public bool test3(string vsURL) { cWeb oWeb = new cWeb(); string htmlContent = oWeb.GrabPageToString(vsURL); // Obtain the document interface IHTMLDocument2 htmlDocument = (IHTMLDocument2) new mshtml.HTMLDocument(); // Construct the document htmlDocument.write(htmlContent); //htmlDocument. List <IHTMLElement> oOut = new List <IHTMLElement>(); // Extract all elements IHTMLElementCollection allElements = htmlDocument.all; cFile oFile = new cFile("ele.txt"); // Iterate all the elements and display tag names foreach (IHTMLElement element in allElements) { oFile.Write(element.tagName); } return(false); }
public bool DownloadFic(string vsURL) { cWeb oWeb = new cWeb(); oWeb.GrabPageToFile(vsURL, "Test.html"); return(false); }