コード例 #1
ファイル: TallyOutput.cs プロジェクト: FairFolk/NetTally
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the list of all voters for a given winning option, along with
        /// the ranking they gave that option.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskName">The name of the task.</param>
        /// <param name="choice">The name of the choice selected.</param>
        private void AddRankedVoters(string taskName, string choice)
            var votes  = VoteCounter.Instance.GetVotesCollection(VoteType.Rank);
            var voters = VoteCounter.Instance.GetVotersCollection(VoteType.Rank);

            var whoVoted = from v in votes
                           where Agnostic.StringComparer.Equals(VoteString.GetVoteTask(v.Key), taskName) &&
                           Agnostic.StringComparer.Equals(VoteString.GetVoteContent(v.Key), choice)
                           select new { marker = VoteString.GetVoteMarker(v.Key), voters = v.Value };

            var whoDidNotVote = from v in voters
                                where whoVoted.Any(a => a.voters.Contains(v.Key)) == false
                                select v.Key;

            using (new Spoiler(sb, "Voters", DisplayMode == DisplayMode.SpoilerVoters || DisplayMode == DisplayMode.SpoilerAll))
                foreach (var mark in whoVoted.OrderBy(a => a.marker))
                    var sortedVoters = mark.voters.OrderBy(a => a);
                    foreach (var voter in sortedVoters)
                        AddVoter(voter, VoteType.Rank, mark.marker);

                foreach (var nonVoter in whoDidNotVote.OrderBy(a => a))
                    AddVoter(nonVoter, VoteType.Rank, "-");

コード例 #2
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            if (x == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(x));
            if (y == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(y));

            string xs = x as string;

            if (xs == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Parameter x is not a string.");

            string ys = y as string;

            if (ys == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Parameter y is not a string.");

            string   marker   = VoteString.GetVoteMarker(xs);
            VoteType voteType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(marker) ? VoteType.Rank : VoteType.Plan;

            string compX = VoteString.GetVoteTask(xs, voteType) + " " + VoteString.GetVoteContent(xs, voteType);
            string compY = VoteString.GetVoteTask(ys, voteType) + " " + VoteString.GetVoteContent(ys, voteType);

            int result = string.Compare(compX, compY, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

コード例 #3
        public static IEnumerable <RankGroupedVoters> GroupByVoteAndRank(GroupedVotesByTask task)
            var res = task.GroupBy(vote => VoteString.GetVoteContent(vote.Key), Agnostic.StringComparer)
                      .Select(votes => new RankGroupedVoters {
                VoteContent = votes.Key,
                Ranks       = from v in votes
                              group v by VoteString.GetVoteMarker(v.Key) into vr
                              select new RankedVoters {
                    Rank = int.Parse(vr.Key), Voters = vr.SelectMany(a => a.Value)

コード例 #4
        public static IEnumerable <VoterRankings> GroupByVoterAndRank(GroupedVotesByTask task)
            var res = from vote in task
                      from voter in vote.Value
                      group vote by voter into voters
                      select new VoterRankings
                Voter       = voters.Key,
                RankedVotes = (from v in voters
                               select new RankedVote
                    Rank = int.Parse(VoteString.GetVoteMarker(v.Key)),
                    Vote = VoteString.GetVoteContent(v.Key)

コード例 #5
        public void GetVoteMarkerTest()
            string line1 = "[x] Vote for stuff";
            string line2 = "-[X] Vote for stuff";
            string line3 = "[✓][major] Vote for stuff";
            string line4 = "-[ ✔][ animal] Vote for stuff";

            Assert.AreEqual("x", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
            Assert.AreEqual("X", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line2));
            Assert.AreEqual("✓", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line3));
            Assert.AreEqual("✔", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line4));

            // + is no longer valid
            line1 = "-[+] Vote for stuff";
            Assert.AreEqual("", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
            line1 = "[a] Vote for stuff";
            Assert.AreEqual("", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
            line1 = "[k] Vote for stuff";
            Assert.AreEqual("", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
            line1 = "[jk] Vote for stuff";
            Assert.AreEqual("", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
            line1 = "[xx] Vote for stuff";
            Assert.AreEqual("", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
            line1 = "[O] Vote for stuff";
            Assert.AreEqual("", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
            line1 = "[o] Vote for stuff";
            Assert.AreEqual("", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
            line1 = "[-] Vote for stuff";
            Assert.AreEqual("", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
            line1 = "[=] Vote for stuff";
            Assert.AreEqual("", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
            line1 = "[@] Vote for stuff";
            Assert.AreEqual("", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
            line1 = "[q] Vote for stuff";
            Assert.AreEqual("", VoteString.GetVoteMarker(line1));
コード例 #6
ファイル: PostComponents.cs プロジェクト: FairFolk/NetTally
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes the full vote string list of the vote and breaks it
        /// into base plans, regular vote lines, and ranked vote lines.
        /// Store in the local object properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="voteStrings">The list of all the lines in the vote post.</param>
        private void SeparateVoteStrings(List <string> voteStrings)
            BasePlans = new List <IGrouping <string, string> >();
            List <string> consolidatedLines = new List <string>();

            // Group blocks based on parent vote lines (no prefix).
            // Key for each block is the parent vote line.
            var voteBlocks = voteStrings.GroupAdjacentToPreviousKey(
                (s) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(VoteString.GetVotePrefix(s)),
                (s) => s,
                (s) => s);

            bool addBasePlans = true;

            foreach (var block in voteBlocks)
                if (addBasePlans)
                    if (block.Count() > 1)
                        string planName = VoteString.GetPlanName(block.Key, basePlan: true);

                        if (planName != null && !VoteCounter.Instance.ReferenceVoters.Contains(planName, Agnostic.StringComparer))
                addBasePlans = false;


            RankLines = new List <string>();
            VoteLines = new List <string>();

            foreach (var line in consolidatedLines)
                if (VoteString.IsRankedVote(line))

            // If we have ranked vote options, make sure we don't have duplicate entries,
            // or the same option voted on different ranks.
            if (RankLines.Count > 0)
                var groupRankLinesMulti = RankLines.GroupBy(line => VoteString.GetVoteContent(line), Agnostic.StringComparer)
                                          .Where(group => group.Count() > 1);

                // If there are any, remove all but the top ranked option.
                foreach (var lineGroup in groupRankLinesMulti)
                    var topOption    = lineGroup.MinObject(a => VoteString.GetVoteMarker(a));
                    var otherOptions = lineGroup.Where(a => a != topOption).ToList();

                    foreach (string otherOption in otherOptions)