コード例 #1
 private void ProcessPageNotes(VideoCreate model)
     for (int i = 0; i < model.Notes.Count; i++)
         if (model.Notes[i].Content == null)
             model.Notes[i].Content = string.Empty;
コード例 #2
 public IActionResult Create([FromBody] VideoCreate data)
         var        userData = jwtService.ParseData(this.User);
         VideoIndex result   = videoService.Create(data, userData.UserId);
     catch (ServiceException e)
コード例 #3
        // Create
        public bool AddVideo(VideoCreate model)
            var entity =
                new Video()
                UserId      = _userId,
                Description = model.Description,
                URL         = ReformatYoutubeURL(model.URL),
                WordId      = _wordId

            return(_context.SaveChanges() == 1);
コード例 #4
        public ActionResult Create(int languageId, int wordId, VideoCreate model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var service = CreateVideoService(wordId);

            if (service.AddVideo(model))
                TempData["SaveResult"] = "Video was added successfully.";
                return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Word", new { languageId, id = wordId }));

            ModelState.AddModelError("", "Video was not added.");
コード例 #5
ファイル: RestTests.cs プロジェクト: Nikismyname/Momento
        public void GetVideoForEditShouldReturnCorrectResult()
            var video = VideoS.SeedVideosToUserWithNotes(context, UserS.GoshoId, true);
            Func <VideoCreate> function = () => this.videoService.GetVideoForEdit(video.Id, UserS.GoshoUsername);
            var result = function.Invoke();

            var dbNote0 = video.Notes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Order == 0);
            var dbNote1 = video.Notes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Order == 1);
            var dbNote2 = video.Notes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Order == 2);

            var pageNote0 = MapVideoNoteToNoteCreate(dbNote0);
            var pageNote1 = MapVideoNoteToNoteCreate(dbNote1);
            var pageNote2 = MapVideoNoteToNoteCreate(dbNote2);

            pageNote0.Level = 1;
            pageNote1.Level = 2;
            pageNote2.Level = 1;

            pageNote1.InPageParentId = pageNote0.InPageId;

            var expectedResult = new VideoCreate
                Description = video.Description,
                DirectoryId = video.DirectoryId,
                Id          = video.Id,
                Name        = video.Name,
                Order       = video.Order,
                SeekTo      = video.SeekTo,
                Url         = video.Url,
                Notes       = new List <VideoNoteCreate> {
                    pageNote0, pageNote1, pageNote2

コード例 #6
ファイル: VideoService.cs プロジェクト: Nikismyname/Momento
        /// Verified that the video belongs to the user
        /// Registered viewing here
        /// <summary>
        /// How the noteCreate items are made:
        /// 1) Create a VideoNoteCreate array the same length as the array with dbNotes
        /// 2) Go through the dbNotes and copy all the non-relational data to the pageNotes
        ///     -assign inPageIds to i
        ///     -calculate level
        ///     -In a Dictionary (map) map the dbNote.Id to i
        /// 3) Go through the Notes in pairs where one is the DbNote and the other is the page version
        ///     -assing InPageParentId for the pageMpte to be what is mapped to the dbNote parent note Id
        ///         if there is a parent note.
        /// </summary>
        /// Tested
        public VideoCreate GetVideoForEdit(int videoId, string username)
            var video = context.Videos
                        .Include(x => x.Notes)
                        .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == videoId);

            if (video == null)
                throw new ItemNotFound("The video you are trying to edit does not exist!");

            var userId = context.Users.SingleOrDefault(x => x.UserName == username)?.Id;

            if (userId == null)
                throw new UserNotFound(username);

            ///TODO: Videos should have users, remove when they do.
            if (video.UserId != null)
                if (video.UserId != userId)
                    throw new AccessDenied("You can note edit video that does not belong to you!");

            trackableService.RegisterViewing(video, DateTime.UtcNow, true);

            ///Reordering the notes so that when there are deletions the numbers are sequential
            var dbNotes = video.Notes.OrderBy(x => x.Order).ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < dbNotes.Length; i++)
                dbNotes[i].Order = i;

            var map       = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            var pageNotes = new VideoNoteCreate[dbNotes.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < dbNotes.Length; i++)
                var dbNote = dbNotes[i];
                pageNotes[i] = new VideoNoteCreate
                    Id         = dbNote.Id,
                    Content    = dbNote.Content,
                    Formatting = dbNote.Formatting,
                    Type       = dbNote.Type,
                    InPageId   = dbNote.Order,
                    SeekTo     = dbNote.SeekTo,
                    Level      = Level(dbNote),

                map.Add(dbNote.Id, i);

            for (int i = 0; i < dbNotes.Length; i++)
                var dbNote   = dbNotes[i];
                var pageNote = pageNotes[i];

                if (dbNote.NoteId != null)
                    pageNote.InPageParentId = map[(int)dbNote.NoteId];

            var result = new VideoCreate
                Id          = video.Id,
                Description = video.Description,
                Url         = video.Url,
                Name        = video.Name,
                DirectoryId = video.DirectoryId,
                Order       = video.Order,
                SeekTo      = video.SeekTo,
                Notes       = pageNotes.ToList(),

コード例 #7
        public VideoIndex Create(VideoCreate videoCreate, int userId, bool isAdmin = false)
            var dirId = videoCreate.DirectoryId;

            var user = context.Users.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId);

            if (user == null)
                throw new ServiceException("User Not Found!");

            //-1 means add it to the root;
            if (dirId == -1)
                dirId = this.context.Directories
                        .Where(x => x.UserId == user.Id && x.ParentDirectoryId == null)

            var directory = context.Directories.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == dirId);

            if (directory == null)
                throw new ServiceException("The Directory you selected for creating the new video notes in, does not exist!");

            if (user.Id != directory.UserId && isAdmin == false)
                throw new ServiceException("The directory you are trying to create a video on does note belong to you!");

            var typeBools = new bool[] { videoCreate.IsLocal, videoCreate.IsYouTube, videoCreate.IsVimeo };

            if (typeBools.Where(x => x).Count() != 1)
                throw new ServiceException("You must select one type of video!");

            var ordersInfo = context.Directories
                             .Select(x => new { id = x.Id, orders = x.Videos.Select(y => y.Order).ToArray() })
                             .SingleOrDefault(x => x.id == dirId);
            var order = ordersInfo.orders.Length == 0 ? 0 : ordersInfo.orders.Max() + 1;

            var video = new Video
                DirectoryId = dirId,
                Order       = order,
                UserId      = user.Id,
                Name        = videoCreate.Name,
                Description = videoCreate.Description,
                Url         = videoCreate.Url,
                IsLocal     = videoCreate.IsLocal,
                IsYouTube   = videoCreate.IsYouTube,
                IsVimeo     = videoCreate.IsVimeo,
                SeekTo      = 0,


            var index = Mapper.Instance.Map <VideoIndex>(video);
