コード例 #1
        private void ReinitializeConsumer <TKey, TValue>(
            TopicCount topicCount, IList <Tuple <BlockingCollection <FetchedDataChunk>, KafkaStream <TKey, TValue> > > queuesAndStreams)
            var dirs = new ZKGroupDirs(this.Config.GroupId);

            // listener to consumer and partition changes
            if (loadBalancerListener == null)
                var topicStreamsMaps = new Dictionary <string, IList <KafkaStream <TKey, TValue> > >();
                loadBalancerListener = new ZKRebalancerListener <TKey, TValue>(this, this.Config.GroupId, consumerIdString, topicStreamsMaps);

            // create listener for session expired event if not exist yet
            if (sessionExpirationListener == null)
                sessionExpirationListener = new ZKSessionExpireListener(this,
                                                                        dirs, consumerIdString, topicCount, loadBalancerListener);

            // create listener for topic partition change event if not exist yet
            if (topicPartitionChangeListener == null)
                topicPartitionChangeListener = new ZKTopicPartitionChangeListener(this, loadBalancerListener);

            var topicStreamsMap = (IDictionary <string, IList <KafkaStream <TKey, TValue> > >)loadBalancerListener.KafkaMessageAndMetadataStreams;

            // map of {topic -> Set(thread-1, thread-2, ...)}
            var consumerThreadIdsPerTopic = topicCount.GetConsumerThreadIdsPerTopic();

            IList <Tuple <BlockingCollection <FetchedDataChunk>, KafkaStream <TKey, TValue> > > allQueuesAndStreams = null;

            if (topicCount is WildcardTopicCount)
                 * Wild-card consumption streams share the same queues, so we need to
                 * duplicate the list for the subsequent zip operation.
                allQueuesAndStreams = Enumerable.Range(1, consumerThreadIdsPerTopic.Keys.Count).SelectMany(_ => queuesAndStreams).ToList();
            else if (topicCount is StaticTopicCount)
                allQueuesAndStreams = queuesAndStreams;

            var topicThreadIds = consumerThreadIdsPerTopic.SelectMany(topicAndThreadIds =>
                var topic     = topicAndThreadIds.Key;
                var threadIds = topicAndThreadIds.Value;
                return(threadIds.Select(id => Tuple.Create(topic, id)));

            Contract.Assert(topicThreadIds.Count == allQueuesAndStreams.Count, string.Format("Mismatch betwen thread ID count ({0}) adn queue count ({1})", topicThreadIds.Count, allQueuesAndStreams.Count));

            var threadQueueStreamPairs = topicThreadIds.Zip(allQueuesAndStreams, Tuple.Create).ToList();

            foreach (var e in threadQueueStreamPairs)
                var topicThreadId = e.Item1;
                var q             = e.Item2.Item1;
                topicThreadIdAndQueues[topicThreadId] = q;
                Logger.DebugFormat("Adding topicThreadId {0} and queue {1} to topicThreadIdAndQueues Data structure", topicThreadId, string.Join(",", q));
                MetersFactory.NewGauge(this.Config.ClientId + "-" + this.Config.GroupId + "-" + topicThreadId.Item1 + "-" + topicThreadId.Item2 + "-FetchQueueSize", () => q.Count);

            var groupedByTopic = threadQueueStreamPairs.GroupBy(x => x.Item1.Item1).ToList();

            foreach (var e in groupedByTopic)
                var topic   = e.Key;
                var streams = e.Select(x => x.Item2.Item2).ToList();
                topicStreamsMap[topic] = streams;
                Logger.DebugFormat("adding topic {0} and {1} stream to map", topic, streams.Count);

            // listener to consumer and partition changes

            zkClient.SubscribeChildChanges(dirs.ConsumerRegistryDir, loadBalancerListener);

            foreach (var topicAndSteams in topicStreamsMap)
                // register on broker partition path changes
                var topicPath = ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topicAndSteams.Key;
                zkClient.SubscribeDataChanges(topicPath, topicPartitionChangeListener);

            // explicitly trigger load balancing for this consumer
コード例 #2
        private IDictionary <string, IList <KafkaMessageStream <TData> > > Consume <TData>(IDictionary <string, int> topicCountDict, IDecoder <TData> decoder)
            Logger.Debug("entering consume");

            if (topicCountDict == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(topicCountDict));

            var dirs   = new ZKGroupDirs(this.config.GroupId);
            var result = new Dictionary <string, IList <KafkaMessageStream <TData> > >();

            string consumerIdString = GetConsumerIdString();
            var    topicCount       = new TopicCount(consumerIdString, topicCountDict);

            //// create a queue per topic per consumer thread
            var consumerThreadIdsPerTopicMap = topicCount.GetConsumerThreadIdsPerTopic();

            foreach (var topic in consumerThreadIdsPerTopicMap.Keys)
                var streamList = new List <KafkaMessageStream <TData> >();
                foreach (string threadId in consumerThreadIdsPerTopicMap[topic])
                    var stream = new BlockingCollection <FetchedDataChunk>(new ConcurrentQueue <FetchedDataChunk>());
                    this.queues.Add(new Tuple <string, string>(topic, threadId), stream);
                    streamList.Add(new KafkaMessageStream <TData>(topic, stream, this.config.Timeout, decoder));

                result.Add(topic, streamList);
                Logger.InfoFormat("adding topic {0} and stream to map...", topic);

            // listener to consumer and partition changes
            var loadBalancerListener = new ZKRebalancerListener <TData>(

            if (this.consumerRebalanceHandler != null)
                loadBalancerListener.ConsumerRebalance += this.consumerRebalanceHandler;

            this.RegisterConsumerInZk(dirs, consumerIdString, topicCount);

            //// register listener for session expired event
            var zkSessionExpireListener = new ZKSessionExpireListener <TData>(dirs, consumerIdString, topicCount, loadBalancerListener, this);

            if (this.zkSessionDisconnectedHandler != null)
                zkSessionExpireListener.ZKSessionDisconnected += this.zkSessionDisconnectedHandler;

            if (this.zkSessionExpiredHandler != null)
                zkSessionExpireListener.ZKSessionExpired += this.zkSessionExpiredHandler;


            this.GetZkClient().Subscribe(dirs.ConsumerRegistryDir, loadBalancerListener);
            this.subscribedChildCollection.Add(new Tuple <string, IZooKeeperChildListener>(dirs.ConsumerRegistryDir, loadBalancerListener));

            result.ForEach(topicAndStreams =>
                // register on broker partition path changes
                string partitionPath = ZooKeeperClient.DefaultBrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topicAndStreams.Key;
                if (this.GetZkClient().Exists(partitionPath))
                    this.GetZkClient().Subscribe(partitionPath, loadBalancerListener);
                    this.subscribedChildCollection.Add(new Tuple <string, IZooKeeperChildListener>(partitionPath, loadBalancerListener));
                    // Create a mapping of all topic partitions and their current leaders
                    var topicsAndPartitions = ZkUtils.GetPartitionsForTopics(this.GetZkClient(), new[] { topicAndStreams.Key });
                    Dictionary <string, int> partitionLeaderMap = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                    foreach (var partitionId in topicsAndPartitions[topicAndStreams.Key])
                        // Find/parse current partition leader for this partition and add it
                        // to the mapping object
                        var partitionStatePath = partitionPath + "/partitions/" + partitionId + "/state";
                        int?partitionLeader = ZkUtils.GetLeaderForPartition(this.GetZkClient(), topicAndStreams.Key, int.Parse(partitionId));
                        partitionLeaderMap.Add(partitionStatePath, partitionLeader.GetValueOrDefault(-1));

                    // listen for changes on the state nodes for the partitions
                    // this will indicate when a leader switches, or the in sync replicas change
                    var leaderListener = new ZkPartitionLeaderListener <TData>(loadBalancerListener, partitionLeaderMap);
                    foreach (var partitionId in topicsAndPartitions[topicAndStreams.Key])
                        var partitionStatePath = partitionPath + "/partitions/" + partitionId + "/state";
                        this.GetZkClient().Subscribe(partitionStatePath, leaderListener);
                        this.subscribedZookeeperDataCollection.Add(new Tuple <string, IZooKeeperDataListener>(partitionStatePath, leaderListener));
                    Logger.WarnFormat("The topic path at {0}, does not exist.", partitionPath);

            //// explicitly trigger load balancing for this consumer
            Logger.Info("Performing rebalancing. A new consumer has been added to consumer group: " + dirs.ConsumerRegistryDir + ", consumer: " + consumerIdString);
            Logger.InfoFormat("Subscribe count: subscribedChildCollection:{0} , subscribedZookeeperStateCollection:{1} subscribedZookeeperDataCollection:{2} "
                              , subscribedChildCollection.Count, subscribedZookeeperStateCollection.Count, subscribedZookeeperDataCollection.Count);

            //// When a new consumer join, need wait for rebalance finish to make sure Fetcher thread started.
            loadBalancerListener.AsyncRebalance(DefaultWaitTimeForInitialRebalanceInSeconds * 1000);
