コード例 #1
            public void             Read(BinaryReader _R)
                m_wsPosition.Set(_R.ReadSingle(), _R.ReadSingle(), _R.ReadSingle());

                int planesCount = _R.ReadInt32();

                for (int planeIndex = 0; planeIndex < planesCount; planeIndex++)
                    plane_t P = new plane_t(this);
コード例 #2
 public line_t(plane_t _owner)
     m_owner = _owner;
コード例 #3
ファイル: DebuggerForm.cs プロジェクト: Patapom/GodComplex
 public line_t( plane_t _owner )
     m_owner = _owner;
コード例 #4
                    public void             Draw(DebuggerForm _owner, bool _isRemovedLine, bool _isSelected)
                        if (_owner.checkBoxHideNonPlaneLines.Checked && m_owner.m_index != _owner.integerTrackbarControlPlane.Value)
                            return;                             // Hide lines that are not part of the currently selected plane
                        float offset = _owner.floatTrackbarControlLinesOffset.Value;

                        float4 color = _isRemovedLine ? new float4(1, 0, 0, 0.25f) : (m_clipperPlaneIndex == ~0U ? new float4(1, 1, 0, 1) : new float4(0.1f, 0.5f, 0, 1));

                        if (_isSelected && _owner.checkBoxDebugLine.Checked)
                            color = _owner.SelectedLineColor(color);
                        if (!_isRemovedLine)
                            if (!m_owner.m_owner.m_planes[(int)m_planeIndices[1]].m_isValid)
                                color = _owner.FlashError(color);                                       // It's an error for a line to reference an invalid plane and still be part of this plane!

                        float3 wsPosition = m_wsPosition + offset * m_wsOrthoDirection;
                        float  length0    = Math.Max(-1000.0f, m_vertices[0].m_linePosition) + offset;
                        float  length1    = Math.Min(1000.0f, m_vertices[1].m_linePosition) - offset;

                        float3 wsStart = wsPosition + length0 * m_wsDirection;
                        float3 wsEnd   = wsPosition + length1 * m_wsDirection;

                        _owner.DrawLine(wsStart, wsEnd, m_wsOrthoDirection, -1.0f, color);

                        // Draw ortho arrow pointing inward
                        const float arrowSize = 0.2f;
                        float3      wsCenter  = 0.5f * (wsStart + wsEnd);

                        if (_owner.checkBoxShowLineNormals.Checked)
                            _owner.DrawArrow(wsCenter, wsCenter + arrowSize * m_wsOrthoDirection, m_owner.m_wsNormal, color);
                        if (_owner.checkBoxShowLineDirections.Checked)
                            _owner.DrawArrow(wsCenter, wsCenter + m_wsDirection, m_wsOrthoDirection, color);                                    // Draw line direction
                        if (_isRemovedLine)

                        // Draw vertices
                        bool   isInvalidStart   = false;
                        float4 startVertexColor = new float4(0, 1, 0, 0.5f);

                        if (m_vertices[0].m_planeIndex == ~0U)
                            startVertexColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 0.2f);
                            plane_t cuttingPlane = m_owner.m_owner.m_planes[(int)m_vertices[0].m_planeIndex];
                            if (!cuttingPlane.m_isValid)
                                startVertexColor = _owner.FlashError(startVertexColor);                                         // It's an error for a vertex to reference an invalid plane and still be part of this plane!
                                isInvalidStart   = true;
                        if (_isSelected && _owner.checkBoxDebugVertex.Checked && _owner.integerTrackbarControlVertex.Value == 0)
                            startVertexColor = _owner.SelectedVertexColor(startVertexColor);

                        bool   isInvalidEnd   = false;
                        float4 endVertexColor = new float4(0, 1, 0, 0.5f);

                        if (m_vertices[1].m_planeIndex == ~0U)
                            endVertexColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 0.2f);
                            plane_t cuttingPlane = m_owner.m_owner.m_planes[(int)m_vertices[1].m_planeIndex];
                            if (!cuttingPlane.m_isValid)
                                endVertexColor = _owner.FlashError(endVertexColor);                                     // It's an error for a vertex to reference an invalid plane and still be part of this plane!
                                isInvalidEnd   = true;
                        if (_isSelected && _owner.checkBoxDebugVertex.Checked && _owner.integerTrackbarControlVertex.Value == 1)
                            endVertexColor = _owner.SelectedVertexColor(endVertexColor);

                        _owner.DrawPoint(wsStart, isInvalidStart ? -8.0f : -4.0f, startVertexColor);
                        _owner.DrawPoint(wsEnd, isInvalidEnd ? -8.0f : -4.0f, endVertexColor);
コード例 #5
ファイル: DebuggerForm.cs プロジェクト: Patapom/GodComplex
            public void Read( BinaryReader _R )
                m_wsPosition.Set( _R.ReadSingle(), _R.ReadSingle(), _R.ReadSingle() );

                int		planesCount = _R.ReadInt32();
                for ( int planeIndex=0; planeIndex < planesCount; planeIndex++ ) {
                    plane_t	P = new plane_t( this );
                    m_planes.Add( P );
                    P.Read( _R );