コード例 #1
    private List <WorldTile> GetAdjacentRootTiles(int col, int row, WorldTileType tileType)
        WorldTile        rootTile  = GetRootTile(col, row);
        List <WorldTile> rootTiles = rootTile.GetTileGroup();

//		Debug.Log(" Looking for " + tileType + " adjacent to " + rootTile + " : ");
//		for ( int i = 0; i < rootTiles.Count; i++ )
//			Debug.Log("   --> " + rootTiles[i]);

        List <WorldTile> adjacentRootTiles = new List <WorldTile>();

        for (int i = 0; i < rootTiles.Count; i++)
            WorldTile tile1 = TryGetRootTile(rootTiles[i].Col + 1, rootTiles[i].Row, tileType);
            if (tile1 != null && !rootTiles.Contains(tile1) && !adjacentRootTiles.Contains(tile1))
//			else
//				Debug.Log(" --- right tile is not added as adjacent");

            WorldTile tile2 = TryGetRootTile(rootTiles[i].Col - 1, rootTiles[i].Row, tileType);
            if (tile2 != null && !rootTiles.Contains(tile2) && !adjacentRootTiles.Contains(tile2))
//			else
//				Debug.Log(" --- left tile is not added as adjacent : tile2=" + ( tile2 != null ).ToString() + ", rootTiles.Contains( tile2 )=" + rootTiles.Contains( tile2 ).ToString() + ", adjacentTiles.Contains( tile2 )=" + adjacentTiles.Contains( tile2 ) );

            WorldTile tile3 = TryGetRootTile(rootTiles[i].Col, rootTiles[i].Row + 1, tileType);
            if (tile3 != null && !rootTiles.Contains(tile3) && !adjacentRootTiles.Contains(tile3))
//			else
//				Debug.Log(" --- up tile is not added as adjacent");

            WorldTile tile4 = TryGetRootTile(rootTiles[i].Col, rootTiles[i].Row - 1, tileType);
            if (tile4 != null && !rootTiles.Contains(tile4) && !adjacentRootTiles.Contains(tile4))
//			else
//				Debug.Log(" --- down tile is not added as adjacent");

コード例 #2
    private IEnumerator GenerateWorld_Prim(int randomSeed)
        if (randomSeed != 0)

        // decide which room to start in
        WorldTile startRoom = GetPrimStartRoom();

//		startRoom.SetColor( Color.green );

        // start with all walls adjacent to the random room
        List <WorldTile> adjacentRootWalls = GetAdjacentRootTiles(startRoom.Col, startRoom.Row, WorldTileType.Wall);


        // color the initial set just for debug fun
//		for ( int i = 0; i < adjacentRootWalls.Count; i++ )
//		{
//			adjacentRootWalls[i].SetColor( Color.yellow );
//			List<WorldTile> adjacentChildWalls = adjacentRootWalls[i].GetChildrenTiles();
//			if ( adjacentChildWalls != null )
//			{
//				for ( int n = 0; n < adjacentChildWalls.Count; n++ )
//					adjacentChildWalls[n].SetColor( new Color( 1f, 1f, 0.5f ) );
//			}
//		}

        // keep searching as long as we have walls in the queue
        int step = 0;

        while (_listWalls.Count > 0)
            // decide which wall to process next
            WorldTile        nextWall        = GetPrimNextWall();
            List <WorldTile> randomWallGroup = nextWall.GetTileGroup();

            // find all rooms next to the wall
            List <WorldTile> adjacentRooms = GetAdjacentRootTiles(nextWall.Col, nextWall.Row, WorldTileType.Room);

            // check if we found more than one room
            if (adjacentRooms.Count >= 2)
                // check if any of those rooms aren't yet part of the main path
                List <WorldTile> unvisitedRooms = new List <WorldTile>();
                for (int i = 0; i < adjacentRooms.Count; i++)
                    if (!_listRooms.Contains(adjacentRooms[i]))

                // check if we have exactly one adjacent room that isn't part of the main path
                if (unvisitedRooms.Count == 1)
                    // open the wall
                    for (int i = 0; i < randomWallGroup.Count; i++)

                    // add the room to the main path

                    // color the processed room for debugging
//					List<Tile> unvisitedGroup = unvisitedRooms[0].GetTileGroup();
//					for ( int n = 0; n < unvisitedGroup.Count; n++ )
//					{
//						float color = 1f - ( (float)step * 0.001f );
//						unvisitedGroup[n].SetColor( new Color( 0f, color, 0f ) );
//					}

                    // and any newly discovered walls to the queue
                    adjacentRootWalls = GetAdjacentRootTiles(unvisitedRooms[0].Col, unvisitedRooms[0].Row, WorldTileType.Wall);
                    for (int i = 0; i < adjacentRootWalls.Count; i++)
                        if (!_listWalls.Contains(adjacentRootWalls[i]))

//			if ( nextWall.TileType == WorldTileType.Wall )
//			{
//				for ( int i = 0; i < randomWallGroup.Count; i++ )
//					randomWallGroup[i].SetColor( WorldTile.GetTileColor( WorldTileType.Pillar ) );
//			}

            // we are done processing this wall, remove it from the queue

            // color the walls we removed
//			for ( int i = 0; i < randomWallGroup.Count; i++ )
//			{
//				if ( randomWallGroup[i].TileType == WorldTileType.Wall )
//					randomWallGroup[i].SetColor( WorldTile.GetTileColor(WorldTileType.Pillar));
//			}

            // frame limiting
            int stepRate = Mathf.FloorToInt(_generationRate * (2 + ((float)_numCols / 16)));
            if (step % stepRate == 0)
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());