コード例 #1
        public Wall EntityToWall(WallEntity toConvert)
            Point origin = new Point(toConvert.BeginningX, toConvert.BeginningY);
            Point end    = new Point(toConvert.EndX, toConvert.EndY);

            return(new Wall(origin, end));
コード例 #2
ファイル: EntityManager.cs プロジェクト: Jedi18/Darkness
    // assumes cell has been checked for any containing entities
    public void AddWallEntity(Cell cell)
        ICellEntity ent = new WallEntity(cell);

        entities[cell.GetCellIndexX(), cell.GetCellIndexY()] = ent;
        GameObject go = Instantiate(prefabs[0], new Vector3(cell.getCenterPosition().x, cell.getCenterPosition().y, -2), Quaternion.identity);

        ent.gameObject = go;
コード例 #3
            /// <summary>
            /// When overridden in the derived class, handles drawing to the map after all of the map drawing finishes.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="map">The map the drawing is taking place on.</param>
            /// <param name="spriteBatch">The <see cref="ISpriteBatch"/> to draw to.</param>
            /// <param name="camera">The <see cref="ICamera2D"/> that describes the view of the map being drawn.</param>
            protected override void HandleDrawAfterMap(IDrawableMap map, ISpriteBatch spriteBatch, ICamera2D camera)
                var p = Parent;

                if (p == null)

                // Ensure the map is valid
                var clientMap = map as EditorMap;

                if (clientMap == null)

                var viewArea = camera.GetViewArea();

                // Draw the walls
                if (p.DrawWalls)
                    var visibleWalls = map.Spatial.GetMany <WallEntityBase>(viewArea);
                    foreach (var wall in visibleWalls)
                        EntityDrawer.Draw(spriteBatch, camera, wall);

                // Draw the MapGrh walls
                if (p.DrawMapGrhWalls)
                    var mapGrhWalls = GlobalState.Instance.MapGrhWalls;
                    var toDraw      = clientMap.Spatial.GetMany <MapGrh>(viewArea);
                    var tmpWall     = new WallEntity(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero);

                    foreach (var mg in toDraw)
                        var boundWalls = mapGrhWalls[mg.Grh.GrhData];
                        if (boundWalls == null)

                        foreach (var wall in boundWalls)
                            tmpWall.Size       = wall.Size != Vector2.Zero ? wall.Size * mg.Scale : mg.Size;
                            tmpWall.Position   = mg.Position + (wall.Position * mg.Scale);
                            tmpWall.IsPlatform = wall.IsPlatform;
                            EntityDrawer.Draw(spriteBatch, camera, tmpWall);
コード例 #4
ファイル: GlobalState.cs プロジェクト: wtfcolt/game
        void RebuildMapGrhWalls(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <GrhData, GrhData.FileTags> > grhDataFileTags)

            foreach (var kvp in grhDataFileTags)
                if (kvp.Value.Walls == null || kvp.Value.Walls.Count == 0)

                List <WallEntityBase> wallList = new List <WallEntityBase>();
                GrhData gd = kvp.Key;

                // Create the wall entities
                foreach (var wallInfo in kvp.Value.Walls)
                    GrhData.BoundWallType wallType = wallInfo.Item1;
                    Rectangle?            area     = wallInfo.Item2;

                    Vector2 position;
                    Vector2 size;

                    if (area.HasValue)
                        position = new Vector2(area.Value.X, area.Value.Y);
                        size     = new Vector2(area.Value.Width, area.Value.Height);
                        position = Vector2.Zero;
                        size     = Vector2.Zero;

                    if (wallType == GrhData.BoundWallType.Solid || wallType == GrhData.BoundWallType.Platform)
                        WallEntity wall = new WallEntity(position, size)
                            IsPlatform = wallType == GrhData.BoundWallType.Platform

                // If there are any walls, trim the list and set it
                if (wallList.Count > 0)
                    MapGrhWalls[gd] = wallList;
コード例 #5
        public WallEntity WallToEntity(Wall toConvert, BlueprintEntity bearer)
            WallEntity conversion = new WallEntity()
                BeginningX      = toConvert.Beginning().CoordX,
                BeginningY      = toConvert.Beginning().CoordY,
                EndX            = toConvert.End().CoordX,
                EndY            = toConvert.End().CoordY,
                Height          = toConvert.Height(),
                Width           = toConvert.Width(),
                BearerBlueprint = bearer

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles when the mouse button is raised on a map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The <see cref="IToolTargetMapContainer"/> the event came from. Cannot be null.</param>
        /// <param name="map">The <see cref="EditorMap"/>. Cannot be null.</param>
        /// <param name="camera">The <see cref="ICamera2D"/>. Cannot be null.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data. Cannot be null.</param>
        protected override void MapContainer_MouseDown(IToolTargetMapContainer sender, EditorMap map, ICamera2D camera,
                                                       MouseEventArgs e)
            var cursorPos = e.Position();
            var worldPos  = camera.ToWorld(cursorPos);

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                var entity = new WallEntity(worldPos, new Vector2(4));



            base.MapContainer_MouseDown(sender, map, camera, e);
コード例 #7
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = "api/Generate/Image")] HttpRequestMessage request, TraceWriter log, ExecutionContext context)
            if (IsAuthenticated)
                auth = request.GetAuthInfoAsync(log).Result;

            log.Info("Is Authenticated: " + IsAuthenticated);

            //We can zip a bunch of them
            var generator = new UrlGenerator(new Uri(QrCodeUrl), 1);
            var guid      = generator.Guids.First();

            //Create Blob/Table references
            var wallPath = string.Format($"{guid.ToString("N")}/wall");

            var wallblob = BlobStorage.GetBlob(Constants.BlobContainerNames.Wall, wallPath);

            var contents = new WallEntity(new Message()
                Text = Constants.Default.Wall.WelcomeMessage, Username = Constants.Default.Wall.User

            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contents);


            if (IsAuthenticated)
                var name   = auth.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.Name).Value;
                var nameId = auth.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
                var user   = new Users(name, nameId);
                TableStorage.Insert(Constants.TableNames.Users, user);

                var trackedWall = new Tracked(nameId, guid.ToString("N"));
                TableStorage.Insert(Constants.TableNames.Tracked, trackedWall);

            var urls = generator.ToUri();

            var bitmap = new QrCode().GenerateImage(urls.First(), 10);

            var ms = new MemoryStream();

            bitmap.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);

            var logoPath   = context.FunctionAppDirectory + logoLocation;
            var footerPath = context.FunctionAppDirectory + footerLocation;
            var logo       = new Logo(logoPath);
            var footer     = new Logo(footerPath);

            ms.Position = 0;

            var qrCodeWithLogo = logo.Image.AppendImage(Image.FromStream(ms), 10, 10);

            ms.Position = 0;

            var footerImage = qrCodeWithLogo.AppendImage(footer.Image, 0, 0);

            var result = footerImage.WriteText(guid.ToString("N").Substring(0, 5), new PointF(40, footerImage.Height - 160));

            var msreadathon = new MemoryStream();

            ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            Encoder           myEncoder           = Encoder.Quality;
            EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
            EncoderParameter  myEncoderParameter  = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, 100L);

            myEncoderParameters.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter;

            result.Save(msreadathon, jpgEncoder, myEncoderParameters);

            //Save image to blob
            var qrCodePath = string.Format($"{guid.ToString("N")}/qrCode");

            var container = BlobStorage.GetContainer(Constants.BlobContainerNames.Wall);

            var qrCodeBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(qrCodePath);

            qrCodeBlob.Properties.ContentType = "image/png";

            ms.Position = 0;


            log.Info("Image uploaded to: " + qrCodeBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri);

            var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);

            response.Content = new ByteArrayContent(msreadathon.ToArray());
            response.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition          = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue(CONTENT_DISPOSITION_TYPE);
            response.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName = FILENAME;
            response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(MEDIA_TYPE);
コード例 #8
            private static Entity JSONToEntity(Level level, JToken entity, List <Action> delayedParseActions)
                var entityType = entity["Type"]?.ToObject <EntityTypes>();

                if (entityType == null)
                    throw new InvalidSerializedContentException($"Invalid entity type specified [{entityType}]");

                var entityX = entity.Value <int>("X");

                if (entityX < 0 || entityX >= level.LevelWidth)
                    throw new InvalidSerializedContentException($"Invalid entity X specified [{entityX}]");

                var entityY = entity.Value <int>("Y");

                if (entityY < 0 || entityY >= level.LevelHeight)
                    throw new InvalidSerializedContentException($"Invalid entity Y specified [{entityY}]");

                switch (entityType.Value)
                case EntityTypes.Pit:
                case EntityTypes.HaltTile:
                case EntityTypes.FinishFlag:
                case EntityTypes.JumpTile:
                    var genericEntity = new StaticEntity(entityType.Value, level.GetNextEntityID(), entityX, entityY);

                case EntityTypes.Wall:
                    var adjacentWalls = entity.Value <byte>("AdjacentWalls");
                    var wallEntity    = new WallEntity(level.GetNextEntityID(), entityX, entityY, adjacentWalls);

                case EntityTypes.RedirectTile:
                    var redirectDir = entity.Value <int>("RedirectDir");
                    if (redirectDir < 0 || redirectDir > 3)
                        throw new InvalidSerializedContentException($"Invalid redirect direction [{redirectDir}]");
                    var redirectEntity = new RedirectTile(level.GetNextEntityID(), entityX, entityY, redirectDir);

                case EntityTypes.Portal:
                    var portalTargetX = entity["PortalTarget"]?.Value <int>("X");
                    var portalTargetY = entity["PortalTarget"]?.Value <int>("Y");

                    if (!portalTargetX.HasValue || portalTargetX < 0 || portalTargetX >= level.LevelWidth)
                        throw new InvalidSerializedContentException($"Invalid portal target X specified [{portalTargetX}]");
                    if (!portalTargetY.HasValue || portalTargetY < 0 || portalTargetY >= level.LevelHeight)
                        throw new InvalidSerializedContentException($"Invalid portal target Y specified [{portalTargetY}]");

                    var portalEntity = new PortalEntity(level.GetNextEntityID(), entityX, entityY, new IntVector2(portalTargetX.Value, portalTargetY.Value));

                case EntityTypes.Player:
                    var playerEntity = new PlayerEntity(-(level.PlayerEntities.Count + 1), entityX, entityY);

                case EntityTypes.SlidingCrate:
                    var slidingCrateEntity = new SlidingCrate(level.GetNextEntityID(), entityX, entityY);

                case EntityTypes.WireButton:
                    var buttonMode = entity["Mode"]?.ToObject <WireButtonEntity.ButtonModes>();
                    if (buttonMode == null)
                        throw new InvalidSerializedContentException($"Invalid button mode specified [{buttonMode}]");

                    var wireButtonEntity = new WireButtonEntity(level.GetNextEntityID(), entityX, entityY, buttonMode.Value);
                    delayedParseActions.Add(() =>
                        var wireInteractionsJSON = (JArray)entity["Wire"];
                        if (wireInteractionsJSON == null || wireInteractionsJSON.Count < 1)
                            throw new InvalidSerializedContentException($"Invalid wire interactions specified for [{wireButtonEntity.EntityType}] at [{wireButtonEntity.Position}]");
                        foreach (var wireInteractionJSON in wireInteractionsJSON)
                            var wireX = wireInteractionJSON.Value <int>("X");
                            if (wireX < 0 || wireX >= level.LevelWidth)
                                throw new InvalidSerializedContentException($"Invalid wire X specified [{wireX}]");

                            var wireY = wireInteractionJSON.Value <int>("Y");
                            if (wireY < 0 || wireY >= level.LevelHeight)
                                throw new InvalidSerializedContentException($"Invalid entity Y specified [{wireY}]");

                            var invert = wireInteractionJSON.Value <bool>("Invert");

                            var interactables = level
                                                .GetEntitiesAtPosition(wireX, wireY)
                                                .Where(i => i is IWireInteractable);
                            foreach (var interactable in interactables)
                                wireButtonEntity.WireInteractions.Add(new WireInteraction()
                                    Interactable = (IWireInteractable)interactable,
                                    Invert       = invert

                case EntityTypes.WireDoor:
                    var wireDoorEntity = new WireDoorEntity(level.GetNextEntityID(), entityX, entityY, false);

                case EntityTypes.Sushi:
                    var sushiEntity = new SushiEntity(level.GetNextEntityID(), entityX, entityY, true);

                case EntityTypes.None:

                    throw new NotSupportedException($"Entity type [{entityType}] is not parsable. Please implement JSON to entity.");
コード例 #9
ファイル: MapWallCursorTool.cs プロジェクト: wtfcolt/game
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles when the mouse button is raised on a map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The <see cref="IToolTargetMapContainer"/> the event came from. Cannot be null.</param>
        /// <param name="map">The <see cref="EditorMap"/>. Cannot be null.</param>
        /// <param name="camera">The <see cref="ICamera2D"/>. Cannot be null.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data. Cannot be null.</param>
        protected override void MapContainer_MouseDown(IToolTargetMapContainer sender, EditorMap map, ICamera2D camera, MouseEventArgs e)
            var cursorPos = e.Position();
            var worldPos = camera.ToWorld(cursorPos);

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                var ga = GridAligner.Instance;

                var entity = new WallEntity(worldPos, ga.GridSize);



            base.MapContainer_MouseDown(sender, map, camera, e);
コード例 #10
        public static HttpResponseMessage Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = "api/generate")] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
            if (IsAuthenticated)
                auth = req.GetAuthInfoAsync(log).Result;

            log.Info("Is Authenticated: " + IsAuthenticated);

            var queryTracked = req.GetQueryValue("tracked");

            var title = req.GetQueryValue("title");

            var queryLogo = req.GetQueryValue("logo");

            var queryLatitude = req.GetQueryValue("latitude");

            var queryLongitude = req.GetQueryValue("longitude");

            var queryWallToken = req.GetQueryValue("wallToken");

            var wallToken = DecryptWallToken(queryWallToken);

            var isTracked = Boolean.TryParse(queryTracked, out bool tracked);

            var logoParsed = Boolean.TryParse(queryTracked, out bool hasLogo);

            var isLatitude = double.TryParse(queryLatitude, out double latitude);

            var isLongitude = double.TryParse(queryLongitude, out double longitude);

            var isWallId = Guid.TryParse(wallToken, out Guid wallId);

            //There's no validation on the values
            if (!isTracked || !logoParsed || (!isLatitude && queryLatitude != null) || (!isLongitude && queryLongitude != null) || !isWallId)
                return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            var wallPath = string.Format($"{wallId.ToString("N")}/wall");

            var wallblob = BlobStorage.GetBlob(Constants.BlobContainerNames.Wall, wallPath);

            var contents = new WallEntity(new Message {
                Text = Constants.Default.Wall.WelcomeMessage, Username = Constants.Default.Wall.User

            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contents);


            var wall = new Walls(wallId.ToString("N"), latitude, longitude, title);

            TableStorage.Insert(Constants.TableNames.Walls, wall);

            var host = req.GetHost();

            var generator = new UrlGenerator(new Uri(host + path), 1);

            var uri = generator.ToUri().First();

            var bitmap = new QrCode().GenerateImage(uri, 50);

            var qrCodePath = string.Format($"{wallId.ToString("N")}/qrCode");

            var container = BlobStorage.GetContainer(Constants.BlobContainerNames.Wall);

            var qrCodeBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(qrCodePath);

            qrCodeBlob.Properties.ContentType = "image/jpeg";

            var ms = new MemoryStream();

            bitmap.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg);


            log.Info("Image uploaded to: " + qrCodeBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri);

            if (tracked && IsAuthenticated)
                var name   = auth.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.Name).Value;
                var nameId = auth.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
                var user   = new Users(name, nameId);
                TableStorage.Insert(Constants.TableNames.Users, user);

                var trackedWall = new Tracked(nameId, wallId.ToString("N"));
                TableStorage.Insert(Constants.TableNames.Tracked, trackedWall);

            if (tracked)
                return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Created = DateTime.UtcNow, WallId = wallId.ToString("N") }));
                return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Created = DateTime.UtcNow }));
コード例 #11
            /// <summary>
            /// When overridden in the derived class, handles drawing to the map after all of the map drawing finishes.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="map">The map the drawing is taking place on.</param>
            /// <param name="spriteBatch">The <see cref="ISpriteBatch"/> to draw to.</param>
            /// <param name="camera">The <see cref="ICamera2D"/> that describes the view of the map being drawn.</param>
            protected override void HandleDrawAfterMap(IDrawableMap map, ISpriteBatch spriteBatch, ICamera2D camera)
                var p = Parent;
                if (p == null)

                // Ensure the map is valid
                var clientMap = map as EditorMap;
                if (clientMap == null)

                var viewArea = camera.GetViewArea();

                // Draw the walls
                if (p.DrawWalls)
                    var visibleWalls = map.Spatial.GetMany<WallEntityBase>(viewArea);
                    foreach (var wall in visibleWalls)
                        EntityDrawer.Draw(spriteBatch, camera, wall);

                // Draw the MapGrh walls
                if (p.DrawMapGrhWalls)
                    var mapGrhWalls = GlobalState.Instance.MapGrhWalls;
                    var toDraw = clientMap.Spatial.GetMany<MapGrh>(viewArea);
                    var tmpWall = new WallEntity(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero);

                    foreach (var mg in toDraw)
                        var boundWalls = mapGrhWalls[mg.Grh.GrhData];
                        if (boundWalls == null)

                        foreach (var wall in boundWalls)
                            tmpWall.Size = wall.Size != Vector2.Zero ? wall.Size * mg.Scale : mg.Size;
                            tmpWall.Position = mg.Position + (wall.Position * mg.Scale);
                            tmpWall.IsPlatform = wall.IsPlatform;
                            EntityDrawer.Draw(spriteBatch, camera, tmpWall);
コード例 #12
ファイル: GlobalState.cs プロジェクト: wtfcolt/game
        void RebuildMapGrhWalls(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<GrhData, GrhData.FileTags>> grhDataFileTags)

            foreach (var kvp in grhDataFileTags)
                if (kvp.Value.Walls == null || kvp.Value.Walls.Count == 0)

                List<WallEntityBase> wallList = new List<WallEntityBase>();
                GrhData gd = kvp.Key;

                // Create the wall entities
                foreach (var wallInfo in kvp.Value.Walls)
                    GrhData.BoundWallType wallType = wallInfo.Item1;
                    Rectangle? area = wallInfo.Item2;

                    Vector2 position;
                    Vector2 size;

                    if (area.HasValue)
                        position = new Vector2(area.Value.X, area.Value.Y);
                        size = new Vector2(area.Value.Width, area.Value.Height);
                        position = Vector2.Zero;
                        size = Vector2.Zero;

                    if (wallType == GrhData.BoundWallType.Solid || wallType == GrhData.BoundWallType.Platform)
                        WallEntity wall = new WallEntity(position, size) { IsPlatform = wallType == GrhData.BoundWallType.Platform };

                // If there are any walls, trim the list and set it
                if (wallList.Count > 0)
                    MapGrhWalls[gd] = wallList;
コード例 #13
ファイル: GameplayScreen.cs プロジェクト: milesgray/resatiate
        void BuyWallMenuEntrySelected(object sender, PlayerIndexEventArgs e)
            if (Tile_Engine.SelectedTile.IsBlocked == false &&
                Tile_Engine.SelectedTile.DrawEntityList.Count() == 1 &&
                this.player_CurrentGold >= WallEntity.GoldCost &&
                this.player_CurrentEnergy >= WallEntity.EnergyCost)
                Tile_Engine.PlayerEntity.Gold -= WallEntity.GoldCost;
                Tile_Engine.PlayerEntity.Energy -= WallEntity.EnergyCost;

                WallEntity entity = new WallEntity(Tile_Engine.SelectedTile,
                    wallTexture[random.Next(0, 2)],
