private void CleanUp() { /* Collapse this stuff since it is going to be released */ xaml_ThumbGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; /* Clear out everything */ if (m_docPages != null && m_docPages.Count > 0) { m_docPages.Clear(); } if (m_pageType != null && m_pageType.Count > 0) { m_pageType.Clear(); } if (m_thumbnails != null && m_thumbnails.Count > 0) { m_thumbnails.Clear(); } if (m_toppage_pos != null && m_toppage_pos.Count > 0) { m_toppage_pos.Clear(); } if (m_list_thumb != null && m_list_thumb.Count > 0) { m_list_thumb.Clear(); } if (m_images_rendered != null && m_images_rendered.Count > 0) { m_images_rendered.Clear(); } if (m_page_sizes != null && m_page_sizes.Count > 0) { m_page_sizes.Clear(); } m_currfile = null; m_origfile = null; m_numpages = -1; m_doc_type_has_page_access = true; m_document_type = doc_t.UNKNOWN; m_origfile = null; CleanUpTempFiles(); xaml_TotalPages.Text = "/ 0"; xaml_currPage.Text = "0"; CloseExtraWindows(false); m_ghostscript.PageRenderedCallBack -= new GSNET.PageRendered(gsPageRendered); m_ghostscript.DisplayDeviceClose(); m_ghostscript.DisplayDeviceOpen(); m_viewer_state = ViewerState_t.NO_FILE; /* Set vertical scroll to top position */ Decorator border = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(xaml_PageList, 0) as Decorator; ScrollViewer scrollViewer = border.Child as ScrollViewer; scrollViewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(0); return; }
private void CleanUp() { m_init_done = false; /* Collapse this stuff since it is going to be released */ xaml_ThumbGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; /* Clear out everything */ if (m_docPages != null && m_docPages.Count > 0) { m_docPages.Clear(); } if (m_pageType != null && m_pageType.Count > 0) { m_pageType.Clear(); } if (m_thumbnails != null && m_thumbnails.Count > 0) { m_thumbnails.Clear(); } if (m_toppage_pos != null && m_toppage_pos.Count > 0) { m_toppage_pos.Clear(); } if (m_list_thumb != null && m_list_thumb.Count > 0) { m_list_thumb.Clear(); } if (m_images_rendered != null && m_images_rendered.Count > 0) { m_images_rendered.Clear(); } if (m_page_sizes != null && m_page_sizes.Count > 0) { m_page_sizes.Clear(); } m_currfile = null; m_origfile = null; m_numpages = -1; m_file_open = false; m_firstime = true; m_document_type = doc_t.UNKNOWN; m_origfile = null; CleanUpTempFiles(); m_file_open = false; m_busy_render = true; xaml_TotalPages.Text = "/ 0"; xaml_currPage.Text = "0"; CloseExtraWindows(false); return; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(Window_Closing); /* Set up ghostscript calls for progress update */ m_ghostscript = new ghostsharp(); m_ghostscript.gsUpdateMain += new ghostsharp.gsCallBackMain(gsProgress); m_ghostscript.gsIOUpdateMain += new ghostsharp.gsIOCallBackMain(gsIO); m_ghostscript.gsDLLProblemMain += new ghostsharp.gsDLLProblem(gsDLL); m_currpage = 0; m_gsoutput = new gsOutput(); m_gsoutput.Activate(); m_tempfiles = new List <TempFile>(); m_thumbnails = new List <DocPage>(); m_docPages = new Pages(); m_pageType = new List <Page_Content_t>(); m_page_sizes = new List <pagesizes_t>(); m_file_open = false; m_document_type = doc_t.UNKNOWN; m_doczoom = 1.0; m_init_done = false; m_busy_render = true; m_validZoom = true; m_firstime = true; m_list_thumb = new List <idata_t>(); m_images_rendered = new List <idata_t>(); m_busy_rendering = false; m_aa = true; m_aa_change = false; xaml_PageList.AddHandler(Grid.DragOverEvent, new System.Windows.DragEventHandler(Grid_DragOver), true); xaml_PageList.AddHandler(Grid.DropEvent, new System.Windows.DragEventHandler(Grid_Drop), true); /* For case of opening another file */ string[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (arguments.Length > 1) { string filePath = arguments[1]; ProcessFile(filePath); } }
public void ProcessFile(String FileName) { /* Before we even get started check for issues */ /* First check if file exists and is available */ if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FileName)) { ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "File not found!"); return; } if (m_viewer_state == ViewerState_t.DOC_OPEN) { /* In this case, we want to go ahead and launch a new process * handing it the filename */ /* We need to get the location */ string path = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase; try { string Arguments = FileName + " open"; Process.Start(path, Arguments); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Console.WriteLine("InvalidOperationException"); } catch (Win32Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Win32 Exception: There was an error in opening the associated file. "); } return; } else if (m_viewer_state != ViewerState_t.NO_FILE) { return; } m_viewer_state = ViewerState_t.OPENING; /* If we have a ps or eps file then launch the distiller first * and then we will get a temp pdf file which we will open. This is done * to demo both methods of doing callbacks from gs worker thread. Either * progress as we distill the stream for PS or page by page for PDF */ string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName); /* We are doing this based on the extension but should do * it based upon the content */ switch (extension.ToUpper()) { case ".PS": m_document_type = doc_t.PS; break; case ".EPS": m_document_type = doc_t.EPS; break; case ".PDF": m_document_type = doc_t.PDF; break; case ".XPS": m_document_type = doc_t.XPS; break; case ".OXPS": m_document_type = doc_t.XPS; break; case ".BIN": m_document_type = doc_t.PCL; break; case ".PNG": m_document_type = doc_t.PNG; break; case ".JPG": m_document_type = doc_t.JPG; break; case ".TIF": m_document_type = doc_t.TIF; break; default: { m_document_type = doc_t.UNKNOWN; ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Unknown File Type"); m_viewer_state = ViewerState_t.NO_FILE; return; } } if (m_document_type == doc_t.PCL || m_document_type == doc_t.XPS || m_document_type == doc_t.PS) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Would you like to distill this file?", "ghostnet", MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel); switch (result) { case MessageBoxResult.Yes: xaml_DistillProgress.Value = 0; m_viewer_state = ViewerState_t.DISTILLING; if (m_ghostscript.DistillPS(FileName, Constants.DEFAULT_GS_RES) == gsStatus.GS_BUSY) { ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS currently busy"); return; } xaml_DistillName.Text = "Distilling"; xaml_CancelDistill.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; xaml_DistillName.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; xaml_DistillGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; return; case MessageBoxResult.No: //m_doc_type_has_page_access = false; break; case MessageBoxResult.Cancel: m_viewer_state = ViewerState_t.NO_FILE; return; } } m_currfile = FileName; RenderThumbs(); return; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(Window_Closing); /* Set up ghostscript calls for progress update */ m_ghostscript = new GSNET(); m_ghostscript.ProgressCallBack += new GSNET.Progress(gsProgress); m_ghostscript.StdIOCallBack += new GSNET.StdIO(gsIO); m_ghostscript.DLLProblemCallBack += new GSNET.DLLProblem(gsDLL); m_ghostscript.DisplayDeviceOpen(); m_currpage = 0; m_gsoutput = new gsOutput(); m_gsoutput.Activate(); m_tempfiles = new List <TempFile>(); m_thumbnails = new List <DocPage>(); m_docPages = new Pages(); m_pageType = new List <Page_Content_t>(); m_page_sizes = new List <pagesizes_t>(); m_document_type = doc_t.UNKNOWN; m_doczoom = 1.0; m_viewer_state = ViewerState_t.NO_FILE; m_validZoom = true; m_doc_type_has_page_access = true; m_list_thumb = new List <idata_t>(); m_images_rendered = new List <idata_t>(); m_aa = true; xaml_PageList.AddHandler(Grid.DragOverEvent, new System.Windows.DragEventHandler(Grid_DragOver), true); xaml_PageList.AddHandler(Grid.DropEvent, new System.Windows.DragEventHandler(Grid_Drop), true); /* For case of opening another file, or launching a print process */ string[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (arguments.Length == 3) { string filePath = arguments[1]; string job = arguments[2]; if (String.Equals(job, "open")) { ProcessFile(filePath); } } else if (arguments.Length == 5) { string filePath = arguments[1]; string job = arguments[2]; try { m_currpage = Int32.Parse(arguments[3]); m_numpages = Int32.Parse(arguments[4]); } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Failure to parse print page info"); Close(); } /* Keep main window hidden if we are doing a print process */ this.IsVisibleChanged += new System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(WindowVisible); m_viewer_state = ViewerState_t.PRINTING; Print(filePath); } }