コード例 #1
ファイル: WinFormsWiaTransfer.cs プロジェクト: lapuinka/naps2
 public Stream Transfer(int pageNumber, WiaBackgroundEventLoop eventLoop, string format)
     if (pageNumber == 1)
         // The only downside of the common dialog is that it steals focus.
         // If this is the first page, then the user has just pressed the scan button, so that's not
         // an issue and we can use it and get the benefits of progress display and immediate cancellation.
         ImageFile imageFile = eventLoop.GetSync(wia =>
             (ImageFile)new CommonDialogClass().ShowTransfer(wia.Item, format));
         if (imageFile == null)
             return null;
         return new MemoryStream((byte[])imageFile.FileData.get_BinaryData());
     // For subsequent pages, we don't want to take focus in case the user has switched applications,
     // so we use the custom form.
     var form = formFactory.Create<FScanProgress>();
     form.PageNumber = pageNumber;
     form.EventLoop = eventLoop;
     form.Format = format;
     if (form.Exception != null)
         throw form.Exception;
     if (form.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel)
         return null;
     return form.ImageStream;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ConsoleWiaTransfer.cs プロジェクト: lapuinka/naps2
 public Stream Transfer(int pageNumber, WiaBackgroundEventLoop eventLoop, string format)
     // The console shouldn't spawn new forms, so use the silent transfer method.
     ImageFile imageFile = eventLoop.GetSync(wia => (ImageFile)wia.Item.Transfer(format));
     if (imageFile == null)
         return null;
     return new MemoryStream((byte[])imageFile.FileData.get_BinaryData());
コード例 #3
ファイル: WiaScanDriver.cs プロジェクト: lapuinka/naps2
 protected override IEnumerable<IScannedImage> ScanInternal()
     using (var eventLoop = new WiaBackgroundEventLoop(ScanProfile, ScanDevice, threadFactory))
         bool supportsFeeder = eventLoop.GetSync(wia => WiaApi.DeviceSupportsFeeder(wia.Device));
         if (ScanProfile.PaperSource != ScanSource.Glass && !supportsFeeder)
             throw new NoFeederSupportException();
         bool supportsDuplex = eventLoop.GetSync(wia => WiaApi.DeviceSupportsDuplex(wia.Device));
         if (ScanProfile.PaperSource == ScanSource.Duplex && !supportsDuplex)
             throw new NoDuplexSupportException();
         int pageNumber = 1;
         while (true)
             IScannedImage image;
                 image = TransferImage(eventLoop, pageNumber++);
             catch (ScanDriverException)
             catch (Exception e)
                 throw new ScanDriverUnknownException(e);
             if (image == null)
             yield return image;
             if (ScanProfile.PaperSource == ScanSource.Glass)
コード例 #4
ファイル: WiaScanDriver.cs プロジェクト: v0id24/naps2
 private ScannedImage TransferImage(WiaBackgroundEventLoop eventLoop, int pageNumber, out bool cancel)
         // TODO: Use the NoUI flag uniformly
         var transfer = ScanParams.NoUI ? new ConsoleWiaTransfer() : wiaTransfer;
         using (var stream = transfer.Transfer(pageNumber, eventLoop, WiaApi.Formats.BMP))
             if (stream == null)
                 cancel = true;
                 return null;
             cancel = false;
             using (Image output = Image.FromStream(stream))
                 using (var result = ScannedImageHelper.PostProcessStep1(output, ScanProfile))
                     if (blankDetector.ExcludePage(result, ScanProfile))
                         return null;
                     ScanBitDepth bitDepth = ScanProfile.UseNativeUI ? ScanBitDepth.C24Bit : ScanProfile.BitDepth;
                     var image = new ScannedImage(result, bitDepth, ScanProfile.MaxQuality, ScanProfile.Quality);
                     ScannedImageHelper.PostProcessStep2(image, ScanProfile);
                     return image;
     catch (COMException e)
         if ((uint)e.ErrorCode == WiaApi.Errors.OUT_OF_PAPER)
             if (ScanProfile.PaperSource != ScanSource.Glass && pageNumber == 1)
                 throw new NoPagesException();
             cancel = true;
             return null;
         else if ((uint)e.ErrorCode == WiaApi.Errors.OFFLINE)
             throw new DeviceOfflineException();
             throw new ScanDriverUnknownException(e);
コード例 #5
ファイル: WiaScanDriver.cs プロジェクト: cyanfish/naps2
 protected override IEnumerable<ScannedImage> ScanInternal()
     using (var eventLoop = new WiaBackgroundEventLoop(ScanProfile, ScanDevice, threadFactory))
         bool supportsFeeder = eventLoop.GetSync(wia => WiaApi.DeviceSupportsFeeder(wia.Device));
         if (ScanProfile.PaperSource != ScanSource.Glass && !supportsFeeder)
             throw new NoFeederSupportException();
         bool supportsDuplex = eventLoop.GetSync(wia => WiaApi.DeviceSupportsDuplex(wia.Device));
         if (ScanProfile.PaperSource == ScanSource.Duplex && !supportsDuplex)
             throw new NoDuplexSupportException();
         int pageNumber = 1;
         int retryCount = 0;
         bool retry = false;
         bool cancel = false;
             ScannedImage image;
                 image = TransferImage(eventLoop, pageNumber, out cancel);
                 Debug.WriteLine("Succeeded with retry count {0}", retryCount);
                 retryCount = 0;
                 retry = false;
             catch (ScanDriverException e)
                 if (e.InnerException is COMException && (uint)((COMException) e.InnerException).ErrorCode == 0x80004005 && retryCount < 10)
                     retryCount += 1;
                     Debug.WriteLine("Retrying {0}", retryCount);
                     retry = true;
             catch (Exception e)
                 throw new ScanDriverUnknownException(e);
             if (image != null)
                 yield return image;
         } while (retry || (!cancel && ScanProfile.PaperSource != ScanSource.Glass));
コード例 #6
ファイル: WiaScanDriver.cs プロジェクト: cyanfish/naps2
 private ScannedImage TransferImage(WiaBackgroundEventLoop eventLoop, int pageNumber, out bool cancel)
         var transfer = ScanParams.NoUI ? backgroundWiaTransfer : foregroundWiaTransfer;
         ChaosMonkey.MaybeError(0.5, new COMException("Fail", -2147467259));
         using (var stream = transfer.Transfer(pageNumber, eventLoop, WiaApi.Formats.BMP))
             if (stream == null)
                 cancel = true;
                 return null;
             cancel = false;
             using (Image output = Image.FromStream(stream))
                 using (var result = ScannedImageHelper.PostProcessStep1(output, ScanProfile))
                     if (blankDetector.ExcludePage(result, ScanProfile))
                         return null;
                     ScanBitDepth bitDepth = ScanProfile.UseNativeUI ? ScanBitDepth.C24Bit : ScanProfile.BitDepth;
                     var image = new ScannedImage(result, bitDepth, ScanProfile.MaxQuality, ScanProfile.Quality);
                     ScannedImageHelper.PostProcessStep2(image, result, ScanProfile, ScanParams, pageNumber);
                     return image;
     catch (NoPagesException)
         if (ScanProfile.PaperSource != ScanSource.Glass && pageNumber == 1)
             // No pages were in the feeder, so show the user an error
             throw new NoPagesException();
         // At least one page was scanned but now the feeder is empty, so exit normally
         cancel = true;
         return null;
     catch (ScanDriverException)
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new ScanDriverUnknownException(e);
コード例 #7
ファイル: WiaScanDriver.cs プロジェクト: hunor42/naps2
        private IScannedImage TransferImage(WiaBackgroundEventLoop eventLoop, int pageNumber)
                using (var stream = wiaTransfer.Transfer(pageNumber, eventLoop, WiaApi.Formats.BMP))
                    if (stream == null)
                        // User cancelled
                        return null;
                    using (Image output = Image.FromStream(stream))
                        double scaleFactor = 1;
                        if (!ScanSettings.UseNativeUI)
                            scaleFactor = ScanSettings.AfterScanScale.ToIntScaleFactor();

                        using (var result = ImageScaleHelper.ScaleImage(output, scaleFactor))
                            ScanBitDepth bitDepth = ScanSettings.UseNativeUI ? ScanBitDepth.C24Bit : ScanSettings.BitDepth;
                            return scannedImageFactory.Create(result, bitDepth, ScanSettings.MaxQuality);
            catch (COMException e)
                if ((uint)e.ErrorCode == WiaApi.Errors.OUT_OF_PAPER)
                    if (ScanSettings.PaperSource != ScanSource.Glass && pageNumber == 1)
                        throw new NoPagesException();
                    return null;
                else if ((uint)e.ErrorCode == WiaApi.Errors.OFFLINE)
                    throw new DeviceOfflineException();
                    throw new ScanDriverUnknownException(e);