("untrue clauses = " + clausesWithNonTrueValues); // System.Console.WriteLine("model= " + model); // } // debug List<Symbol> purePositiveSymbols = SetOps .difference(new SymbolClassifier() .getPurePositiveSymbolsIn(nonTrueClauses), symbolsAlreadyAssigned); List<Symbol> pureNegativeSymbols = SetOps .difference(new SymbolClassifier() .getPureNegativeSymbolsIn(nonTrueClauses), symbolsAlreadyAssigned); // if none found return "not found if ((purePositiveSymbols.Count == 0) && (pureNegativeSymbols.Count == 0)) { return new SymbolValuePair();// automatically set to null values } else { if (purePositiveSymbols.Count > 0) { Symbol symbol =purePositiveSymbols[0]; if (pureNegativeSymbols.Contains(symbol)) { throw new ApplicationException("Symbol " + symbol.getValue() + "misclassified"); } return new SymbolValuePair(symbol, true); } else { Symbol symbol = new Symbol((pureNegativeSymbols[0]) .getValue()); if (purePositiveSymbols.Contains(symbol)) { throw new ApplicationException("Symbol " + symbol.getValue() + "misclassified"); } return new SymbolValuePair(symbol, false); } } }
public void testModelEvaluation() { kb.tell("(NOT P11)"); kb.tell("(B11 <=> (P12 OR P21))"); kb.tell("(B21 <=> ((P11 OR P22) OR P31))"); kb.tell("(NOT B11)"); kb.tell("(B21)"); Model model = new Model(); model = model.extend(new Symbol("B11"), false); model = model.extend(new Symbol("B21"), true); model = model.extend(new Symbol("P11"), false); model = model.extend(new Symbol("P12"), false); model = model.extend(new Symbol("P21"), false); model = model.extend(new Symbol("P22"), false); model = model.extend(new Symbol("P31"), true); Sentence kbs = kb.asSentence(); Assert.AreEqual(true, model.isTrue(kbs)); }
// // PRIVATE METHODS // private bool dpll(List<Sentence> clauses, List<Symbol> symbols, Model model) { // List<Sentence> clauseList = asList(clauses); List<Sentence> clauseList = clauses; // System.Console.WriteLine("clauses are " + clauses.ToString()); // if all clauses are true return true; if (areAllClausesTrue(model, clauseList)) { // System.Console.WriteLine(model.ToString()); return true; } // if even one clause is false return false if (isEvenOneClauseFalse(model, clauseList)) { // System.Console.WriteLine(model.ToString()); return false; } // System.Console.WriteLine("At least one clause is unknown"); // try to find a unit clause SymbolValuePair svp = findPureSymbolValuePair(clauseList, model, symbols); if (svp.notNull()) { Symbol[] copy = new Symbol[symbols.Count]; symbols.CopyTo(copy); List<Symbol> newSymbols = new List<Symbol>(copy); newSymbols.Remove(new Symbol(svp.symbol.getValue())); Model newModel = model.extend(new Symbol(svp.symbol.getValue()), svp.value); return dpll(clauses, newSymbols, newModel); } SymbolValuePair svp2 = findUnitClause(clauseList, model, symbols); if (svp2.notNull()) { Symbol[] copy = new Symbol[symbols.Count]; symbols.CopyTo(copy); List<Symbol> newSymbols = new List<Symbol>(copy); newSymbols.Remove(new Symbol(svp2.symbol.getValue())); Model newModel = model.extend(new Symbol(svp2.symbol.getValue()), svp2.value); return dpll(clauses, newSymbols, newModel); } Symbol symbol = (Symbol)symbols[0]; // System.Console.WriteLine("default behaviour selecting " + symbol); Symbol[] symbolsArr = new Symbol[symbols.Count]; symbols.CopyTo(symbolsArr); List<Symbol> newSymbols2 = symbolsArr.ToList<Symbol>(); newSymbols2.RemoveAt(0); return (dpll(clauses, newSymbols2, model.extend(symbol, true)) || dpll( clauses, newSymbols2, model.extend(symbol, false))); }