/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters"></param> public OculusRiftDisplay( Game game, GraphicsDevice device, GameParameters parameters ) : base(game, device, parameters) { window = CreateForm(parameters, null); oculus = new Wrap(); // Initialize the Oculus runtime. oculus.Initialize(); // Use the head mounted display, if it's available, otherwise use the debug HMD. int numberOfHeadMountedDisplays = oculus.Hmd_Detect(); if (numberOfHeadMountedDisplays > 0) hmd = oculus.Hmd_Create(0); else hmd = oculus.Hmd_CreateDebug(OculusWrap.OVR.HmdType.DK2); if (hmd == null) { MessageBox.Show("Oculus Rift not detected.", "Uh oh", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (hmd.ProductName == string.Empty) MessageBox.Show("The HMD is not enabled.", "There's a tear in the Rift", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); OVR.Recti destMirrorRect; OVR.Recti sourceRenderTargetRect; hmd.AttachToWindow(window.Handle, out destMirrorRect, out sourceRenderTargetRect); // Create a backbuffer that's the same size as the HMD's resolution. OVR.Sizei backBufferSize; backBufferSize.Width = hmd.Resolution.Width; backBufferSize.Height = hmd.Resolution.Height; var deviceFlags = DeviceCreationFlags.None; deviceFlags |= parameters.UseDebugDevice ? DeviceCreationFlags.Debug : DeviceCreationFlags.None; var driverType = DriverType.Hardware; var featureLevel = HardwareProfileChecker.GetFeatureLevel(parameters.GraphicsProfile); swapChainDesc = new SwapChainDescription { BufferCount = 1, ModeDescription = new ModeDescription(backBufferSize.Width, backBufferSize.Height, new Rational(60, 1), Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm), IsWindowed = true, OutputHandle = window.Handle, SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(parameters.MsaaLevel, 0), SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard, Usage = Usage.RenderTargetOutput| Usage.ShaderInput, Flags = SwapChainFlags.None, }; D3D.Device.CreateWithSwapChain(driverType, deviceFlags, new[] { featureLevel }, swapChainDesc, out d3dDevice, out swapChain); var factory = swapChain.GetParent<Factory>(); factory.MakeWindowAssociation(window.Handle, WindowAssociationFlags.IgnoreAll); clientWidth = window.ClientSize.Width; clientHeight = window.ClientSize.Height; }
public LazyFrameAnimation(IList<Surface> surfaces, Wrap<float> interval) { Contract.Requires(surfaces != null); _surfaces = surfaces; _interval = interval; }
public LazyFrameAnimation( IEnumerable<Surface> surfaces, Wrap<float> interval) { Contract.Requires(surfaces != null); _surfaces = new LazyWrap<IList<Surface>>(() => surfaces.ToList()). ToListWrap(); _interval = interval; }
void OnDnaStringRequested(Wrap<string> dna) { if (dna.IsSet) { return; } dna.Value = Dna; dna.ValueSource = "DnaProcessor"; }
void OnDnaGenRequested(Wrap<int> generation) { if (generation.IsSet) { return; } generation.Value = _generation; generation.ValueSource = "DnaProcessor"; }
public static int Main () { var a = new Wrap () { Numbers = { 3, 9 } }; if (a.Numbers [1] != 9) return 1; Console.WriteLine ("OK"); return 0; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="game"></param> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="parameters"></param> public OculusRiftDisplay( Game game, GraphicsDevice device, GraphicsParameters parameters ) : base( game, device, parameters ) { oculus = new Wrap(); // Initialize the Oculus runtime. oculus.Initialize(); OVR.GraphicsLuid graphicsLuid; hmd = oculus.Hmd_Create(out graphicsLuid); if (hmd == null) { MessageBox.Show("Oculus Rift not detected.", "Uh oh", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (hmd.ProductName == string.Empty) MessageBox.Show("The HMD is not enabled.", "There's a tear in the Rift", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); parameters.Width = hmd.Resolution.Width; parameters.Height = hmd.Resolution.Height; window = CreateForm(parameters, null); var deviceFlags = DeviceCreationFlags.None; deviceFlags |= parameters.UseDebugDevice ? DeviceCreationFlags.Debug : DeviceCreationFlags.None; var driverType = DriverType.Hardware; var featureLevel = HardwareProfileChecker.GetFeatureLevel(parameters.GraphicsProfile); var swapChainDesc = new SwapChainDescription { BufferCount = 1, ModeDescription = new ModeDescription(hmd.Resolution.Width, hmd.Resolution.Height, new Rational(60, 1), Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm), IsWindowed = true, OutputHandle = window.Handle, SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(parameters.MsaaLevel, 0), SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard, Usage = Usage.RenderTargetOutput| Usage.ShaderInput, Flags = SwapChainFlags.None, }; D3D.Device.CreateWithSwapChain(driverType, deviceFlags, new[] { featureLevel }, swapChainDesc, out d3dDevice, out swapChain); var myFactory = swapChain.GetParent<Factory>(); myFactory.MakeWindowAssociation(window.Handle, WindowAssociationFlags.IgnoreAll); }
public void FixedSizeSmaller () { var wrap = new Wrap { ItemWidth = 3, ItemHeight = 2, Children = { CreateRectDiv(3, 1), CreateRectDiv(2, 2), CreateRectDiv(1, 1), CreateRectDiv(2, 1), } }; GetRenderedText(wrap, 6).Should().BeLines( "abcde ", " fg ", "h ij ", " "); }
public void FixedSizeExact () { var wrap = new Wrap { ItemWidth = 3, ItemHeight = 2, Children = { CreateRectDiv(3, 2), CreateRectDiv(3, 2), CreateRectDiv(3, 2), CreateRectDiv(3, 2), } }; GetRenderedText(wrap, 6).Should().BeLines( "abcghi", "defjkl", "mnostu", "pqrvwx"); }
/// <summary> /// Downloads the data. /// </summary> /// <param name="url">The URL.</param> /// <param name="httpMethod">The HTTP method.</param> /// <param name="requestData">The request data.</param> /// <param name="callback">The callback.</param> /// <param name="userState">State of the user.</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks></remarks> public static AsyncResult DownloadDataAsync(Uri url, HttpMethod httpMethod, byte[] requestData, AsyncDataCallback callback, object userState) { var web = new WebClient(); web.UploadDataCompleted += WebUploadDataCompleted; web.DownloadDataCompleted += WebDownloadDataCompleted; var wrap = new Wrap(callback, userState); web.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; BOIE9;ZHCN)"); if (httpMethod == HttpMethod.POST) { web.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); web.UploadDataAsync(url, "POST", requestData, wrap); } else { web.DownloadDataAsync(url, wrap); } return(new AsyncResult(web)); }
public void Single_Predicate_With_Single_Must_Return_Some(int[] source, int skipCount, int takeCount, Predicate <int> predicate) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsReadOnlyList(source); var expected = Enumerable .Skip(source, skipCount) .Take(takeCount) .Single(predicate.AsFunc()); // Act var result = ReadOnlyListExtensions .Skip <Wrap.ReadOnlyListWrapper <int>, int>(wrapped, skipCount) .Take(takeCount) .Where(predicate) .Single(); // Assert _ = result.Match( value => value.Must().BeEqualTo(expected), () => throw new Exception()); }
public void SkipTake_ForEachIndex_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, int skipCount, int takeCount) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap.AsValueReadOnlyList(source); var expected = 0; System.Linq.EnumerableEx.ForEach( System.Linq.Enumerable.Take( System.Linq.Enumerable.Skip(wrapped, skipCount), takeCount), (item, index) => expected += item + index); // Act var result = 0; ReadOnlyList .Skip <Wrap.ValueReadOnlyList <int>, int>(wrapped, skipCount) .Take(takeCount) .ForEach((item, index) => result += item + index); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
public void ToArray_SelectorAt_MemoryPool_Must_Succeed(int[] source, int skip, int take, Func <int, int, string> selector) { // Arrange var pool = ArrayPool <string> .Shared; var wrapped = Wrap.AsReadOnlyList(source); var expected = source .Skip(skip) .Take(take) .Select(selector) .ToArray(); // Act using var result = wrapped.AsValueEnumerable() .Skip(skip) .Take(take) .Select(selector) .ToArray(pool); // Assert _ = result.Memory .SequenceEqual(expected); }
public async void ElementAtAsync_Predicate_With_OutOfRange_Must_Return_None(int[] source, Predicate <int> predicate) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap.AsAsyncValueEnumerable(source); // Act var optionNegative = await AsyncValueEnumerable .Where <Wrap.AsyncValueEnumerable <int>, Wrap.AsyncEnumerator <int>, int>(wrapped, predicate.AsAsync()) .ElementAtAsync(-1); var optionTooLarge = await AsyncValueEnumerable .Where <Wrap.AsyncValueEnumerable <int>, Wrap.AsyncEnumerator <int>, int>(wrapped, predicate.AsAsync()) .ElementAtAsync(source.Length); // Assert _ = optionNegative.Must() .BeOfType <Option <int> >() .EvaluateTrue(option => option.IsNone); _ = optionTooLarge.Must() .BeOfType <Option <int> >() .EvaluateTrue(option => option.IsNone); }
public void Distinct_ToArray_MemoryPool_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, int skip, int take) { // Arrange var pool = MemoryPool <int> .Shared; var wrapped = Wrap.AsReadOnlyList(source); var expected = Enumerable .Skip(source, skip) .Take(take) .Distinct() .ToArray(); // Act using var result = ReadOnlyListExtensions .Skip <Wrap.ReadOnlyListWrapper <int>, int>(wrapped, skip) .Take(take) .Distinct() .ToArray(pool); // Assert _ = result .SequenceEqual(expected); }
public void Count_PredicateAt_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, int skip, int take, Func <int, int, bool> predicate) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsReadOnlyList(source); var expected = Enumerable .Skip(source, skip) .Take(take) .Where(predicate) .Count(); // Act var result = ReadOnlyListExtensions .Skip <Wrap.ReadOnlyListWrapper <int>, int>(wrapped, skip) .Take(take) .Where(predicate) .Count(); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
public void ToArray_Predicate_MemoryPool_Must_Succeed(int[] source, int skip, int take, Predicate <int> predicate) { // Arrange var pool = MemoryPool <int> .Shared; var wrapped = Wrap.AsReadOnlyList(source); var expected = Enumerable .Skip(source, skip) .Take(take) .Where(predicate.AsFunc()) .ToArray(); // Act using var result = ReadOnlyListExtensions .Skip <Wrap.ReadOnlyListWrapper <int>, int>(wrapped, skip) .Take(take) .Where(predicate) .ToArray(pool); // Assert _ = result.Memory .SequenceEqual(expected); }
public void ToArray_SelectorAt_MemoryPool_Must_Succeed(int[] source, int skip, int take, NullableSelectorAt <int, string> selector) { // Arrange var pool = MemoryPool <string> .Shared; var wrapped = Wrap.AsReadOnlyList(source); var expected = Enumerable .Skip(source, skip) .Take(take) .Select(selector.AsFunc()) .ToArray(); // Act using var result = ReadOnlyListExtensions .Skip <Wrap.ReadOnlyListWrapper <int>, int>(wrapped, skip) .Take(take) .Select(selector) .ToArray(pool); // Assert _ = result.Memory .SequenceEqual(expected); }
public async ValueTask FirstAsync_Predicate_Selector_With_ValidData_Must_Return_Some(int[] source, Func <int, bool> predicate, Func <int, string> selector) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsAsyncValueEnumerable(source); var expected = source .Where(predicate) .Select(selector) .First(); // Act var result = await wrapped.AsAsyncValueEnumerable() .Where(predicate.AsAsync()) .Select(selector.AsAsync()) .FirstAsync() .ConfigureAwait(false); // Assert _ = result.Match( value => value.Must().BeEqualTo(expected), () => throw new Exception()); }
public void WhereSelect_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, int skip, int take, Predicate <int> predicate, NullableSelector <int, string> selector) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap.AsReadOnlyList(source); var expected = Enumerable .Skip(source, skip) .Take(take) .Where(predicate.AsFunc()) .Select(selector.AsFunc()); // Act var result = ReadOnlyListExtensions .Skip <Wrap.ReadOnlyListWrapper <int>, int>(wrapped, skip) .Take(take) .Where(predicate) .Select(selector); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeEnumerableOf <string>() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
public async ValueTask ForEachAsync_ActionAt_Predicate_Selector_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, Predicate <int> predicate, Selector <int, string> selector) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap.AsAsyncValueEnumerable(source); var result = new List <(string, int)>(); var expected = new List <(string, int)>(); System.Linq.EnumerableEx.ForEach( System.Linq.Enumerable.Select( System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(source, predicate.AsFunc()), selector.AsFunc()), (item, index) => expected.Add((item, index))); // Act await AsyncValueEnumerable .Where <Wrap.AsyncValueEnumerable <int>, Wrap.AsyncEnumerator <int>, int>(wrapped, predicate.AsAsync()) .Select(selector.AsAsync()) .ForEachAsync((item, index, cancellationToken) => { result.Add((item, index)); return(new ValueTask()); }); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeEnumerableOf <(string, int)>() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
public async ValueTask ToListAsync_Predicate_Selector_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, Predicate <int> predicate, NullableSelector <int, string> selector) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsAsyncValueEnumerable(source); var expected = Enumerable .Where(source, predicate.AsFunc()) .Select(selector.AsFunc()) .ToList(); // Act var result = await AsyncValueEnumerableExtensions .Where <Wrap.AsyncValueEnumerableWrapper <int>, Wrap.AsyncEnumerator <int>, int>(wrapped, predicate.AsAsync()) .Select(selector.AsAsync()) .ToListAsync(); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeOfType <List <string> >() .BeEnumerableOf <string>() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
public async void ElementAtAsync_SelectorAt_With_OutOfRange_Must_Return_None(int[] source, SelectorAt <int, string> selector) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap.AsAsyncValueEnumerable(source); // Act var optionNegative = await AsyncValueEnumerable .Select <Wrap.AsyncValueEnumerable <int>, Wrap.AsyncEnumerator <int>, int, string>(wrapped, selector.AsAsync()) .ElementAtAsync(-1); var optionTooLarge = await AsyncValueEnumerable .Select <Wrap.AsyncValueEnumerable <int>, Wrap.AsyncEnumerator <int>, int, string>(wrapped, selector.AsAsync()) .ElementAtAsync(source.Length); // Assert _ = optionNegative.Must() .BeOfType <Option <string> >() .EvaluateTrue(option => option.IsNone); _ = optionTooLarge.Must() .BeOfType <Option <string> >() .EvaluateTrue(option => option.IsNone); }
public async ValueTask ElementAtAsync_PredicateAt_With_ValidData_Must_Return_Some(int[] source, Func <int, int, bool> predicate) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap.AsAsyncValueEnumerable(source); var expected = source .Where(predicate) .ToList(); for (var index = 0; index < expected.Count; index++) { // Act var result = await wrapped.AsAsyncValueEnumerable() .Where(predicate.AsAsync()) .ElementAtAsync(index) .ConfigureAwait(false); // Assert _ = result.Match( value => value.Must().BeEqualTo(expected[index]), () => throw new Exception()); } }
public void Distinct_ToList_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, int skipCount, int takeCount) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap.AsReadOnlyList(source); var expected = Enumerable .Skip(source, skipCount) .Take(takeCount) .Distinct() .ToList(); // Act var result = ReadOnlyListExtensions .Skip <Wrap.ReadOnlyListWrapper <int>, int>(wrapped, skipCount) .Take(takeCount) .Distinct() .ToList(); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeEnumerableOf <int>() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
public void ToList_Predicate_Selector_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, Func <int, bool> predicate, Func <int, string> selector) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsValueEnumerable(source); var expected = Enumerable .Where(source, predicate) .Select(selector) .ToList(); // Act var result = ValueEnumerableExtensions .Where <Wrap.ValueEnumerableWrapper <int>, Wrap.Enumerator <int>, int>(wrapped, predicate) .Select(selector) .ToList(); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeOfType <List <string> >() .BeEnumerableOf <string>() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
public void First_Predicate_With_ValidData_Must_Return_Some(int[] source, int skip, int take, Func <int, bool> predicate) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsReadOnlyList <int>(source); var expected = Enumerable .Skip(source, skip) .Take(take) .First(predicate); // Act var result = ReadOnlyListExtensions .Skip <Wrap.ReadOnlyListWrapper <int>, int>(wrapped, skip) .Take(take) .Where(predicate) .First(); // Assert _ = result.Match( value => value.Must().BeEqualTo(expected), () => throw new Exception()); }
public void ForEach_ActionAt_Predicate_Selector_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, Predicate <int> predicate, Selector <int, string> selector) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap.AsValueEnumerable(source); var result = new List <(string, int)>(); var expected = new List <(string, int)>(); System.Linq.EnumerableEx.ForEach( System.Linq.Enumerable.Select( System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(source, predicate.AsFunc()), selector.AsFunc()), (item, index) => expected.Add((item, index))); // Act ValueEnumerable .Where <Wrap.ValueEnumerable <int>, Wrap.Enumerator <int>, int>(wrapped, predicate) .Select(selector) .ForEach((item, index) => result.Add((item, index))); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeEnumerableOf <(string, int)>() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
internal virtual void MergeAttributes(TagBuilder tag, RenderContext context, MergeAttrMode mode = MergeAttrMode.All) { if (mode.HasFlag(MergeAttrMode.Visibility)) { MergeVisibilityAttribures(tag, context); } if (mode.HasFlag(MergeAttrMode.Tip)) { MergeBindingAttributeString(tag, context, "title", "Tip", Tip); } if (mode.HasFlag(MergeAttrMode.Wrap)) { if (Wrap != WrapMode.Default) { tag.AddCssClass(Wrap.ToString().ToKebabCase()); } } if (mode.HasFlag(MergeAttrMode.Margin)) { if (Margin != null) { Margin.MergeStyles("margin", tag); } if (Padding != null) { Padding.MergeStyles("padding", tag); } } if (Absolute != null) { Absolute.MergeAbsolute(tag); } tag.MergeAttribute("id", HtmlId); }
public void FirstOrDefault_Skip_Take_PredicateAt_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, int skipCount, int takeCount, PredicateAt <int> predicate) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsValueReadOnlyList(source); var expected = System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault( System.Linq.Enumerable.Where( System.Linq.Enumerable.Take( System.Linq.Enumerable.Skip(source, skipCount), takeCount), predicate.AsFunc())); // Act var result = ReadOnlyList .Skip <Wrap.ValueReadOnlyList <int>, int>(wrapped, skipCount) .Take(takeCount) .Where(predicate) .FirstOrDefault(); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
public async ValueTask ElementAtAsync_SelectorAt_With_ValidData_Must_Return_Some(int[] source, NullableSelectorAt <int, string> selector) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsAsyncValueEnumerable(source); var expected = Enumerable .Select(source, selector.AsFunc()) .ToList(); for (var index = 0; index < source.Length; index++) { // Act var result = await AsyncValueEnumerableExtensions .Select <Wrap.AsyncValueEnumerableWrapper <int>, Wrap.AsyncEnumerator <int>, int, string>(wrapped, selector.AsAsync()) .ElementAtAsync(index); // Assert _ = result.Match( value => value.Must().BeEqualTo(expected[index]), () => throw new Exception()); } }
public async ValueTask ElementAtAsync_Predicate_With_ValidData_Must_Return_Some(int[] source, Predicate <int> predicate) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsAsyncValueEnumerable(source); var expected = Enumerable .Where(source, predicate.AsFunc()) .ToList(); for (var index = 0; index < expected.Count; index++) { // Act var result = await AsyncValueEnumerableExtensions .Where <Wrap.AsyncValueEnumerableWrapper <int>, Wrap.AsyncEnumerator <int>, int>(wrapped, predicate.AsAsync()) .ElementAtAsync(index); // Assert _ = result.Match( value => value.Must().BeEqualTo(expected[index]), () => throw new Exception()); } }
public async ValueTask ElementAtAsync_With_ValidData_Must_Return_Some(int[] source) { var wrapped = Wrap .AsAsyncValueEnumerable(source); for (var index = 0; index < source.Length; index++) { // Arrange var expected = source .ElementAt(index); // Act var result = await wrapped.AsAsyncValueEnumerable() .ElementAtAsync(index) .ConfigureAwait(false); // Assert _ = result.Match( value => value.Must().BeEqualTo(expected), () => throw new Exception()); } }
public void ToArray_Skip_Take_SelectorAt_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, int skipCount, int takeCount, NullableSelectorAt <int, string> selector) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap.AsValueReadOnlyList(source); var expected = Enumerable .Skip(source, skipCount) .Take(takeCount) .Select(selector.AsFunc()) .ToArray(); // Act var result = ReadOnlyListExtensions .Skip <Wrap.ValueReadOnlyListWrapper <int>, int>(wrapped, skipCount) .Take(takeCount) .Select(selector) .ToArray(); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeArrayOf <string>() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
public void Where_Predicate_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, int skipCount, int takeCount, Predicate <int> predicate) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsReadOnlyList(source); var expected = Enumerable .Skip(source, skipCount) .Take(takeCount) .Where(predicate.AsFunc()); // Act var result = ReadOnlyListExtensions .Skip <Wrap.ReadOnlyListWrapper <int>, int>(wrapped, skipCount) .Take(takeCount) .Where(predicate); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeEnumerableOf <int>() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
public void ElementAt_SelectorAt_With_OutOfRange_Must_Return_None(int[] source, Func <int, int, string> selector) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsValueEnumerable(source); // Act var optionNegative = ValueEnumerableExtensions .Select <Wrap.ValueEnumerableWrapper <int>, Wrap.Enumerator <int>, int, string>(wrapped, selector) .ElementAt(-1); var optionTooLarge = ValueEnumerableExtensions .Select <Wrap.ValueEnumerableWrapper <int>, Wrap.Enumerator <int>, int, string>(wrapped, selector) .ElementAt(source.Length); // Assert _ = optionNegative.Must() .BeOfType <Option <string> >() .EvaluateTrue(option => option.IsNone); _ = optionTooLarge.Must() .BeOfType <Option <string> >() .EvaluateTrue(option => option.IsNone); }
public void ElementAt_Predicate_With_OutOfRange_Must_Return_None(int[] source, Func <int, bool> predicate) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsValueEnumerable(source); // Act var optionNegative = ValueEnumerableExtensions .Where <Wrap.ValueEnumerableWrapper <int>, Wrap.Enumerator <int>, int>(wrapped, predicate) .ElementAt(-1); var optionTooLarge = ValueEnumerableExtensions .Where <Wrap.ValueEnumerableWrapper <int>, Wrap.Enumerator <int>, int>(wrapped, predicate) .ElementAt(source.Length); // Assert _ = optionNegative.Must() .BeOfType <Option <int> >() .EvaluateTrue(option => option.IsNone); _ = optionTooLarge.Must() .BeOfType <Option <int> >() .EvaluateTrue(option => option.IsNone); }
public void ElementAt_PredicateAt_With_ValidData_Must_Return_Some(int[] source, Func <int, int, bool> predicate) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsValueEnumerable(source); var expected = Enumerable .Where(source, predicate) .ToList(); for (var index = 0; index < expected.Count; index++) { // Act var result = ValueEnumerableExtensions .Where <Wrap.ValueEnumerableWrapper <int>, Wrap.Enumerator <int>, int>(wrapped, predicate) .ElementAt(index); // Assert _ = result.Match( value => value.Must().BeEqualTo(expected[index]), () => throw new Exception()); } }
public void ToList_Predicate_Selector_With_ValidData_Must_Succeed(int[] source, Predicate <int> predicate, Selector <int, string> selector) { // Arrange var wrapped = Wrap .AsValueEnumerable(source); var expected = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList( System.Linq.Enumerable.Select( System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(source, predicate.AsFunc()), selector.AsFunc())); // Act var result = ValueEnumerable .Where <Wrap.ValueEnumerable <int>, Wrap.Enumerator <int>, int>(wrapped, predicate) .Select(selector) .ToList(); // Assert _ = result.Must() .BeOfType <List <string> >() .BeEnumerableOf <string>() .BeEqualTo(expected); }
void Start() { _age = 0.0f; var dna = new Wrap<string>(); if (gameObject.transform.parent != null) { var gen = new Wrap<int>(); gameObject.transform.parent.SendMessage("OnDnaGenRequested", gen); _generation = gen.IsSet ? gen.Value + 1 : 0; gameObject.transform.parent.SendMessage("OnDnaStringRequested", dna); } else { SendMessage("OnSeedDnaStringRequested", dna); } if (dna.IsSet) { DnaString = dna.Value; } }
/// <summary> /// Write out any error details received from the Oculus SDK, into the debug output window. /// /// Please note that writing text to the debug output window is a slow operation and will affect performance, /// if too many messages are written in a short timespan. /// </summary> /// <param name="oculus">OculusWrap object for which the error occurred.</param> /// <param name="result">Error code to write in the debug text.</param> /// <param name="message">Error message to include in the debug text.</param> public static void WriteErrorDetails(Wrap oculus, OVRTypes.Result result, string message) { if (result >= OVRTypes.Result.Success) return; // Retrieve the error message from the last occurring error. OVRTypes.ErrorInfo errorInformation = oculus.GetLastError(); string formattedMessage = string.Format("{0}. \nMessage: {1} (Error code={2})", message, errorInformation.ErrorString, errorInformation.Result); Trace.WriteLine(formattedMessage); MessageBox.Show(formattedMessage, message); throw new Exception(formattedMessage); }
private void FindRemovableTypesInAssertStmt(AssertStmt assert, Statement parent, Method method) { if (!(parent is BlockStmt)) return; var block = (BlockStmt) parent; var assertWrap = new Wrap<Statement>(assert, block.Body); _allRemovableTypes.AddAssert(assertWrap, method); }
public void AutoSizeMixedVertical () { var wrap = new Wrap { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, Height = 3, Children = { CreateRectDiv(3, 1), CreateRectDiv(2, 2), CreateRectDiv(2, 1), CreateRectDiv(1, 1), } }; GetRenderedText(wrap, 6).Should().BeLines( "abchi ", "de j ", "fg "); }
public void AutoSizeFixedVertical () { var wrap = new Wrap { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, Height = 4, Children = { CreateRectDiv(3, 2), CreateRectDiv(3, 2), CreateRectDiv(3, 2), CreateRectDiv(3, 2), } }; GetRenderedText(wrap, 6).Should().BeLines( "abcmno", "defpqr", "ghistu", "jklvwx"); }
void OnApplicantTypeRequested(Wrap<string> type) { if (type.IsSet || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicantType)) return; type.Value = ApplicantType.ToLower(); type.ValueSource = "BonesApplicant"; }
private void Start() { var genWrap = new Wrap<Int32>(); gameObject.SendMessage("OnDnaGenRequested", genWrap, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); Generation = genWrap.IsSet ? genWrap.Value : 0; }
public void AutoSizeFixed () { var wrap = new Wrap { Children = { CreateRectDiv(3, 2), CreateRectDiv(3, 2), CreateRectDiv(3, 2), CreateRectDiv(3, 2), } }; GetRenderedText(wrap, 6).Should().BeLines( "abcghi", "defjkl", "mnostu", "pqrvwx"); }
public void AutoSizeTooLarge () { var wrap = new Wrap { Children = { CreateRectDiv(5, 1), CreateRectDiv(6, 1), } }; GetRenderedText(wrap, 4).Should().BeLines( "abcd", "fghi"); }
public void AutoSizeMixed () { var wrap = new Wrap { Children = { CreateRectDiv(3, 1), CreateRectDiv(2, 2), CreateRectDiv(2, 1), CreateRectDiv(1, 1), } }; GetRenderedText(wrap, 6).Should().BeLines( "abcde ", " fg ", "hij "); }
public void EmptyChild () { var wrap = new Wrap { Children = { new Div() } }; new Action(() => RenderOn1x1(wrap)).ShouldNotThrow(); }
public void NegativeItemHeight () { var wrap = new Wrap(); new Action(() => wrap.ItemHeight = -1).ShouldThrow<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(); }
public A([TestContract("a")] Wrap s1, Wrap s2) { this.s1 = s1; this.s2 = s2; }
public void NoChildren () { var wrap = new Wrap(); new Action(() => RenderOn1x1(wrap)).ShouldNotThrow(); }
public static void BitmapSize(Filter filter, Wrap wrapx, Wrap wrapy, ushort width, ushort height) { uint fxy = ((uint)filter << 2) | ((uint)wrapx << 1) | ((uint)wrapy); uint cmd = (0x08 << 24) | (uint)height | ((uint)width << 9) | (fxy << 18); GDTransport.cmd32(cmd); }
public LazyFrameAnimation( IEnumerable<Surface> surfaces, float time, bool isTotalTime) { Contract.Requires(surfaces != null); _surfaces = new LazyWrap<IList<Surface>>(() => surfaces.ToList()). ToListWrap(); _interval = isTotalTime ? new LazyWrap<float>( () => time / _surfaces.Count) : time; }
public Wrap (int i) { Next = this; }
public void FixedSizeLarger () { var wrap = new Wrap { ItemWidth = 2, ItemHeight = 1, Children = { CreateRectDiv(3, 1), CreateRectDiv(2, 2), CreateRectDiv(1, 1), CreateRectDiv(2, 1), } }; GetRenderedText(wrap, 5).Should().BeLines( "abde ", "h ij "); }
private void FindRemovableTypesInCalcStmt(CalcStmt calc, Statement parent, Method method, WildCardDecreases wildCardParent, ClassDecl classDecl) { Wrap<Statement> calcWrap = null; if (parent is BlockStmt) calcWrap = new Wrap<Statement>(calc, ((BlockStmt)parent).Body); else if (parent is MatchStmt) { var matchStmt = (MatchStmt) parent; foreach (var matchCase in matchStmt.Cases) { if (!matchCase.Body.Contains(calc)) continue; calcWrap = new Wrap<Statement>(calc, matchCase.Body); break; } if (calcWrap == null) throw new Exception("Calc not found!"); } else { throw new Exception("Calc not found!"); } _allRemovableTypes.AddCalc(calcWrap, method); foreach (var hint in calc.Hints) { FindRemovableTypesInStatement(hint, calc, method, wildCardParent, classDecl); // This will check the inside of the hint - it will ID anything that can be shortened inside it. } }
public A([TestContract("x")] Wrap wrap, [TestContract("x")] C c1, C c2) { this.wrap = wrap; this.c1 = c1; this.c2 = c2; }
public Wrap () { Next = new Wrap (100); }