public void WrappedPerformanceCategoryTest_NextValueVerifyInvalidCounterNameCheck()
            WindowsPerformanceLiason   liason      = new WindowsPerformanceLiason();
            WrappedPerformanceCategory ourCategory = liason.CacheCountersForCategory(CounterTestUtilities.TestCategoryName, null);

            ourCategory.NextValue("some non existent counter name");
        public void WrappedPerformanceCategoryTest_VerifyNextValueEmptyCounterNameCheck()
            WindowsPerformanceLiason   liason      = new WindowsPerformanceLiason();
            WrappedPerformanceCategory ourCategory = liason.CacheCountersForCategory(CounterTestUtilities.TestCategoryName, null);

        public void WindowsPerformanceLiasonTest_VerifyWeCanSeeWellKnownCategory()
            WindowsPerformanceLiason   liason           = new WindowsPerformanceLiason();
            WrappedPerformanceCategory returnedCategory = liason.CacheCountersForCategory("cache");

            //// on windows 8 there are 29 cache counters
            Assert.AreEqual(29, returnedCategory.GetCounters().Count);
コード例 #4
        public void WindowsPerformanceLiasonThreadTest_VerifyThreadSafe()
            //// assume 4 cores
            int    numthreads   = 2;
            int    sleeptime    = 10000;
            string categoryname = CounterTestUtilities.TestCategoryName;
            //// string countername = CounterTestUtilities.TestCounterNumberOfItems64Name;
            string countername = CounterTestUtilities.TestCounterRateOfCountPerSecond64Name;

            WindowsPerformanceLiason liason = new WindowsPerformanceLiason();

            //// this warms up the counter table. otherwise every thread pays the price
            liason.SetRawValue(categoryname, countername, 0);

            bool[]           stopflag = { false };
            Thread[]         threads  = new Thread[numthreads];
            ThreadExecutor[] allexecutorsForValidation = new ThreadExecutor[numthreads];
            for (int i = 0; i < numthreads; i++)
                ThreadExecutor oneExecutor = new ThreadExecutor(liason, categoryname, countername, stopflag);
                threads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(oneExecutor.CreateEvents));
                allexecutorsForValidation[i] = oneExecutor;
            foreach (Thread thread in threads)
            stopflag[0] = true;
            foreach (Thread thread in threads)
            int expected = 0;

            foreach (ThreadExecutor oneExec in allexecutorsForValidation)
                expected += oneExec.ExecutionCount;
            WrappedPerformanceCategory ourCat = liason.CacheCountersForCategory(categoryname);

            //// Sometimes we are off by 1 or two if we run 10 seconds. how can this be?
            Thread.Sleep(2); //// try waiting for everything to flow through
            float realNextValue = ourCat.NextValue(countername);
            int   result        = (int)ourCat.NextValue(countername);
            long  rawResult     = ourCat.GetRawValue(countername);

            //// sometimes you don't a cooked value of 0 , some glitch in reporting
            Debug.WriteLine("Threads reported {0}, Counter reported {1} updates ({2} raw) with {3} threads in {4} seconds.", expected, result, rawResult, numthreads, sleeptime);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, (int)rawResult, "raw result didn't match");
            //// these should be exact but I've had a couple failures, not sure how that can be
            //// Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result, 2, "cooked result didn't match but raw did");
            //// this should be about 2million per thread per second on quad core macbook pro
            Assert.IsTrue(result > 20000, "expected > 20,000 but got " + result);
        public void WrappedPerformanceCategoryTest_VerifyCanWrapOurInstances()
            WrappedPerformanceCategory testCategory = new WrappedPerformanceCategory(CounterTestUtilities.TestCategoryName, null);

            //// there are a bunch of proc 0 counters. We just want to make sure we got some
            IDictionary <string, WrappedPerformanceCounter> allCounters = testCategory.GetCounters();

コード例 #6
        public void WrappedPerformanceCategorySpecificNamesTest_VerifyPagingFileCounters()
            WindowsPerformanceLiason   liason      = new WindowsPerformanceLiason();
            WrappedPerformanceCategory ourCategory = liason.CacheCountersForCategory(
                "Paging File", "_Total");
            IDictionary <string, WrappedPerformanceCounter> allCounters = ourCategory.GetCounters();
            WrappedPerformanceCounter ourTargetCounter = allCounters["% Usage"];

            Assert.IsNotNull(ourCategory.NextValue("% Usage"));
        public void WrappedPerformanceCategoryTest_VerifyCanWrapSystemInstances()
            WrappedPerformanceCategory procInfo = new WrappedPerformanceCategory("Processor", "0");

            //// there are a bunch of proc 0 counters. We just want to make sure we got some
            IDictionary <string, WrappedPerformanceCounter> allCounters = procInfo.GetCounters();

            Assert.IsTrue(allCounters.Count > 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(allCounters["% User Time"].CounterIsReadOnly());
            //// this counter has a base but we don't see it since it is a system counter
            Assert.IsFalse(allCounters["% User Time"].CounterHasAssociatedBase());
 public void WindowsPerformanceLiasonTest_VerifyFailsNonExistentCategoryName()
     WindowsPerformanceLiason   liason           = new WindowsPerformanceLiason();
     WrappedPerformanceCategory returnedCategory = liason.CacheCountersForCategory("dogfood");
 public void WindowsPerformanceLiasonTest_VerifyFailsNoCategoryName()
     WindowsPerformanceLiason   liason           = new WindowsPerformanceLiason();
     WrappedPerformanceCategory returnedCategory = liason.CacheCountersForCategory(string.Empty);