コード例 #1
        public static void DeleteUserGitTwoFactor(Config config, string username)
                // If Git is enabled
                if (config.GitConfig.Enabled)
                    // Git user exists?
                    if (!UserGitExists(config, username))
                        throw new Exception($"Git User '{username}' does not exist.");

                    // Create connection to the DB
                    Utilities.MysqlDatabase mySQL = new Utilities.MysqlDatabase(config.GitConfig.Database.Server, config.GitConfig.Database.Database, config.GitConfig.Database.Username, config.GitConfig.Database.Password, config.GitConfig.Database.Port);

                    // Get the user's UID
                    string email = GetUserEmailAddress(config, username);

                    // See if they have Two Factor already
                    string deleteSql = @"DELETE tf.* 
                                FROM gogs.two_factor tf
                                LEFT JOIN gogs.user u ON u.id = tf.uid
                                WHERE u.login_name = {0}";
                    mySQL.Execute(deleteSql, new object[] { email });
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Unable to delete git account two factor.", ex);
コード例 #2
        public static void CreateUserGitTwoFactor(Config config, string username, string secret, int unixTime)
                // If Git is enabled
                if (config.GitConfig.Enabled)
                    // Git user exists?
                    if (!UserGitExists(config, username))
                        throw new Exception($"Git User '{username}' does not exist.");

                    // Generate the scratch token
                    string token = StringHelper.RandomString(8);

                    // Get the Encryption Key from the git secret key
                    byte[] keyBytes = MD5.Hash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.GitConfig.SecretKey));

                    // Modify the input secret
                    byte[] secBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secret);

                    // Generate the encrypted secret using AES CGM
                    byte[] encValue    = Aes128CFB.Encrypt(secBytes, keyBytes);
                    string finalSecret = Convert.ToBase64String(encValue);

                    // Create connection to the DB
                    Utilities.MysqlDatabase mySQL = new Utilities.MysqlDatabase(config.GitConfig.Database.Server, config.GitConfig.Database.Database, config.GitConfig.Database.Username, config.GitConfig.Database.Password, config.GitConfig.Database.Port);
                    mySQL.MysqlErrorEvent += (sender, s) =>
                        throw new Exception("Unable to edit git account two factor.  Mysql Exception: " + s);

                    // Get the user's UID
                    string email      = GetUserEmailAddress(config, username);
                    string userSelect = @"SELECT gogs.user.id FROM gogs.user WHERE gogs.user.login_name = {0}";
                    var    uid        = mySQL.ScalarQuery(userSelect, new object[] { email });

                    // See if they have Two Factor already
                    string sqlSelect = @"SELECT tf.id 
                                FROM gogs.two_factor tf
                                LEFT JOIN gogs.user u ON u.id = tf.uid
                                WHERE u.login_name = {0}";
                    var    result    = mySQL.ScalarQuery(sqlSelect, new object[] { email });

                    if (result != null)
                        // They have an entry!  Let's update it
                        string update = @"UPDATE gogs.two_factor tf SET tf.uid = {1}, tf.secret = {2}, tf.scratch_token = {3}, tf.updated_unix = {4} WHERE tf.id = {0}";

                        mySQL.Execute(update, new object[] { result, uid, finalSecret, token, unixTime });
                        // They need a new entry
                        string insert = @"INSERT INTO gogs.two_factor (uid, secret, scratch_token, created_unix, updated_unix) VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4})";

                        mySQL.Execute(insert, new object[] { uid, finalSecret, token, unixTime, 0 });
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Unable to edit git account two factor.", ex);