// GET: Category/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(string id) { CategoryDAL categoryDAL = new CategoryDAL(); var model = categoryDAL.GetById(id); return(View(model)); }
public JsonResult GetKategori() { CategoryDAL catDAL = new CategoryDAL(); var results = catDAL.GetAll(); return(Json(results, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public CategoryViewModel(CategoryDAL Cat) { _Id = Cat.Categories.Id; _CategoryName = Cat.Categories.CategoryName; _Entity_Order = Cat.Categories.Entity_Order; _CatType = Cat.Categories.CatType; }
private void toolStripButtonDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (trvwRsses.SelectedNode.Level == 2) //删除RSS节点 { if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("真的要删除选中的RSS来源吗?", "警告", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)) { RssDAL.Delete(trvwRsses.SelectedNode.Name); BindTreeView(); } } else if (trvwRsses.SelectedNode.Level == 1) //删除分类节点 { string categoryID = trvwRsses.SelectedNode.Name; if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("真的要删除选中的分类,包括分类下所有的RSS来源吗?", "警告", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)) { //删除分类下的所有 RSS 来源 foreach ( var r in RssDAL.GetAllRsses().Where(r => r.Category.ToString() == categoryID)) { RssDAL.Delete(r.ID.ToString()); } //删除分类本身 CategoryDAL.Delete(categoryID); BindTreeView(); } } }
public HomeController(IHostingEnvironment env, AdminDAL adminDAL, BlogDAL blogDAL, CategoryDAL categoryDAL) { this.hostingEvn = env; AdminDAL = adminDAL; BlogDAL = blogDAL; CategoryDAL = categoryDAL; }
public ActionResult Add(VMCampaignAdd model, HttpPostedFileBase file, string MakeID, string StartedDate, int EndingDate) { Campaign campaign = new Campaign(); campaign.CampaignID = Guid.NewGuid(); campaign.Title = model.Campaign.Title; campaign.StartedDate = DateTime.Parse(StartedDate); campaign.EndingDate = campaign.StartedDate.AddDays(EndingDate); campaign.Discount = model.Campaign.Discount; campaign.Status = model.Campaign.Status; campaign.IsActive = true; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Assets/img/campaign"), Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); file.SaveAs(path); campaign.PictureUrl = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); } Category cat = CategoryDAL.Get(); Guid temp = Guid.Parse(MakeID); Make make = MakeDAL.Get(x => x.MakeID == temp); foreach (var m in make.Models) { foreach (var p in m.Products) { campaign.Products.Add(p); } } CampaignDAL.Add(campaign); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Campaign")); }
private void KategoriSilToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (dGvKategoriler.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { DialogResult sonuc = MessageBox.Show("Silmek İstediğinizden Emin Misiniz ?", "Uyarı", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (sonuc == DialogResult.OK) { CategoryDAL cDal = new CategoryDAL(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dGvKategoriler.SelectedRows) { cDal.Delete(dGvKategoriler.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value); MessageBox.Show("Kategoriniz Başarılı Bir Şekilde Silinmiştir.", "Bilgi Mesajı", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } else { return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Lütfen Bir Kategori Seçiniz!!!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Lütfen Silmek İstediğiniz Kategoriyi 'Kategoriler' Sekmesinden Listeleyip Kategori Seçiniz...\n\n" + ex.Message); } }
private void frmCategory_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnDelete.Enabled = false; btnUpdate.Enabled = false; txtId.Enabled = false; dataGridView1.DataSource = CategoryDAL.GetAllCategory(); }
protected void btnGetData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CategoryDAL categoryDAL = new CategoryDAL(); gvProduct.DataSource = categoryDAL.GetAll(); gvProduct.DataBind(); }
public ActionResult Edit(VMCategory model, Guid CategoryID, Guid id) { Category cat = CategoryDAL.Get(x => x.CategoryID == id); cat.IsActive = false; CategoryDAL.Update(cat); Category c = new Category(); c.CategoryID = Guid.NewGuid(); c.CategoryName = model.Category.CategoryName; c.Description = model.Category.Description; c.SubCategoryID = CategoryID; c.IsActive = true; foreach (var item in cat.Makes) { c.Makes.Add(item); } foreach (var item in cat.Properties) { c.Properties.Add(item); } foreach (var item in cat.ProductModels) { c.ProductModels.Add(item); } CategoryDAL.Add(c); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Category")); }
public static bool DeleteCategoryBL(int deleteCategoryID) { bool categoryDeleted = false; try { if (deleteCategoryID > 0) { CategoryDAL categoryDAL = new CategoryDAL(); categoryDeleted = categoryDAL.DeleteCategoryDAL(deleteCategoryID); } else { throw new GOException("Invalid Category ID"); } } catch (GOException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(categoryDeleted); }
private void dgvCategory_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { CategoryDAL categoryDAL = new CategoryDAL(); var category = categoryDAL.GetByFilter(x => x.Id == Convert.ToInt32(dgvCategory.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value)); txbNameCategories.Text = category.Name; }
public JsonResult AddModal(Category model) { model.CategoryID = Guid.NewGuid(); model.IsActive = true; CategoryDAL.Add(model); return(Json(true)); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.Configure <CookiePolicyOptions>(options => { // This lambda determines whether user consent for non-essential cookies is needed for a given request. options.CheckConsentNeeded = context => false; options.MinimumSameSitePolicy = SameSiteMode.None; }); string ConnString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnectionString"); string UserConnString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("UserDB"); AdminDAL adminDAL = new AdminDAL(ConnString); services.AddSingleton <AdminDAL>(adminDAL); BlogDAL blogDAL = new BlogDAL(ConnString); services.AddSingleton <BlogDAL>(blogDAL); UserDAL userDAL = new UserDAL(UserConnString); services.AddSingleton <UserDAL>(userDAL); CategoryDAL categoryDAL = new CategoryDAL(ConnString); services.AddSingleton <CategoryDAL>(categoryDAL); services.AddSession(); //services.AddSingleton<BlogDbConnection>(); //services.AddSingleton<ConnectionFactory>(); services.AddMvc().SetCompatibilityVersion(CompatibilityVersion.Version_2_1); }
public CategoryControl(Form form) : this() { _loginControl = form; CategoryDAL categoryDAL = new CategoryDAL(); categoryDAL.GetGridData(dgvCategory); }
public void TestUpdateCategory() { CategoryDAL objCategoryDAL = new CategoryDAL(); CategoryInfo objCategoryInfo = new CategoryInfo(304, "Oracle", "Oracle Related Technology", 101, DateTime.Now, 101, DateTime.Now); objCategoryDAL.UpdateCategory(objCategoryInfo); }
public void TestCreateCategory() { CategoryDAL objCategoryDAL = new CategoryDAL(); CategoryInfo objCategoryInfo = new CategoryInfo("Apple", "iOS Related Technology", 101, DateTime.Now, 101, DateTime.Now); objCategoryDAL.CreateCategory(objCategoryInfo); }
public static List <StaticsData> GetTimeAvgByCategory(int userCode) { List <StaticsData> staticsDatas = new List <StaticsData>(); List <Category__tbl> categories = CategoryDAL.GetAllCategory(); Dictionary <string, List <Schedule_tbl> > pairs = categories.Distinct().Select(c => new KeyValuePair <string, List <Schedule_tbl> >( c.CategoryName, c.Business__tbl.SelectMany(b => b.Schedule_tbl).Where(s => s.Events__tbl?.UserCode == userCode && s.Duration != null).ToList() )).ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value); foreach (var item in pairs) { if (item.Value.Count > 0) { staticsDatas.Add(new StaticsData { CategoryName = item.Key, Data = (int)item.Value.Average(s => s.Duration) }); } } return(staticsDatas); }
public static List <CategoryViewModel> GetCategoryList() { List <CategoryViewModel> CList = new List <CategoryViewModel>(); CategoryDAL.GetCategoriesList().ForEach(c => CList.Add(new CategoryViewModel(c))); return(CList); }
// GET: Test public ActionResult Index() { string connectionstring = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["litecommercedb"].ConnectionString; //ICityDAL dal = new CityDAL(connectionstring); //var data = dal.List(); //ISupplierDAL dal = new SupplierDAL(connectionstring); //var data = dal.Count("11"); //ISupplierDAL dal = new SupplierDAL(connectionstring); //var data = dal.Get(11); //ISupplierDAL dal = new SupplierDAL(connectionstring); //Supplier s = new Supplier //{ // SupplierName = "Võ Văn Huy", // ContactName = "hihi", // Address = "Quảng Trị", // City = "Huế", // PostalCode = "123", // Country="Việt Nam", // Phone="123456" //}; //var data = dal.Add(s); //ISupplierDAL dal = new SupplierDAL(connectionstring); //var data = dal.Delete(32); ICategoryDAL dal = new CategoryDAL(connectionstring); var data = dal.Count(""); return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["AID"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } if (!IsPostBack) { //绑定类别 this.DropDownList1.DataSource = CategoryDAL.getBSCategoryList(); this.DropDownList1.DataTextField = "BSName"; this.DropDownList1.DataValueField = "BSID"; this.DropDownList1.DataBind(); //根据图书ID查询出商品 string a = Request.QueryString["BID"]; int BID = Convert.ToInt32(a); Book b = BookDAL.selectByID(BID)[0]; this.txtName.Text = b.BName; this.txtAuthor.Text = b.BAuthor; this.txtbisd.Text = b.BISBN.ToString(); this.txtPrice.Text = b.BPrice.ToString(); Session ["FileName"] = b.BPic.ToString(); //this.labFileName.Text = b.BPic.ToString(); this.txtBcount.Text = b.BCount.ToString(); this.DropDownList1.SelectedValue = b.BSID.ToString(); } }
public HomeController(CategoryDAL categoryDal, BlogDAL blogDal, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment, AdminDAL adminDAL) { _CategoryDAL = categoryDal; _BlogDAL = blogDal; _AdminDAL = adminDAL; hostingEnv = hostingEnvironment; }
public ActionResult Index(int?id) { ViewBag.PageType = __type; AllCategoriesModel model = CategoryDAL.GetAllWithType(id.HasValue ? id.Value : 0, true); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Index() { string str = ""; Random r = new Random(); DAL.BlogDAL blo = new BlogDAL(); DAL.CategoryDAL call = new CategoryDAL(); List <Model.Category> list_ca = call.GetList(""); for (int i = 0; i < 102; i++) { string title = $"新闻标题"; string body = title + "的内容"; Model.Category ca = list_ca[r.Next(0, list_ca.Count)]; string cabh = ca.Number, caname = ca.CaName; blo.Insert(new Model.Blog { Title = title, Body = body, VistitNum = r.Next(100, 9999), CaNumber = cabh, CaName = caname }); } str += "添加102条测试新闻成功!"; //str += "新增分类" + call.Insert(new Model.Blog {CaName="newCaName" })+ "<hr />"; //bool b = call.Delete(7); //str+= "删除Id-7的数据:" + b + "<hr />"; //Model.Category ca = call.GetModel(5); //if (ca!=null) //{ // ca.CaName = "新修改的名称" + DateTime.Now; // bool b2 = call.Update(ca); // str+="修改后的数据"+b2+ "<hr />"; //} return(Content(str)); }
public EntityBL() { _userDAL = new UserDAL(); _goodDAL = new GoodDAL(); _feedBackDAL = new FeedBackDAL(); _categoryDAL = new CategoryDAL(); }
// GET: Category public ActionResult Index() { CategoryDAL catdal = new CategoryDAL(); var models = catdal.GetAll(); return(View(models)); }
public JsonResult EditModal(Category model) { Category temp = CategoryDAL.Get(x => x.CategoryID == model.CategoryID); temp.IsActive = false; CategoryDAL.Update(temp); Category temp2 = new Category() { CategoryID = Guid.NewGuid(), CategoryName = model.CategoryName, Description = model.Description, IsActive = true, SubCategoryID = temp.SubCategoryID, }; foreach (Make item in temp.Makes) { temp2.Makes.Add(item); } foreach (ProductModel item in temp.ProductModels) { temp2.ProductModels.Add(item); } foreach (Property item in temp.Properties) { temp2.Properties.Add(item); } CategoryDAL.Add(temp2); return(Json(true)); }
public static List <Category> LayDSLoaiThietBi() { List <Category> _ds; _ds = CategoryDAL.LayDSLoaiThietBi(); return(_ds); }
static public string QueryAll(out string msg, ref int totalPage, ref int currentPage) { List <Category> list = CategoryDAL.QueryAll(out msg); if (list == null) { totalPage = 0; currentPage = -1; return(null); } totalPage = (int)System.Math.Floor((decimal)(list.Count / 10)); if (list.Count != 0 && list.Count % 10 == 0) { --totalPage; } if (currentPage < totalPage) { ++currentPage; } try { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list.GetRange(currentPage * 10, 10))); } catch { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list.GetRange(currentPage * 10, list.Count - currentPage * 10))); } }
public ChallanController() { customerDAL = new CustomerDAL(); categoryDAL = new CategoryDAL(); taxDAL = new TaxDAL(); challanDAL = new ChallanDAL(); }
// Mappa un oggetto di tipo CategoryDAL (Infrastructure.logging.dal) su un oggetto Category(Infrastructure.logging.datamodel.model) public Category categoryDALtoCategory(CategoryDAL categoryDAL) { Category categoryToBack = new Category(); categoryToBack.idTipo = (CategoryType)categoryDAL.CategoryId; categoryToBack.tipo = categoryDAL.name; return categoryToBack; }
// Mappa un oggetto di tipo Category(Infrastructure.logging.datamodel.model) su un oggetto CategoryDAL (Infrastructure.logging.dal) public CategoryDAL categoryToCategoryDAL(Category category) { CategoryDAL categoryDALToBack = new CategoryDAL(); using (var log = new LoggingContext()) { var result = (log.categories.Where(cat => (cat.CategoryId == (int)category.idTipo))); if (result != null) { categoryDALToBack.CategoryId = result.First().CategoryId; categoryDALToBack.name = result.First().name; } } return categoryDALToBack; }
private void LoadCategories() { CategoryDAL categoryOperator = new CategoryDAL(); List<Category> categoryList = categoryOperator.SelectAll(IsArabic); if (categoryList != null && categoryList.Count > 0) { drpCategory.DataSource = categoryList; drpCategory.DataValueField = Category.CommonColumns.ID; if (IsArabic) drpCategory.DataTextField = Category.TableColumns.NameAr; else drpCategory.DataTextField = Category.TableColumns.NameEn; drpCategory.DataBind(); } drpCategory.Items.Insert(0, Literals.ListHeader); }
private void SearchOffers() { MainPager = new PagedDataSource(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["SuppID"])) { MainPager.DataSource = offersOperator.SelectBySupplierID(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["SuppID"].Trim()), "All", IsArabic, true); Supplier temp = new SupplierDAL().SelectByID(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["SuppID"].Trim()), IsArabic); if (temp != null) { if (IsArabic) ltrlTitle.Text = temp.NameAr; else ltrlTitle.Text = temp.NameEn; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["BrandID"])) { MainPager.DataSource = offersOperator.SelectByBrandID(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["BrandID"].Trim()), "All", IsArabic, true); Brand temp = new BrandDAL().SelectByID(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["BrandID"].Trim()), IsArabic); if (temp != null) { if (IsArabic) ltrlTitle.Text = temp.NameAr; else ltrlTitle.Text = temp.NameEn; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["CatID"])) { ArrayList categoryList = new ArrayList(); GetCategoriesList(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CatID"].Trim()), categoryList); if (categoryList != null && categoryList.Count > 0) MainPager.DataSource = offersOperator.SelectByCategoryID(categoryList, "All", IsArabic, true); else MainPager.DataSource = null; Category temp = new CategoryDAL().SelectByID(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CatID"].Trim()), IsArabic); if (temp != null) { if (IsArabic) ltrlTitle.Text = temp.NameAr; else ltrlTitle.Text = temp.NameEn; } } else { ltrlTitle.Text = string.Empty; } BindMainRepeater(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { offerOperator = new OfferDAL(); categoryOperator = new CategoryDAL(); if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString[CommonStrings.ID] != null) { Offer info = offerOperator.SelectByID(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[CommonStrings.ID]), (bool?)IsArabic); if (info != null) { offerOperator.View(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[CommonStrings.ID])); imgOffer.ImageUrl = GetSmallImage(info.Image); ltrlID.Text = hiddenOfferID.Value = Convert.ToString(info.ID); ltrlViews.Text = Convert.ToString(info.Views); ltrlLikes.Text = Convert.ToString(info.Likes); supplierAnch.HRef = Utility.AppendQueryString(PagesPathes.ViewSupplierDetails, new KeyValue(CommonStrings.ID, Convert.ToString(info.SupplierID))); if (info.Rate != 0) ratingCtrl.CurrentRating = info.Rate / 20; else ratingCtrl.CurrentRating = 0; if (HasUserRated(info.ID)) ratingCtrl.ReadOnly = true; else ratingCtrl.ReadOnly = false; if (info.IsProduct) { newPriceSpan.Visible = true; oldPriceSpan.Visible = true; ltrlNewPrice.Text = info.NewPrice.ToString(); ltrlOldPrice.Text = info.OldPrice.ToString(); if (IsArabic) ltrlNewCurrency.Text = ltrlOldCurrency.Text = info.CurrencyInfo.UnitAr; else ltrlNewCurrency.Text = ltrlOldCurrency.Text = info.CurrencyInfo.UnitEn; } else { newPriceSpan.Visible = false; oldPriceSpan.Visible = false; } if (info.IsSale) { saleSpan.Visible = true; ltrlSale.Text = string.Concat(Convert.ToString(info.SaleUpTo), "%"); } else { saleSpan.Visible = false; } if (info.IsPackage) { packageSpan.Visible = true; if (IsArabic) ltrlPackage.Text = info.PackageDescriptionAr; else ltrlPackage.Text = info.PackageDescriptionEn; } else { packageSpan.Visible = false; } if (info.BrandID.HasValue) { brandAnch.Visible = true; brandAnch.HRef = Utility.AppendQueryString(PagesPathes.ViewBrandDetails, new KeyValue(CommonStrings.ID, Convert.ToString(info.BrandID.Value))); } else { brandAnch.Visible = false; } if (info.StartDate.HasValue) { startDateSpan.Visible = true; ltrlStartDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(info.StartDate.Value).ToShortDateString(); } else { startDateSpan.Visible = false; } if (info.EndDate.HasValue) { endDateSpan.Visible = true; ltrlEndDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(info.EndDate.Value).ToShortDateString(); } else { endDateSpan.Visible = false; } if (info.IsBestDeal) { bestDealSpan.Visible = true; ltrlBestDeal.Text = Resources.Literals.BestDeal; } else { bestDealSpan.Visible = false; } if (info.IsFeaturedOffer) { featuredSpan.Visible = true; ltrlFeatured.Text = Resources.Literals.FeaturedOffer; } else { featuredSpan.Visible = false; } if (IsArabic) { imgOffer.AlternateText = info.TitleAr; imgOffer.ToolTip = info.TitleAr; ratingCtrl.RatingDirection = AjaxControlToolkit.RatingDirection.RightToLeftBottomToTop; ltrlSupplier.Text = new SupplierDAL().SelectByID(info.SupplierID, IsArabic).NameAr; if (info.BrandID.HasValue) ltrlBrand.Text = new BrandDAL().SelectByID(info.BrandID.Value, IsArabic).NameAr; ltrlTitle.Text = info.TitleAr; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.DescriptionAr)) ltrlDescription.Text = info.ShortDescriptionAr; else ltrlDescription.Text = info.DescriptionAr; } else { imgOffer.AlternateText = info.TitleEn; imgOffer.ToolTip = info.TitleEn; ratingCtrl.RatingDirection = AjaxControlToolkit.RatingDirection.LeftToRightTopToBottom; ltrlSupplier.Text = new SupplierDAL().SelectByID(info.SupplierID, IsArabic).NameEn; if (info.BrandID.HasValue) ltrlBrand.Text = new BrandDAL().SelectByID(info.BrandID.Value, IsArabic).NameEn; ltrlTitle.Text = info.TitleEn; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.DescriptionEn)) ltrlDescription.Text = info.ShortDescriptionEn; else ltrlDescription.Text = info.DescriptionEn; } List<KeyValue> categoryList = new List<KeyValue>(); GetCategories(info.CategoryID, categoryList); AddCategories(categoryList); emptyDataDiv.Visible = false; } else { emptyDataDiv.Visible = true; } } } } catch { Response.Redirect(Utility.AppendQueryString(PagesPathes.ErrorPage, new KeyValue(CommonStrings.BackUrl, "ListOffers"))); } }
private List<KeyValue> FilterList(List<Offer> offersList, string filterBy) { List<KeyValue> filteredList = null; if (offersList != null && offersList.Count > 0) { filteredList = new List<KeyValue>(); List<Offer> subList = null; if (filterBy == "Brand") { List<Offer> nullList = new List<Offer>(); for (int i = 0; i < offersList.Count; i++) { if (offersList[i].BrandID == null) { nullList.Add(offersList[i]); offersList.RemoveAt(i); i = i - 1; } } while (offersList.Count > 0) { subList = new List<Offer>(); subList.Add(offersList[0]); for (int j = 1; j < offersList.Count; j++) { if (offersList[j].BrandID == offersList[0].BrandID) { subList.Add(offersList[j]); offersList.RemoveAt(j); j = j - 1; } } offersList.RemoveAt(0); string brandName = null; if (IsArabic) brandName = new BrandDAL().SelectByID(subList[0].BrandID.Value, IsArabic).NameAr; else brandName = new BrandDAL().SelectByID(subList[0].BrandID.Value, IsArabic).NameEn; filteredList.Add(new KeyValue(brandName, subList)); } SortAlpha(filteredList); if (nullList != null && nullList.Count > 0) filteredList.Add(new KeyValue(Resources.Literals.NoBrand, nullList)); } else if (filterBy == "Supplier") { while (offersList.Count > 0) { subList = new List<Offer>(); subList.Add(offersList[0]); for (int j = 1; j < offersList.Count; j++) { if (offersList[j].SupplierID == offersList[0].SupplierID) { subList.Add(offersList[j]); offersList.RemoveAt(j); j = j - 1; } } offersList.RemoveAt(0); string supplierName = null; if (IsArabic) supplierName = new SupplierDAL().SelectByID(subList[0].SupplierID, IsArabic).NameAr; else supplierName = new SupplierDAL().SelectByID(subList[0].SupplierID, IsArabic).NameEn; filteredList.Add(new KeyValue(supplierName, subList)); } SortAlpha(filteredList); } else if (filterBy == "Category") { while (offersList.Count > 0) { subList = new List<Offer>(); subList.Add(offersList[0]); for (int j = 1; j < offersList.Count; j++) { if (offersList[j].CategoryID == offersList[0].CategoryID) { subList.Add(offersList[j]); offersList.RemoveAt(j); j = j - 1; } } offersList.RemoveAt(0); string categoryName = null; if (IsArabic) categoryName = new CategoryDAL().SelectByID(subList[0].CategoryID, IsArabic).NameAr; else categoryName = new CategoryDAL().SelectByID(subList[0].CategoryID, IsArabic).NameEn; filteredList.Add(new KeyValue(categoryName, subList)); } SortAlpha(filteredList); } } return filteredList; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { offersOperator = new OfferDAL(); categoryOperator = new CategoryDAL(); if (!IsPostBack) { ctrlSearch.initializeControl(); SearchOffers(); } } catch { Response.Redirect(Utility.AppendQueryString(PagesPathes.ErrorPage, new KeyValue(CommonStrings.BackUrl, CommonStrings.ViewDefault))); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { categoryOperator = new CategoryDAL(); if (!IsPostBack) { BindTree(); } } catch { Response.Redirect(Utility.AppendQueryString(PagesPathes.ErrorPage, new KeyValue(CommonStrings.BackUrl, "AdminDefault"))); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { categoryOperator = new CategoryDAL(); if (!IsPostBack) { BindTree(); } String csOfferType = "OfferTypeScript"; Type csType = this.GetType(); ClientScriptManager clientScript = Page.ClientScript; if (!clientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(csType, csOfferType)) { clientScript.RegisterStartupScript(csType, csOfferType, "javascript:rblSelectedValue();", true); } } catch { Response.Redirect(Utility.AppendQueryString(PagesPathes.ErrorPage, new KeyValue(CommonStrings.BackUrl, "AdminDefault"))); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { offersOperator = new OfferDAL(); categoryOperator = new CategoryDAL(); supplierOperator = new SupplierDAL(); brandOperator = new BrandDAL(); if (!IsPostBack) { FillCategoryDrpMenu(); FillSuppliersDrpMenu(); FillBrandsDrpMenu(); BindGrid(); } #region Select JS Script String csSelect = "SelectScript"; Type csType = this.GetType(); ClientScriptManager clientScript = Page.ClientScript; if (!clientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(csType, csSelect)) { clientScript.RegisterStartupScript(csType, csSelect, "javascript:rblSelectedValue();", true); } #endregion } catch { Response.Redirect(Utility.AppendQueryString(PagesPathes.ErrorPage, new KeyValue(CommonStrings.BackUrl, CommonStrings.AdminDefault))); } }