コード例 #1
ファイル: Account.cs プロジェクト: fgma75/epiinfo
        private void NotifyAdminAccountCreation(AdminBO AdminBO, OrganizationBO Organization)
            string NotifyAdmin = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NOTIFY_ADMIN_IS_ENABLED"];
            string AdminEmail  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NOTIFY_ADMIN_EMAIL"];

            string strOrgKeyDecrypted = Epi.Web.Common.Security.Cryptography.Decrypt(Organization.OrganizationKey.ToString());
            // List<AdminBO> AdminBOList = new List<AdminBO>();
            List <string> AdminList = new List <string>();

            if (NotifyAdmin.ToUpper() == "TRUE")

            //AdminBOList = GetOrganizationAdmins(SurveyInfo);
            //foreach (var item in AdminBOList)
            //    {
            //  AdminList.Add(item.AdminEmail);
            //    }

            Epi.Web.Common.Email.Email Email = new Web.Common.Email.Email();
            Email.Body    = "Organization Name:" + Organization.Organization + "\nOrganization Key: " + strOrgKeyDecrypted + "\nAdmin Email: " + AdminBO.AdminEmail + "\n\nThank you.";
            Email.From    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EMAIL_FROM"];
            Email.To      = AdminList;
            Email.Subject = "An organization account has been created.";
            if (AdminList.Count() > 0)
                bool success = Epi.Web.Common.Email.EmailHandler.SendMessage(Email);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Admin.cs プロジェクト: zlmone/epi-info-web
        public void SendEmailToAdmins(SurveyInfoBO SurveyInfo)
            List <AdminBO> AdminBOList = new  List <AdminBO>();
            List <string>  AdminList   = new List <string>();

            AdminBOList = GetOrganizationAdmins(SurveyInfo);
            foreach (var item in AdminBOList)

            Epi.Web.Common.Email.Email Email = new Web.Common.Email.Email();
            Email.Body    = "The following survey has been promoted to FINAL mode:\n Title:" + SurveyInfo.SurveyName + " \n Survey ID:" + SurveyInfo.SurveyId + " \nOrganization:" + SurveyInfo.OrganizationName + "\n Start Date & Time:" + SurveyInfo.StartDate + "\n Closing Date & Time:" + SurveyInfo.ClosingDate + " \n \n \n  Thank you.";
            Email.From    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EMAIL_FROM"];
            Email.To      = AdminList;
            Email.Subject = "Survey -" + SurveyInfo.SurveyName + " has been promoted to FINAL";
            bool success = Epi.Web.Common.Email.EmailHandler.SendMessage(Email);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Account.cs プロジェクト: fgma75/epiinfo
        private void EmailApplicant(AdminBO AdminBO, OrganizationBO Organization)
            string        AdminEmail          = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SYSTEM_ADMIN_EMAIL"];
            string        ApplicantValidation = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["APPLICANT_VALIDATION_IS_ENABLED"];
            List <string> AdminList           = new List <string>();
            string        strOrgKeyDecrypted  = Epi.Web.Common.Security.Cryptography.Decrypt(Organization.OrganizationKey.ToString());

            if (ApplicantValidation.ToUpper() == "FALSE")

            StringBuilder Body = new StringBuilder();

            Body.Append("Organization Name:" + Organization.Organization + "\nOrganization Key: " + strOrgKeyDecrypted);
            Body.Append("\n\nPlease follow the steps below in order to start publishing  forms to the web.");
            Body.Append("\n\tStep 1:Download and install the latest version of Epi Info™ 7 from:" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EPI_INFO_DOWNLOAD_URL"]);
            Body.Append("\n\tStep 2:On the Main Menu, click on “Tools” and select “Options”");
            Body.Append("\n\tStep 3:On the Options dialog, click on the “Web Survey” Tab.");
            Body.Append("\n\tStep 4:On the Web Survey tab, enter the following information.");

            Body.Append("\n\t\t-Endpoint Address:" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ENDPOINT_ADDRESS"] + "\n\t\t-Connect using Windows Authentication:  " + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WINDOW_AUTHENTICATION"]);
            Body.Append("\n\t\t-Binding Protocol:" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BINDING_PROTOCOL"]);

            Body.Append("\n\tStep 5:Click “OK’ button.");
            Body.Append("\n\tOrganization key provided here is to be used in Epi Info™ 7 during publish process.");
            Body.Append("\n\nPlease contact the system administrator " + AdminEmail + " for any questions.");
            Body.Append("\n\nThank you.");

            Epi.Web.Common.Email.Email Email = new Web.Common.Email.Email();
            Email.Body    = Body.ToString();
            Email.From    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EMAIL_FROM"];
            Email.To      = AdminList;
            Email.Subject = "An account for your organization has been created. Please refer to details below.";

            if (AdminList.Count() > 0)
                bool success = Epi.Web.Common.Email.EmailHandler.SendMessage(Email);