コード例 #1
        public string AspettoTranslate(string str1)
            if (str1 == "empty")
                return(" ");
            transContext db    = new transContext();
            var          trans = (from s in db.Trans
                                  where s.Group == "CONFEZIONE" && s.Code == str1
                                  select s.Ua).FirstOrDefault();

コード例 #2
        public string ArticoloTranslate(string str1, string articolo)
            if (str1 == "empty")
                return(" ");
            transContext db = new transContext();

            String[] wordo    = str1.Split(new char[] { ' ', '.', ',', '`', '"', '\\', '/', '(', ')', '+', '*', '?' });
            double   length   = 0;
            double   temp     = 0;
            string   symbols  = "";
            string   strTrans = "";

            //array for chars
            string[] arr;
            //list for symbols (example 12, 4220, 58)
            List <string> symbol;
            //class for work
            var war = (from s in db.Trans
                       where s.It == str1
                       select s);

            //if we have full match
            if (war != null && war.Count() == 1)
                foreach (var item in war)
                    strTrans = item.Ua;
            //else comparing
                str1 = DeleteSymbols(out arr, out symbol, str1);
                string[] str1Symbols = arr;
                //take matches by first input word
                if (articolo.Length == 3)
                    war = from s in db.Trans
                          where s.Group == "GRUPPI" && s.It.Contains(wordo[0])
                          select s;
                    war = from s in db.Trans
                          where s.Group == "MATERIALI" && s.It.Contains(wordo[0])
                          select s;
                if (war.Count() == 0)
                    return("Нема перекладу в БД");
                //results of comparing input string and string from db
                List <Result> results = new List <Result>();
                foreach (var item in war)
                    string str2 = DeleteSymbols(out arr, out symbol, item.It);
                    results.Add(new Result()
                        Id = Leven(str1, str2), Name_it = item.It
                //taking the best match
                var sortedArray = (from s in results
                                   orderby s.Id
                                   select s).FirstOrDefault();
                //please, take a look. Not the best solution!!!
                DeleteSymbols(out arr, out symbol, sortedArray.Name_it);
                string NameUa = "";
                if (articolo.Length == 3)
                    NameUa = (from s in db.Trans
                              where s.Group == "GRUPPI" && s.It.Contains(sortedArray.Name_it)
                              select s.Ua).FirstOrDefault();
                    NameUa = (from s in db.Trans
                              where s.Group == "MATERIALI" && s.It.Contains(sortedArray.Name_it)
                              select s.Ua).FirstOrDefault();

                int j = 0;
                foreach (var item in arr)
                    if (item != null && (j < str1Symbols.Length) && str1Symbols[j] != null)
                        strTrans = NameUa.Replace(item, str1Symbols[j]);
コード例 #3
        public string ColorTranslate(string str1, string code)
            if (str1 == "empty")
                return(" ");
            transContext db       = new transContext();
            double       length   = 0;
            double       temp     = 0;
            string       symbols  = "";
            string       strTrans = "";
            //array for chars
            List <string> symbol;

            string[] arr;
            var      war = from s in db.Trans
                           where s.Group == "COLORI"
                           select s;

            if (code != "empty")
                var war1 = (from s in war
                            where s.Code == code && s.It == str1
                            select s).FirstOrDefault();
                if (war1 != null)
                    strTrans = war1.Ua;
                    return(code + " " + strTrans);
                    String[] wordo = str1.Split(new char[] { ' ', '.', ',', '`', '"', '\\', '/', '(', ')', '+', '*', '?' });
                    str1 = DeleteSymbols(out arr, out symbol, str1);
                    string[] str1Symbols = arr;
                    //take matches by first input word
                    war = from s in war
                          where s.It.Contains(wordo[0])
                          select s;
                    if (war.Count() == 0)
                        return("Нема перекладу в БД");
                    //results of comparing input string and string from db
                    List <Result> results = new List <Result>();
                    foreach (var item in war)
                        string str2 = DeleteSymbols(out arr, out symbol, item.It);
                        results.Add(new Result()
                            Id = Leven(str1, str2), Name_it = item.It
                    //taking the best match
                    var sortedArray = (from s in results
                                       orderby s.Id
                                       select s).FirstOrDefault();
                    //please, take a look. Not the best solution!!!
                    DeleteSymbols(out arr, out symbol, sortedArray.Name_it);
                    string NameUa = (from s in war
                                     where s.Group == "COLORI" && s.It.Contains(sortedArray.Name_it)
                                     select s.Ua).FirstOrDefault();
                    return(code + " " + NameUa);
                var war1 = (from s in war
                            where s.Group == "COLORI" && s.It == str1
                            select s).FirstOrDefault();
                if (war1 != null)
                    strTrans = war1.Ua;
                    String[] wordo = str1.Split(new char[] { ' ', '.', ',', '`', '"', '\\', '/', '(', ')', '+', '*', '?' });
                    str1 = DeleteSymbols(out arr, out symbol, str1);
                    string[] str1Symbols = arr;
                    //take matches by first input word
                    war = from s in war
                          where s.It.Contains(wordo[0])
                          select s;
                    if (war.Count() == 0)
                        return("Нема перекладу в БД");
                    //results of comparing input string and string from db
                    List <Result> results = new List <Result>();
                    foreach (var item in war)
                        string str2 = DeleteSymbols(out arr, out symbol, item.It);
                        results.Add(new Result()
                            Id = Leven(str1, str2), Name_it = item.It
                    //taking the best match
                    var sortedArray = (from s in results
                                       orderby s.Id
                                       select s).FirstOrDefault();
                    //please, take a look. Not the best solution!!!
                    DeleteSymbols(out arr, out symbol, sortedArray.Name_it);
                    string NameUa = (from s in war
                                     where s.Group == "COLORI" && s.It.Contains(sortedArray.Name_it)
                                     select s.Ua).FirstOrDefault();
コード例 #4
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            transContext db        = new transContext();
            Stopwatch    stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            string        path = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "12.xls");
            List <string> articolo;
            List <string> articolo_it;
            List <string> um;
            List <string> colore;
            List <string> colore_name;
            List <string> quantita;
            List <string> prezzo;
            List <string> aspetto;
            List <string> colli;
            List <string> peso;
            List <string> zh;
            List <Page1>  allData     = new List <Page1>();
            List <Page1>  translation = new List <Page1>();
            string        numFactura;
            string        dateFactura;
            string        Pereviznik;
            string        Nomera;
            string        CMR;
            string        Kordon;
            IWorkbook     wb;
            Stopwatch     swf = new Stopwatch();

            using (FileStream file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                if (path.Contains("xlsx"))
                    wb = new XSSFWorkbook(file);
                    wb = new HSSFWorkbook(file);
            ISheet ws = wb.GetSheetAt(0);

            object[,] Data = new object[ws.LastRowNum + 2, 15];
            for (int i = 0; i <= ws.LastRowNum; i++)
                var currentRow = ws.GetRow(i);
                if (currentRow != null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 14; j++)
                        if (currentRow.GetCell(j) != null && currentRow.GetCell(j).ToString() != "")
                            Data[i + 1, j + 1] = ws.GetRow(i).GetCell(j).ToString();
                            Data[i + 1, j + 1] = null;

            int         lengthRow   = ws.LastRowNum;
            int         lengthCol   = 13;
            ExcelReader excelReader = new ExcelReader();

            excelReader.ExcelToList(out articolo, out articolo_it, out um, out colore,
                                    out colore_name, out quantita, out prezzo, out aspetto,
                                    out colli, out peso, out zh, lengthCol, lengthRow, Data, out numFactura, out dateFactura, out Pereviznik, out Nomera, out CMR, out Kordon);
            label1.Text = swf.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
            for (int i = 0; i < articolo.Count; i++)
                allData.Add(new Page1
                    articolo    = articolo[i],
                    articolo_it = articolo_it[i],
                    aspetto     = aspetto[i],
                    colli       = colli[i],
                    colore      = colore[i],
                    colore_name = colore_name[i],
                    peso        = peso[i],
                    prezzo      = prezzo[i],
                    quantita    = quantita[i],
                    um          = um[i]
                translation.Add(new Page1
                    //articolo = articolo[i],
                    articolo_it = excelReader.ArticoloTranslate(allData[i].articolo_it, allData[i].articolo),
                    aspetto     = excelReader.AspettoTranslate(aspetto[i]),
                    // colli = colli[i],
                    // colore = colore[i],
                    colore_name = excelReader.ColorTranslate(allData[i].colore_name, allData[i].colore),
                    // peso = peso[i],
                    // prezzo = prezzo[i],
                    // quantita = quantita[i],
                    um = excelReader.UmTranslate(um[i])
            Kordon = (from s in db.Trans
                      where s.Group == "FRONTIERA" && s.It == Kordon
                      select s.Ua).FirstOrDefault();
            Pereviznik = (from s in db.Trans
                          where s.Group == "VETTORE" && s.It == Pereviznik
                          select s.Ua).FirstOrDefault();
            HSSFWorkbook  workbook     = new HSSFWorkbook();
            HSSFCellStyle allCells     = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle();
            HSSFCellStyle justStyle    = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle();
            HSSFCellStyle borderBottom = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle();
            HSSFCellStyle borderTop    = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle();
            HSSFCellStyle header       = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle();

            HSSFFont myFont = (HSSFFont)workbook.CreateFont();

            myFont.FontHeightInPoints = 10;
            myFont.FontName           = "Arial Narrow";

            allCells.BorderRight      = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
            borderBottom.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
            borderBottom.BorderRight  = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;


            borderTop.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
            borderTop.BorderTop   = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;

            header.BorderRight         = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
            header.BorderTop           = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
            header.Alignment           = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            header.FillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.Yellow.Index;
            header.FillPattern         = FillPattern.SolidForeground;

            ISheet Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Report");

            for (int i = 11; i < articolo.Count + 11; i++)
                IRow FirstRow = Sheet.CreateRow(i);
                if (i == 11)
                    IRow row  = Sheet.CreateRow(10);
                    IRow row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(9);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 0, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 1, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 2, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 3, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 4, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 5, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 6, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 7, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 8, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 9, "", borderTop);

                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "АРТИКУЛ", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 1, "ОПИС АРТИКУЛУ", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 2, "О.В.", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 3, "КОЛІР", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 4, "КІЛЬКІСТЬ", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 5, "ІНША О.В.", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 6, "ЦІНА", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 7, "ЗОВНІШНІЙ ВИГЛЯД", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 8, "МІСЦЬ", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 9, "ВАГА НЕТТО", header);
                    row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(0);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "СП ТОВ \"АРКОБАЛЕНО\"", justStyle);
                    row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(1);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "66-016 м. Червеньськ, вул.Квятова, 5; тел.: (0-68)3219100, 3219101-106", justStyle);
                    row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(2);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "Банківські реквізити:", justStyle);
                    row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(3);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "ПДВ ЄС: PL 9290100021 (ІД. НОМЕР)", justStyle);
                    row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(4);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "№ ПДВ: 929-010-00-21", justStyle);
                    row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(6);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"Пакувальний лист для фактури: {numFactura} від {dateFactura}", justStyle);
                    row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(7);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"ЕКСПОРТ ВІД : {dateFactura}", justStyle);
                    row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(articolo.Count + 16);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"ПЕРЕВІЗНИК : {Pereviznik}", justStyle);
                    row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(articolo.Count + 17);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"НОМЕР АВТОМОБІЛЮ : {Nomera}", justStyle);
                    row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(articolo.Count + 18);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"ЦМР НОМЕР : {CMR}", justStyle);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 4, $"ПЕЧАТКА СП ТОВ 'АРКОБАЛЕНО'", justStyle);
                    row1 = Sheet.CreateRow(articolo.Count + 19);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"МІСЦЕ ПЕРЕТИНУ КОРДОНУ: {Kordon} ", justStyle);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 4, $"Підпис уповноваженої особи", justStyle);
                if (articolo[i - 11] != "empty")
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 0, allData[i - 11].articolo, allCells);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 0, "", allCells);
                excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 1, translation[i - 11].articolo_it, allCells);
                excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 2, translation[i - 11].um, allCells);
                excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 3, translation[i - 11].colore_name, allCells);
                if (quantita[i - 11] != "empty")
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 4, allData[i - 11].quantita, allCells);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 4, "", allCells);
                excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 5, "", allCells);
                if (prezzo[i - 11] != "empty")
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 6, allData[i - 11].prezzo, allCells);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 6, "", allCells);
                excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 7, translation[i - 11].aspetto, allCells);
                if (colli[i - 11] != "empty")
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 8, allData[i - 11].colli, allCells);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 8, "", allCells);
                if (peso[i - 11] != "empty")
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 9, allData[i - 11].peso, allCells);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 9, "", allCells);
                if (i == articolo.Count + 10)
                    FirstRow = Sheet.CreateRow(i + 1);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 0, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 1, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 2, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 3, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 4, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 5, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 6, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 7, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 8, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 9, "", borderBottom);
            ISheet Facture = workbook.CreateSheet("Factura");

            for (int i = 15; i < articolo.Count + 15; i++)
                IRow FirstRow = Facture.CreateRow(i);
                if (i == 15)
                    IRow row  = Facture.CreateRow(14);
                    IRow row1 = Facture.CreateRow(13);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 0, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 1, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 2, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 3, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 4, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 5, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 6, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 7, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 8, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 9, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 10, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 11, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 12, "", borderTop);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row, 15, "", borderTop);

                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "№ п/п", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 1, "Показник матеріалу", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 2, "Симв.", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 3, "Назва матеріалу", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 4, "Од.вим.", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 5, "Кількість", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 6, "Ціна, євро", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 7, "Націнка+знижка-", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 8, "Ціна реальна, євро", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 9, "Вартість без ПДВ", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 10, "Став. ПДВ", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 11, "Квота ПДВ", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 12, "вартість з ПДВ", header);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 13, "Вартість з ПДВ", header);

                    row1 = Facture.CreateRow(0);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "СП ТОВ \"АРКОБАЛЕНО\"", justStyle);
                    row1 = Facture.CreateRow(1);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "66-016 м. Червеньськ, вул.Квятова, 5; тел.: (0-68)3219100, 3219101-106", justStyle);
                    row1 = Facture.CreateRow(2);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "Банківські реквізити:", justStyle);
                    row1 = Facture.CreateRow(3);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "ПДВ ЄС: PL 9290100021 (ІД. НОМЕР)", justStyle);
                    row1 = Facture.CreateRow(4);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, "№ ПДВ: 929-010-00-21", justStyle);
                    row1 = Facture.CreateRow(6);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"Пакувальний лист для фактури: {numFactura} від {dateFactura}", justStyle);
                    row1 = Facture.CreateRow(7);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"ЕКСПОРТ ВІД : {dateFactura}", justStyle);
                    row1 = Facture.CreateRow(articolo.Count + 16);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"ПЕРЕВІЗНИК : {Pereviznik}", justStyle);
                    row1 = Facture.CreateRow(articolo.Count + 17);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"НОМЕР АВТОМОБІЛЮ : {Nomera}", justStyle);
                    row1 = Facture.CreateRow(articolo.Count + 18);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"ЦМР НОМЕР : {CMR}", justStyle);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 4, $"ПЕЧАТКА СП ТОВ 'АРКОБАЛЕНО'", justStyle);
                    row1 = Facture.CreateRow(articolo.Count + 19);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 0, $"МІСЦЕ ПЕРЕТИНУ КОРДОНУ: {Kordon} ", justStyle);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(row1, 4, $"Підпис уповноваженої особи", justStyle);
                if (articolo[i - 15] != "empty")
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 0, allData[i - 15].articolo, allCells);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 0, "", allCells);
                excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 1, translation[i - 15].articolo_it, allCells);
                excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 2, translation[i - 15].um, allCells);
                excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 3, translation[i - 15].colore_name, allCells);
                if (quantita[i - 15] != "empty")
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 4, allData[i - 15].quantita, allCells);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 4, "", allCells);
                excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 5, "", allCells);
                if (prezzo[i - 15] != "empty")
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 6, allData[i - 15].prezzo, allCells);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 6, "", allCells);
                excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 7, translation[i - 15].aspetto, allCells);
                if (colli[i - 15] != "empty")
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 8, allData[i - 15].colli, allCells);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 8, "", allCells);
                if (peso[i - 15] != "empty")
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 9, allData[i - 15].peso, allCells);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 9, "", allCells);
                if (i == articolo.Count + 10)
                    FirstRow = Facture.CreateRow(i + 1);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 0, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 1, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 2, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 3, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 4, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 5, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 6, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 7, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 8, "", borderBottom);
                    excelReader.WriteToCell(FirstRow, 9, "", borderBottom);

            using (var fileData = new FileStream(@"C:\Users\1\Desktop\123\new.xlsReportName.xls", FileMode.Create))
            TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed;

            label1.Text = ts.ToString();